100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]


Survey Corps
EternalDreamer submitted a new role play:

100 days Married ? - So are you still single?


Can they develop their feelings for one another and leads to a real wedding in the future...?
or is there going to be a female dog and a hungry wolf going to snatch your wife or husband?

or you will be stuck in a Love Triangle situation?

or nothing will come up with this segment and go home "being single".

Read more about this role play...
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You Got a Mail:



Dear: (The Character full Name),

We have read your application sheet and we would like to inform you that you have been one of the chosen to join the "100 Days Married". We would like to see you tomorrow (xx/xx/xx) at the Grand Mansion of 100 Days Married exactly at 3:00 pm not
3:01pm. Don't be late or the gate will be closed and there is no other way around to let you in.

So hurry up and start packing!

Meeting Place: The Entrance of 100 Days Married Mansion

Time: 3:00 pm

(Don't Tell Your Number to Anyone Yet)

Shiro Hjiinave

(Notification Department)

Jhuei Eastewnu

(100D.M. Producer)

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Arabella's eyes scanned over the letter she had just received. She grinned, happy she had got in. "Cool," she said to herself quietly. She skipped over to the couch, flopping comfortably down on it, reading it a couple more times. She looked at the time now, and decided she would pack and then take a shower. After rereading it just one more time, Ara got up and climbed the staircase descending to her room. She dragged her green carry-on out of her closet, and hauled it onto her bed. She then threw open her drawers to her bureau, rifling through them unsatisfied. Finally, after finding her favorite outfits, she ran her dirty clothes downstairs to throw in a load of laundry, and then sprinted back upstairs, energy coursing through her body.

Once she finished packing, she went to go take a shower. As she stepped out of the tub, she squeezed the liquid out of her hair, then proceeding to wrap a towel around her. She walked over to her closet, and looked at the many fabrics. Upon seeing the dresses, she remembered she didn't pack anything that involved heels or a dress! She wasn't the girliest girl, but she did, on occasion like to wear a dress or some sort of heels. Once she changed into some clean clothes, and tied her hair up, she added a couple girly outfits to her suitcase, grabbing toiletries and make-up/perfume, throwing those alongside her other things in her suitcase. Deciding she was good, and she'd double check she had everything tomorrow, she zipped up her suitcase, and lay down on her bed, out of breath. She couldn't wait for 100 Days Married. The concept had intrigued her, and her parents thought it was a joke, both agreeing it would be a waste of her time and there wouldn't be anyone there for her. Her dad claimed it was a spin-off of 'that stupid show The Bachelor or The Bachelorette,' while her mother argued those were good shows and she enjoyed them both.

"Just wait, I'll show you." Ara thought aloud, grinning triumphantly. She loved proving her parents wrong. She just hoped she could.
The Frenchwoman sighed, surfing the channels which were all in her native language. Sipping at some tea, she heard a car whizz by, tires screeching and sending a nose-scrunching smell to her senses. Muttering sailors' words under her breath about the reckless mailman, she walked outside to her mailbox in only her underwear a tank top, and a robe.

Quite frankly, she didn't care. In France, it was completely okay to go topless, or bottomless where she had lived. That'll put a picture in your mind, haha. Thumbing through the mail which consisted of some college events in fraternities or sororities, and some sports stuff, and as well as an envelope that held the mortgage. She squinted her green eyes at the last envelope.

100 Days Married?

She smiled to herself nonchalantly and walked back inside, ripping it open with her dainty fingers. Flopping onto the couch, she read the letter to herself, and shrugged. Tomorrow? Okay. She just gave the letter a quick once-over, and one last concluding skim, and stood to her feet.

She sauntered down the hall, water, oil, and acrylic paintings hung on the walls by the dozen. She dabbled in painting a bit, but now never had the time for that since she was in college, and wasn't an art major. Swinging her door open, she leafed through the clothing in her closet, and she picked out her clothing. Long sleeved shirts, tee shirts, tank tops, crop tops, and even some sweaters. Jeans, shorts, a maxi skirt or two, and about three jackets that could match with any outfit she could come up with. Opening up a whole new suitcase, a small sized one, she packed her shoes neatly inside.

Tapping her chin in thought, she decided silently if she forgot something. Ah! Bathing suits, makeup, and her toiletries! How could she forget? Silly her. Walking into the bathroom connected to her room, she packed her set of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and cream which smelt of peonies, roses, and citrus. She grabbed her normal makeup, which was just mascara, eyeshadow, and powder, and some concealer just in case. After packing that, she picked out three of her favorite bikinis and set the two expensive cream colored suitcases at the corner if her room.

She just couldn't wait for the sitcom she'd be on. Smiling to herself, she slid out of her robe, hanging it, and she laid down on the bed.

Maybe I'll get lucky this time, she thought.
Avery cocked an eyebrow, smiling. She didn't think she would actually get on the show, but the thought of Avery being paired up with a total stranger for a virtual marraige, somehow, pleased Avery. She loved the suspense of drama of it all. Plus the fact she could walk away after the 100 days with no strings attached? Pure happiness bubbled up into Avery's mind and feeling regions. She closed the letter after reading it one last time, walking into her bedroom and falling onto her comforter.

