Behind the Mask [Inactive]

Edgar felt his face heat up and stared downwards at his hands in relief. He didn't deserve such praise on the name, and it couldn't have been that great...but it still filled him with a feeling of joy. It was nice to help.
Emmie looked down, thinking. "Maskless? Bare Faced? Anti-Masks?" She laughed, just throwing out names. "Yeah, Faces of Society. FoS."
Quinn kept up with what Emmie said, writing the names down underneath Edgar's. She turned around when she agreed with Faces of Society. "So... we... we really want to make this a thing? We really are going to start this club?" Quinn asked, quite honestly a little choked up at the prospect of it.
Edgar's gaze skimmed the others expressions, wondering if any of them where going to join. Before writing in his notebook, 'I believe it'd be a good change...perhaps we'll actually inspire others to remove their masks.' He turned the notebook to Quinn, the sentence showing his support on the idea.
Emmie beamed, nodding at Edgar's words. "It's a scary idea. But a good scary, like a thrill. I can imagine us being really influential," her smile faltered. She realized that her hopes weren't a hundred percent realistic. She was forgetting an important aspect of this club.

As their presence became more prominent, so would the outlash against them. Emmie spoke on this. "We just need to make sure we keep our heads high, despite any assholes."
"I agree Edgar ad Emmie and I'm glad you guys seem to be on board as well. This is just... really exciting, you know? What if we really can make a change!!" Quinn replied, fist pumping at the idea. She wondered why Edgar always wrote things down instead of speaking it but he certainly had a way with words regardless. She would see about asking him later when they weren't surrounded by people and maybe when she knew him a little better- it could be a personal question after all.

"I think if we stick together there won't be anyone who can like... really bring us down. Because we've got each other." Quinn added at Emmie's less happy view. It was a realistic thought, either way...
Conoll had been silent this whole time, pondering what was going on. Leaning back, he scoffed when they finished.

"A... Club? I thought we were trying to change society, not become Boy scouts. For god's sake. Look, it's as I said, we need to take this more seriously, I have a place we can meet outside of school. It's secret, and it's safe. Unlike you people, I'm often near the school's main office, and I recently was hearing about them cracking down on anyone like us. If you're not going to take this seriously, we're all screwed. We can't draw any attention to ourselves, not for a while."

Standing, he slung his bag over his shoulder, and made for the door. Kicking it open, he turned and threw a folded up piece of paper at Quinn.

"If you guys begin to take this seriously, meet me here."

On the paper, there was an address for them to follow.
Emmie frowned and looked after the kid. He was right after all, but she felt that some of his points weren't so good. "We can't stay under the radar," she said when he left "I mean, look at us," she gestured to their maskless faces. That alone drew a lot of attention, whether they liked it or not.

Emmie heard her phone buz, and knew before reading the text message that it was her mother. "I gotta go guys. Until next time," she grabbed her messenger bag and waved as she headed out the door.
Conoll watched as the Emmie girl made to leave the room. He held out an arm to stop her.

"Exactly. We draw too much attention like this, so if we want to do anything, we need to stay out of public eye for now. We could find people like us, or who haven't taken off their mask yet without being stopped by facility. If we're at all serious about this, we need to stay quiet, at least for a while."

Turning, he left the room, walking down the hall at a steady pace. As he reached the end of the hall, he kicked open the door and stepped into the world outside. It had started to rain while they were inside. Cursing silently, he ran for cover under a bus stop.
Edgar watched the two leave, waving them farewell though they couldn't see. He turned his gaze to those who where still here, wondering if Emmie and Connol leaving meant their 'meeting' had met its end. He pinched the eraser on his mechanical pencil and awkwardly twirled it as he waited for perhaps an answer to his silent question. Though he didn't want to go home and try to survive his step father he would if they where finished here.
Emmie gasped a little when she felt the cold rain touching the back of her neck. She smiled slightly, turned her head up to the rain so that her face and hair were now damp, letting it down from it's bun. The rain felt amazing.

Emmie clutched the strap of her bag, and arched her shoulders against the wind that was now picking up. She saw the guy that had been smoking, paused, and debated approaching him, but decided not to. She turned down the road and made her way home.
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"Was I wrong to call this a club?" Quinn asked in confusion, feeling a bit abashed for Connol to leave like that. 'Take things seriously?'... she thought she wasn't. Feeling a little down and not liking the negative feelings Quinn shoved it away for now. "If you guys have places you need to be... well maybe we should at least like... swap numbers or something so that we can stay in touch? Also, I'd like to get a final decision on the name and maybe... well something we could do. Staying under the radar... well, I don't know how we're going to do that without putting our masks back on but... we don't have to do anything right away. Let's just get a name and decide if we want to meet where Connol suggested or not." Quinn said, unfolding the note to read what address was on it.
Conoll ran through the rain as he headed for the park where he would stay when he couldn't get back. His aunt had called him a moment ago, sounding very drunk, and very distracted. He expected he wouldn't be able to get back into the building, since he had no key.

