People your Mother never warned you of. [Inactive]


Warrior of the tired ones.
PrinceSleepless submitted a new role play:

People your Mother never warned you of. - Tyler didn't mind going to school til now.

A highschooler finds himself in danger when is teacher becomes a little too interested in him.
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Highschool was a scary thing, if it wasn't for the students there, the terrible testing or the homework then it surely was the teachers. Of course Tyler had never had a problem with his teachers, he was a good student. Maybe not the brightest, but still a good student who turned in his homework as much as any highschool student did and interrupted class and ask questions. There was nothing really out of the ordinary about him aside from possibly being a little more paranoid than everyone else. Not that it made a big difference in his life, the dark haired boy simply looked over his shoulder a bit more when walking home and locked his windows when he was about to sleep at night. No big deal.

So going to school was no problem, the pale boy had friends, girls who were interested in him and pretty good grades all except in one class. He didn't understand why, he did well enough on his work in the class. The junior was sure that the teacher had it out for him. There was no reason why for it though, there was no reason for this teacher to hate the green eye'd lad as much as he did. Maybe that was one of the reasons Tyler hated the class he was about to walk into.

A loud sigh passed through his lips as his hand ran through the shortened locks. He was really not looking forward to this today, the looks the teacher always gave him creeped him out and honestly scared him a bit. Everyone said that was just the way the teacher acted with everyone but the boy didn't know if he believed it. At the one minute bell, the young man pulled away from his group with a laughed goodbye, he would see them next passing period of course but none the less it was polite. Walking down the hall and into the class Tyler tried to keep a seat in the back behind the other students, so it would be less likely that he would be seen. Maybe today wouldn't be as bad.
Adjusting the strap upon his shoulder the male pushed the driver’s side door closed and pushed the lock button upon the remote. Palming the set of keys he pushed them into the front pocket of his slacks, the jingling muffled by the black fabric of his dress pants. Letting out a soft sigh the male closed the blue orbs and tilted his head back to momentarily enjoy the warmth of the sun as it caressed his flesh. Shaking his head he opened his eyes and headed out of the parking lot, his feet padding upon the ground made soft thumping noises but nothing more. “…and then he said yes!!” A teen female squealed to her friend as they passed him to get wherever they were going. “Teenagers.” He muttered to himself, a ghost of a smile sliding over his features before they faded back from whence they came.

Pulling open the doors to the front of the school the large male of 6’2 inches seemed to tower over a vast majority of the hundreds of students. Just how many of them did he see in his classes? Had taught already? Shaking his head to clear the thoughts he opened his door and propped it open with the door stopper making it easier for his students to horde in at the last second. Oh how he relished their reluctance, or perhaps it was that of the singular male he’d found himself drawn to. There was something about him, something both intriguing and odd. He was curious to know more but knew those boundaries couldn’t be crossed. Sliding the book bag off his shoulder he plopped it in his chair and opened it up, pulling out his papers, and book for the lecture. Organizing his desk he pushed the bag underneath his desk.

The bell rang. Finally he thought to himself. Turning around he took his seat in the chair at his desk, interlocking his fingers together he rested them atop his desk comfortably. The blonde hair cropped short enough that it stayed out of his eyes needing little force to style it the way he liked. When the male finally entered into the classroom his eyes locked onto him immediately. Those blue optics boring into the male, following every movement, reading his reactions and emotions until finally he snapped himself out of it. He had a class to teach and he wouldn't allow the male to distract him from it. At least not entirely, no matter what he did thoughts managed to slip into every nook and cranny they found available, taking hold before moving onto the next. Eventually he found himself thinking about the male even as he lectured, his words and actions portraying a picture like no other.
There he was. The young dark haired males worst nightmare. Sitting there hands folded under his chin like there was nothing wrong in the world and everything was normal, maybe to him it was you could never tell with other people and especially not with this man. Tylers eyes followed him as he shrunk down in his seat. Anyone who paid any attention in this class knew the teacher didn't like him and enjoyed picking on him and making him an example for all the others. That and the bad grade was just screaming something was up. He couldn't just let this go on though, something had to be done about his grade report cards would be coming out soon and Tyler couldn't let his mother see this grade. Running his tongue over his teeth the emerald eye'd boy decided he would speak to his teacher himself. That was the only way this problem would get solved, he would just have to suck it up and deal with it.

