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Fantasy Welcome To Andarun...

So it was that, luck must have been on the young knight's side. They had arrived at the tavern at a late enough hour, and the barkeeper had seen enough brawls and fights for the day; another measly looking Aryan asking for a room didn't do too much to prick at the sulky dwarfs annoyance handle. He did bother to stare down his fat nose at the human for a good ten seconds, as if he hadn't heard the request, before reaching below the countertop to retrieve a set of keys and fling it unceremoniously a good five feet over to Felix's right.

When Felix had brought the keys back, Fyrilis plucked the keys from his hands and raised an eyebrow quizzically at the knight when she noticed the lone key. Not saying much, she proceeded to head to the upper levels of the tavern allowing Felix to trail behind her. Letting out another huge yawn, she walked along the corridor glancing at the bronzed room numbers until she came to the right one. Glancing at the key, then back at Felix, she cast him an odd look before unlocking the door and swinging the heavy wooden portal open. The room was decent sized, with one large double bed set in the middle, shuttered eves overlooking the tavern front to one side, and an adjourning bathroom on the other. Hitching up her belongings, Fyrilis strode into the middle of the room before turning back to face the human.

"Did you request rooms for two, or a room for two?" There was a peculiar look on her face, neither angry nor suggestive. Just odd, and somewhat amused.
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Felix was abit confused on the matter of the dwarf, why was he so quiet? Not to mention he threw the keys rather haphazardly... it seems the man didn't like him that much... Something Felix couldn't quite understand why he didn't, back home he was well liked around the land, people were very respectful and quite courteous! But this... perhaps it was a local thing? Maybe they didn't like strangers... or maybe it was just this man?

Regardless, he was to follow Fyrilis to the rooms, or was it room? which did he say again? if it was rooms that would be odd for only one key to be given...

Thats when they got to the room...

It took Felix only a few moments to see what had happened... The dwarf man had... he had given them a... a...

Couples room.

In the slightest of moments Felix went from his typical slight tanned peachy white to a Blazing red.

"I-I-I-I-I-I didn't mean for this..."
he started to shake as embarrassment took over like a man roughly taking hold of a horse's reigns. "I mean.. I... blast..." he sighed heavily looking like a wilt armor covered flower as he looked to the floor, defeated by a simple misunderstanding.

"I am sorry... Please take the bed." he offered the bed unto his compatriot as he started to look for a comfortable corner of the room to stash himself away in.

Stashing his embarrassment away for a moment he removed his pack and belonging in practiced fashion, placing them neatly and ordered on a nearby empty corner, a corner he will most likely be getting used to later as he sleeps there this night. His blade he drew slightly and checked it's edge, and then drew it fully and procured a small set of cleaning oils and a cloth he took the time to set about the blade's maintenance, he was to be heading into harsher climates, best he prepare his companion as it should be.

First he started with the whetstone, running the abrasive stone across the edge carefully and with practiced precision, mythril was a rare metal, light but strong, and with an unmatched beauty. The sword itself hasn't been in his possession to long, but he already felt a form of kinship with it, it's sheen reminiscent of silver, and edge that cut through steel like nothing... It held no name as of yet, perhaps he would think of one later? or maybe it will earn one itself?

He covered the blade with oil and whiped it down with a cloth to fully coat it.

"That should be fine enough, I sincerely apologize, this is my fault entirely... please forgive my foolishness."
"By the mountains." Durin wheezed as he made the last few labored steps to the city. Dwarven legs weren't meant to be traipsing around for much further then the next town over. Heavy armor did not help the matter, and even with it off it needed to be carried. And he'd be damned if he let anyone other than himself or a close relative carry it. It wouldn't do his great, great, great, great, grandad justice otherwise. And the snobby elven guide wasn't much better. He could see it in the look of his eyes, thinking himself all high and mighty. That he shouldn't have to be escorting this dwarf to this city. He's met many people, both elf and other (dwarf included), that were like this. And frankly they made his beard prickle.

