Becoming A Sin [Inactive]


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xXxAnimeBellxXx submitted a new role play:

Becoming A Sin - Sins reincarnated, powers awakening

A long time ago, after a huge war between the Underworld, the Middleworld, and the Upperworld, the Seven Deadly Sins were defeated, and died out, along with the rest of the Underworld. The humans of the Middleworld and the pure beings of the Upperworld lived in peace, prosperity and harmony. War no longer happened, because the humans were no longer tempted by demons to do evil. Everything was perfect.
But perfection can never really last, and Sins can never fully be wiped out...

Now, the...
Read more about this role play...
((Okay! I'm finally getting around to posting this first part of the RP! Sorry for the long wait... Some of you may already know that I was sick a while ago... Well, anyway! I'm back and I'm awake and I have internet access! ... And finals start in a couple days...))


The 20 year old familiar stood in one corner of a large room filled with other familiars, silently waiting to be told what to do. There were seven of them there. Could that mean...? Had he been one of the ones to be accepted to serve a Sin? He was actually accepted...? Shrugging slightly to himself, he sighed, looking up when there was suddenly a large... presence in the room. Whoever the demon was, they didn't appear to have a physical shape, or at least not one that could fit in the large meeting chamber. At first, not a word as spoken, then a picture appeared in his mind. A human woman... She was beautiful, with her flowing blonde hair and bright eyes... The winged man (who was embarrassed by the wings, as they made humans and demons alike think of their enemies, the 'pure beings,' angels as they were called by the humans) blinked rapidly and shook his head to clear his thoughts as they were suddenly interrupted by a voice that seemed to speak directly into his head.

"You know what to look for. Now go." With that, the presence disappeared altogether, and the seven familiars were left to get their bearings and go searching for their assigned Sins...


The purple haired girl yawned, stretching her arms out in front of her, much like a cat. She'd just woken up from a lovely nap (taken in place of her math class) and was... still tired... She frowned slightly in confusion. She'd been sleeping so much lately, yet she never seemed to gain any more energy once she woke up. Come to think of it, her dreams were rather odd, and she could remember them all so clearly... Sometimes she was visiting with her beloved grandmother, like she used to before... And other times, she'd be watching as people went about their lives in other places. She'd even sometimes watch as her class went on, staring between her own body and the teacher, and when she'd wake up from those dreams and was asked a question, she'd know the answer because she'd heard it from her place hovering near the ceiling...

Once or twice, she had what most would consider to be a nightmare. In those, she would see the War of Sins, just the way she'd learned about it in school, only she'd see it from the other side... From the side of the Underworld... When she saw it from that perspective, Clorica wasn't so sure it was really a good thing the war had ended the way it did...

When she woke up from those dreams, she'd feel... off, somehow. Different than she had when she'd fallen asleep. She'd also noticed something strange happening to her body. Her nails and teeth were sharpening to points. Clorica wasn't naive, nor was she stupid. She knew these things were connected, but it didn't occur to her what exactly they could mean...
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stood in one corner of a large room filled with other familiars,There were seven of them there only three of them look interesting.a picture appeared in his mind. A human woman... She was interesting someone who deserves him as a familiar.suddenly interrupted by a voice that seemed to speak directly into his head."You know what to look for. Now go."he turn around and left"hope to meet some of you in the future"he said as he left


walking down the street and eating a bag of pork rinds this was his 20th bag,he didn't know why but he was always hungry and he had to eat.he look towards the left and saw a Bakery he walked closer to the glass and look through at all the delicious treats"my my my check out the delicious things they all look good",
Avanelle's calm yet bright eyes never ceased to follow the teacher, whom she knew seemed a little... nervous, insecure, shaky. Although, she was certain that she was perhaps the only one who was able to feel that. After all, when she would glance at the fellow students in the class, it wouldn't seem that the others noticed their teacher with his casually unusual movements joining his teaching. Little did she know that the teacher in front of them was a little too busy adoring Avanelle. And so were most of her classmates, really.

