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  1. Sincerely Me

    Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

    The elf rolled her eyes as the champion asked the obvious, she jabbed a pointed finger at the direction of the ship's bow, where the polished lettering Anarthiren spelled out the ship's name for all the world to see (except this blind Aryanite). Ruby red lips opened to admonish the insolent...
  2. Sincerely Me

    Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

    As if right out of a story book she had read sometime when she was younger, (about thirteen dwarves and a stormlord gatecrashing a poor Saelas' house and taking him off on a merry adventure) the rest of her companions began to pop out of seemingly nowhere at almost the same time. "My pleasure...
  3. Sincerely Me

    Futuristic EDENSEED: The Genesis War

    Hmm..! Who's still in? Report report!
  4. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    @Windows98 When will you be able to post? :)
  5. Sincerely Me

    Futuristic EDENSEED: The Genesis War

    If underwolf doesn't post in a day or two, I'll just go ahead with the timeskip :)
  6. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    The rest of you may post your intros :D @Beowulf I was thinking, your character could've been sent by a distant relative or something. As a kind of repayment. He could have owed Tanadris (fyrilis' ranger sister) a favour. So she requested that someone be sent to look out for her younger...
  7. Sincerely Me

    Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

    The elf satisfied herself to a smirk as the bumbling knight attempted to explain his apparent attempt at a one-knight-stand (pun intended) on the first day of their meeting. Truth be told, Fyrilis sensed that he had made an honest mistake, albeit a very foolish and silly one. Truth be told, she...
  8. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    Yup, my next post should be wrapping things up with another time skip.
  9. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    @ValkyrieRose CP looks good :D Would be great if you could add a little to the background about why the authorities are sending her. (Maybe someone wanted her out of the way? Or was hoping she'd never return?) @Beowulf , I actually thought it would be better for you and the others to hold...
  10. Sincerely Me

    Futuristic EDENSEED: The Genesis War

    @theunderwolf wanna continue with the 'tour'? Otherwise I'll wrap things up for a time skip :)
  11. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    @Beowulf your CP is OK. But do wait a a day or so more, if you don't mind. For the other two ^^; I'm just flexing my writing muscles getting the feel for my character again too haha..
  12. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    Well, not precisely. But it could bear his seal. Don't make a post yet until I give the greenlight though. And I approve of your CP of course :>
  13. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    @Orikanyo I think you quoted the wrong post? xD I get what you mean tho
  14. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    City of Magic Beowulf, City of Magic. Also: @Beowulf @ValkyrieRose @Windows98, @Orikanyo and I have kinda already started the RP way back. we haven't gone all that far, so Ive decided to continue where we elft off. I'll give a brief rundown of the plan, incase you didn't want to read the...
  15. Sincerely Me

    Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

    So it was that, luck must have been on the young knight's side. They had arrived at the tavern at a late enough hour, and the barkeeper had seen enough brawls and fights for the day; another measly looking Aryan asking for a room didn't do too much to prick at the sulky dwarfs annoyance handle...
  16. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    You may borrow from the first, or even keep the first. But if we ever do Stormlord's pendant, you'll have to find another. :>
  17. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    aww.. you sound like lost puppy..! Well... all puppies look lost. aww... you sound like a puppy..! poor miserable thing
  18. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    Good goood good *clatters fingers together excitedly* :D I'll make a post and iron out some story creases before I say fair nights!
  19. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    Are you making a new character Beowulf? Its for a different story arc this time. Edit: I might do a short time skip from where you left off Ori. We'll just buy some time while the others are settling in. I've got a guy playing a Dharach coming soon. So it seems we'll be having a bunch of...
  20. Sincerely Me

    Welcome To Andarun...

    Well.... it wouldn't be all wilds (spoiler alert weeee~! or not). Hahaha... uhm... yeah, if you feel the masquerader more, by all means.. :3