But he was here now, and that meant he could leave the snobby elf to do as he pleased. Meanwhile, Durin would be off doing important things. Such as meeting up with the rest of the party that he was to be with. If he remembered right, they'd be taking an airship. There was a lot of them, mostly of elven design. Couldn't beat a good dwarven ship in a fight, but they were appealing to the eye and looked much faster. With a destination in mind, he set off towards the sky docks. Now all he had to figure out which one they would be at, and he'd be sorted.
The elf satisfied herself to a smirk as the bumbling knight attempted to explain his apparent attempt at a one-knight-stand (pun intended) on the first day of their meeting. Truth be told, Fyrilis sensed that he had made an honest mistake, albeit a very foolish and silly one. Truth be told, she could be somewhat of a flirt sometimes, something which her prude soldier of an older sister often made sure to chide her about. Catching the knight's dark eyes with her own, she coolly replied in her sing-song accent. "You are forgiven, human." Despite the racial connotations, there was no hint of derision in her tone.

Breezing by the knight, she casually walked towards the adjoining bathroom for bath, just barely brushing by where he sat sharpening his tools. Keeping her back to him, she closed the door behind her, though not before he would've caught a glimpse of her bare back as Fyrilis doffed her robes. From the other side of the door, Fyrilis turned on the tap to fill the tub with water. As she waited, it crossed her mind that she was being a little more 'playful' than she would be usually. She had to admit, she was having fun seeing the young knight trip over his toes while watching her. Letting out a sigh, she settled into the tub for perhaps one of the last baths she would have in a long while.


The next morning found the duo walking Ehtelera across a grassy field, somewhere on the edges of Fairbreeze. Through the its namesake, periodic gusts of wind rushed unfettered across the field, as the many Solean Lightsails of the anchored Skyships flapped in the wind. On either side of them, the shouts of airmen preparing the decks could be heard as Skyships of all sorts floated a couple of feet off the ground. Most were merchant ships, there were even one or two from the Aryan empire, with their steam engines chugging away and puffing smoke. Fyrilis led the way silently, until they neared the end. Walking past a particularly flamboyantly decorated galleon, the suddenly beheld a majestic clipper. Its polished wood was etched with elemental runes and carved with cloud markings as its. To any trained builder's eye, the ship could only be described as elegantly sleek. With its three main masts and puffed up lightsails billowing against the wind, the ship looked as if it was straining to take off into the sky where it belonged. Along its front, spelled in hammered polished gold letters was the word Anarthiren. At the sight of the ship, Fyrilis could not help as a wide grin brightened her face.

"This... is the
Anarthiren, our ride to the north!" She proudly declared to Felix. "We are waiting for three others to join us on our journey... I hope you've flown in a skyship before?" She asked teasingly.
How long? How long had it been since she first set out for this city? She couldn't remember, and she wasn't sure she wanted to. Why did they send her out this far anyway? She wasn't suited to the forest slash wildlife, she was a city assassin! As far as she knew, this was a plan to get rid of her. Some said that Katarina was TOO good at her job... was this a ploy to get rid of her? Again, this was something she really shouldn't be thinking about in a situation like this... no matter what the reason for sending her out of her element was, she would complete her mission without fail... she was Katarina Piers after all.

Getting bast the city guards proved easy. A flut, some card tricks, a little bit of passive flirting, and she was harmless. Once she made sure to get a room under a completely false name, she had fallen on her bed, reviewed her transportation method, and passed out after a while. That was it. no fancy ritual, no need to panic about the next day... Katarina was always able to drift off into eep, cold slumber.

Waking up the next morning, she bathed and made sure she had everything. Slinking out of her room, she walks around, relaxing as she made her way up to the airship she was to meet the others... two of them had already arrive.d She looked to the man, then to the woman, shifting her natural disposition. She tilte her hand in a wave. "Hiya... the name is Katarina Piers. I'll be the entertainmight for this trip." She says... for a masqueraer, the work ha alreay starte
Finding himself at the sky docks, Durin had simply been wandering around. He knew that the ship's name started with an 'A', and what Tanadris' sister looked like. He owed her a favor, and she said that he would repay her if he went on this little journey with Fyrilis. He hadn't met her personally, but Tanadris did talk about her from time to time. Mostly about good things but not all the time, as is the way of things. But even knowing this, he still didn't know where exactly to go.

