Behind the Mask [Inactive]

Edgar looked over at the boy who's name was Connol, he was very closed off he could tell. Edgar but his lower lip in thought thinking about the topic Quinn brought up rather then the slightly rude boy. He soon concluded that he didn't do much really, every once in awhile he'd meet up with Chris but that wasn't often enough to add it as an event. He tapped the eraser of his mechanical pencil on the journal before simply shrugging. He was a bit embarrassed, but he was terrible with decisions. Either one just seemed alright, he'd prefer it often if they where to become closer but he didn't know how long this would last.
Contessa was huffing hands on her knees as she looked up at the closed door where the meeting was being held. In one hand she had the crumpled script of the school play so she could practice her audition lines. In her other hand she had her phone it was buzzing away on the screen was Carl's name. She hit the ignore call button and then opened the door. She peeked into the room and then smiled sliding into the room. "Hi." She said still trying to catch her breath and looked around the room giving them all a sweet smile. "I-I'm sorry I'm late I'm going to try out for the school play. Am I to late for the meeting?" She asked looking around and bit her lip.
The first day of school is never easy for anyone, not even Ellie Carmichael, who had been hopping from school to school all her life. The day had been a rocky one as countless stares and scowls like daggers stabbed at her as she made her way through the crowded halls, and made her way to the back in all of her courses.

She wanted nothing more than to disappear when people were disregarded her plea for help finding her classes, and Ellie arrived 15-30 minutes late to three of them.

All because of a fucking mask, Ellie sighed, and made her way back to the bulletin she had seen that morning. It wasn't hard to spot the flier pinned to the nearly empty bulletin, and she took a mental note of the room she would be heading to, where the meeting would be held. Ellie had somewhat learned how to navigate the halls, and found the room rather quickly. People had already arrived, and her cheeks flushed as eyes turned to acknowledge her presence. They were maskless as well. Bare, youthful faces like her own.

Edgar heard steps outside the door and turned to face the newcomer before she even entered the room. When he saw the new girls face, she reminded him of his step sister. It caused his large smile to falter a bit, but it still stayed a dimple dotting each cheek. Edgar quietly waved to the girl, bidding her to come fully into the room. And ran his pale fingers through the front of his hair, his journal and pencil held in his other arm.
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"Hmph." Conoll just looked away when the girl entered the room. Pathetic. Why was everybody else who took off their mask so willowy? God, he thought there would be something more than talking in here. He thought there might have been planning, tactics. Society wasn't going to just change their ways in a day, they needed to be... Persuaded

He pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and lit in with his lighter he kept on him at all times.
Ellie stepped into the room, watched a boy light a cigarette, and wrinkled her nose as the putrid smell erupted in her nostrils.

She scanned the room curiously, and the club's members as she drew closer to the kid who had waver her over. As she did so, she took a scrunchy from her wrist and tied her auburn hair into a quick bun.

"I'm Ellie," she said, saying this with a pleasant smile. She figured these people wouldn't be as phony as the rest of the god damned population.
Edgar opened his notebook to reveal the past sentence he had written, it stating his whole name. 'Edgar Allan Brooks' the ends of the journals cover was scuffed and worn. At the sight of the tearing surface he ran his index finger along it. It seemed like he'd need to get some needle and thread and sow it up again. Past tears where evident on the notebooks surface, a brown thin string holding each one together from when he had threaded them all together.
Ellie read the line, and something twinged in her gut at the sight of the beat up notebook.

"I might be able to patch that up for you...Edgar, right? Like Edgar Allan Poe?" Ellie laughed nervously and a bit too loud. She wanted to be amiable, but had never been the best at talking to people.
Edgar's smile grew, there was never a person that wouldn't relate his name to Edgar Allan Poe. He didn't mind, there's nothing bad about it. He eyed the notebooks condition and began to write, 'I am the reincarnation of the great Poe...not really...but are you good with a needle and thread?' His pencil slid a cross the paper smoothly and gently, the handwriting neat and light.
Ellie watched him write, and wondered why he didn't speak. Was he mute?

"My mom taught me a thing or two," she nodded and smiled, tugged down the sleeves of her sweater. She glanced at the boy smoking, and frowned slightly

"What's your name, huh?" he rubbed her the wrong way for some reason.
Edgar nodded in understanding, looking down at his journals rough surface. He'd had this notebook his whole life, and wouldn't give it up for anything or to anyone. The putrid smell of smoke stunk the nostrils of his nose, the smell reminded him of his father. It caused him to not really enjoy the boys company, and if he weren't to give Elli his name then he'd simply do it himself.
Conoll looked around him. He could tell his smoking was making people uncomfortable. Smiling devilishly, he threw his cigarette into his bag, killing the flame, but allowing the smell of smoke to last a bit longer. He pulled out of his bag a small box, which he opened up, and began tinkering with it's contents, his hands moving quickly and nimbly.
Contessa took a seat next to the boy who had been smoking. She smiled "I'm Contessa." She said introducing her self to everyone else. "It's kind of nice to know I'm not the only one who took of their mask." She said honestly looking around. The atmosphere in the room was a little tense to her.
"Same," Ellie replied. "It's scary though. It's like being naked, or something." she smiled sheepishly, but straightened her back. She realized she had been standing the whole time, and took a seat next to Edgar.
Edgar watched the boys hands for a moment, their movements looking practiced as if he knew what he where doing. But looked over at Elli when she spoke, he could speak but no one would know what he's saying of course he barely understood them their words odd and foreign. He turned his gaze to the girl who introduced themselves, he smiled liking the name. Before turning multiple pages until he reached the last couple ones. On the pages he slowly began to write again on was a story he had been working on for awhile, their situation inspiring him a bit.
Quinn looked up at the newcomers, her face splitting into a grin. For awhile she thought that just getting one person to this meeting would have been an achievement but a total of 5 people had shown up by now!! Quinn was hard pressed to control her excitement, giving a wave to the two new faces.

