100 days Married ❤ [Inactive]

Arabella was adding the finishing touches to her hair, which was a messy side-do, but on her it looked perfect, fitting even. She smiled at herself in the mirror, and laughed a little bit at herself. She was excited for a wedding. Her wedding. Her wedding, to a stranger. It sounded silly when she said the words aloud to herself, but she knew it was only the truth. After doting on this for a while, she heard light footsteps pitter-patter down the hallway, and then a knock on her door. She got up, shuffling a bit to get to the door, so as not to step on the dress.

As she opened the door, a maid greeted her warmly, "Follow me this way, dear." Ara nodded and followed the maid who led her though a series of long, twisting hallways and through doors, eventually reaching a glass door that would lead her to her destiny..right? She picked up the end of her dress a little as they set foot on the soft grassy terrain. Ara continued to follow the maid through the garden, birds singing jubilant songs of joy and matrimony as it seemed. Ara craned her neck to see if maybe the grooms were visible, but they were not in sight. She stopped abruptly, as the maid did also, in front of a door. She opened it, and stretched her arm in laying it against the door, as if to gesture, 'go on in.'

Ara followed these subtle directions thanking the maid and smiling at her, and entering the room. She longed to see her soon-to-be husband, and meet him. That's when it dawned on her that she would have to kiss him. She had forgotten. Well, only if this is going to be a traditional wedding, she noted. Kissing a stranger. Reminded her of that video 'FIRST KISS.' Her sister and mother had fangirled over that video, but Ara saw it to be cute, but seemingly fake. What strangers would kiss like that?

Snapping sharply back to reality, Ara acknowledged the female host smiling brightly and standing in front of her. Ara smiled accordingly, mirroring the host's smile, and wondered what it was she was to do now.
Hot and stuffy and uncomfortable.... Gale's mind was full of complaints as he adjusted his tie on his tuxedo. At least it's brown... he sighed long and heavily. Mind you, this was not an 'I-hate-my-clothes' sigh it was a sigh more on the lines of 'Everything-is-overwhelming-me.' He stares at himself in the mirror again, something he seldom ever does. But today he was about to marry somebody...a complete and utter stranger, one who might be stuck up and though he may not seem like it Gale was a rather fragile man. He didn't cry if you called him a name, but he was fond of silent treatments if you weren't careful.

Not much longer did a butler step into the room, bowing slightly and respectively as he had been trained to do and gestured towards the door.
"The time is dawning upon us sir, if you may we must begin to head out."

What formal language... Gale glanced over wearily towards the butler and then back over at his reflection. This whole place had that stiff and formal atmosphere about it, which displeased Gale right now, considering the circumstances. Stiff and formal...it just screamed 'wedding bells'. For once Gale wished butlers were allowed to bust into the door and scream something ridiculous like 'Yo dog! How things be chilling with you?" Or something on the lines of that (if Anita knew he even thought that she'd slap him for either sounding stereotypical, racist, or both with that line. Though in reality, Gale just wasn't very clever on the lines of slang.). As the butler urged on, Gale finally obeyed and followed the butler silently outside into a garden. Gale despised the bright light still shining, but it was beginning to fall and as long as he looked in a certain direction, the light wouldn't be so bad.

"What are we doing in this garden?" Gale asked, as he was already getting hot from his uncomfortable tuxedo.

"If you please wait sir, the wedding will commence soon." He said, bowing again respectively.

Soon? Just how soon? Gale didn't dare ask because he didn't want an answer. Too soon was just as bad as having to wait.
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Lyra was pacing. The nervousness was finally starting to set in. "Oh god... Oh g-" She walked right into one of the maids, who smiled. "Nervous? Don't worry, everything will be fine." The maid smiled again, grabbing Lyra's arm and leading her to another room. "If you'll wait here, we're preparing for the wedding. It will begin shortly." And she promptly walked away, leaving Lyra to her panicking.

