Search results for query: *

  1. Monarch Of Colors

    Becoming A Sin [Inactive]

    Karthus Gier Greed "You don't want to know, but I'm gonna say it anyway-" He paused for a while before answering "a nearby local mental asylum, I've been there since I was a teenager. I'm kinda lost right now" Karthus slouched and smirked. "So, tell me more about...
  2. Monarch Of Colors

    Becoming A Sin [Inactive]

    Karthus Gier Greed Karthus felt like he has met the man before, but that would impossible, he doesn't make any friends and connections with anyone, especially since he was in the asylum most of his life. "Stole this bar and a bottle of 'dew.... I was so hungry.. I'm sorry do I...
  3. Monarch Of Colors

    Becoming A Sin [Inactive]

    Karthus Gier Greed "Wretched skunks chasing me down the street, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me." Karthus reached out his hand, he knew he could trust this man. But he shouldn't reveal his identity. "I'm.. uh-" Karthus didn't care anymore. He needed help. "-Karthus, and you are?"
  4. Monarch Of Colors

    Becoming A Sin [Inactive]

    Karthus Gier Greed Meanwhile outside a mental asylum... "FREEDOM AT LAST! AFTER SO MANY YEARS!" Karthus hissed. He proceeded to run as far as possible from the asylum. He found old unused clothing in a box he found beside a dumpster, he changed clothes as soon as he got hold of it...
  5. Monarch Of Colors

    Fantasy Paragon (Mystery RP)

    Just as the doors of the monorail were about to close, Nathan managed to put his arm through the door before it closed, making it open again. "Excuse me," he said as he forced himself in the train. As he entered, he slowly put on his fedora hat, making a dramatic entrance. Suddenly, the...
  6. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    I kicked him/her/it for you. No one will evar know his/her/it's genderrr~
  7. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    Thanks for helping me out, Soli. c: (My SB name is Mono or Monochrome btw c:) P.S. I'm Pyu/Mintsong's bruddar :D :D:D:D
  8. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    . . . He's already approved a long time ago. I just seem to have a problem now the train is closed. :c
  9. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    Oooh, I already have a character, Nathan Caffrey. c: I just don't know how to apply him to the story now the monorail's closed. c:
  10. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    . . . What's a CS? c:
  11. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    How about I got in the train just as when it was about to close? Is that ok?
  12. Monarch Of Colors

    Paragon (Mystery RP)

    I'm really sorry peeps, I was pretty busy the days before, is there still a way to join the rp?
  13. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay [Inactive]

    "Kaito" he said as he shook her hand. But he noticed continous waves of dire wolves, as if they're not going to run out. He let go and gripped his blade. "Stay back and run away, wait for me at the entrance". "This is bad.. My health's running low and I ran out of potions" he said to himself...
  14. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Poteto. ouo night peeps
  15. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Too far.
  16. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    Quit denying ouo I'm still active during school days tho.
  17. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    *coughs out all organs* *vomits all the blood* replace all your petty emotions.. .. or keep your blood you'll bleed oceans.
  18. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    *coughs out pancreas* Really impatient. *coughs out liver*
  19. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    *cough* Luca. *cough*
  20. Monarch Of Colors

    Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay

    The funniest gif competition If one of you people decide to lazy out and ignore the rp. You're out. Don't procastinate on the rp, others are in it too, don't make US wait.