After the happiness, came the wonder. Avery wasn't really sure what kind of people would be on this show, or what kind of person she'd be paired up with, as she was pretty sure she couldn't choose. She rolled over, picking up her phone from her nightstand, popping in the earbuds and playing one of her several Pandora stations. She pulled her old navy blue suitcases out from under her bed, open her clothes drawers. She pulled her laptop from her nightstand, placing it inone of the suitcases. Then she went on to clothes, pajamas, a tiny amount of makeup, toiletries, and three pairs of shoes. She looked at the clock, sitting back on her bed after closing her suitcases. She sighed, 'Was this the best idea?' she thought.
Laura leaped into the air after reading the letter. She couldn't believe she actually got on. She wanted to text her friend and thank him for introducing this sitcom to her, but she knew she had no time to waste and decided she would text him later after she had packed.

She grabbed a few suitcases from the bottom of her closet. She was always known for over packing on vacations in the past, but this time she wanted to pack her entire room. She grabbed all she could. In one bag she packed all her favorite shirts, shorts, and pants. In another bag she packed her underwear, two dresses, a pair of high-heels, a pair of sandals, and a pair of tennis shoes. In another bag she grabbed her toiletries, and in her last bag she packed her laptop, laptop charger, cell phone charger, Ipod, and a few of her favorite graphic novels.

She took out her phone and texted her best friend right away. 'Thanks so much for telling me about 100 Days Married. I got on!'

Five minutes later he replied with, 'That's so cool. When do you leave?'

'Really soon, I have to be there by tomorrow.' she replied.

'Good luck.' Those were the last words she heard from him all night. She lay down on her bed and sighed, "This is going to be the greatest."
Lyra walked down the stairs to the first floor, on her way to kitchen, only to be stopped by her extremely hyper younger sister. "What?" Lyra said. Her sister was practically bouncing off the walls. "You got accepted! To 100 days! You have to be there at 3:00 tomorrow!" Lyra's jaw dropped. Her sister was beaming. "Maybe you'll finally find someone? Maybe they'll be nice and kind and wont care about your personality-" "I'm not going."

Her sister paused, then what Lyra had said sunk in. Her energy plummeted. "What!? Why not? You signed up after all!" Lyra glared at her. "The only reason i signed up is because you pressured me into it. I never though i would actually get accepted." Her younger sister pouted. "Pleaaaase? As my birthday present?" Lyra made a blank face. "Your birthday's in 5 months." Lyra's sister chose a different tactic. "Lyra Hunter. I, as your sister am concerned for your well being. You WILL go to the 100 days mansion at 3:00 tomorrow or so help me i will do unspeakable things!" Lyra scoffed. "Like what? Replace my toothpaste with glue? You're too nice for that." Her sister grabbed her arms. "Lyra... Please? I'm worried about you..." She looked an on the verge of tears. Lyra tensed. She hated when people cried, and her sister knew it.

It was no use, Lyra broke in 30 seconds. "Fine!" She threw her hands up. "But," She turned to her sister, jabbing a finger in her face. "I will NOT wear a dress." Her sister pouted, but agreed.

And so Lyra packed, showered, and slept. Prepared for the impending horror ahead.

Another "Normal" Morning

[ "Why me?" ]

Hearing the annoying sounds of those dang birds yelping their stupid songs, Pierre awoke from his slumber seeming as if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He felt a sicking feeling falling on him as he stretched and got out of his bed as usual, the maids running to his side and handing him everything he needed for the new day.

After getting ready, Pierre walked down the stairs of his home lazily not feeling his mood lifting up anytime soon. Once he got to the kitchen, the sight of his parents disgusted him. He felt a sudden urge of anger swelling inside of him but he didn't know why and just kept it bottled in,"Hello Mother, Father." He said to his parents in a proper manner.

Taking his seat at the dining table while the maids and butlers set down his breakfast, some eggs and pancakes with sausages, a cool glass of freshly made orange juice, and as dessert, a cup of fruit patisseries.

"Ah, Good morning child." His mother said with a strange happy atmosphere which was unusual since most of the time she would just say her greetings and ignore him for the whole day till the next day. Shrugging his shoulders, he just ate his food but listened to his parents as they kept on speaking,"It's a lovely morning today. The birds singing their sweet morning songs is just lovely.~" His mother sung as he rolled his eyes,"Just get to the point, woman." He thought in his head waiting to see what his mother was hiding.

His mother suddenly clapped her hand, a butler coming in with a plate and a letter laying on top of it,"What a surprise!~ A letter for my Pierre? I wonder what it is?" His mother sung once more but with more excitement. Pierre looking up from his food and took a slow sip of his drink before taking the letter off the plate.

The letter was quite fancy and gave off a very suspicious feeling to Pierre, tempting him to open it but his gut feelings telling him otherwise. Grabbing a knife and ripping the letter from it's case, he opened it slowly scared as if something bad would pop out at him and eat his face off and to be honest, part of that was true.