She started pacing again. "Oh god. I'm gonna have to kiss someone, aren't I?"
Avery sighed, she believed that she had been waiting too long. It had been around 2 hourse since she had arrived at the mansion, but she hadn't done anything other than getting dressed into fancy wedding clothes. The maid who had brought her upsatirs appeared again, tapping on her shoulder and leading her out into the hallway again. Avery followed her as quickly as she could, as moving in her dress wasn't all that easy. "What's the big deal about fancy clothes anyway, they just look good and are hardly practical at all." Avery mumbled, trying not to step on her dress. She walked into a room, smiling faintly at the host in there. "When's this thing getting started?" she asked, only getting a "Soon," from the host and maid.

Avery sat down, looking around the room. It was surely bright, and the garden wasn't something to laugh at, but everything here seemed a little too fancy for a TV show. The again, nothing was fancy enough for a TV show these days. She began to think about her situation, getting 'married' to a stranger. It scared her and excited her at the same time. She couldn't help but wonder what type of people would be on this show, and whether or not she'd actually fall in love. She laughed, falling in love on a TV show was too cheesy for Avery, even though Avery couldn't help smiling whenever she thought about it.
Laura had had enough of admiring herself in the mirror. She was getting nervous. "I can't believe I'm actually getting married..." she whispered to her reflection. She looked down at the dress as a maid came in. "I need you to follow me ma'm." the maid said. Laura reluctantly followed. She wanted to reach up and play with her hair, but she knew it would be ruined and moved her hands as if she were playing an instrument."When will it start?" she begged the maid to tell her. Laura wasn't sure she could handle anymore nerves."Soon." the maid replied. "Not soon enough." Laura sighed and the maid said nothing more. They came out into a garden then immediately into another room. It was so nice outside that Laura wished could have stayed out even longer. She was ushered inside and Laura stood there, not knowing what to do.
Kian followed the butler a minute now "when is this going to end?" he thought while they keep walking and walking. They then reach outside and now walking again as they went inside the garden. "I'm starting to hate this mansion..." he mutters, feeling that they walked for a mile there.

The butler heard him and had been told to bare with it for awhile. He sighed deeply and said, "I still hate this mansion"

They went to the right room as he saw a woman, "Is she my wife?" he thought for a second there, until he saw grooms are already there. "A host! Heck, she's a beauty!" (since the host in tv are hot lol) he thought again. The butler bowed and left him, Kian then sits on a vacant chair waiting for the marriage ceremony 'game' to begin. He wanted to flirt with the host, but he was tired from walking and remain silent in his seat.
She was so nervous. Was her dress okay? Did her hair style look stupid on her? Was her makeup ugly on her? Did the jewelry fit her whole outfit? Would he be rude or nice? Millions of questions piled up in her head. Realizing they couldn't be answered, she just pushed the thoughts away. There was no use in stressing over it.

The maids led the other girls through the garden, and she followed them. A chipmunk ran past her feet and she couldn't help but crack a smile. Her white heels clacked on the stone path. Looking forward, she saw they were approaching the altar. Getting in line with the other ladies as the maids instructed, she sat.

Her feet were killing her but she didn't mind, she was in heels for presentations a lot since she was quite short, and couldn't reach the screen. Haha. She pushed the slightly negative thought from her head, and just thought of the garden. She couldn't help but gawk at the perfectly clipped grass and gorgeously arranged flowers earlier. She suppressed a contented sigh, and waited for the ceremony to commence.

The male host walked into the room full of brides and she waited to see what he had to say.
Once fully dressed and happy with the way he looked Wes followed the butler through the halls of the mansion. What was this he looked down to see he was absent kindest drumming his fingers against his leg. He frowned and quickly stuffed the hand into his pocket. Wesley's mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts. What if the girl hated him? What if no one could see past his missing arm? What if they looked upon him with pity? Lifting his eyes as the butler stopped walking he realized they were in a garden he inhaled the scent of the flowers surrounding him and immediately calmed down. This was nice there were other grooms. Some seemed just as nervous as he and others seemed not to care at all. Wow what a beauty! He thought seeing the girl standing before the men. I wonder what will be next.


Time: 5:30pm|Warm Weather



Male Host: (In the Bride's Room)


The D.M crew gives them a Bouquet of Flowers for each Bride.

