100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

Blindfolded, of all things, I have to be blindfolded?! Blindfolded meant not seeing, not seeing meant complete darkness. Laura wanted nothing to do with the blindfold and at first tried to resist, but she finally gave in and allowed the maid to put it on her. She was lead all over the place. She ran into a couple bushes, a few flower pots, and a couple stone benches. She hated not being able to see all the objects around her and getting her dress dirty.

Suddenly Laura stopped walking and music played behind her. Finally, the words 'You May Now Take Off your Blindfolds' rang throughout her ears. She quickly took off her blindfold, forgetting her nerves. Seeing the man before her, she wanted to put the blindfold back on. There was nothing wrong with the guy that stood in front of her, but her nervousness suddenly took over and she didn't know what to do.

Laura looked towards the rings. 'Number 5' they had on them. That meant last. If there was anything she hated more than being first in numbers, it was last. More pressure fell onto the person who was last. Laura paused. If that was so, then that meant that the people who had come out behind her had somehow already gotten married before her. For some reason though, she didn't think that was the case.

Laura turned her gaze back to the man. He was handsome, and she could tell that he was just as nervous as he was, even if he was trying to hide it. Feeling reassured at this, Laura took a big smile and introduced herself. "Hello, I'm Laura, and I can't wait to be your wife for the next hundred days."
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"Oh God My Life Is Over!"

(Time For The Ceremony!)


Oh god,being blindfolded was a bit of a hassle for Colton because he hated not being able to see anything.He sighed in disappointment but,finally agreed to put it on"Alright,alright...just put it on so we can get this over with."he said to the butler that was trying to put the fold on his eyes for the last five minutes.Regret is eating away my insides right now..is it to late for me to back out?Ugh probably not...he thought to himself for a bit.When something grabbed his arm,he jumped back a bit"Oh sorry sir,i'm just going to guide you to where you need to be for the ceremony..."the butler said to him.Colton grunted and nodded letting him take his arm and guide him to where he needed to stand at.Colton's deep blue eyes where covered,he was being lead by a butler,and he had to go to the bathroom...oh boy.Walking up to the alter,he felt the butler let go of his arm signalling that he was in the right spot.Tapping his fingers along the rim of his pants,he tried to use his sense of sound to hear what was going on around him when suddenly,music turned on."Hm...does that mean it's starting?" he basically asked him...or maybe someone heard him?Well if they did,they sure weren't answering him.Soon enough,he smelled some kind of perfume from someone that was standing in front of him Must be the bride....my bride...I hope she isn't...well...I just hope she isn't what I don't want..he thought to himself.

You may now take of your blind folds.."

When Colton heard this,he hesitated a bit,afraid to see what would be in front of him if he did.Taking a deep breath first,he began to slowly take off the blind fold revealing his blue eyes and blinked a few times to adjust to the light difference.Colton looked at her without any movement or any comment at that;she was beautiful.Yeah beautiful but,that doesn't mean that Colton would let his guard down because of it.If the person in front of him is beautiful inside then,that's when he will actually began to open up to her but,for right now he would like to stay on the other side of the alter.
Should I smile?Or..shouldn't I? he thought to himself and after awhile of thinking,he gave her a half smile.Now this is when Colton would start to try and figure her out by looks and movements, Hm...she seems to be leaning on one side of her...she must love to pose?Ohh...look at her lips...covered in lipstick..I wonder what it taste like...strawberry?Cherry?Oh hell...I'll soon find out anyway so,why am I worrying about it?

Colton awaited the moment for when it was time to take up the rings.~
When told of, Gale immediately ripped off his blindfold, as not being able to see made him very paranoid. The first thing he saw was a stranger- no, his wife. Well actually she wasn't his wife yet as they haven't even been married. The woman was still in the process of removing her own blindfold so Gale took the time to get a good look at what he could see. A small build, cute little pink lips over porcelain skin and long but soft looking blonde hair. Even with these reassurances, Gale began to worry. What would her eyes look like? What if she was a cyclops! No Gale...that's ridiculous, even for you.

Finally the girl removed her blindfold to reveal soft blue eyes- but then they were gone! She put the blindfold back on and Gale began to panic. She must think I look like an ogre...I thought I was an attractive man..self confidence just plummeted to the ground like that. Self confidence that Gale didn't even think about in his daily life. He didn't even know such confidence in him could even die but here he was- getting rejected by a cute little woman who happens to be his fiance and she's putting on a blindfold, hoping to reset the whole process; that maybe if she took the blindfold off she'd get a better man. However, when she took the blindfold off, she still got the same old Gale...and yet, she smiled at him. A pure, adorable smile. It had to be fake.

"Hello, I'm Laura, and I can't wait to be your wife for the next hundred days."

