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  1. soul of steel

    Fandom Pokémon: Rising Stars!

    Heyo ladies and gents! Soul here, doing a quick interest check for a unique Pokemon RP. We all know that Pokemon trainers get all the glory. So, why not do an RP focusing on those that don't get so much glory and 6 generations of main series games focused on them? Pokemon coordinators are some...
  2. soul of steel

    Fandom Star Wars: The Ebony Sky

    Name: Yus'Runan Age: 30 years old Gender: Female Race: Zabrak Bio: Originally a Mercenary for the scum of the outer rim, she joined the resistance because her old life was getting boring. It was always petty killing. Nothing that gave her the rush from when she first started as a poor...
  3. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "first, light, then the air, then earth, water, and fire."
  4. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "master of chaos," Za said "Please, wait. this world is tiny, and barely a world. allow us to establish harmony first!" out of the dark, she summoned a wind, that brought a bright blue sky. "this was not my domain, but it had to be done..."
  5. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "let us first decide our domains. I will handle the earth and things of that nature." Za said.
  6. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "ah, I have forgotten my call. I am Za." the voice said, as serenely as ever. "and You are correct. we are just creators."
  7. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "let us be at peace! there is no use fighting now, nor is there room for negativity. we must think rationally. I propose we each have control over one domain." the feminine voice spoke. "I, perhaps, could be the goddess of the earth, if that is okay with all of you."
  8. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "how should I make this land stable then, my friends?" the feminine voice asked. an idea came unto her just then. her mind pushed in on the land, and created small dips and crevices.
  9. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    "yes" the feminine voice boomed "stones, rocks, pebbles, all things of that ilk." "earth has been made."
  10. soul of steel

    Fantasy The Fantasy Sandbox

    (moving away from politics...) a deep, yet feminine voice rang into the barren land. "let there be EARTH!" it cried. and great stones rose out of the ground, forming mountains.
  11. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    hey guys, i am going to be leaving this RP, because life just keeps getting in the way, and I found it just isn't my cup of tea. but I may still be haunting the site. so, farewell. it was fun.
  12. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Victoria raised her hand and awaited to be called on by professor peridot. today, finally, she would be learning to start on a path to being one of "the greats". she quietly stood, seeing a nod in her direction by the professor. "um..." she hesitated for a moment, then regained her powerful...
  13. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Victoria decided that training would be the best use of her time before classes began, so she and clay could make a good impression on the professors. she found and empty battle spot on field B and set clay down in the center of the field, and pulled out a plush jigglypuff. "OK clay, lets...
  14. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    where do pokemon go to learn new moves from tm's? i thought I read something about TM's in the library, but maybe I'm crazy :smile 2:
  15. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    Victoria's alarm clock went off for the seventh time. "crap, its already 10 o'clock? I have to move fast. I don't want to be late for classes. this time, I'm gonna be early." she showered and dressed into her nicer clothes. a blue polo shirt, tan slacks, and clean tennis shoes. she tied...
  16. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    hey guys, what time is it in game? i wanted to do Victoria waking up, but i don't know if it would look weird.
  17. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    "thank you so much, professor stone." he was walking in the other direction as Victoria began to walk to the main office. the muscles in Victoria's arms began to burn. "hey, Clay, I think its time for you to float. my arms are tired from carrying you, a backpack, and 2 suitcases..." Victoria...
  18. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    man, im an idiot sometimes. but not too bad for my first day (real life time), right? :big grin:
  19. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP

    random question, yet again. how do I receive my dorm number+ and classes?
  20. soul of steel

    Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

    "excuse me!" Victoria called out to a professor. "the professor may be able to help me..." she thought. "professor? I'm new and I'm lost, could you help me find out what to do?" she called again. she hugged clay, the baltoy, tighter to her body and broke into a sprint towards the fierce...