"Hi everyone" he coughs "Let's repeat that again shall we?"

"Hello beautiful brides, I am your host Kaito" he bowed.

"Don't worry all of you have the same task as the groom, it's just that at the Arch is where you will see each other, Can't wait to see your groom right?" he chuckles.

"Okay! You are here for the sake of finding true love or make your dream come true, like a fairy tale. Of course is not going to be easy you'll face betrayal, hatred and pain in this Mansion, but let's never talk about negatives around here, since it's your wedding day!"

He then takes the folder given by the maid. "Anyways rules in this Mansion should be followed or you'll be kicked out and the producer will not be hesitant to have a second thought to replace you".

He then opened the folder and Read it out loud. "Okay, first task titled, A Kiss for a Key"

He looked at them with a concealed smile "The title explains it all right?"

"So basically if you don't do this task, you'll be kicked out of the Mansion, No Key means No Room. The key number is your number. There is a ring for each of you over on the Arch table, you need to hold the ring first and your husband's hand while saying this line [i, your name will be your wife for 100 days in this Mansion] then after that, put the ring on his ring finger". He paused and looked at the brides "of course you do know, what's next," he smiled again "don't be nervous, a kiss is to seal that you'll be a certified bride in 100D.M Mansion. After you performed your task perfectly, please wait in the living room to wait for your key and for your next task". He closed the folder that he was holding "And After that, you'll soon have a free time to each other, taking a rest or exploring the mansion".

He then went to the exit door "Let us now commence the ceremony!"


Female Host: (In the Groom's Room)


She looked at the guy who is looking at the flowers "No, it's alright and nice to meet you Pierre~" she said with a smiled.

She then looked at everyone and goes in front "Hello handsome grooms! You all look good today~" she smiled "I am your host, Linly" as she move her ear microphone near her mouth so everyone in the room can hear her clearly.

"You are here for the sake of finding your one and true love, this is why the sitcom is held, but of course everyone doesn't have the same reason why they're here" as she looked at the butler holding a small folder and takes it. "Thank you butler-san" she bowed at the butler and looked at everyone again. "But I think you'll learn about loving or cherishing someone" she added as she now opening the folder.

"In any case, in this Mansion you are bound to abide by the rules or you'll be kicked out and the head of this sitcom will not going to have second thought to replace you."

Linly then looked at the folder and read it "Okay, first task: A Kiss for a Key, basically if you don't do this task, you'll be kicked out of the mansion cause no kiss means no key and no key means no room. Oh, my..." She giggles and began reading it again.

"You will meet your bride in the wedding arch in the middle of the garden. There is a ring for each of you on the table, you need to hold the ring first and your bride's hand while saying this line [i, your name will be your husband in this 100D.M Mansion] then put the ring on her ring finger. After that you need to kiss her, it's a seal that will make you a certified groom in this Mansion and also for your key". She closed the folder "After you done your task successfully, please go to the living room with your bride and wait for the key to be given. The key number is your number and also wait for the next task in the living room as well. I know, it's kinda tiring, but after the task you'll have a free time on your own".

Linly then went near the exit "We will now begin the ceremony~"




Twilight|Time: 6:00 pm| Nice Cool Breeze


Table: A wedding rings that been organized for number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

About the Wedding Rings: it has the Bride's Name & Groom's Name on it.

(The host will announce on how will you meet your partner)


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The sun beating down on Pierre's back, pulling at his collar a little to let out the heat that his body had consumed. His clothing may be nice but it was hard to stay cool in but being in the shade of a tree he was able to cool for the time being.

Looking around him as more men suddenly came out, Pierre was surprised to see many other men also involved in this little game and sighed in pity and the stupidity to go on blind marriage with a stranger you never even met in your life,"I wonder why they even joined this madness." He thought but he was also involved in this so he was also classified as one of them but he didn't come to this because he wanted to, his mother forced him to and he had to play along if he wanted to live.