That is, until he saw the group of people. The only elf there fit the description that Tanadris gave him, right down to the way she stood. But it was possible that it wasn't who he was looking for. "Well, there's only one way to find out." he muttered into his beard as he hefted his pack higher up on his shoulders and made his way to them. "Pardon," he began, "but would you be Fyrilis? Your sister told me to help accompany you on this journey."
Felix was busy questioning what happened last night, indeed he had apologized for his foolishness... then his partner stated she wished to go for a bath, which was all well and good but... he... cannot remember what happened afterwards... Did he go to bed immediately? Possibly.. he woke up on the floor... but he still had his armor on when he woke up, and it didn't explain the slight remnants of a nose bleed he had on his face that morning... odd...

Regardless they were at the air field now, and Fyrilis was asking him a question.

A silly question he'd say, but best he remain civil.

"An Aryan who has not set foot atop a skyship is like a bird without wings, our air superiority is second to none might i say!" he laughed with pride in his nation's airships. "The air is in my blood might I say, father was a skyguard, perhaps I shall join him in such a profession once I prove myself in this quest." he gazed high up at their sleek carrier, the thing that shall ship them north... Indeed, it shall be nice to fly once again, even if they were going into an unknown land.

The first of the three to meet them came up, a woman it seems... no.. it doesn't SEEM it, her clothing cleared any suspicion on that part... Did anybody tell this woman that they were going someplace colder then the norm? They were heading north for Iolos' sake!

"A pleasure Ms. Piers, I am Felix Brandt, Aryan knight." he introduced himself with a stiff salute, feet together, fist clenched and held above the heart. However before he was even finished another one came up to them, a Dwarf man who immediately started talking to Fyrilis. Stating that he was a friend of, or at least knew, her sister.

"And I extend my welcome to you sir." he quickly added as to not cause offence... From what he had heard Dwarves are quick to judge if one were to be friend or foe... he'd not like to make an enemy of a ally so soon, or at all for that matter!

An elf.. now a dwarf... he didn't have anything against them, but he wondered about them still... the dwarf seemed stocky and strong, and had quite abit of beard he might say... So far the rumors proved true... but... Was it true that if the beard was cut he'd shrink? They say the beard was equivalent to their strength... hmm... Perhaps later he shall ask a few questions.

The new woman seemed... normal... somewhat.... Aside from the fact he must be careful of where he lays his eyes nothing seemed truly out of place, though best he kept his guard up, Iolos teaches that trickery and evil can be anywhere, best he keep an eye open.

His elven companion he already examined before, though he still had questions on her, especially the ears, which seem quite pointy... he had a off temptation to touch them for a moment... but what if that was insulting to elfs? He wouldn't want a stranger touching HIS ears thats for certain... especially not since the last time it happened... he felt so weak in the knees...

MIND BACK ON TOPIC FELIX, mind back on topic.

"We have but only one more to wait on correct?"
Connor Mire

Connor loved being off the ground, it gave him that warm and fuzzy feeling like when you finally get to sleep after a long day of working. It made him feel like a giant, not that he already was one, he was a Dharach, so he was naturally tall. Another reason he liked being off the ground, because he didn't have to lug around heavy dragon bone everywhere he went, it got annoying and tiring and when the bone got wet, it gave off a terrible odor Connor didn't really care for.

Connor was atop a large griffin that was presently taking a morning 'fly'. Which was really the griffin flying as it pleases, wildly or calmly. Connor didn't much mind it, he loved animals, no matter how hard it tried to... er, kill him. Connor was holding on tightly, trying to remember something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He was supposed to be doing something right now, but what was it? Ah yes, he had to investigate the 'demons' that attacked this so called place in the north. He didn't much believe anything besides wilderness and a couple of travelers and merchants beyond the borders of Andarun. But if demons had actually attacked, he had to investigate, and if he had the chance to, prevent it from happening for a long time.

He was to meet a few others at an air field, he hadn't really much thought a lot about it, because his attitude was more of 'I'll find out when I get there!' than 'Would they like me? What are they like...?' He had a small intention of changing it as he got closer to his destination. He had already gotten news of a couple of other Aryans, was it two dwarfs or a human? He didn't remember. 'I'll find out when I get there!'. His griffin screeched, pulling Connor out of his deep thought, he was near the airfield. He would have been here sooner, but he had only left this morning. He hoped they wouldn't be disappointed in him. He also hoped that they expect more from a champion. But he also didn't care, his mother had always taught him not no worry about other peoples opinions, and he had stayed by his mothers words for a while, and he had not intention of changing.

