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  1. Daigneault

    These Black Rings [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Daigneault

    For the Love of Gods! [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. Daigneault

    Persona 4 - Looking for a Rise and a Male OC!

    Seeking desperately *^*!
  4. Daigneault

    Very complicated and thought out RP only for the serious.

    Ah, sorry, I misunderstood the problem Dx!
  5. Daigneault

    Very complicated and thought out RP only for the serious.

    Well, you could borrow from White Wolf world and have a set amount of high dice numbers to mean success for each turn, making it so instead of many dices it's only one, or you could go another way where difficulty of a task means the minimum number for a good roll goes down. Did that help?
  6. Daigneault

    Hello ^-^

    Also, feel free to hit me up for a 1x1 :) !
  7. Daigneault

    Hello ^-^

    Welcome, Crim! Do join us in the shoutbox in the forum section and explore said forum after reading the site's rules!
  8. Daigneault

    Very complicated and thought out RP only for the serious.

    Yay! Then I would be very interested in joining :o !
  9. Daigneault

    Very complicated and thought out RP only for the serious.

    Aw, it seems it is already full, I don't suppose there is a spot left for little old me :( ?
  10. Daigneault

    [Horror/Mystery] Moltpeak

    Fuuu, I wanna try this so baaad :o !
  11. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    Okay, like I said, take your time and let's all swap ideas and fine-tune our character tomorrow.
  12. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    Yes, I understand that life goes in the way, sometimes, and since we are a manageable amount it's no big deal.
  13. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    As long as it doesn't go beyond six people I am okay with an extra player or two, so feel free to get comfortable and plot with us. :)
  14. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    Well, it's more so you can change things to it if you like, but if this is exactly what you pictured, go ahead with the picture.
  15. Daigneault

    Daig's Happy Lucky Korner!

    Hello boys and girls and welcome to my Happy Lucky Korner! Today I will introduce myself, state out my basic roleplaying strengths and weaknesses, outline what I expect from you should we write together and finally the Fandoms I am willing to do. So let's get started, shall we? I am...
  16. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    I'm thinking early thirty for mine.
  17. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    Minimum is 16, maximum is 49.
  18. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    I'll probably make a female, myself. Let's see...we could start them off from late teens to early thirties, I think.
  19. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    Well, what about you two, Giro, @Wreck ?
  20. Daigneault

    These Black Rings

    I'm still debating on a man or a woman, actually ^^'...