The blonde-haired girl looked at her slim, slender fingers, but those weren't her real concern. More of her attention went to the beautiful nails that she knew grew longer and sharper than how it normally should, every day. It was just a little weird thing, and as much as she didn't worry, she was terribly curious about it. But of course, those weren't the only changes. It has been a while since she had experienced short twinges of pain from all around her body, but since a few days, the splitting pain in her head had been nearly uncontrollable. And she even had a great sense of self-control.

A silent growl escaped Avanelle as she stood, a hand on her forehead. One of the rare things was that she was so great in manipulating and letting people fall to her command -- anyone, and anything. It came with a lot of advantages, just like the space and time she needed right now.
"Headache," she said in her soft, sweet voice, not waiting for anything else to happen and anyone else to answer. She knew that after a few seconds of staring at her, the teacher would agree anyway, so she nodded and took off with her bag silently.

She didn't exactly want to skip class, but she didn't want to have it with so much pain, anyway. And so, Avanelle decided to get outside the school's campus. She had no problem doing so. All she had to do was walk straight, and glance at anyone there, or just say a word or a statement like,
"I'll be outside", and they'll let her pass. For now, she decided to not go so far away from the campus buildings. After all, lunch was arriving soon. With a nod to herself, Avanelle gracefully strode towards one of the gardens -- isolated but quiet, and beautiful too, at that.
The white haired demon shook his head as he stepped out of the portal and into an alleyway in the Middleworld, where the mortals dwelled. He'd never been there, but it didn't look too different from the Underworld. Of course, there was no sun down there, instead the entire place was lit with a giant, glowing red crystal floating in the sky. It never moved, so there was no official night or day there, and demons made their own hours of work. All the buildings were made from a special stone found only in the Underworld, pure ebony that radiated power. The feel of the buildings and the power they gave off depended entirely on who lived there. Some of them were even rather cozy, odd as that may seem.

Shaking his head again to clear his thoughts, Tobias quickly changed into his smallest form, a pied wagtail, and took off. He could feel that his Sin was near, and he found her surprisingly quickly. She was in a large garden. Tilting his head, he fluttered down and landed nearby, watching her curiously. She was even more beautiful than what he'd seen in his mind. Of course she was, she was Lust, after all. As her familiar, however, he would only be attracted to her if she either gave her permission or ordered him to. The difference between the two would be that if it was an order, he'd have no choice but to obey. If it was simply permission granted, it would be a matter of whether or not he truly fell for her.

Of course, she probably wouldn't want him to like her, at least not in that sense. Even if she was Lust, she probably had no interest in having the twitching servant with wings in her presence, let alone in love with her. Oh, the joys of being him.

Tobias fluttered his wings a bit before moving to an empty space on the ground and changing back to his human-ish form. Facing her, he watched her with rapidly blinking eyes, seeing her through flashes and still shots, and swallowed convulsively a few times before finally speaking, "Hello, Mistress... I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something... Um... You don't know me, but I've been assigned to be your familiar..." The large, black feathered wings shifted and twitched behind him nervously. "... Because... You, uh... You're actually the new Sin, Lust... And, um... I..." ... This... was so much more embarrassing and terrifying than he'd ever expected...

"Well, ah... There's... a meeting... in the Underworld..." He shook his head and cleared his throat again. "I'm supposed to get you to the meeting chamber so you can... Well, I don't actually know what's supposed to happen there, but it probably has something to do with getting information on what your new duties will be as a Sin... Okay...?"
Aria Marcus;; Pride

Aria let her eyes linger on each spine of each book. She reached out and delicately took it out of its place, as if afraid that she would mess up the natural order of the bookstore. She considered herself a literature person, so she would spend at least two hours every week at a bookstore, as if keeping up her image. Although she was very literate, she found her interest in dwindling by each page. It had been three weeks since this sacred ritual of book browsing began and she was beginning to question whether it was worth it.

