The Night Before School Ends


New Member
= Role Availability =

The Stirrer ♂ - Open

The Thinker ♂ - taken by @Tinman

The Romantic ♂ - Open

The Slacker ♂ - Open

The Troublemaker ♀ - taken by @profnox

The Valedictorian ♀ - Open

The Flirt ♀ - taken by @Saaaaaarah

The Sport ♀ - taken by @Kinxus Koi

= Role Descriptions =

The Troublemaker

"Come on, don't be such a girl."

Pulling out your chair before you sit down, playing pranks on the teacher and swopping Valentine's cards, the Troublemaker has always been just a little rowdy. Her parents are accustomed to receiving phonecalls during the middle of the day to collect their daughter from the Doctor's Office. Her excellent academic results are her only saving grace. The Troublemaker is the planner of this very event, who manages to convince the rest of her friends to join in just this once - even her cautious boyfriend - The Thinker.

The Valedictorian

"This is going to look horrible on my resumé."

Set off for Harvard soon, the Valedictorian needed this one little escape - didn't she? After many hours toiling behind her books, she's finally done it - she is top of the school! But there's something that the Valedictorian hasn't managed to achieve thus far.. the affections of (The Thinker - hetero role / The Troublemaker - homo role)

The Flirt

"He looked better on me, anyway."

While some might call her a sleaze, The Flirt's friends recognize her quest for affections as en emotional struggle. Or, at least, they pretend to. This girl is gorgeous and she knows it - and will take the necessary steps to ensure that everybody else does too. The Flirt is excited for her upcoming year at the State College - all the more people to flirt with! But there's still one more person she needs to get hold of... (The Stirrer - hetero role / The Sport - homo role)

The Sport

"Anyone up for a game of catch?"

The Sport is exactly that - a fun, vibrant, sporty girl whose ventures in the sporting world have set her off to Harvard to play for the team!...and study a degree, her parents keep reminding her. The Sport is The Flirt's best friend and spends most of her time rolling her eyes and trying to keep her friend back from pouncing on unsuspecting hotties. For The Sport, there's nothing greater than a game of catch.. and what a great catch (The Slacker - hetero role / The Flirt - homo role) is...

The Stirrer

"If anyone asks, you didn't get it from me."

The Stirrer is The Troublemaker's partner in crime - her best friend. He may do well academically - but nobody's really sure where he got those Reports from anyway. He's great fun to be around and is always cracking jokes. A true prankster, he's off to study Law next year - what he thinks he's born to do, other than kiss (The Troublemaker - hetero role / The Romantic - homo role), of course.

The Thinker

"Maybe we should just stay at home tonight."

Cautious, caring, intelligent - The Thinker is all work, some fun - as long as it's safe! Being the significant other of The Troublemaker can be tough sometimes and he will do anything to keep her safe. Smitten? You've got it. The Thinker is following his dream to become a Business man, raise a family and have a good life; and his academics certainly promise this! But can he keep a hold on (The Troublemaker - hetero role)(his desires for the Stirrer - homo role)?

The Romantic

"Perfect night to count the stars, wouldn't you think?"

The Romantic spends his free time reading Old English poetry and books by the Brontë sisters. He knows just how to treat his partner - if he had one! An old flame has left the Romantic with a broken heart. It took a toll on his academics and The Romantic will be working in his father's shop from next year onwards, fixing and maintaining motorcycles. But there might just be somebody who could cure that.. (The Flirt - hetero role / The Slacker - homo role)

The Slacker

"I love procrastinating. It gives me something to do tomorrow!"

The Slacker has somehow managed to carry himself through High School - with years of late and never-seen papers, he had to do a lot of catching up over the holidays. It wasn't enough to guarantee him a spot in College, and he's decided to take a year off to focus on his music. Though some may judge him harshly, the Slacker is a good guy, with a brilliant talent in music. A talent that he hopes will win the heart of (The Valedictorian - hetero role / The Thinker - homo role)


Full Name:






Personality Traits: +_;_;_-_;_;_

Backstory (Optional - can reveal in RP):

Appearance: (Description OR Photograph - NO ANIME)


Mine =

Full Name: Catherine Enslin

Nickname: Cat

Role: The Troublemaker

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality Traits: +Courageous; Intelligent; Affectionate -Selfish;Brutally Honest;Sly

Backstory: -reveals in RP-


Other: Nobody was supposed to find out.
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Full Name:

"The name's Cherise."

