I really am liking this. I started thinking up of a time during Atlantis for a game when the MtAw 1.5 comes out. This really interests me, and if you run a game here, I would totally play it.
With the release of the Valeren open development, they made a change to the Discipline line up that I found inspired. It shows symmetry with the healer path and gets rid of the weird 'strike' style power that reminds me of an MMO (Vengeance of Samiel) and I like the change enough, I want to...
Aye, the alternate one is the one that I'm going with for the moment. The guy I co-wrote this with likes the main one better, so I'm keeping them both in.
Edit: Though, I have heard that disciplines should have a factor of 'ALWAYS USE THIS' because it forces vampires to be predatory monsters...
I don't know if this is the right forum, but I submitted the first draft to Resources, and I think I have everything sorted out. I just want toms input on the [mostly final] mechanics, and fluff.
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N4JbqCSBv6HyzbdZciu54xp93OO9dDGWbrtfU5rQvgE/edit?pli=1
Hi guys! This post is a bit of a double work. Part looking for game, part play testing a Clan I had some help making. It's a re-imagining of the Salubri. I've spent a little over a week going through it, and deliberating with another poster. Now it is time to playtest everything! (The GoogleDoc...
Hi guys! This post is a bit of a double work. Part looking for game, part play testing a Clan I had some help making. It's a re-imagining of the Salubri. I've spent a little over a week going through it, and deliberating with another poster. Now it is time to playtest everything! (The GoogleDoc...
Anyone know this game? If so anyone want to run it? I'm looking to play a character in it, and it's a shame to see no one knows of it. Any interest? Thanks.
Or... my Lovecraftian senses are tingling and I MUST have Ancestry of Forgotten Stars...
I may just redo my concept as a Astrologer, and take Secrets Ripped from Stars, and Ancestry of Forgotten Stars...
Mephi Sendjemib
Serpent-Headed Su-Menet of Uatch-Rekhet, The Rectifier
Well, I'm thinking of a Su-Menent of the Judge Usekh-Nemtet, Judge of Immortals. That's the basis I have, I'm going to take sometime when the wife is in bed to re-read through everything and place a personality, and then get on the cult.