Pierre stared at the paper, reading ever single word with a stern look and frowned,"What is this Mother?" He demanded in a way, looking up at the old hag who kept on smiling but before she could say anything.

He was suddenly pulled out of his chair and dragged to his car,"What are you doing Mother? Unhand me this instant!" He demanded trying to get out of his mother's strong grip but she kept holding on,"My dear Son, You have been single too long and in order to take over our life, you must have a wife. So your Father and I have gave you a good opportunity to get one." She said giggling at her own rhythm that she made.

Pushing her son in the car and slamming the door shut, she waved and gave him a sweet smile, a sick smile that Pierre hated to see,"Have fun darling!~ Mommy will miss you!~" She chimed happily, blowing him a kiss.

Before Pierre could protest, the car pulled away and drove off to the 100 Days Married Mansion as told in the letter. Pierre mood darken and his frown turning into a dark look,"When I get back, you'll be sorry you frog!" He grumbled in fury and awaited for his doom once he got to the mansion.
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(Sorry I promise I'm never this slow. Stuff happened)

"Wake up sleepy head~" Anitta giggled as she waved the piece of paper in her childhood friend's groggy face. It was the early morning, and Gale had not expected to see his friends as soon as he woke up. Wait, that shouldn't even be the issue here.

"How did you get in my house?" He asked, slowly sitting himself up, squinting his eyes at the bright morning sunlight that was attempting it's daily morning routine of trying to blind the poor young man. He really needed to consider moving his bed so it didn't face the window...or just buy curtains. That was easier.

"Details, details~" Anitta passed aside his question matter-of-factly as she helped her friend get up out of bed. "That's not what's important right now-"

"I think knowing how easy it is to break into my home is indeed important." Gale tried to argue but his cute happy-go-lucky young friend just clicked her tongue and stomped her foot lightly.

"As I said, not important. Your life is what's important~!" She said, smiling her ever-so sunny-side-up smile.

"Indeed. Which is why I don't want somebody breaking into my home and murdering me."

"Ugh! Gale, must you always be like this!?" Seeming to already give up, the woman spun around and looked over hopefully at one of the other friends in the room. "Bard, explain to him please?" She batted her eyes and tried to pull off the same attraction charm she used to pull off in high school to get her way. Her friend however, just rolled his eyes. "Anitta you're 26 now...getting a little too old for that you know." He had to add a chuckle when he saw her agitated face from his comment. "Anyways~" He looked over at their loving friend Gale, whom was just staring at them groggily. He looked like if they didn't say anything interesting quickly he would collapse back on his bed out of boredom. "Listen man...you like girls, right?"

"You're questioning my sexuality?"

"No no no!" The man raised his hands up in defense, not expecting that kind of reply. That's when their final friend, Flo, cursed before stepping over to them and jerking the paper from Anita's hands. "You two are hopeless." She shoves the paper into Gale's hands. "Here. Read it."

"This is...?"

"You'll figure it out once you read it. Now read it!"

Obediently, Gale sat down on the edge of his bed and carefully read the paper in his hands. He was quiet for several, lengthy minutes as he seemed to be re-reading the paper over and over again as if he just wasn't understanding it. Finally, did he speak, but not the kind of reply they expected."


Groans from all of them. Anitta chose to sit down beside Gale and hold his hands, as if she was about to say something traumatizing. "Galey, you know we all love you. That's why we're still your friends and we're here for you. And because we're your friends is why we're doing this."

"Setting me up for a sitcom...I'm not much of an actor..."

"Oh my god did you even read the damn thing!?" Flo groaned, rolling her eyes back. "It's nothing scripted. You're going to be married for 100 days. Simple as that."

"Last I read, I had freedom in picking who I wanted to marry."

"It's just for a hundred days man. Look, it's a popular TV show. You've at least seen advertisements right?"

"I don't own a Television..."

"What!?" Snapped Flo. "What happened to the one I bought you last Christmas!?"

"I put it in good use. It's now part of one of my experiments."

Flo bit her lip in irritation and Bard had to pat her on the shoulder in some hopes of calming the hotheaded woman. Anitta took this time to turn Gale's attention back to her. "Look Gale, I'm married - Bard's engaged and Flo has a wonderful boyfriend." She looked up at him, a loving smile on her face. "We just want you to be happy."

"I'm plenty happy." He assured her with his own handsome soft smile.

Anitta shook her head slowly and patted his hands. "You'll thank us in the end for this. We'll help you pack your bags."

It took further more convincing, but being the softy he is Gale finally agreed. But not before demanding an answer on one last question. "How did you get into my house?"
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"Oh come on,you can have any girl you want but,you still are single.What's up with that?" a fellow friend of Colton had said while holding the punching bag steady for him.Colton sighed and grabbed the white towel he had wiping his face with it."Dude.Girls are like a present man...you never know what you'll get.See,I know how a girl is before I even talk to her.Basically if you're like sugar sweet whore over there-" he stops to point to a girl with the shortest skirt."Then I don't want nothing to do with you.Then there's to good to party over there." he stops again and points to a girl with a long plaid skirt with glasses and high top boots.His friend smirked and laughed"I see your point man.But,come on let's be honest...if you where ever to go into a game show and had no idea of who you would go with,would you take the risk?"he asked.Colton blinked and thought about it a moment before he answered. "Pft.I would give it a try but,I wouldn't like it at all." he ended with a laugh."Now come on and hold it steady." he concluded and popped the mouth piece back into his mouth then continued to punch the bag.

