For the Love of Gods! [Inactive]


New Member
Daigneault submitted a new role play:

For the Love of Gods! - Private between khuyen and Daigneault, the green bros.


You shall be a newly minted soul that just got judged as worthy by the Fates and sent to the Divine Servant Auction to be purchased by one of the gods, as you arrive, you will see that quite a few of them have an agenda when you are concerned.

Will you find happiness in death? Power? ...or even Love?

Here are those whose heart may be swayed by you:


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Day 1 – Midnight

Throne Room – Hades' Castle – Underworld

A dark and sprawling room with a surprisingly low ceiling felt empty even with the hundred of dead souls standing before the throne of Hades himself. Low and desolate moans filled the heavy air in a constant cacophony of despair and seemed to never be ending in this place, the Master of the Underworld having not shown himself since the departure of the last batch of Judged spirits. In fact, you did not see hair nor tail of any being since you woke up in the River of Lost Souls the week prior, and the sudden crown was a startling change. Each soul was pale and gaunt, death having made their eyes flat and without hope. All was monochromatic here, and life had no place in this land, from what you had seen between your purifying and cleansing rituals.

That was with a crescendo of pained screams that the heavy doors leading out of the massive room opened. Out came a darkly cloaked figure,his form undeniably male yet his face obscured by a grim mask. Each step the figure took towards the throne was heard by all souls present, the sound resonating all over the realms, you guessed. The figure glided gracefully through the dense crowd then, long and dark strands of silky hair escaping the slowly lowering cowl on each steps, a long fingered and bone white hand with startling black nails removing the no doubt heavy garment as slowly as he walked.

After what seemed an eternity the figure reached the throne and leisurely sat, the cowl finally falling to reveal a handsome and youthful face belied by dark and hard eyes and a deep scowl on a thin mouth. Taking another moment to look at your fellow souls, the man briefly held your gaze before continuing his inspection, silent as the grave. That was until he spoke in a deep, gravely voice ill at place coming from someone who looked so young.

This night you shall be judged. From this moment forth you belong to Me, and shall do your best to uphold your new duties with dignity expected of someone in My possession. Failing to do so will forfeit your chance to reincarnate, that it may be as a mere mortal or as a God or Goddess. One by one, step forward and let my gaze look into your very being, should I find you lacking, it will be back to the River or Lost Souls with you.”

As he finished his speech, the room grew silent at once, and the man that you now knew was Hades himself gestured for the first soul to approach him.

Will you be the first to step forward or observe quietly until you are sought out?
Alexis stood with her back straight and head held high. It had taken a while before she understood what was happening. Her memories were gone, but her knowledge seemed to be there still. This was indeed the underworld, a place for the dead souls of Hades. She would've found it incredibly intriguing and fascinating to see, if, you know... She wasn't one of them.

She had tried conversing with the other souls, but it had not gone well. Standing in the throne room unsure of what to do, her fingers played with the hem of her dress. It could hardly be called a dress, more like a cloth wrapped around her body attacked with a measly pin.

She listened to him speak. His hair was black as the night, but his face was surprisingly handsome compared to what she had thought. His voice sent shivers down her spine, but she stood as tall as her 5"4 would let her. At Hades gesture, Alexis looked around the room. She really didn't want to be first, but the others souls weren't budging. Sure, he was intimidating, but come on, no one? A sigh escaped her lips. This was going to be hell. Literally.
After a long while of nothing happening, Hades started to drum His long fingers idly against the armrest of His dark throne, His other hand supporting his cheek lazily upon the other side of the narrow seat in a strangely casual pose. The silence seemed to go on forever before the God sighed, the sound escaping his pale lips and unleashing a series of wails from somewhere nearby. His dead stare sharpening into a glare, the God scoffed dismissively at his audience.

Very well, I shall choose. You, the woman with the rose hued hair, come forth and be Judged!” The command was clear, and you felt a strange urge to do as ordered as a sharp pain steadily grew in your throat... as if you were screaming.

Your choices will affect both the story as a whole and your abilities and relationship, no choice is bad, per se, but some have dire repercussions, be aware of that... A soft voice whispered in your mind, resembling eerily your own.

Lost 5 Hades Esteem

Gained the ability Wail
( OH MY GOD, I didn't know I was losing points ;_; god damn you, Hades! )

He pointed at her. He was clearly pointing at her. Was she screaming? She didn't even know anymore, but her body moved forward to stand in front of his throne. Her hands were itching to grab, claw at her throat, but she stilled them by her side. Alexis bowed deeply, deeming it appropiate. Is there even a how-to-address-a-god-etiquette book?

Her throat was still aching in pain, she wasn't really sure why. The rosy haired girl stood tall once again. She forced herself to look him right in the eye, waiting for whatever judgement, he would give her. So what if he kills me, I'm already dead anyway. She thought to herself and felt her perfectly shaped eyebrow raising a notch.

"I am Alexis, milord..." She told him, not sure if he really wanted to know. It was better than standing there and saying nothing.
Staring deeply into your eyes, time seemed to both slow down to a crawl and slip through your nervously clenched fingers at an alarming pace as Hades bored his fathomless gaze on you. It felt like falling into an abyss where only the cold embrace of death awaited you. At long last, however, His gaze left yours, and you finally felt like you could think and blink again. Nodding slightly in acknowledgement, the God spoke once more.

This girl have been found worthy, take her to her cell, so that she may prepare for the Auction tomorrow night.” With a dismissive gesture of his previously drumming hand, the dark God turned his gaze to another as out of nowhere darkly robed wraiths took hold of each of your arms, dragging you out of the room and into the dark corridors beyond.

A dizzying amount of corridors and hidden passage were uncovered to you, your struggles fruitless as your two 'guides' led you in a long and dizzying march through the massive domain. After what felt like days you were finally pushed into a small room, an heavy door closing and locking behind you. It was pitch black here, he as you tried to go back on your feet you felt the edge of a small cot, and suddenly you felt very sleepy and heavy.

Maybe you should lie down...?
Alexis blinked slowly, coming out of her trance. What had just happened. " that she may prepare for the Auction tomorrow night." She caught the last words of Hades before he dismissed her coldly. She hadn't heard about this auction. The two guards dragged her through endless corridors. Struggling would be futile, so she settled with just being dragged. At long last, she came to a step and was thrown into a pitch black room.

Out of fear, she turned on her heels, trying to get out, but the door just smacked right in her face. The locking sound was mocking her. Sighing, she tried to move back untill she found a bed, sitting down it. It was hard and... smelly. Her eyelids got heavier, the more she raked her mind, trying to figure out what was going to happen to her. Before she knew it, she had laid down, curled up and clutching herself, as she slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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