The address he'd left on the paper was the park, but he didn't expect anyone to show up that night. Dashing underneath the large bridge near the center of the park, he bent down, pulling away the tarp he had hidden underneath it a long time ago. No one had ever found it, and it kept his small bit of food and sleeping back for the night. Sitting down on the rough bag, he stretched and pulled his bag in front of him. Opening it up, he pulled out his small box, where he kept all his ongoing projects.

As the rain pounded around him, he began tinkering with the hovering device he had began working on a long time ago.
When Emmie arrived home, she wished nothing more than to not have done so. Her mom was on the phone, yelling at the top of her lungs at Girlfriend #6.

Yeah, girlfriend.

Emmie wasn't adopted or anything, her mom had only realized she was lesbian a year or two ago. The problem was that her mother was something of a player, using the women for money and drugs. Almost all of their belongings were bought with other people's money, including a portion of the rent.

Their small house was not something any teenager would want to bring their friends to, with rooms the size of walk in closets and less than cleanly living conditions.

Emmie's room was one of the only neat places in the house, spotless, in fact. This being partially due to that fact that she didn't have much to mess the room up with. She sighed, plopping down on her twin size bed that she had grown out of, and stared at her hands.

She hadn't seen the address that the boy had given, nor had she gotten anyone's numbers or addresses. She reckoned she could contact them online through Facebook or something, but Emmie figured she would just wait until the next day to see them in school.
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Edgar stood up, picking up the strap of his leather satchel and bringing it up onto his shoulder. Before stepping up to Quinn to see the address for himself. He recognized the numbers as those of the park, he'd pass it everyday when he walked home. For a moment he fumbled with his notebook re-opening it before writing, 'if we are meeting another day I won't,' Edgar thought a moment trying to think of how to spell the word 'hesitate' his eyebrows furrowing, but soon gave up and crossed out won't before continuing, 'if we are meeting another day I won't will come, FoS is a wonderful idea. We should though decide where to meet perhaps the next time we see one another. Just so we can get Emmies and Conolls inputs as well.' He finished writing and tilted the book so Quinn may see.
Contessa sighed grabbing her bag. She hoped to see everyone tomorrow. She didn't mean to sit by in silence for the whole tie but it seemed to just happen. She looked at her buzzing phone to see Carl. "I'm coming home now." She said and ended the conversation before he could say sometime else to her. She left the school heading into the parking lot she ran for her car to see that Obe was sitting in the front seat of the ca. He had a spare key to it, and she thought he had gone home hours ago. "What? I thought you went home."She said pulling on her seat belt and set out for home. "I was waiting on you. I had to make sure you were okay." He said lowering his head. She could see on the side of his face the ends of bruise. She nodded and headed to his favorite fast food place Dairy Queen. She knew a blizzard would make him smile for sure.
"We will definitely be meeting again... Connol already gave his input but I'd like to meet here at least once more.... possibly same time as today." Quinn said thoughtfully after reading Edgar's comment. "I'm glad you think it's a good idea.... so do I and everyone else here so it seems. I think we can really make a difference... but this appears to be over now and you're free to leave." Quinn replied. She stood up, erasing the names other then 'Faces of Society' because she felt that fit them best and it was only temporary for now. She can double check with everyone tomorrow. Quinn wondered what she was going to do with her time now... Practice still had at least another hour and she would get into a lot of trouble if her parents found out that she had skipped practice. She supposed she could just go to practice now but.... she felt so uplifted after talking to so many others who don't wear masks that she just didn't feel like being put down for not having a mask.
Edgar slipped his mechanical pencil into the bridge of his notebook and placed it inside his bag. Before flipping and latching the leather flab of cover over the open part of his bag. He stayed a moment after she dismissed them, watching Quinn's hand glide over the words on the chalkboard. When she turned around he set a small folded up piece of paper on the desk which had his number written on it. Before waving fair well, a smile playing on his lips. But it changed quickly into a grimace when his side connected with the corner of the wood desk. His breath hitching instantly knowing why it hurt more then it should've, there was a fresh bruise hidden under his sweater from the night before. Edgar tried to play it off and for the first time in the whole meeting made a sound it being a nervous chuckle. As he turned around and quickly left the room embarrassed.

He stared forward the whole time he walked through the empty halls, making sure not to look at the windows or anything else that would reflect him. Edgar bit his lower lip pushing through the schools front door and walking out into the rain, but looking un fazed as he kept the same pace to home.
It was interesting watching people file out... and noticing that one of the first to be here for the group was also one of the last to leave. Holding back the question of why Edgar preferred writing things down Quinn had been able to say 'Thank You,' both for the folded piece of paper and just in general, when he bumped into the side of the table. Granted that would hurt at any given moment but it looked like it has especially hurt him. Feeling worry for him and hoping he was alright she was trying to figure out what she could do to help him when suddenly... he was just gone. Hoping he was ok and deciding if he left than it was perhaps best for her not to chase after him (because if people wanted her to know, they'd tell her... just like if people wanted her help, they wouldn't just leave... at least that was her reasoning). She unfolded the paper and, realizing it was his number, took out her old fashioned flip phone and took it down- writing the name Edgar next to it. With that she found a way to pass an hour at the school before heading home, grateful when her siblings didn't rat her out.... And the evening passed without too much trouble.