"No... you're not late yet! Did apply for the play then or do yous still need to do that?" Quinn inquired, a little worry entering her voice. She'd hate for someone to miss out on an opportunity though she wasn't sure how well that would work out if the girl wasn't wearing her mask... still... She really hoped

that maybe if the girl could get into that play their little club might be able to make a bit of a name for itself.

"Hi! I'm Quinn! It's awfully nice to have a couple more people! So... we were talking about... well awhile ago we were talking about that the goal for this club is to see if we can find a little acceptance for not wearing masks... and maybe make not wearing a mask a bit more of a trend. But... we kind of need a name for this group- if we're going to keep this going - and if we do we need meetings times and stuff."
Conoll finished tinkering with his box as Quinn conversely finished speaking. Pulling out a small round device.

"Whatever we do, we need to have a meeting place outside of school" He threw the small device he'd built up into the air, giving it a second to deploy. A small propeller popped out of the top, and it began to spin. It managed to hover for a few seconds before falling back into his palm.

"New record..." He muttered under his breath and pulled out a pen, which he scribbled with on his arm, writing down the time it had hovered.

Stretching back his arms behind his head, he yawn exaggeratedly.
"I still need t' fill it out. I'll get it done," Emmie smirked "I had some acting experience in my old schools. This will be fun." She searched their faces. "We don't have to wear masks, right?"

Her gaze shifted to the boy who had been smoking. She found his habits slightly strange, but in an interesting way.
Edgar looked up from his journal some names popping up in his mind. But didn't know whether or not he should share them fearing the others wouldn't like them. He didn't quite know what they where looking for, obvious names or a name with multiple meanings...this would happen more often then it should, he'd over think something. Sometimes it'd help him in the end but most of the time it just got in the way.
"Outside of school?" Quinn asked in confusion. "Why? Do you have any ideas on where there would be a better place to meet?.... but what's wrong with meeting at the school?"

Quinn tried to understand where Connol was coming from... did he not think the school safe? Or... maybe he just didn't like school? She was momentarily distracted the strange hovering device before turning to the girl that had was trying out for acting.

"I... you know I really don't know if you'd have to wear a mask or not. I mean... they can't force you... but they might not allow you to participate or something. I mean, I hope they let you and all but I was just wondering... I hope you get to join."

Quinn's eyes continued to move around the room. "So... was there any ideas for a group name? I tell you guys... I have no ideas on this. So I'm open to what you guys want... it obviously can't be anything vulgar and it might be best if it explained or like described the group in some way but... ya know... whatever you guys want..."
Emmie furrowed her eyebrows.

"We can demand not to wear the masks. Like a protest!" She stood up, getting excited. "Yes! That's how we can show people that this is serious. Influencing the play will be big!" She waved her hands around as she spoke, like she was painting a picture with her fingers. Emmie smiled, feeling confident in the club now. "Let's brainstorm a bad ass name."
Edgar was surprised to hear a slightly more outgoing Emmie, her attitude and smile though hitting him right in the heart. She reminded almost to much of his sister, but he'd try to look past it and back to a name. He flipped back to his past page and wrote out his favourite out of what he had came up with. 'The faces of society' once finished he slid the notebook around so Quinn could read it.
"Don't be silly!" Contessa said looking down at the script in her hands. "You have to wear a mask to be apart of the play. It's a school rule, and since it's Phantom of the Opera it would look out of place to have a bunch of cast members with out a mask," She said finishing. Even with that said there were only five of them in the entire school who had hung their mask up. To stage a protest was not the kind of trouble she was looking to get into. It was bad enough at home that her mom was not accepting, it would end worse if she landed her self in a holding cell. She looked over at the boy with the notebook and wondered why he was so silent.
"Don't be so sure... we might be able to change everyone's mind!" Quinn said automatically as her gaze zeroed in on Edgar's notebook "The Faces of Society." She read out slowly, a smile growing on her face. "That is an amazing name!" Quinn said excitedly, jumping out of her seat to write it enthusiastically on the board. "If anyone has any others you know... we can vote or something but I think that this is a great name!" Quinn said, the negativity (in her belief negativity) of the 'school rule of wearing masks in the play' all but forgotten. A side thought of hers was whether it was a requirement for the Phantom of the Opera's cast to all wear masks... or if only a select few needed them...

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