Behind the Mask [Inactive]

"Nice to meet you Chris. Do you always fail at quoting Shakespeare or is that just a specialty for picking on Edgar?" Quinn teased good naturedly. See, there were moments when Quinn tried to be funny (most of these end in horrific failure) and when she's funny without meaning to be (she usually doesn't understand why people are laughing). And that is just how things usually work for her.

"Edgar, Contessa, do you think we'll have another person joining in Faces of Society?" Quinn asked, looking at both of them. It was interesting to think someone might have been made to thought twice just by being made to look at her face... Not that Quinn thought they should go on a Mask destroy spree but it was definitely food for thought.
Chris chuckled,

"Its mainly choice number two," he held up two fingers, "but I seem to have a talent for choice one." He lowered on finger so he only held up his index. Before punching Edgar in the shoulder playfully a grin hidden behind his colorful mask, but the punch still hurt a bit. Edgar bit his lower lip suppressing most facial expressions, and plastered on a nervous smile before responding to Quinn. By flipping through his notebook once more and writing,

'I hope that the blonde girl joins if she wasn't to upset, she seemed pretty popular among the students. So perhaps if she where to join maybe it'd sorta spread through out her followers." At the last word Chris raised a leg and kicked Edgar in the elbow, a dark line then spreading a cross his paper. Edgar's face must've been amusing for Chris laughed quite joyfully as Edgar narrowed his eyes at him. Everything was just a joke to him wasn't it? Edgar thought through a sigh.

"I hope your aware that you are the least intimidating person ever man. Quinn's scarier then you." Chris stated at the sight of Edgar's face.
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"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I can totally be scary! I bet Edgar can too, actually... people without masks are just scarier than people with 'cuz you can see the anger in our eyes always!" Quinn said, going on the basis that usually when she's compared to something she's usually better by just a little bit. So usually it's a two way insult... It's like saying 'you hit like a girl'... another phrase that tends to get on Quinn's nerves. That is not an insult, in some ways it could be a compliment. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she glared at Chris.

"Man... I thought you were funny but... well Edgar, why do you even put up with him?" Quinn asked before Adela nudged her forcefully with her elbow. Looking at her Adela couldn't really give her 'a look' but Quinn could read her body language enough by now.

"Sorry." Quinn said quietly, looking away from Chris and focusing on Edgar's notebook. "I didn't know the blonde girl was popular but that adds even more to Emmie breaking her mask. I hope she's not in too much trouble..."
Edgar ran a hand through the front of his hair for a moment thinking about her statement. The only reasonable explanation was simply because Chris sort've stuck around and didn't care about the whole mask situation. Chris was just the first person that really cared about him, so he just sort've goes through what he says since he was a brother in most ways and that's what you do with family.

"The real question is why wouldn't you want to put up with me." Chris pointed at her then tapped his head as if saying 'think about it', always needing to say something back Edgar thought. Before nodding in agreement with Quinn.
Contessa laughed at the conversation between Quinn and Chris. She shrugged her shoulders. "I doubt she'll join. Her parents are probably like mine. Have power and an image to preserve. If she choose not to get a new mask it might bring about trouble she wasn't looking for." Contessa said resting her head in her palm. "Then again she might. You never know with people. They're strange" She said looking around the group. "It's like Plato's Cave." Benny said "You guys are the one slave that got free and everyone else is still chained up staring at the dark wall." He said looking at Contessa then Edgar and then Quinn. "It's not bad except I think in the story the salve got killed." He continued. "BENNY!" Contessa cried out resting her face in her hands. "Don't say stuff like that! Things are bad enough as is." She said with a sigh.
"What do you expect, Kim?"

She glared up at her boyfriend. "What the hell is your problem? You're kind of supposed to support me, Jake."

"Not when you're being stupid."

"I'm not being stupid."

Jake shook his head, leaned against his locker, but he didn't look at her. He hadn't looked at her the whole time. "I'll get you a new mask. It'll be better than the other one. I'll get you two."

"Jake, no. Come on, let's just forget I mentioned it..."