Cherise Marcía Dominguez


"Cherry, Coconut Head, Man-man, Tarzan, etc. Would you like me to continue?"

What she said.



The Sport.


"Last time I checked I wasn't legal to drink, so...?"



"Is that an insult? I'm pretty sure it's obvious!"



"Um, let's just say I'm not too picky."


Personality Traits: + happy-go-lucky; clever; spirited- hot tempered; easily distracted; a bit bipolar


"Shush! I don't kiss n' tell, sweetheart!"

Well, all you need to know for now she was born in Haiti.


"You're asking me how I look when I'm right in front of you?"

This is on her right shoulder.



"Yeah, I'm pretty much a sport junkie!"

From fútbol to basketball gives her that adrenaline rush! Just getting her blood flowing through a few rounds of hoops is more than enough to her. She's always open to try new things, with little hesitation. However, sports doesn't occupy most of her time. Usually she plays a little tan ukulele, or ordinarily surfs to mellow out her rough and triumphing athletic lifestyle. Despite Cherise's soft, feminine appearance she's quite a tough girl with her kick boxing trophies for evidence. Other times she's protecting her best friend from making too many "bad decisions." To sum it up, Cherise is a sport loving person with aspirations of becoming an athlete one day; until then a trouble-making adrenaline thriving teenager will do!

"Nobody was supposed to find out."

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[QUOTE="Kinxus Koi]

Full Name:

"The name's Cherise."

Cherise Marcía Dominguez


"Cherry, Coconut Head, Man-man, Tarzan, etc. Would you like me to continue?"

What she said.



The Sport.


"Last time I checked I wasn't legal to drink, so...?"



"Is that an insult? I'm pretty sure it's obvious!"



"Um, let's just say I'm not too picky."


Personality Traits: + happy-go-lucky; clever; spirited- hot tempered; easily distracted; a bit bipolar


"Shush! I don't kiss n' tell, sweetheart!"

Well, all you need to know for now she was born in Haiti.


"You're asking me how I look when I'm right in front of you?"

This is on her right shoulder.



"Yeah, I'm pretty much a sport junkie!"

From fútbol to basketball gives her that adrenaline rush! Just getting her blood flowing through a few rounds of hoops is more than enough to her. She's always open to try new things, with little hesitation. However, sports doesn't occupy most of her time. Usually she plays a little tan ukulele, or ordinarily surfs to mellow out her rough and triumphing athletic lifestyle. Despite Cherise's soft, feminine appearance she's quite a tough girl with her kick boxing trophies for evidence. Other times she's protecting her best friend from making too many "bad decisions." To sum it up, Cherise is a sport loving person with aspirations of becoming an athlete one day; until then a trouble-making adrenaline thriving teenager will do!

"One night to change everything."

Before I accept - please make sure you read carefully through the rules. x Thank you.

Full Name: Kendrick Huang

Nickname: Kenny

Role: The Stirrer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers men, but hey, anything can happen.

Personality Traits: Arrogant, Cocky, Domineering, Lazy, Obnoxious, Temperamental

Backstory (Optional - can reveal in RP): Will be revealed in rp.

Appearance: (Description OR Photograph - NO ANIME) Prefers to wear jeans with a tank top; usually has a jacket tied around his waist. Has a sleeve tattoo covering his left arm. (Refer to photos, however those will be added later.)


Other: He was born to be a trickster, or at least that's how he saw it. Always being depicted as the class clown, pulling out chairs whenever students were about to sit; or even slipping a whoopee cushion underneath the teachers seat when they were looking. This causes the young adult to get a lot of criticism from others, especially those that do nothing but study and read all day, but despite all the insults thrown at him, he still makes no effort to change at all. He can be seen hanging around his friends, causing havoc together wherever they went. Because of his rather immature attitude, teachers have only put up with the male because he was in fact, quite smart. Despite his looks and his personality, the young adult has put some devotion into studying, and wanting to make a living of himself. In fact, he was planning to go to law school where he can further boost his education.

++"One night to change everything."
bxsedgod said:
Full Name: Kendrick Huang
Nickname: Kenny

Role: The Stirrer

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers men, but hey, anything can happen.