Colton tied his shoes up and swallowed the rest of his water before tossing the empty bottle into the trash and getting up.Grabbing his gym bag,he walked out of the locker room then through the boxing area and outside.Finally getting home,he tossed his keys into the bowl and threw is bag onto the couch"Ah...forgot the mail.."he said to himself before going out to the mailbox and looking through"Bills,coupons,newspaper,advertisements....Hm...what's this..?" he said while walking into the house and closing it behind him "One hundred days married?You've got to be kidding me." Colton laughed and looked through the letter and saw that it wasn't a joke."This world is getting weirder and weirder.."he said tossing the paper down somewhere he really didn't care about and grabbed the phone to call his friend about it."Hey hey,you'll never guess what came in the mail..."he told him before carrying on.

"Dude,you've got to go there.Seriously man I think it would be fun haha."he told him from the other line."Pft.You were the one who dared me to sign up for the shit then told me to delete it but,it was to late to and now you're saying that I should go?"he asked."Ok,ok.I know,I know.Don't rub it in man."they both snickered and continued to talk about it."Alright then,I'll go but,hey.If I come back without a girlfriend...or erm.."wife" I'm telling you I told you so." he laughed."Alright deal but,if you do come back with one,you're totally giving me five bucks."his friend said making a bet."Hmm...deal.I'll tell you when I get back then."he said before they each said their goodbyes and hanged up."I can't believe this is actually happening...What am I doing to my life right now?"he said before shaking the thoughts away and running upstairs to do something not even realizing he stepped on the letter...well not like he cared anyway.


Miles sighed and hung up the phone;he hated when people called him at this time of day especially if it was someone who you didn't know at all trying to sell you something.He pinched his forehead and took out a cigarette then began to smoke it slowly exhaling and inhaling slowly as well.

(I'll edit in some more.Brain dead right now)
Wes opened his eyes hearing a loud excited scream from downstairs. He wondered what his sister could be going on about now. "Kay?" He called out walking down the stairs to see the blonde waving a letter in the air frantically. Taking it from her hands he unfolded it and read it. "I made it!" He said pulling her into a hug. "I need to pack" he said going back up stairs with Kay on his heels. She pulled out his suitcases and began to empty his drawers with no order. Wes wrinkled his nose at her packing and began to fix it properly. It was his bigges pet peeve dis organization and mess. The two chatted,though it was mostly Kay speaking and Wes listening.

"She'll be there. I know she will." Kay said zipping up the suitcase. Kay was two years younger than Wes and had moved in with him after his discharge. She helped around a lot but mostly left him to do things except when it came to doing laundry. It was the one thing she insisted in doing.

"You really think so?" He asked and got a toothy grin and nod in return. "Yeah. I hope so too." He said. They finished packing and brought his bags down stairs so that they would be ready to go in the morning. The rest of the night was spent eating dinner, and just hanging out. Kay was a little sad to know her big brother would be leaving in the morning, but both were to excited to dwell on sad emotions.
Day 1:

Weather News:



Partly Cloud

|Partly Cloudy. High 17C and low 6C.|

|Winds NW at 7 mph. Air Quality:Good, UV Index:5|


At the Entrance of 100 Days Mansion:

Waiting for the Guest

(At exactly 3:00pm the gate will be closed)

Outside the Mansion Door:

Luggage Checker:

All the luggage will be checked by them.

Any gadgets that will connect you to the outside

of the Mansion will be confiscated.

(you need to get along well)

Luggage's will be taking care by the bellhop.

(they will be putting it in your perspective room,

since you still can't enter the room)

Inside the Mansion:


The Bride and The Groom:

Maids Outside the Left Door:

On the left side is the Maid that will going to take care of the

Brides to prepare them; the ladies will be wearing a bride's gown.

Butler Outside the Right Door:

On the right side is the butler that will going to take care of the

Grooms to prepare them; the gentlemen will be wearing a suit.

After they done preparing them,

the brides and the groom will be in the garden for the first Task!

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Pierre stared out the window as everything around him went past him in the speed of light. His driver was driving quite fast and it made Pierre feel his doom coming faster than he thought it would be. Feeling his stomach swirl with butterflies and his food, he raised his hand up to press a button at the top of the car's ceiling,"Stan, I need you to slow down a little." He called out through the speaker.

"I'm sorry sir but you're mother ordered me to quickly hurry so I must delay your request." A voice called back to Pierre. With a frown, Pierre pressed the button again,"Then get me a drink and some sweets to keep me happy." He ordered once more.

After a while, a butler came out from the front and placed down a tray of tea and some sweets to go with it like he asked,"Tea and some sweets just like you asked Young Master." The butler said,"Will that be all sir?" He asked just to make sure Pierre was in need of anything else. Pierre stared down at his tea and took a sip to test if the tea was good and taking a bite of a heart-shaped cookie decorated in red and white. He smiled at the sweetness and nodded,"That's all Gale." He said shooing him off. Gale bowing and went off back to the front.