The griffin landed hard in the airfield, almost throwing Connor straight off of it. Instead, he firmly gripped the griffin's fur, instead of being flung, he face planted into a face-full of unusually very nice smelling fur. He rolled off the the Griffin, searching the area for the airship he was to be meeting others on. He hoped he hadn't landed in the wrong place.... Is that it? He thought. He saw a Knight only, he stood out. He didn't know why. Maybe because he's an Aryan? Before he could begin walking towards the ship, he noticed some of the people giving nervous glances at him. He couldn't blame them. If a nine foot tall giant in a full set of dragon bone armor came down on a griffin, I'd be watching him too. He tried not to pay them much mind.

He started off to the airship. He felt it would be better to take his helmet off before he introduced himself to everyone. So he took it off and safely tucked it under his arm. The armor pinched his skin sometimes, but it was a small price to pay for almost complete protection. He walks up the rap onto the deck of the Airship and looks around.

@Sincerely Me


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As if right out of a story book she had read sometime when she was younger, (about thirteen dwarves and a stormlord gatecrashing a poor Saelas' house and taking him off on a merry adventure) the rest of her companions began to pop out of seemingly nowhere at almost the same time.

"My pleasure Katarina Piers." Fyrilis afforded the young woman a nod before turning to the dwarf. A dwarf, which her sister had sent to babysit her. A dwarf which of course she thoroughly disliked to no small degree, because he was sent to babysit her. "Yes.. I am Fyrilis. and who might you be?" She returned, barely keeping the annoyance out of her voice. The appearance of the dwarf had jarred her, reminding her of a sore issue and Fyrilis could not help but feel that the rest of the day was going to be a sour one. She always had a habit of personalizing problems, even if said person was not the cause of it. Nevertheless, she was quite annoyed and growing steadily so when she heard a loud rap against the polished wood of the Anarthiren. Whirling around, she was momentarily caught off guard at the size of the man before her. Distracted and not the least bit annoyed, her mind registered that they were indeed waiting for one more Aryan though she did not piece the Dharach's appearance with that fact.

"Can I
help you Aryan? That's quite an expensive piece of wood you're bashing right there.." Fyrilis snapped sarcastically, placing both her hands on her hips. The dwarf thoroughly forgotten, now that she had found a new source of annoyance.

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Oh no, did he already mess up? Was this the wrong ship? "Sorry, my armor is heavy. Sometimes I can't help it. A question, if I may ask. Is this the Anarthiren? I was supposed to be investigating the City up North." She looked annoyed, and that's not the way he wanted her to look. Because if he had to be honest, she was scary. He looked at the Dwarf and the Knight behind her. Surely this was the correct ship, this was supposed to be the size of the search group. Or was it?

Speaking of Dwarves, he had him what would happen if I cut his beard. Connor hadn't made direct eye contact yet, because he was really looking for the Griffin. He didn't know if it knew to fly back to its stables or not. Hopefully the airfield guards would send it back. He also hoped they treated the Griffin right, or atleast, the Griffin treating them right. "Apologies if I'm incorrect." He said again, nervous. He wasn't used to being wrong, it never really happened since he didn't ask questions. He understood things the first time it was said, like his father taught him. He spotted the Griffin, 'playing' with the guards that were trying to calm it down. Of course playing means nudging a guard and the guard falls over. Oh well, fun for them.

@Sincerely Me


"You can to the right place then sir, we are to be heading north ourselves in search of this city." Felix confirmed the man as he looked towards him, dragon bone, heavy but good armor... expensive as all hell to. But... the thought of this person joining them made him slightly fearful of the future... A champion is with us for the journey... Just what did they expect us to be meeting up north?

He shook his head slightly and looked around the ship, it felt... Flimsier then what he was used to, didn't have the strength behind it a good Aryan airship had, nor did it feel like it had enough fire power to crush a mountain side... or at all really... A transport vessel, through and through, it was beautiful though, that was for certain. Perhaps he could explore more of it during the trip, but for now, he had his companion to worry about.