"I don't want my girlfriend becoming one of those freaks, that's all I'm saying. And your reputation would suck."

Kim gave a silent prayer that she wouldn't punch him right then and there. The more people told her not to, the more she wanted to join their club. What was it called again? Society Faces? Society's Masks?... No, Faces of Society, or something like that.

She opened her locker that was beside Jake's, and took out her bag. She would go to their meeting today, maybe, and see where she could fit in.
Quinn froze at Benny's mention at Plato's cave, a true serious expression washing over her face. She rested her head in her hands and the expression on her face a lot of people tend to take for angry but in truth she's just thinking. Adela tends to give her a hard time on the fact that it must hurt to think with the expression Quinn makes.

"It's interesting that you bring that up." Quinn murmured, looking up at Contessa's friend before going back to staring off into space. "I tend to forget sometimes just how serious it is that we don't wear our masks, and the danger that puts us in... because we are seeing the world differently. But people don't like different- change scares them. And it's scary to think what will happen to us in the end when society realizes we have no intention of putting our masks back on."

"Maybe they'll just glue your masks to your face." Adela suggested which earned a glare from Quinn.

"Adela, we're being serious. Please don't try to be funny." Quinn said, her gaze still distant when she turned away from Adela. At the back of her mind she had a witty response to Edgar's friend, Chris, but she held off from saying it to keep the mood more thoughtful. She had an eraser ready to throw at the next person who tried to make a joke out of this conversation. (I know, so scary right? xD )
"Well have you ever considered the possibility? What are you guys going to do if they force you to wear your masks?" Adela asked, looking at them pointedly.

"They can't... that's against our citizen rights." Quinn replied but she suddenly looked unsure... she looked around at the others. "They wouldn't do that to us... would they?"
Edgar gripped the edge of the wooden table as he leaned back into it, biting his lower lip as he remembered the moments where he put his mask back on because of being told by another. This was the first time he actually stuck to it, he wouldn't allow anyone to force him into wearing the imprisoning mask he was given anymore.

"You'd be surprised." Chris stated before leaning back in his chair until it was balancing on it's back legs. His hands behind his head,

"I know multiple people who where threatened and beaten until they put their masks back on. Them? They've disappeared in the crowd now, so don't ask if they go to this school because I don't know." His last remark came out a bit harsher as it looked as though he was recalling a memory his hand running through his golden hair.

"So don't think people won't at least try to force you to wear those masks."
Her mother had recieved another call, explaining her week suspension. Emmie had just changed into sweats and went running, she couldn't stay stuck at home all day.

She wondered what Quinn and the rest of them were doing at school, and Emmie grew impatient as she ran almost a mile. She wanted the club to begin.
"So there have been others who have taken their masks off?" Quinn asked curiously. She had thought so but had figured that maybe they had just gotten tired of society picking on them so much which is why they put their masks back on. Either way it made Quinn's heart ache in sadness that they were forced in such terrible ways to put their mask back on (her imagination is kind of working overtime to supply her with images of all the different beatings those people could have taken).

"Is that why you haven't taken your mask off, Chris?" Quinn inquired- not really thinking about how that was a really personal question and she may not be good enough friends with Chris (obviously not since they just met) to be asking such a question. She looked at Edgar curiously, wondering what had caused him to have the strength to take his mask off. Quinn considered making that a question at the meeting this afternoon.
Contessa fell silent and shook her head. "It's quite possible, though I think glueing it to our face would be a bit to serious." She said her eyes drifting to the masked girl named Adela. She sighed sitting up hearing the bell ring for their final classes of the day to begin. "We're meeting after school again, right? Maybe at Wendy's or Chick-fil-a?" She suggested. Contessa had a feeling the three of them were going to get burned for that girls broken mask. She glanced over to Benny upon hearing Quinn's question. He shook his head at her. "I have a lot going for me, and I don't want to mess it up, maybe once I'm in college." He laughed.
Edgar looked over at Chris unsure for a moment, he didn't like it when he became serious like this. But it happened when he talked about past people, Chris looked at Quinn, Edgar could picture his eyes narrowing as if daring for her to get even more personal but he simply sighed. And surprisingly replied to her question,

