Too many ideas to hold!


Warrior of the tired ones.
Hey there! I am still pretty new to this site so I thought I would drop this here and blab out some of my ideas and maybe get a new partner or two!

But before we start anything I guess I should lay down a few things! Not to be a jerk or anything but these are just normal important things for both yours and mine comfort.

Ground rules!

  • Please be respectful OOC about my characters looks and gender identity!
  • Please try to match me in length! If that isn't possible please at least try not to give me one liners or something boring. If I do find it boring or if it is a one liner I will let you know!
  • Lets try to plot and talk characters before we try to do anything shippy or romancy!
  • I prefer to use OC's rather than original characters. I do not feel like I represent them well.
  • If you ever get uncomfortable please let me know!! I will do the same for you as well!
  • Please try to keep the typos and grammar mistakes to a lesser amount. I understand that it happens because I tend to typo a lot because I am typing much too quick so it's okay!But please try to correct it and spot it if you can!
  • Due to an overwhelming amount of poorly written female characters I will no longer be accepting them unless it is talked over first with me and agreed upon.
  • I will also like to have an OOC chat on the side so we can talk about what is going on in the rp and stuff. I would prefer that our outside emotions though not mix with our characters and vise versa.

Those sound good to ya'll? I hope so!

Anyways you've made it this far here are my ideas!!

  • An Atlantis theme'd Rp (Fairly based off the disney movie) Where character A comes to the city of Atlantis looking for treasure/ruins/knowledge/whatever only to find that Atlantis is still, very much alive and at war. The king is dying and the people of the city are divided between the kings two children whom are fighting to see who will get to hold his crown. This possibly could become a three way war between the landdwellers, and the two heirs if you want where character A is torn or they could simply just pick a side.
  • Another would be a 'Zombie survival guide' / Highschool of the Dead like zombie apocalypse roleplay. I would love to focus more on the survival part of this like how they actually are going to get past the zombies and what skills they are going to have to learn and everything it would be great!
  • A human x demon Rp would be pretty rad too! I'd love to play a human freaking out as they accidentally summon a demon and then frantically trying to figure out ways to hide them or send them back and maybe feel something along the way??
  • A cool little slice of life would be awesome, I would really like to do something with highschool students and maybe anxiety and having to deal and cope with it.
  • Penpals/online friends meeting for the first time!! It would be really cool if they had never seen one anothers faces before but still (maybe??) have feelings for one another!!
  • A wendigo x another supernatural being would be amazing! I don't really think it would go well if they were human because wendigos eat people is why I didn't add that there, but I think it would be pretty amazing to have two supernatural creatures bonding over cool supernatural things and eating people.
  • A Stalker x Normal person theme'd rp would be kind of cool. I would like to keep this really realistic and somewhat dark. With character A being completely delusional about their relationship with character B and character B absolutely terrified of character A.
  • Any and every single Disney plot theme'd Rp I want to do simple as that.
  • History Rps are great, I would love to play something in the Roman times, WWII or medieval times.
  • A plot based off the movie "10 Things I Hate About You" would be cool. If you are unfamiliar with the plot I wouldn't mind telling you or linking you to said movie!

Did I make this list long and detailed enough? I hope so!
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That's awesome that you like these! If you want you can plot these out with me. vwv

I can shoot you an IM or vise versa.
I have to say, you sir are quite the planner. Awesome rp ideas. What is jumping out at me are the following.

*Atlantis themed RP

* Disney RP. DISNEY!

*History RP

*Stalker x normal person


*Slice of life

*Zombie survival

All the idea's listed would be fun to try out. If you pin me down and made me pick one (Which would be hard) the Disney focus would win for sure. Love to hear back from you. :3
Yes, just PM when you get the chance prince, I work later but I'll be available before and after so we can talk about it then ^-^
Hi! (Okay so I am on my phone and at the mercy of autocorrect)

Uhm okay so I took a break and I am looking for a relaxed RP to get back into it

A disney or history RP would be fun ^.^ I Have been wanting to do a male Cinderella and male prince for awhile (or any of the princess stuff mxm... If that sounds Interesting) something in Victorian or medieval or Rome or Greece would be cool...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OMG Disney~. But I'm not sure about what character I would play, because all my favorites are supporting characters.
Well I would love to do them with you both so please feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like and we can plot together and get everything sorted out~!
Yoo, if you're ever up for the stalker x normal one, I'm always down. Feel free to shoot me a PM anytime. I'll be glad to discuss.
I've seen a few people interested in Disney, so if you wouldn't mind another one, I'd be interested in doing a rp based off a Disney movie! :)

PM me if you'd like to!
Hi there I would love to do an rp with all of you!

As for your questions!

  • It doesn't have to be an M x M I am still extremely open to non binary characters or trans*, I am just finding a looooott of issues with female characters lately.
  • I am 110% okay with doing another Disney plot based rp!

If you would like to discuss more please feel free to shoot me a PM! /)vwv(\
So, I freaking love your energy and your 'bonding over eating people wendigo x other spn critter' is like the super coolest idea for a story premise but I have no idea if we'd make good RP partners. Is that weird?

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