The Next Day (You are free to allude to how your evenings went if you'd like, just add in how your morning is going as well :) )

It was easier to handle the cold glances in her direction now that Quinn knew she was no longer truly alone. It was easier to lose herself to Adela's chatter and to muse over ways to get people to see that not wearing a mask wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Now when she passed the maskless faces she more often then not recognized them and waved enthusiastically before explaining to Adela who each person was. Adela was, in several ways, like a double agent to Quinn- able to get 'inside' information for her.. although one day Quinn hoped that Adela would take her mask off as well it was useful for her to have it on for now.
Edgar sprinted out of the house, not slowing down even when he was down the road fearing that his step father was chasing after him. He took in large breaths as he pushed forward, finally slowing down when he was sure the sound of footsteps behind him had ceased. He dared to peak behind him, his front teeth biting his lower lip fiercely. But A sigh of relief was all that escaped him at the sigh of an empty space of air behind him, the sound of teens voices evident as he neared the high school. The longer he walked the more groups of friends appeared, and he walked alone until he found Chris waiting at he usual spot. Edgar rose a hand in greeting Chris' goofy grin causing one to appear on his face as well. Chris doing all the talking as they walked together to the school.
Contessa patted Obe's face and sighed looking up at her brother. "We'll g out for dinner again after school okay? I think I have another meeting but right after that I promise. It'll be on me." She said hugging him. He nodded and went off to his friends. She smiled glad he was starting to talk to her a little more but it was bitter sweet since he had been hit, and bullied. She nodded looking around the school waving to a few of the seniors who had be friend her. They were laid back and though it was pretty cool she had the courage they didn't to take off their mask.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" Emmie yelled to her mother as she threw on a pair of dirty jeans. She didn't bother putting anything over the tank top she wore other than a grey hoodie.

I look like a damn bum, Emmie thought as she ran the few blocks to school, her heavy bag thumping against her thigh. She was breathing hard when she arrived, and she was one of the only kids still outside.
Conoll yawned loudly as he sat under the bridge, his clothes slightly damp, and his joints sore as hell. Yawning again, he looked down at his rusty old watch. School was about to start. Shrugging, he pulled out his tinkering box, and turned, leaning against the dirt wall beside him, he pulled out the hovering device, and began to pull it open, peering at it's innards. He just had to figure out what was making it crash.
"Hey look, that's Contessa over there!" Quinn said, pointing her out to Adela.

"People are so gorgeous behind their masks... it makes me wonder if the person who made up masks were jealous of people with pretty faces so they just got everyone to start hiding their faces... you think?" Adela responded, going off on one of her philosophical/psychological/strange to Quinn musings once again. Quinn shrugged.

"I dunno, I guess maybe... but like, are you ugly then? Behind your mask?" Quinn said. She had meant it to be teasing but by the sharp turn of Adela's head Quinn realized that such comments were hard to understand... just her humor in general was hard to understand.

"No. I am Not." Adela responded. Quinn wished she could see Adela's face so that she knew what kind of expression she was making. The whole thing about expressions had changed a lot of how Quinn saw the world and now she wished she could see everyone's expressions. The only reason she understood any of them because of practicing in a mirror.

"Right... I just wouldn't know. You know?"

"I know. I swear, one of these days I'll take the mask off but with my family having trouble accepting me as is I don't want to add something else to the list. They might disown me."

"But... then you could come live with me!"

"You're way too optimistic." Adela said, she was about to continue when Quinn started jumping up and down and pointing.

"Oh! Oh Oh Oh!! Hey, look! That's Edgar! It's that one guy that was writing things in a notebook to talk to us!" Quinn said, flailing a little wildly.
Edgar heard A familiar voice and stopped in his tracks, not quite sure why he recognized such a voice when it sounded as though it spoke gibberish. He looked around the hall confused when he heard his name as well, Chris tugged at his arm

"hey man? What's up?" Edgar was about to open his notebook to answer him but stopped when he saw Quinn not to far from them. Her smiling face and energetic personality filling the whole hall, he lifted a shaky hand waving over at her a smile appearing on his face. While Chris looked at him like a crazed lunatic, knowing that he seemed to be Edgar's only friend. But he followed his gaze and stared at Quinn before punching Edgar playfully in the shoulder.

"Dude are you going out with Quinn?" Chris began to laugh loudly as Edgar felt his cheeks heat up and waved his hands in front of him as if his silent pleads would silence him so he could explain.

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