Looking over at the hostess as she explained what their first task was, he was frozen in the spot,"Kiss? Declare my role to her? Husband?" These words flowed in his mind. He was to declare that he was to become some stranger's husband and kiss her like that? What if they had HIV on their lips? What if they were ugly? He didn't even know where their lips came from, maybe the lips of a frog. ( Please don't take this to heart ladies... Pierre will fall for ya either way :P )

All these questions and assumptions circled in his head as he become worried for his "wedding" and prayed for the Lord to have mercy on him and let him be last or even better, cancel this wedding and let him go home in peace!
Avery felt her face flush, her heart going faster than it had been before. She was going to have to kiss someone, just to stay in? Her eyes widened, her stare focusing on her lap. It was like she couldn't move. She was scared, excited, and nervous all at the same time. She felt as if she was having a heart attack, yet she had no idea why. She took a few deep breaths, looking around at the other girls for a split second, soon realizing that she didn't really care about their reactions, since her own was so bad. You see, Avery wasn't really skilled in the art of kissing, as some put it. She'd never been in a lot of romantic relationships before, so she had never gotten practice, as the realationships she had were quicker than a snap, as Avery was not skilled in the art of finding good people to fall for.

The thought of getting married today was slowly eating away at her mind, faster than before since it was so close now. Avery wasn't sure if this was the right decision now. She hoped she'd be last, maybe getting more used to the thought if she watched other people do it. "I can't believe I have to do this…" she muttered, wringing her hands nervously. She sighed, looking at the wedding arch not too far away. She wished she could just get this over with, the shyer, more bashful side of her coming out.
The host was quite handsome, and Arabella almost swooned as he spoke with such elegancy. She heard what she was expecting, 'the kiss,' and her heart fell into her stomach. She was quite nervous, especially when it would come down to kissing a stranger? A stranger she'd have to marry..she hoped they would like her. The threatening insecurity started to set in, as she nervously twiddled her thumbs. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the arch.

The host tried to lighten up the room, but no one smiled, no one laughed. Was everybody nervous? Ha, who wouldn't be? We're all getting married. That's pretty big. She thought of all the impending drama she would have to deal with, and she knew heartbreak would be one. She bit her bottom lip, as she thought of the heart-wrenching possibility that it would happen. Heartbreak. Here there's a 1% chance you won't meet it, most likely.

Arabella thought of her mother when her father passed away. Lonely, Depressed, and Quiet. She thought of her sister when her fiancee cheated on her..she lay in her room for days, refusing to eat or talk or do anything. The only action she'd do was shake her head, she was numb. Arabella got a weird feeling in her stomach as she thought of this. Taking a deep breath, she pushed it away, smiling brightly. 'Today is my wedding day, and I am excited, and ready,' she thought to herself. The host stepped towards the door signaling it was time, and Arabella stepped towards the door where the host was, taking slow, deep breaths.
Laura always knew of weddings and how they ended in wonderful kisses, but she had to kiss a complete stranger. She looked around the room without moving her head. Each girl was looking in different directions, it wasn't hard to guess that everyone was nervous. She remembered that Kaito said the guys would have to do the same thing and wondered if they were nervous.

Suddenly, Laura realized that, although they were nervous now, they would all be comfortable with each other soon. A lot can happen in a hundred days. Realizing this thought she wanted to take a picture to remember and laugh with everyone later at how nervous everyone was.

Kaito moved towards the door and one of the other brides followed. Laura followed too, not wanting to be last. There was a nice cool breeze as she walked towards the visible arch. The sun seemed to shine slightly brighter than before and she could feel it's heat on her shoulders. She played her invisible instrument while she kept getting closer and closer.
Lyra had been rationalizing getting attacked by bears. It sounded less difficult than having to walk out there and... Kiss... Some random guy. She was almost too caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't notice people were starting to leave, following the host. Taking a deeper breath than she thought was possible, Lyra followed the slowly leaving brides out the door.

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She followed the rest of the brides, quickening her pace since she was falling behind. Sighing with relief as she caught up, she smiled to herself. It was a small smile, but it suit her. She enjoyed the hot sun beam onto the bare skin the was out of the dress. The scenery of the garden was beautiful, and it out her at ease at the thought if the kiss.