In just a few minutes, the car soon pulled up into a yard and ahead of a mansion quite big and beautiful like Pierre's. Staring at the mansion with a glare, he frowned,"So this is 100 Days Married Mansion... S***." He mumbled softly to himself, cursing his mother for getting him into this situation.

The car soon parking in front of the mansion, Pierre waited for his driver to open the door so he could stay out and face his doom. Gale was the one to open the door, Pierre stepping out and taking in a deep breath,"I'm feeling my end is coming already." He thought and chuckled at his joke but it was mostly true.

Looking over at all the people that awaited for his arrive, he was suddenly confronted for his phone and was asked to hand his phone and any technology he had on him,"What? Why would I hand it to you?" He protest glaring at them,"And don't you see how rude it is to ask of someone of such thing when you don't even know them? Give me a good reason why." He demanded but then was stopped by his own butlers as they grabbed Pierre's phone and every single technology he had,"I'm sorry Young Master but you must be stripped from any connection outside. It is the rule here." Gale said taking a bow as an apology.

Pierre glanced at Gale with anger flowing around him but he kept his cool and nodded, understanding it was the rule here and that he respected it,"Fine then, since I trust you more Gale, take care of whatever happens with my social life." He said waving him off. Gale nodded and bowed once more before leaving back to the car. Stan stood by Pierre's side and smiled,"Then we will take our leave Young Master. Please have a great time and know that your Mother did this for your good." He said bowing and walking off back to the car.

Pierre sighed and nodded, watching the car drove off and disappear out of sight,"Oh I'll have fun... That woman." He thought but noticing a butler coming up to him to guide him. Pierre just followed without another word and went off into the big house. Watching as the maids and butlers greeted him kindly, Pierre smiling back at them but it was only his "work smile" that he uses when outside of his home. He never really smiled before and only used his fake smile in a nice way, his parents taught him so.

Disappearing off into a room, he was sudden told to put on a suit,"Oh great..." Was the one thing he thought of.
Arabella stared in awe at the mansion, her heart beating faster as the car crackled under the pavement. She thanked the driver and opened the door, stepping onto the driveway. The trunk was packed open and her luggage taken by two attendants making Ara even more dazzled. "This is insanity.." she mumbled to herself as she climbed the stairs to the door. A maid standing outside the door curtly smiled at her, and stated she was to go inside and put on a dress. Her eyes widened as she looked down at her comfortably casual clothes she would soon be changing out of.

With a sigh, she nodded, returning the smile and entering the mansion. But before she could step completely into the 'lobby,' she was stopped by a firm hand on her upper arm. Turning around, a man standing there blandly ordered, "We're going to have to confiscate your phone." Stubbornly, Arabella pouted.

"Excuse me? Why? Can't I get even a call to my mother?" The man held his hand out, his face unfazed. Scoffing, Ara placed the phone in his hand, "that's no way to treat someone.." she huffed at him, re-entering the building.

She was directed to a room on her left, where she was given a selection of dresses to pick through. "Please pick the one you desire, and get dressed in it, miss." The maid smiled at her, and Ara mirrored her kind-hearted smile. "Oh please, call me Ara." The maid nodded, leaving her to pick.

The dresses were gorgeous, some satin, some lace, some that had beautiful dips in the back. She thumbed through them, careful she might ruin them. "Oh my.." it made her want to get married, right now. "Good thing I am." She laughed to herself, finally setting on her favorite. Getting dressed in it, she slowly twirled in front of the floor-length mirror.
Holy crap. That's all she could think of right now when she saw the huge mansion. I mean, you can't blame her, she lived in a studio apartment with peeling paint and a loft bed. Her apartment was cramped with paintings, and her kitchen was ten steps to the living room.

The door was opened for her with a bow, and she quietly thanked for the driver's courtesy. She stepped out, cautiously, as she held nervous excitement. Her black ballet flats crunched on the ground, and she walked through the entrance once she got there. Her mouth went slightly agape in awe, and she whipped her head to the side when her phone was snatched from her hand.

"Hey, can I have that ba--" she was interrupted by the explanation of the doorman, and she nodded. "Oh." She said, and she was corralled inside a room and was asked to pick a dress, and a hair style for the 'wedding'. She nodded in understanding, and picked the best dress there, or so she thought.

She thought it was beautiful. It was
floral, and lacy and white, and fit her figure perfectly once she put it on. The kind, but rather pushy maids ushered her into a chair and brushed her brown hair. She occasionally winced because there was some knots, but in no time her hair was in an elegant braided updo, with white flowers pushed into the braids. Her makeup seemed perfect to her, and she loved how it wasn't just caked on. A necklace was pulled around her neck gently, the charm hanging down the sweetheart neckline of her dress.