"It's pretty obvious I think, I'm not book smart. But I've got a sports scholarship and" he huffed out a cheerful breath and Edgar could see the grateful smile on his face from the side of his mask,

"that makes me happy, it makes my folks happy. And I don't want to ruin it all because of removing my mask. No mask no life for me."
"I understand." Quinn said softly. She knew, may not in a completely conscious way but in a semi conscious way that taking her mask of kind of shut down her future for now. But... she couldn't stand it anymore. They had to fix this. Why were people so bend on hiding behind masks anyway? She still felt that maybe she could help make a difference but she wondered if it wouldn't have just been smarter to try and make a difference while still wearing her mask.

The moment was so intense ad serious that when the bell rang Quinn jumped and almost fell over in shock, her hand clutching her heart. Adela couldn't help but snicker- used to her friend's reactions at this point but still finding them amusing. Quinn looked at Chris and Benny and Adela, not holding anything against them for wearing their masks... it made Quinn wonder if the whole club was possibly a bad idea that would hurt more than it would help in the end. But she pushed that aside- she wanted to give it a chance. She would regret it if she gave up now.

"Contessa, Edgar... see you guys after school." Quinn said, giving them a soft smile and nodding goodbye to the lot of them before turning to leave the library.
Kim's final classes were probably the worst. Her biology teacher had a mask that reminded her of a donkey, and he was definitely an ass. The man was kind of young, for a 'scientist', maybe in his early thirties.

"I hope you're alright, Kimberly. I'll have you know that that girl was suspended, should be expelled, really." His voice was monotone and made her want to sleep, but she smiled sheepishly, and proceeded to her desk, where a piece of folded paper rested on he seat. Kim unfolded it, her heart dropping as she read the words over a million times.

Don't join them. Or we'll have to get you too.


Edgar gave a small wave before looking down at Chris who hadn't moved, and set a hand on his shoulder happy that he had met him on his first day. Chris looked up at him letting out a long sigh before standing,

"I missed lunch because of you, idiot." Edgar chuckled but knew that his words weren't genuine Chris a little off due to the brought up topic. Perhaps thinking about his mask, Edgar tugged the boy to their next period both of them sharing practically every period except one.

As they neared their next period it seemed as though the area would quiet down around them but Edgar attempted to ignore it. And they where about to enter the classroom when Chris pulled Edgar away from the door. Chris lifted up his hand and placed it over his mask gripping it as he slid it to the side to reveal part of his face. Edgar was flabbergasted, surprised that their conversation had made this type of impact on his friend.

Chris quickly pushed his mask back into place,

"I trust these people you're hanging with," he spoke before going back into the room. Edgar stayed out the room still shocked but slowly began to giggle, this being the first time he saw a full part of his friends face. Freckles, who would've thought he smiled as he entered the room and took his seat at the bell.
Classes went by slowly, leaving Quinn to think about Emmie and how she was doing. From the rumors she had heard Emmie was only suspended which she supposed could have been a lot worse... at least she hadn't been expelled. Heading out of her last class Quinn bid Adela farewell before heading towards the 'club room.' She hoped people would show up, realizing she hadn't put up a notice or anything. This time around they really needed to exchange contact information... she had Edgar's number at least and sent him a text that there would be a meeting today if he didn't mind coming... but she still needed a lot of the other's as well. Writing 'Faces of Society' on the board Quinn took a seat and waited for her club mates to file in.
Somehow Edgar had survived yet another day in the retched place with was High School. At the final bell he placed everything back into his bag and walked up to the teachers desk to turn in the classes assignment. With a thin smile he slid his paper onto the desk and strolled out of the single period he had without Chris. The class consisted of not many students perhaps twelve but no more. But it was because it only held transfer students from 'native' lands, the title caused Edgar to scoff quietly to himself just as his phone buzzed in his back pocket. Edgar took it out and found that it was from Quinn, informing him of a meeting today. The message caused a smile to appear on his face as he changed his direction to the now familiar room.