Her right hand cradled the relatively thick book in the crook of her elbow while her left hand briskly brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. She felt that she was more attractive with her hair down and loose, despite it often getting in her way. She refused to tie it unless she was working, as noted by the hair tie that hung loosely on her thin wrist. The petite girl was wearing black skinny jeans and a simple shirt with a dog drawn on the front. She also considered herself a dog person, even doing a little research against cats to prove her point.

As if snapping to her senses, Aria glanced down at the book cover. She took in the morbid cover and long, complicated title that bore an air of intelligence. Did she really want this book? She wrinkled her nose a little, and finally decided that it wasn't worth it. She knew that she wouldn't read it anyways. Sighing softly, she placed it back in between two brightly covered books.

stepped out of the portal and into a alleyway in the Middleworld,taking off to find his sin.He could feel that his Sin was near, and he found her in a bookstore.she was alone looking at the book he walk up to her"Hello, Mistress I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your reading I've been assigned to be your familiar Because You're actually the new Sin Pride,There's a meeting in the Underworld I'm supposed to get you to the meeting chamber so you can Well, I don't actually know what's supposed to happen there, but it probably has something to do with getting information on what your new duties will be as a Sin Okay"

James Wilson


James walked up to the art museum, glad to be finally out for the day. He'd spent his time that morning working for a small garage near where he lived. He didn't actually fix any cars, he just swept up and got coffee, though the guys there were nice enough, and he got enough money to get by in his small, one-bedroom flat.

He'd tried having room mates in larger flats, but he always ended up falling out with them. So, he resigned himself to working in the garage in the morning, and having free afternoons. The only problem for him was getting up for work, which he despised - he'd rather do the work in the afternoon instead, and sleep longer.

As he approached, he realised - there was an entrance fee. Looking in his pockets, he felt almost as if there should be a moth flying out. Looking around at all the other people waiting to get in, he felt his usual pang of jealousy, and anger at not getting let in. His vision turned slightly green for a while - he had had some weird gene since birth which made his eyes glow green when he was angry. It got a bit weird in the dark, as it actually gave him rudimentary night vision, which was very helpful.

But that didn't really help his predicament. What did, though, was the woman in front of him had her purse sticking out of her handbag, and nobody was watching. It was like he was meant to take it.

Looking around subtly, he reached forward and grabbed the purse, taking ten pounds from it before replacing it in her bag, just as it had been. She wouldn't miss that, he thought...
Aria Marcus;; Pride

The young woman peered at the stranger that approached her. He called her 'Mistress' and said that she was the sin, pride, and that she had to be brought to the Underworld for this meeting. "I'm sorry, but what?" She gave him a puzzled expression; she didn't understand what he was talking about and assumed he was probably crazy. "I don't..get..what you're saying. Maybe you have the wrong person?" She knew she could be a bit prideful at times, but calling her the sin? Bringing her to the Underworld? He was probably insane, yep. She gave herself the benefit of the doubt, calmly telling herself that this wasn't anything to be worried about.

Karthus Gier


Meanwhile outside a mental asylum...


He proceeded to run as far as possible from the asylum. He found old unused clothing in a box he found beside a dumpster, he changed clothes as soon as he got hold of it.

He ran towards the city, not knowing what to do. Being all alone and hungry with no one to help him, he decided to steal from a nearby convenience store. He stole a snack bar and a bottle of 1.5 mL Mountain Dew. As he left the store, the alarms went on. A few minutes later, 2 cops were chasing him down the street.

He hid himself at a dark alley, hoping that he wouldn't be noticed by the police. He just sat there, crying and alone.

"Please don't find me" he said to himself repeatedly, knowing he's more likely to be found, he panicked.
James had just left the art gallery, having gone from feeling unusually calm and happy, to actually a bit pissed off. There was a painting in there, nothing but a black canvas. No real explanation, no patterns, not even brush strokes - it was spray-painted. Just a plain, black canvas. Why should people that made 'art' like that get given millions of pounds, congratulated, celebrated, for doing no real work, just taking something, and calling it bloody art. If James did that, people would laugh at him calling it art. Bloody posh pricks.