Goosebumps rose over her skin slightly, she was a bit chilly,
and she was getting 'married'.
Avery stepped out of the car, nodding in thanks towards the driver. She stared at the mansion, half in awe, half scared to death. She took a deep breath, as if it would somehow calm her fluttering heart stop going so fast. She sighed, walking towards the mason. When she walked in, her phone and laptop were taken, causing Avery to frown in protest. She didn't really say anything though, as she assumed it had to do with the rules of the sitcom, at least, that's what made sense.

She raised an eyebrow as she was rushed up some stairs, going into a room full of dresses. Someone had said that she had to pick out an outfit for the 'wedding' she was going to have with the total stranger she was going to be paired up with. Avery cringed, she could practically hear her parents cooing over how pretty she was already. She looked at the masses of white dresses there, finally picking out her favorite. She smiled, "Maybe this won't be all that bad." she said.
As much as she didn't want to, Lyra had to admit the mansion was stunning. A little too flamboyant and bright for her tastes, but still. The sheer size made up for it.

At the entrance, the doorman insisted she give him her phone and anything she could use to contact anyone with. Lyra frowned, but complied. No one she really needed to call anyway. At least she got to keep her iPod, thats all that really mattered to her at the moment.

She was ushered inside, the maids were surprisingly strong, and told she had to pick a dress. "I'm NOT wearing a dress..." She said, folding her arms. The maids kept smiling, and one walked up close to her and said in a creepily happy voice. "I hope there won't be any trouble miss Hunter." Lyra gulped. Something about the glint in the maids eye made her reconsider.

Browsing the dresses, she slowly got more paranoid. She was "Getting married". To a stranger. In minutes.

Finally, after finding and choosing probably the simplest out of all the white wedding gowns, she sat through the maids fixing her hair and getting as much makeup on her as they could before she covered her face with her hands.

Lyra looked in a mirror, taking in her reflexion with a cringe. She was beautiful, but she didn't care. She already regretted giving in to her sister's pouting. But Lyra was not a coward. She had faced worse than getting married, and she would not back down from this challenge. She almost laughed. "I think i might actually survive this."
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"I'll be taking your luggage and I'll have to temporarily confiscate any gadgets that'll allow you access to the outside world for the next hundred days." A man asked as soon as Gale entered the mansion which he wasn't very fond of. It was so big and spacey...he was sure he'd get lost in here and not to mention all the hundreds of lights up on that ceiling.

Gale stared at the man as he handed him his bag...it was a small brown bag that didn't seem to carry much at all. Which in reality, it didn't. He packed his clothes, personal toothbrush, an extra pair of shoes and nothing else. Everything else he wanted to take with him (which was work related) his friends wouldn't let him take...and so that's all he could really care to bring: the necessities. Other things like towels and soap he would like to assume the mansion would supply for him.

The man took his bag, surprised by its light weight and smiled a polite one to Gale. "Is your electronic gadgets in here sir?"

"I don't have any."

The man had to do a double take, but assuming Gale left them at home, he nodded respectfully and turned to guide him. "Very well. Follow me Mr. Ackerman."

Gale followed silently, not bothering to tell the man he'd turn his cellphone into an experiment because the irritated ringtone and Apps Anita installed on it that he wasn't sure how to get rid of. Who played games with cat poptart hybrids anyways? He shook his head to dismiss that thought and focus on his other problem he was about to face...his wife. A wife that'll be determined by a number...the obscurity of all this. For once, Gale was actually growing restless.
Laura stood outside the gate speechless. The car behind her pulled away leaving her there with her four bags to stare at the marvelous mansion. The 100 Days Married Mansion... She thought. Finally coming back to her senses, she grabbed her bag with her electronics and pulled a digital camera out of a pouch. She snapped a picture as critically as possible for a speechless person. She wanted to remember every moment and how she felt. She took a deep breath and put the camera away.

Laura grabbed each of her bags and approached the door. A man confronted her and told her that she couldn't have anything that connected her with the outside world. At first she handed him the entire bag that held her electronics, then she pulled it back and fished out her Ipod, earbuds, and two digital cameras. She handed him the bag reluctantly and fished into her back pocket for her phone, which she also handed over hesitantly. The man nodded and left with all the luggage including the Ipod, earbuds, and one of the cameras.

A woman in a maid's outfit approached Laura. "Right this way ma'am," she said. Laura followed closely and looked back over her shoulder one last time at her things disappearing as she entered a room. "My poor babies." she whispered to herself as the door behind her closed.

She was told to pick out a dress as the maid stood near the door. Laura carefully leafed through all the dresses. She was sure that there were more gowns to choose from than there were contestants, but that only made choosing the right one harder. Finally she found the one that she liked the most after trying on at least a dozen.

The maid took her over to a chair in front of a mirror and sat Laura down. The maid did Laura's make-up and hair. Laura could only stare at her reflection. She didn't think of herself as pretty very often, but she looked transformed. She quickly snapped a picture of herself, knowing that this wouldn't last long. The maid insisted on taking the camera until the ceremony was over and Laura unwillingly handed it over.

