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  1. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask

    @RubyRose I apologize for not posting. School and life got really hectic for me, but I hope this RP didn't die. It's very good and I'll probably read just to see how the story has gone (;
  2. FreckledLemonade

    Malicious [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa fell silent and shook her head. "It's quite possible, though I think glueing it to our face would be a bit to serious." She said her eyes drifting to the masked girl named Adela. She sighed sitting up hearing the bell ring for their final classes of the day to begin. "We're meeting...
  4. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa laughed at the conversation between Quinn and Chris. She shrugged her shoulders. "I doubt she'll join. Her parents are probably like mine. Have power and an image to preserve. If she choose not to get a new mask it might bring about trouble she wasn't looking for." Contessa said resting...
  5. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa slowly started to see the backs of people instead of over their heads. They were growing smaller too. She didn't understand at first until she was firmly set on the ground. "Benny I wanted to see the rest." She said with a frown and looked up at him. He simply shook his head. His mask...
  6. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa sighed pushing her hair out of her face and looked up atBenny. He was a tally burly football player who was built like a brick wall. She was walking into the lunch room and he went straight to her. "Come on. You have to see this!" he said pulling her to the crowd. "Benny I just want to...
  7. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa patted Obe's face and sighed looking up at her brother. "We'll g out for dinner again after school okay? I think I have another meeting but right after that I promise. It'll be on me." She said hugging him. He nodded and went off to his friends. She smiled glad he was starting to talk...
  8. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa sighed grabbing her bag. She hoped to see everyone tomorrow. She didn't mean to sit by in silence for the whole tie but it seemed to just happen. She looked at her buzzing phone to see Carl. "I'm coming home now." She said and ended the conversation before he could say sometime else to...
  9. FreckledLemonade

    100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

    Wes had been listening intently at her instructions. He looked around at the other grooms seeing that they too were growing anxious for the even to begin. "Will it start soon?" He wondered out loud and then bit his tongue realizing he announced his anxiety to the world.
  10. FreckledLemonade

    Malicious Interest Check

    Yo! I've made a roleplay but yet to have people join. So here it is.
  11. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    "Don't be silly!" Contessa said looking down at the script in her hands. "You have to wear a mask to be apart of the play. It's a school rule, and since it's Phantom of the Opera it would look out of place to have a bunch of cast members with out a mask," She said finishing. Even with that said...
  12. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa took a seat next to the boy who had been smoking. She smiled "I'm Contessa." She said introducing her self to everyone else. "It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one who took of their mask." She said honestly looking around. The atmosphere in the room was a little tense to her.
  13. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Contessa was huffing hands on her knees as she looked up at the closed door where the meeting was being held. In one hand she had the crumpled script of the school play so she could practice her audition lines. In her other hand she had her phone it was buzzing away on the screen was Carl's...
  14. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask

    Oh man! How much have I missed? D:
  15. FreckledLemonade

    100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

    Once fully dressed and happy with the way he looked Wes followed the butler through the halls of the mansion. What was this he looked down to see he was absent kindest drumming his fingers against his leg. He frowned and quickly stuffed the hand into his pocket. Wesley's mind was racing with all...
  16. FreckledLemonade

    Clash of the Realms

    Sweet, so when will we get to make characters and start?
  17. FreckledLemonade

    100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

    "Alright sis I'll see you in 100 days." He smiled over at her. She sat in the passenger seat and nodded. Wesely got out going to the trunk of the Ford F150. He had a total of four bags. Once he pulled all four down and attached one to the other he made his way up the driveway of the mansion. It...
  18. FreckledLemonade

    100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

    Wes opened his eyes hearing a loud excited scream from downstairs. He wondered what his sister could be going on about now. "Kay?" He called out walking down the stairs to see the blonde waving a letter in the air frantically. Taking it from her hands he unfolded it and read it. "I made it!" He...
  19. FreckledLemonade

    Behind the Mask [Inactive]

    Feathers. She always wore feathers in her hair even when she still had her mask on. Contessa didn't feel complete with out the feather tucked into her hair. When she was young her grandfather use to bird watch and when he would find stray feathers he would bind them together and then tuck them...
  20. FreckledLemonade


    Humans You do what humans do. You live day to day, working dead end jobs. There is no hope for your kind, your kind is almost extinct. More humans are becoming creatures, others are committing suicide, and some... Well, the lucky ones have all gone in to hiding. But what happens when...