Shifting around in his seat, the young man lifted his pencils and started taking down notes, even doodling on the side of them when he found that what the other was saying wasn't very important to the subject being discussed. Every now and then he would hear his classmates whisper something to one another or catch them passing notes back and forth. It wasn't a big deal, none of it involved him and he shouldn't be the one to worry about it because he couldn't get in trouble for it. It wasn't like he had any control over his classmates bad actions and poor choices. Gnawing on his lip as he wrote furiously and somewhat messily to keep up with the teachers points and words the pale kept having to glance up and down to make sure he didn't make a spelling mistake with anything. He really did hate this class most days.
Catching Tyler's gaze, the young teacher's lips would twitch up into a smirk, his blue orbs literally piercing into Tyler's. Getting up from his seat, the blond haired teacher would clear his throat to gain the class' attention. Making sure that the the students were looking up to him, he'd shuffle towards the board, long fingers gripping onto a marker nearby and scribbling down the headlines for what they'd be learning today. "Now, I won't be biting you guys for this one, because it's not really a hard topic, but I will be skimming over your notes to make sure you've been paying attention." Allowing his gaze to avert towards Tyler, he'd grin sadistically, knowing that the teen hated his class because he was always picked on. Shrugging it off, he'd continue to scribble down words, occasionally stopping to further press into the subject. Turning his body so he was facing the class, he'd notice the simple notes being passed around, but he didn't pay it any mind since they were passing anyway. "Now, does anybody have any questions? Speak now or forever hold your piece."

Briefly skimming his class, he'd stop his lingering gaze at Tyler, the usual cocky grin playing against his features as his thoughts began to become wild again. Clearing his throat, he'd snap out of his haze as a student called out his name. Mr.Francois, oh how he would love it hearing Tyler screaming it out. Again, he had to shake his head to erase the thought out of his head. Mumbling something incoherent underneath his breath, he'd answer the question the male had regarding the topic he was currently teaching. By now, he was sure that Tyler had caught onto his sick obsession he had with the boy, for he always tensed up whenever the teacher had walked into the room, or looking anywhere else besides at him. It frustrated the teacher to no end, and he refused to accept it. He had a burning desire for the teenager, and he wouldn't stop at nothing to get him. Of course, being a teacher made it way easier, he had access to his personal information, and was able to fuss around with his grades to torment him. In actual reality, Tyler was supposed to have a good grade, but the teacher decided that he'd skip over every assignment turned in by him, knowing that eventually, the male would come to him to confront him about it.
Jesus well there went all of these notes, better erase all of those doodles before the other said that he was goofing off and drawing in class instead of just passing the time. How unfair it is that he got stuck in this class with such a scary man. Tyler was average size for his age evening out at 5'8 but that was nothing compared to the teacher in front of him.That guy could surely take him down without much effort and that over all was terrifying. Speak now or forever hold your piece? That honestly sounded familiar to the wedding vows. The blonds eyes not leaving him didn't help either, but...He had to be brave. There was no other way, if he failed he would just have to take the class again and have to spend more time with Mr.Francois. Biting into his lip the dark haired boy put on a firm face and lifted his hand.

He needed to do this, there was no way around it, he needed this credit and he wasn't able to transfer out this late in. He had to actually speak to his teacher willingly. "Excuse me Mr. Francois, may I speak with you in private after class?" A wave of hot nervousness rushed to his face and down his spine and it felt harder to breath, the boys expression though stayed the same. He needed to man up for once in his life and not run away or avoid it. He needed his grade to be fixed asap, maybe Mr. Francois would even turn out to be not so bad. That would be amazing honestly, having a fear of your teacher never helped with school. The thought helped to calm him down some about actually talking with the teacher alone. Yeah, this would be a totally normal interaction, just a teacher and student figuring out what had happened to a good grade was all, it happened all the time and there should be nothing to worry about.
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