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  1. bxsedgod

    You're okay with what's about to happen, right? xD I'm just makin' sure with you first.

    You're okay with what's about to happen, right? xD I'm just makin' sure with you first.
  2. bxsedgod

    People your Mother never warned you of. [Inactive]

    Catching Tyler's gaze, the young teacher's lips would twitch up into a smirk, his blue orbs literally piercing into Tyler's. Getting up from his seat, the blond haired teacher would clear his throat to gain the class' attention. Making sure that the the students were looking up to him, he'd...
  3. bxsedgod

    People your Mother never warned you of. [Inactive]

    Adjusting the strap upon his shoulder the male pushed the driver’s side door closed and pushed the lock button upon the remote. Palming the set of keys he pushed them into the front pocket of his slacks, the jingling muffled by the black fabric of his dress pants. Letting out a soft sigh the...
  4. bxsedgod

    Too many ideas to hold!

    Yoo, if you're ever up for the stalker x normal one, I'm always down. Feel free to shoot me a PM anytime. I'll be glad to discuss.
  5. bxsedgod

    Haha, aww, Thanks. It means a lot bro.

    Haha, aww, Thanks. It means a lot bro.
  6. bxsedgod

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the review! :)

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the review! :)
  7. bxsedgod

    This heat is unbearable.

    This heat is unbearable.
  8. bxsedgod

    The Night Before School Ends

    Swear to god I thought that it was the right one. xD Welps +Nobody was supposed to find out. Senpai am I accepted now <3
  9. bxsedgod

    The Night Before School Ends

    Full Name: Kendrick Huang Nickname: Kenny Role: The Stirrer Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers men, but hey, anything can happen. Personality Traits: Arrogant, Cocky, Domineering, Lazy, Obnoxious, Temperamental Backstory (Optional - can reveal in RP): Will be...
  10. bxsedgod

    Yaoi role play, please? Getting kind of desperate!! (Ignore Post Count) Updated 6/29

    Hey hey, I want in on this too.