Looking up to the taller man he began his introduction once more. "I am Felix Brandt, Aryan Knight." he introduced himself stiffly then looked towards the others and then the Piers woman.... a thought occurred to him.... She was human as well... but where was she from? Why was she here? Entertainment she said? hmm... Curious... he should keep an eye on her for now.

Though now... he could notice his Elven friend's increasing irritability, well, more like rapidly rising irritability. he always thought elves were cool and collected folk... but here she was. guess their about as hot headed as other folk... or maybe it was just her?


best he ascertain whats bothering her.

"Fryillis, are you alright? Something amiss?"

@Sincerely Me



"Oh, Wonderful!" Connor said, relieved. He seemed not to notice Felix's introduction. He thought for a second that he was wrong, and that would NOT have been good. For him, anyway. He slowly shuffles behind the scary elf woman. He walks over to a railing on the side of the ship, then sitting down. He places his helmet on the floor. He had to get out of this armor real soon. It was starting to hurt his shoulders and it was hot inside. Hot means sweat, sweat is water, water makes the armor stink, and then everyone has a bad day. Especially since we would be on this ship for a while. But he didn't want to take it off until we took off. He wouldn't know where to put it anyway.

"Is everyone here?" He asked, not to one specific person, to anyone. He was probably the last person here. That was okay with him. At least he hadn't missed the air ship completely. He saw the Griffin was gone, hopefully back to its stables and not rampaging in the city, that wild one. He could feel the sweat in his pits. Which was not a good sign.

@Sincerely Me



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The elf rolled her eyes as the champion asked the obvious, she jabbed a pointed finger at the direction of the ship's bow, where the polished lettering Anarthiren spelled out the ship's name for all the world to see (except this blind Aryanite). Ruby red lips opened to admonish the insolent newcomer, but was interrupted by Felix's overly cheery welcome. She turned to narrow her eyes at him, whereby he proceeded to mispronounce her name, which narrowed her eyes even more; and she being an elf, they were probably slits by now. She'd always been chided for her less than 'elvish temperament', which seemed to be more akin to that of the humans but in all honesty, Fyrilis usually wouldn't give two hippogriff feathers about what others thought. Whatever the case, a booming holler coming from atop the deck of the Anarthiren down at where the companions stood by its side drew everyone's attention.

"Come now, child... I see you've gotten acquainted with the rest of ye' folk! Whaddaya wussies a'waitin for!? Come aboard! We have the winds to catch!" The deep baritone voice boomed from above. A tall figure stood leaning against the polished wood railing looking out over the group. Dressed in a colourful doublet of orange, reds, greens and sky blue topped of with an equally colourful plumed hat worn at an angle, on closer look the figure appeared to be human, despite his slimmer body. His tanned skin only seemed to add another shade of colour to his outlandish outfit, notwithstanding the pink plumes of smoke that puffed up from the mahogany pipe at the corner of his lips. Jewels glinted from the many rings adorning his slim digits and even from the gilded hand-guard of the elaborate rapier that hung at his side. Nevertheless, many a fool had taken the stranger's pompous dressing for granted as only a careful observer would have noticed the cleverly disguised weathering at the corners of his eyes, concealed with the aid of powder and the hawk-like alertness in the way he carried himself; as if he could spring into action in a blink of his eyes... Eyes the colour of morning sky that now hung over the five as dallied on the grass of the airfield. The garishly clad man nodded in Connor's direction and whispered conspiratorially (although he might as well have spoken aloud as everyone could clearly hear him) "Don't worry about bashing the wood... 'ships made out of the oldest Heartwood my Nektan friendsies could smuggle out of the gardens of For'lafua-"

"Elheim!! You told me you weren't coming!" There was a blur as Fyrilis darted up the rope ladder in record time and went smashing straight into the tall human's side in a jumbled flurry of amber hair and sky-blue robes.

"Ooouff!- Nayyy, did you really think I would leave the Anarthiren in the hands of my mutinous crew?! Gah! Child.. you robbed me off the opportunity to make the guests guess - pun intended harhar - my name!" Elheim returned Fyrilis' bear hug before turning back to the others and tipping his hat in salutations "Name's Elheim... Elheim El`naral! The current Captain of the Anarthiren! These days, you can't always be so sure... My pleasure to meet you ladies..." Elheim looked to Fyrilis and bowed extravagantly to Katarina, "and gentlemen! Come aboard, we shall depart soonest!" Elheim grinned excitedly at the troupe before turning back to holler at his crew.