Personality Traits: Arrogant, Cocky, Domineering, Lazy, Obnoxious, Temperamental

Backstory (Optional - can reveal in RP): Will be revealed in rp.

Appearance: (Description OR Photograph - NO ANIME) Prefers to wear jeans with a tank top; usually has a jacket tied around his waist. Has a sleeve tattoo covering his left arm. (Refer to photos, however those will be added later.)


Other: He was born to be a trickster, or at least that's how he saw it. Always being depicted as the class clown, pulling out chairs whenever students were about to sit; or even slipping a whoopee cushion underneath the teachers seat when they were looking. This causes the young adult to get a lot of criticism from others, especially those that do nothing but study and read all day, but despite all the insults thrown at him, he still makes no effort to change at all. He can be seen hanging around his friends, causing havoc together wherever they went. Because of his rather immature attitude, teachers have only put up with the male because he was in fact, quite smart. Despite his looks and his personality, the young adult has put some devotion into studying, and wanting to make a living of himself. In fact, he was planning to go to law school where he can further boost his education.

++"One night to change everything."
Ah! So glad you've joined <3 Please read the rules carefully. I can't accept you currently.
profnox said:
Ah! So glad you've joined <3 Please read the rules carefully. I can't accept you currently.
Swear to god I thought that it was the right one. xD Welps +Nobody was supposed to find out. Senpai am I accepted now <3

Full Name:

Lux Sophia Day




The Flirt






In the words of Lux, "Whoever I'm into at the time."

Personality Traits:

+Charismatic, Gregarious, Flirtatious; -Egotistical, Aggressive, Impulsive.

Back story:

*Will reveal in RP*




*Nobody was supposed to find out*


Full Name: Lazaro Patten

Nickname: Zaro

Role: The Romantic

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: " I Don't Care About Gender But The Bound Is What Matters." (Bisexual)

Personality Traits: Drowzy, Loveing, Romantic, Cuning, Careing


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf718b183_images(9).jpg.59f312ae452ba114fb011756e60815e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf718b183_images(9).jpg.59f312ae452ba114fb011756e60815e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Nobody was supposed to find out."

Other Other:

I'm Turkish So I Don't Have The Best Spelling So Please Go Easy On Me With The Grammer.



  • images (9).jpg
    images (9).jpg
    7.5 KB · Views: 29
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Drake said:

Full Name: Lazaro Patten

Nickname: Zaro

Role: The Romantic

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: " I Don't Care About Gender But The Bound Is What Matters." (Bisexual)

Personality Traits: Drowzy, Loveing, Romantic, Cuning, Careing


View attachment 58242


*Puts Finger Over Your Mouth* "Our Little Secret."


I'm Turkish So I Don't Have The Best Spelling So Please Go Easy On Me With The Grammer.

Hi Drake! Super excited to accept you - don't worry, we'll take into account that you're not English. Please read through the rules again and add the RP Password to your "Other" Section. I'll reserve the role for you until you fix this x 

Saaaaaarah said:

Full Name:

Lux Sophia Day




The Flirt






In the words of Lux, "Whoever I'm into at the time."

Personality Traits:

+Charismatic, Gregarious, Flirtatious; -Egotistical, Aggressive, Impulsive.

Back story:

*Will reveal in RP*




*Nobody was supposed to find out*

Accepted! Welcome x
profnox said:
Hi Drake! Super excited to accept you - don't worry, we'll take into account that you're not English. Please read through the rules again and add the RP Password to your "Other" Section. I'll reserve the role for you until you fix this x 

Accepted! Welcome x
I Fixed My post puting the X
Full Name: Exavior Rhombulas

Nickname: Zave

Role: Thinker

Age: 17, almost 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality Traits: +Selfless ;Smart ; Supporting-Shy; Almost never tells how he feels; Kleptomaniac

Backstory: Reveal in RP


Other: No body was supposed to find out
Alright. We are in need of one more character, The Valedictorian.

We can make do without her, and if anyone joins at a later stage, they are welcome to take that role halfway through the RP if need be.

Furthermore, I'd like to get this started, so if you're still around, please comment on this post. If you have not commented within 24 hours, your role will become open again.

Many thanks!
Alright. There are now several roles that are still open. I'm changing the roleplay status to "Need More Members". Would you guys like to start so long - the newbies can jump in?

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