Gale nodded stiffly, as he had grown timid through all the crazy events that had just happened. Looking everywhere but at her he just said "Gale Ackerman..." giving his own name. He didn't want to say he looked forward to be married to her. Even though he did, as he was a sucker for cuties, but looks can be deceiving. Anyways she might not be happy that she got him.
Kian wanted to protest about the blindfold thing, but after a couple of minutes he sighed and gives in. The butler began to blindfold him while his thoughts began to wonder what his wife would look like. At first he was thinking about sexy girls then cute girls and suddenly he snap. "Wait! What the heck, what if I marry a really old woman that could be anyone's grandmother!" he complains and struggles a bit.

"Sir, relax this show has a lot of people who wish to join in, though they have been rejected since the D.M crew choose an absolute person to be in here and with that said, they did a search about their backgrounds" the butler told him.

"Let's do this then!" he replied as a signal of understanding. The butler then began guiding him into the wedding arch. Whenever he take a step, he thought that this is a show and all the people that knew him that watch this stupid show, surely they will be laughing and teasing at him throughout his whole life. "Just thinking about it makes me want to ruin this show" he said to himself not caring if the butler heard him.

Walking up to the alter with the butler guiding him, they suddenly stop him for a further more step and said, "stand still" as the butler left him. Standing there make him a little bit nervous, heck he was really nervous when the music began playing. "Holy shit! Oh God or any God's take me to this embarrassment show... I'm done with my life" he thought for a minute and paused.

A soft female voice said, "I'm really going to do this, huh?"

It was a sign that his bride is already there, just hearing her voice makes him realize he wasn't the only one feeling nervous. "Yea.." he said, didn't know what he would replied.

"You May now Take off your Blindfolds"

Hearing the hosts he starts to remove his blindfold slowly. He began to feel afraid, nervous, embarrass with a lot of mixed emotion. It was a first for him to be feeling like this, but he knew he might not be her ideal type of guy. After removing the blindfold he blinks for a few times to adjust from the light. Kian looked at his bride in front of him, he wasn't expecting that his fiance was very, very beautiful, but looking at her, he was mesmerized. He then think about his co worker watching this and thought that they would be hella jealous of him.

Looking and studying her from head to toe, he did not say anything, though he starts to think why would an attractive woman like her be in this kind of show, if she can just marry another man outside. Suddenly a negative thought crossed his mind since his fiance hasn't removed her blindfold yet and keeps his mind boggling about stupid things. "What if she got something in her eye that every male is disgusted about that?" he seriously thought and looked at his bride's face. "If it was, then I should think of a plan" he mummbles and thinks of a plan "maybe I have her put on the blindfold throughout the 100days" he thought since if it was really revolting, he don't want to be puke-man in this mansion.

Kian breaths deeply and stand still waiting for her to remove the blindfold, but he can't really wait. Surprisingly, he raises his hand and starts to undo her blindfold knot and said, "Let me..."
Gale Ackerman... Laura thought as they both stood there in silence, the music filling the background. Laura took a deep breath and looked towards the rings. She could feel her face flush as she wondered if she should pick up the ring or wait for Gale to pick up hers. "W-well Gale," she said reaching for the ring she was supposed to give him, "I-I guess I'll go first," she held the ring in her right hand then grabbed Gale's left hand with her own. Inhaling then exhaling, she continued, "I, Laura Moore, will be your wife for 100 days in this Mansion," Laura slipped the ring on Gale's ring finger without a problem and let go of his hand while waiting for her own turn. She was honestly very nervous and wanted the ceremony to be done.
Avery was still flooded with worry and slight regret that she went on this show. Sh etook a deep breath, then heard a voice. Was this the guy she was going to marry? Her cheeks turned a light pink as he undid her blindfold. Once she got her vision, she saw her husband to be . He was a little bit taller than her, had brown hair, and was generally nice in appearance. She smiled, so this would be her husband. She had to say, this show hadn't done too bad with picking pretty people, as Avery was pretty sure she couldn't pick up a guy like this regularly.

Once she thought about it, more worries came piling in. What if he doesn't like me? What if I don't like him? What if this hypothetical marraige thing totally fails and I make a fool of myself on national television? The questions were endless, and Avery hated it. She took a deep breath, somewhat blocking all the bad thoughts out. She smiled again, looking up at the guty in front of her and trying to not freak out.
She was lightly pushed forward, while lined folded, which made her a bit anxious since she was heels, and didn't want to fall. She stumbled to stay upright, and swallowed a lump in her throat. There was an aching pause before she was allowed to take her blindfold off. Nervously, she slowly untied the cloth that had blocked her vision, and she looked forward, head tilted upwards to the man in front of her. Her green eyes were in view, lighting up her face. Sierra gave a small, slightly awkward smile. "Hi.. I'm Sierra." Said girl greeted, the small simper widening as she spoke.
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