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Katarina remained back, listening quietly to all of the exchanges... this was a...uh.... colorful bunch that was for certain. As she was addressed, she nods. "I'll be going on board then, let me know if you need anything." She says, walking past them and onto the ship. The captain seemed somewhat respectable, but she would probably just spend the trip doing what she did best- being invisible. She preferred moving in the backgrounds to aything else, but she supposed that would be a lt harder once she traveled into the wilderness. Was she prepared? Most likely. Kat was a woman that tried to be prepared after all

Hoping on board, she looked around... the ship appeared to be quite fine, as far as things went. Well, it was a ship, so looks didn't really matter so much as performance. She had been on luxury ships before on jobs, but never anything too major. Still, this was a vacation of sorts she suppposed... bleh. She never knew what to do on vacations... guess that's why she had people to mimic and a new world to explore
"Bah, she told me she'd be like this." Durin said. "Names Durin, she's just a bit mad that her sister sent me to make sure she stayed safe." he told Felix, telling him his name and the what was wrong with her at the same time. Honestly now, why was she so angry about all this? He'd be excited that his siblings cared enough about him to make sure he stayed safe. Perhaps it was an elf thing, but the few other elves he knows are much cooler then she was at the moment.

He also noted the wondering looks that two of the party members gave him, Felix and that dragon bone wearing giant that just appeared. Guess he had to lay down a couple rules. "Alright, I feel like this might be needed. You lot won't even think about throwing me, I don't care how wide the gap is it isn't happening. And don't touch my beard." With that, he goes to board the ship. It was a nice thing, a bit flamboyant in some places, but nice none the less.
"...Throw him?" Felix asked himself as he eyed his angry elven companion once more, curious as to why she shot him one of the worst glares hes seen in awhile, including that strange gentleman that saw him speaking to... What.. was her name again? Strange.. he can't really recall, guess it wasn't to important if he couldn't recall it that well. She was nice though, from what he remembered, though the man couldn't have been that mad if he was so incessant that Felix was to be the one to take this journey.

How nice of him.

Fixing his armor to a more comfortable position he marched aboard the ship, eager to get the adventure underway, it was exciting to the young knight, the chance to see the long undiscovered northern kingdom!

Who knows what could be up there? Friends? foes? Fairies? oh! Maybe a unicorn? Maybe the kingdom had an exotic mount he could befriend, perhaps cooler armor to!? A suit of mythril to match his blade sounds nice, or maybe adamantine? That stuff is worth ten times it's weigh in gold though...

"Well, guess no time like the present to see the world, even just a little." he smiled to himself as he began to wander about the ship's deck and watch the environment around them for anything interesting to see.
Oh, Don't throw him, I get it. So that means Throw him when the time is right? Connor thought, He was the lightest pers- no, second lightest person here. The Elf should be the lightest, but he wouldn't dare touch her. He wants to live. The armor was starting to bother Connor, it was heavy and it was starting to stink terribly. He had to get it off now. He pulls off his chest plate first. It was the heaviest, he drops it on the deck beside him, a dull thud following it. He pulls off his gauntlets and places them on the chest piece. He didn't have to mind his pants, they didn't bother him much, he also doesn't remember putting on pants before he left home. He hopes so, he couldn't remember a lot of things after last night after some drunk had smashed a stool over his head.

Connor did go to the bar, but it was only to stop a couple of low lives who had been harassing people constantly. When he got there, he couldn't tell who they were, everyone there looked like they were homeless. He decided to sit down and wait there. He didn't order a drink, or anything, though he was offered a few for a free. He didn't notice three humans walk in after a couple of hours, he was pretty sleepy and he was about to give up waiting. Unfortunately for him, he was about to get a serious wake-up call. The humans had recognized him, being a champion, they knew he was trouble. They decided to try and end in quickly by knocking Connor out. They Succeeded by smashing a wooden stool over his head. He woke up behind the bar and had no idea what happened. He was missing a pouch of gold. Oh well, It was then he realized he was going to be late to the airfield, and here he is now.

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