As he walked back to his flat, he saw a guy being chased by two cops. Poor guy, he looked scared as all hell. As he rounded a corner, and went into an alley, he shouted to the cops, pointing the other way from him.

"Hey, he went that way!"

"Thanks!" One of them shouted back, a bit breathlessly, as they kept running that way, oblivious to James' trick.

He walked down the alley where the guy had gone, looking for him among the rubbish bags and bins. Then, he saw him. he hadn't had a good look at him before, but now he did. He couldn't tell his age, but he could see that he had black, short hair, and was wearing some dingy clothes, from a dumpster or something. James wasn't usually inclined to be kind to others, but, well... something drew him to this guy, like an incorporeal feeling that he was some kind of ally, or friend.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked him.

Karthus Gier


"Wretched skunks chasing me down the street, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me."

Karthus reached out his hand, he knew he could trust this man. But he shouldn't reveal his identity.

"I'm.. uh-"

Karthus didn't care anymore. He needed help.

"-Karthus, and you are?"
James grasped the guy by his hand, shaking it firmly.

"I'm James, I live around here," he said, crouching down beside him, "but what was that all about, with, well, you know, the cops chasing after you? Did you steal something, or whatever?"

James realised that this man somehow felt the same sort of connection between the two of them. Like... like they knew each other, almost. As if they had each met in a past life, and even now he felt as if he knew that face. This Karthus guy looked like he felt the same way. His eyes glinted, almost like gold, as he looked at him, and james felt his eyes glow green, despite him not being angry. Something was weird about this, yet it felt... right.

(Are any other familiars, going to, you know, do stuff with their sins and such?)

Karthus Gier


Karthus felt like he has met the man before, but that would impossible, he doesn't make any friends and connections with anyone, especially since he was in the asylum most of his life.

"Stole this bar and a bottle of 'dew.... I was so hungry.. I'm sorry do I know you?" he asked.

Karthus looked around and found a sofa and a lantern. He
lit the lantern and sat down.

"Here have a seat, talk to me"
"Thanks" James said. He'd been walking for a while, back from the art gallery, and needed a sit down. The lantern flared, and lit the small vicinity around them, in the alley. It threw shadows across the walls, flickering and whipping them to and fro. With his lifestyle, he didn't really see and light made by simple fire like this. It was like an art form, almost. The smallest object, becoming a tower of shadow, waving back and forth as the lantern flickered.James found it almost like a mild form of hypnosis. This could be art, he thought.

He found himself opening up to Karthus, like an old friend recounting tales.

"Well, I live here, in the city, in a little flat i call home. I work at a garage in the mornings, then my afternoons are free. So where are you from?" He asked him, curious to know more about him.

Karthus Gier


"You don't want to know, but I'm gonna say it anyway-"

He paused for a while before answering

"a nearby local mental asylum, I've been there since I was a teenager. I'm kinda lost right now"

Karthus slouched and smirked.

"So, tell me more about you, James"
...A mental asylum? Was this guy a psychopath? What the hell? How did he escape? Were there others escaped from there, like him? Were they running loose, plotting murders?...

"So, tell me more about you, James" Karthus said to him.

James felt almost obliged to comply, despite what he had just heard.

"There's not really much to say really. I... guess I like art. I actually make it sometimes. Look, over there" James said, pointing to a depiction of birds flying from the canvas of an artist. It was not just good - it was beautiful, though James didn't know it. Nobody ever knew he did it, because it wasn't legal. But that was just it for him. The walls of the city were his canvas. Half the reason that he did the graffiti art was that he hated the police, and this was his way of rebelling, of making his mark on the world. It'd certainly be a challenge to wipe off, that was true. it was always oil-based, to make it last longer.

"I know it isn't very good, but... well I guess it's what I enjoy."

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