These Black Rings

As long as it doesn't go beyond six people I am okay with an extra player or two, so feel free to get comfortable and plot with us. :)
Okay, again, I meant to post earlier, but I was working so it couldn't really be helped, but glad there's still a spot left!
Alright, well, I have some ideas for a character, but I'm still trying to figure out a personality. So far though I'm thinking of a female in her late twenties. Sometime tomorrow I'll probably have a better idea of what her personality and everything else would be.
Hey guys.

So, I'll be going on Vacation for about a week or so, and won't be able to role-play. Feel free to start without me if you're all ready to go. I'll just add myself in later ^.^
Did.. I.. Forget to post my character sheet?

I apologize. I've been a bit distracted for the last while.

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