Laura then thought of all the different types of people she could meet. She hadn't thought about it once since she got the letter. She wondered who her husband would be for the next hundred days and if she would end up single at the end of this or not. She shrugged and looked at herself in the nearby standing mirror one last time. She smiled and enthusiastically said, "In just a few moments I might finally meet someone to spend the rest of my life with."
"Alright sis I'll see you in 100 days." He smiled over at her. She sat in the passenger seat and nodded. Wesely got out going to the trunk of the Ford F150. He had a total of four bags. Once he pulled all four down and attached one to the other he made his way up the driveway of the mansion. It was really something. He smiled and waved to Kay and then finally entered. "What a place." He laughed. Even in his wildest of dreams Wesely didn't see him self in a mansion on a show hoping to find someone he could fall in love with.

He stopped looking at some men and gave them a happy smile. "So what do I do?" He asked glancing at his wrist watching seeing it was now 2:30. "We'll be checking your bags and send them up to your room. Do you have any electronics? iPod, computer,cellular phone?" The man asked. Wes nodded pulling out his phone and then iPod touch. "Thank you! These items are not allowed in the mansion, and will be given back to you at the end of the hundred days." Wesely understood what he was being told and when everything was done a young looking girl dressed as maid approached him. He was kind and friendly to the girl pushing his classes back on to his face as he followed her into the mansion.

"Thank you." He said shutting the door behind her as she left the room. He looked on the bed at the suit and laughed. "This is probably worth more than any suit I've ever owned." He began to unbutton the red dress shirt he had worn and then stripped of his bluejeans and brown dress shoes. He was a clean cut man and prided himself in his looks. At times he could be overconfident but tried to keep reigns on it. Wes dressed in the suit, but when it came to the bowtie he was at loss. He certainly couldn't tie it on his own, so he dressed fully and then went to find a maid to tie it for him. Being one arm down proved to be troubling for somethings, such as tying a bowtie.

The male had packed everything he could into his luggage set and basically took his whole house with him.Colton put his belongings into his car and began to drive down to where the location of this one hundred D.M is.It wasn't close to his home at all and actually,he was surprised that it didn't take the whole day to drive there."glad I got up early..."he said with a low grumble.Finally,he pulled up to the place and parked in the spot where the rest of the cars were at.He took a glimpse at the mansion and shrugged"Could be bigger."he said to himself and walked up to it.He nodded at the luggage checker (A way of saying hey or what's up) and handed him his bags.He whistled and watched as he took some of his technology away"Of course you had to make this boring..."he rolled his eyes and walked off where the maid was."Well hello sir...him i see your type.Bow tie,vest,leather jacket?Hmm and totally not dress shoes..correct?"she asked him nodding.Colton laughed"Woah how'd you guess?"he chuckled and followed her to the dressing room where he was going to try the outfit she had in mind for him.

A few minutes later,Colton was in the dressing room trying on the first outfit"Um...na,not really my color."he told him.The lady nodded and gave him a new one to try on.He looked at it first then slipped out of the previous outfit and put the new one she gave him on"Hm...almost.Right color,wrong clothing.."he informed her.She nodded once again"Last one.."she told him and handed the outfit to him.He tried it on and smiled fixing the bow tie"Perfect.This is the best one yet...I'll go with this one."he told her."Great!We have a winner."she said and laughed."Now,I must go and do something first.You stay here please and wait for further instructions."she told him.Colton nodded and watched her walk out before walking into the big mirror and looking at himself with a smile.He loved
his outfit a lot and wondered if he was allowed to keep it after all of this...maybe?We he sure as heck hoped so.
Kian woke up in an unfamiliar room with a naked woman beside him. He was intoxicated last night, but it's worth it since the woman who he slept with is his hot manager. He then gets out of the bed to take a quick shower, after that, he went out of the bathroom to pick up his clothes, on the floor, table and on the bed. He then wore his clothes and left the house since his manager's husband might caught them.

Kian drove back to his place. He turned his phone on and amaze that there's a lot of missed calls and messages. He parks his car at the nearest park to simply read his messages.

"Where are you?"

"Answer your phone!!"

"Mom is sick and she doesn't want to go to the hospital"

"Where are you? I've been trying to contact you for almost an hour now!"

He didn't finish reading them all and drove back to his parents' house. After miles he park the car outside of his parent's house and barge in "Is mom going to be okay?" Kian sighs and flopped down on the sofa "Dammit! Don't play stupid games like that" he complain while looking at his mom alive and kicking.

Kian's mother and sister were cooking, her sister was surprised and whisper to their mom.

"We still have time mom, act like your sick"

"It's too late dear and he already found out"

His sister looked at him with anger "why the hell did you turn off your phone?!"

"I'm not in a good mood today to discuss stuff!" he responded with anger and lays down on the sofa.

His Mother gives him a letter "Well, read that letter first, we entry you in a sitcom and it was holding it today..."

Kian then reads the letter and reread it once more. "Why the hell did you entry me to this silly show?" he frowned and throws the paper.

"You're already 28 years old! I want you to find a wife!" her mother yelled at him.

"I don't care about that, I have a work and a good life without a wife!"

"We're going to take care of that! You're going to go to that show!"

Kian scratched his head, annoyed "Hell no!"