Colton heard a voice announce something but,he was to far off path to hear what she had said completely.He sighed and starts to walk where he had seen the others walk and eventually ended up where he needed to be.Colton didn't mind the bird on his shoulder,all of the birds loved him for some reason and would often take a breather on his shoulder or head."Travis...you will never bet me to do some sh*t like this again..."he said to himself but,didn't have second thoughts that someone else had heard it.He looked at the host and smiled
wouldn't mind having her as a wife...hm.. his mind began to travel into deep thoughts about the female host who was speaking to them that he didn't even hear a word she said until she announced "...free time." "Woo yes!Finally something I want to hear.."he said and leaned on the tree in the shade similar to what the other guy was doing across from him.When the host said that it was time to began,Colton immediately cursed at himself for betting on such a stupid thing like this.He walked up to where the female host was and waited for further instructions.
Wes had been listening intently at her instructions. He looked around at the other grooms seeing that they too were growing anxious for the even to begin. "Will it start soon?" He wondered out loud and then bit his tongue realizing he announced his anxiety to the world.
Gale became anxious, as he tapped his foot lightly but repetitively and the gears of his thought process began to spin rapidly. I'm getting married...have to kiss, when was the last time I kissed a person? It's been ages ago... what if I forget how to? That's impossible, how could one forget? Lip to lip interaction...wait is there a honey moon after this? You know what they do during honeymoons...those newlyweds they- Gale began to sweat. Surely not! Of course it's not something I haven't done before but that's also been years ago... and there was that intimacy because well...we loved each other. But a stranger? Surely not. But what if... how much of this is going to be on TV!?

And his thought process kept on like that.
Once the brides reached their destination, she let out an exasperated sigh. She had many complaints, but never bothered to say them aloud. Her feet felt labored in the white heels she was wearing. The dress was tied a bit too tight in the back. She felt as if she was about to break a sweat, and she was sure she saw a bee whizz by the flowers in her low updo. She shifted. She waited for the first bride to go ahead, knowing she couldn't take the anxiety of being the first one 'married'. Within her waiting time, she just admired the beautiful scenery of the garden around her.
Kian listens and looked at the host, studying her and said to himself, "with a woman like her, this mansion is not so bad!"

On every angle does the host made while walking towards the exit doorway, he began looking at her more with a dirty thought in mind. When the other groom gets up, he let out a sigh of tired while tugging his coat forward before following them.

While walking towards the Arch thing, he looked at the host in front of them. "I wonder if she'll be living with us in the mansion...that sure would be fun" he said to himself and didn't care if someone or the host will heard it, but thinking about that make him smile mischievously.


6:20 pm|Twilight|Cool Breeze


All the Grooms and the Brides are blindfolded before they enter the arch:


At the right side garden:

As Kaito and the Brides arrived, the maids start to blindfold each one of the brides,

After putting the blindfold, they were guided towards the Arch.

At the left side garden:

As Linly and the Grooms arrived, the butlers start to blindfold each one of the grooms,

After putting the blindfold, they were guided towards the Arch.

Middle Garden:


6:30 pm|Twilight|Cool Breeze


There are 5 Arch that look alike since the event has change~

The Bride and the Groom were put on each arch with their partner.

Suddenly an instrumental music filled the garden and it means that the event is now starting:

"You May Now Take Off your Blindfolds" as Kaito and Linly said.



As Arabella followed Kaito to their designated destination, butterflies filled her stomach and her stomach decided it was time to do gymnastics. They were directed to the right side of the garden. As they arrived, a maid stopped her and blindfolded her, Ara's world going black. 'Wait. We're seriously getting blindfolded?' she thought to herself. She groaned mentally.

A cool breeze whipped her hair a bit, tickling her neck. She was guided up to an arch, and she kept telling herself it's time, it's time. As the maid released her gentle grip on Arabella's shoulders, Ara knew she was under the arch. There was a silence, a long painful silence as Ara waited for the blindfold to be taken off so she could meet the stranger that would soon become her husband. As she said the words over in her head, she realized once more how surreal it was. Her husband. Her soon-to-be husband.