As he stepped through the halls weaving through small cliques he'd receive a shove or a trip here and there but thought nothing of it.

All the way down and through the halls until he came to the door. By habit he knocked quietly on the wooden surface before entering, a smile on his face.
"Edgar!" Quinn greeted, waving. "You know... we may be the only two hear today unless people decide to check in because... your number is the only one we have and it's not like it was a promised thing to hold this again today... though I'm hoping people think it is so that they show up and stuff." Quinn said, beginning to ramble a bit as she spoke... she was feeling stupid about not even considering the whole 'probably should contact people- at least through poster or something- to let them know about the meetings. And the more down on herself she got the faster she talked and the more ashamed she felt.
Edgars smile grew a bit more, a chuckle escaping his lips as he waved and sat down in a seat nearest to Quinn. He wouldn't quite mind it if they where the only two, he enjoyed Quinns company. She gave off a natural caring aura whenever she was around. Edgar didn't quite mind the run on sentences, it at least filling the silence that would fill the room if she ceased. He ran a hand through his brown bangs pushing them up and out of his eyes as he opened his bag and took out his worn notebook in case she'd want his input on anything.
"You know, your friend Chris is odd but he like... fits you I suppose. It's too bad that he can't take his mask and join the club but maybe... do you think we should extend the club to people who do wear masks as well in an attempt to show them what it means to not wear a mask or do you think that would just mess everything up?" Quinn asked, feeling a little short of breath after having said all that in one go. It was something she had been debating... and she wasn't sure about it. She wanted her club to be all maskless but at the same time maybe things could become better if it was open to mask wearers as well.. that is if any would join.
Edgar smiled cheerfully, enjoying the idea he began to write on a new page. The tinted pages hard under the lead of his pencil due to its age, writing out the words.

'That sounds great, and I'm sure Chris would definitely join once he heard this.' He wrote energetically loving the idea, it'd most certainly widen their field of interaction. Edgar span the notebook around on the surface of the desk so she could read it right up, his pale fingers drumming the edge of it as he waited for a response.
"Yeah?!" Quinn said, suddenly extremely enthused... She bounced in her seat for a moment. "I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea or not but I was like 'I bet Adela would like to come to these' and stuff but... well we need someone on the inside you know? So I never really bug her about taking her mask off because it's good to have masked people on our side but like one of these days she plans on taking it off and stuff, you know? But so... well right now she's having trouble with family and taking the mask off would make life really tough on her... but anyway, point being, I'm glad you like the idea." Quinn said in a rush, grinning. "And... maybe people will be able to see that we're not like... abominations or whatever if we get masks in here that were against us at first."
RubyRose updated Behind the Mask with a new update entry:


Hey guys... the lack of responses for a few days just has me wondering if people are just really busy or if they've lost interest in the roleplay, or what. I don't mean to be a bother, I'm just checking in and wondering if now would be a good time to throw an event in... so if you wouldn't mind saying if you've left the roleplay or are just busy at the moment I'd appreciate hearing from you guys :)
Read the rest of this update entry...
Nick was sad. He knew if he would go to school or any place he would be made fun of for his horrid face

Don't think like that Nick!

It's true. People would laugh.

I don't,

Because your my damn conscious; you can't see me.

Still, you shouldn't do that, it could make you want to ki- never mind.

Nick got out of the bed and took his daily shower--he heard a scream from his mothers room

"MOM!" He rushed and rushed for his mother! Inside her bathroom lied a man; with one of Nicks kitchen knife

NO! NO! NO! Nick threw his fist in the mans face and kicked him on the ground; he reached for his mothers phone and dialed 9-1-1 while putting pressure onto his mothers wound


Nick took the knife and threw it out the open window... 911 finally came.

"What's goin' on in here!"

"HELP!" Nick screamed, the police went in the room. He said on the radio, "Get the ambulance, class 3 stab."

Nick cried.

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