"Yes! You are...and..." Kian's mother starts to cry while holding her chest and coughing.

"Dammit! Fine I'll go, but we got no more time since I'm not yet prepared, " he smiled slyly knowing that he might be late.

"Me and your sister already prepared your stuffs and we did invade your house" her mom said and shows the duplicate key to his house.

"Isn't that ilegal?!"

"So come on now, dear! Me and your sister will drive you there since we know you wanted to be late" Kian's mother smirk.

"Today I wish you fake sick comes true" Kian gets up and goes to the car "come-on!"

It was 2:58pm that they arrived at the D.M Mansion.

Kian gets out of the car feeling sick "what the hell!" he felt like Death is going to pick him up.

"How the fuck did you drive like that? Hell! I feel like riding a roller coaster"

A man suddenly takes his bags "any gadgets that will connect you to the outside world?"

Kian's mother gave all his gizmos and even his cell phone in his pocket. "Dang!"

"Confiscating huh...? This is really fucking up!"
He kicked their tire, then looked at the bellhop

"Can you confiscate my mother too?"

The bellhop just laughs "Your mother is not a gadget, sir"


His sister suddenly told him a number that he needed to remember.

After that her mother and sister left him without any goodbyes.

He rubs the back of his head "I guess let's just find a wife then"

Kian then entered the Mansion he was fascinated alright, it was a first for him to enter a Mansion.

There were a maid and butlers, but a butler led him to the right side door "aww I thought maids will be taking care of me"

"Sir, maids will be taking care of the bride..."

"Alright! Alright!" he entered a room full of suits.

"Choose the one you like" the butler said behind him.

"I can't choose any.. any suggestions?" he asked, looking at all the tuxedos.

In his eyes all of them are the same.

"Since you are getting married you should pick an elegant attire to match it with the bride's gown"

the butler pick a suit and showed it to Kian. "How about this, sir?"

"I guess" Kian then wore the suit in the changing room. After he comes out, he didn't expect that this, suit will look good on him.

The butler then looks at Kian's suit to see if any unwanted outline or dirt on it.

"All good sir! Now we will be heading outside" the butler bow and start walking outside of the room.

"By the way, who is my wife?" he asked out curiosity since he didn't know what she look like and followed the butler.

"You will soon meet her"

"She should be hot"

The butler laughs "I'm sure she is"

The butler then leads the way as Kian followed him from behind.

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At the Garden:


Afternoon|Time: 5:00 pm

The weather is till Fine


The Brides will be guided by the maids through the right room


The Groom will be guided by the butler through the left room

(Both of the parties can't see each other yet)

Each Room has a host waiting for them:

A Male host for the Brides and a Female host for the Bride's Groom.

They'll be going to have the first Task! :D

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It was already 5 o'clock since Pierre changed from his casual clothing from before to a suit that seemed to be as if he was getting married. The suit was a moderate and well-made just for him that his mother had pre-ordered from the finest designers and stylist in Paris and London. The suit was fit him quite well, expected from his mother's knowledge, and the fabric that was used was very comfortable around Pierre naked body,"That old hag did something right for once." He thought noticing the butlers asking for him to follow once more to another place of the mansion for his first task.

Confused but curious, Pierre followed along the butler through the hallways. Noticing a bright light up ahead, Pierre prepared himself, blocking the light from his face with the back of his hand. Looking up, he noticed he was in a garden and stared in awe at all the lovely flowers,"What beautiful flowers." He mumbled distracted away from the butler to check the bushes.

Gently stroking the roses, he stared into the lovely red color of the little flower. The touch was soft and seemed almost as if he touched any harder, it would break into pieces. He smiled, a real smile but it was small so no one could see but was disturbed by a cough behind him, turning to the source, he noticed a woman standing there. He blushed slightly at his rude manners and bowed,"I apology for my rude manners, I am Pierre Estrella." He said staring at her with the same "work" smile he had on for the maids and butlers.
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" I see you driving round' town with the girl I love and I'm like forget youuu.I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough and I'm like forget youuuuu."Colton chuckled as he sang with the ear buds in his ear.You didn't think he would let them have his actual phone did you?Well if you did,you where wrong.When he heard footsteps approaching he quickly put his phone away back into his private place and looked at the butler.
I never understood butlers at all...I mean who would want a jog where the title sounds like butt?Or is that just my silly mind? he thought all of this while the man came close and smiled"Hello sir,we're ready for you now."he told him then turned around"Follow me please.."he added and began walking.Colton smirked and walked behind him..a little to far behind though.Whistling,Colton and the butler who was in front of him reached the garden and,Colton being Colton,he wandered off somewhere where he had found a unique bird along with a few butterflies.He blinked and looked at the bird while it was taking a bath;Colton loved birds.He went up to it slowly trying not to startle it and petted it slowly smiling as it didn't fly away from him or anything.Well....as long as there's birds here,this...whatever it's called,should be pretty ok.At least for the most part I think... He thought.The butler noticed that Colton had trailed off somewhere and sighed"Well as long as he doesn't get his dress clothes dirty,my job is done."The Butler said to himself.


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