Snapping back to reality, she heard instrumental music begin to play. Gorgeous music in fact, and Ara thought it perfectly fit the mood. It even relaxed her a bit. She heard the announcement that she could take her blindfold off, and took a deep breath. She untied her blindfold, and smiled at the stranger awaiting in front of her.
Lyra rocked back and forth on her feet, both nervous and curious. She stood, listening to the music. Lyra loved the music. It made her relax more, the sounds calming her wired brain.

She waited, trying hard not to fidget too much, or fall. "Lyra Hunter if you fall right now..." she muttered to herself under her breath. She almost missed when one of the hosts said to remove the blindfolds, but she managed to rip the blindfold off in time to see the stranger she was supposed to marry for 100 days, for the first time.

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Avery was surprised as the maids blindfolded her. She had to constantly remind herself that this was all part of the show to not attack everyone, as Avery does not like to not know what's going on. The music did nothing to soothe her, it only reminded her that she would have to get married right now. Avery was very nervous, but she wasn't about to let it show. Well, she wouldn't make it very obvious. She rubbed the back of her neck, feeling quite awkward at the moment. She wanted to just get this all over with.

She felt two hands on her shoulders, pushing her foward. She followed their commands, walking towards what she assumed to be a wedding arch, turned in the right direction, and stopped. Her breathing became faster. "I'm really going to do this, huh?" she mumbled, waiting for the moment she would be able to see her temporary husband. Although she wasn't all too happy to be hypothetically married to this mystery person, she couldn't really shake off the nervousness that came with marriage, or what she thought was the nervousness that came with marriage. Truthfully, Avery had never been more nervous about a single person in her life, especially if she was just meeting them. She had never cared about what other people thought of her, and now, just because she was getting married to this person, the thought of him possibly not liking her made Avery sick with worry.

Let the Wedding Ceremony Begin!

{ "To Marry A Stranger? What!?" }

Looking down at the small hostess, he was told to be blindfolded, making Pierre feeling anxious of what was going to happen to him,"Are they gonna force me to kiss her while being blindfolded?" He thought in disgust but he did as he was told, bending down for the butler to blindfold him. Asking if he could see anything as Pierre answered a "no" bluntly and was pulled along to follow once more.

Beads of sweat must have been appearing on Pierre's forehead because he was a nervous wreck, he was blindfolded and was getting married to some stranger, who wouldn't be scared of doing such insane things like this? His face didn't show his nervousness but with his trembling hands, the butler could already tell how nervous Pierre was and patted him on the shoulder, trying to reassure him that his bride would be a lovely girl.

The walk felt like forever, time slowing down around him and only the sound was his footsteps and his breathing, everything else was blocked out even the music that was being played in the background. His fast-paced beating heart, pounding in his ear was the only music he could hear. Coming to a halt, he took a deep breath and awaited for them to announce.

"You May Now Take Off your Blindfolds"

Hearing those words, Pierre slowly untied the knot and lowered the blindfold under his eyes, pulling them off fully. his eyes tried to adjust to the bright light before him, blinking slightly and looking at the person in front of him. His eyes widen at how lovely the girl looked and was surprised that he got a decent girl for once unlike how his mother had chose for him, shivering at the thought of those past blind dates he had.

Turning his attention back to the girl, he smiled softly, giving her one of his fake smiles as usual. Now getting a better look at her, he noticed that her eyes were different colors, a mix of deep-blue and emerald green,"Oh, she must have heterochromia." He thought staring into her eyes with curious dark brown ones. His eyes were dull and showed no light in them giving off only a stern atmosphere and this was mostly the first time he ever got to see anyone with heterochromia in his life so his staring must have been awkward for her.

Turning his eyes away from hers, he looked over to the arch and noticed the rings laying there, one bigger than the other mostly indicating that it was his. Getting a closer look at it, he could almost see the small numbers imprinted in it,"Number 1... Wait... Oh great." His thoughts said as he felt his heart sunk. He was number one, the first to have his wedding, the first to say "I do" and the first to kiss. He must be really hated to be put first of all things, his mind going blank and his hands shaking at his side but he stopped them, not wanting to look weak and turned back to his bride, his face showing no excitement for this.

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