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  1. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    David walked across the maglev station to the other platform, he then checked his phone to see if he was going in the right direction. "BEEP!" A message popped up from DIMS (Dean's Instant Messaging Service) from one of his workmates (He had such a long name it was hard to remember), it read...
  3. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    MegaSpy updated Interstellar with a new update entry: 5 star! Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    David was looking out of the window, of course, there wasn't much to see outside other than a long and boring tunnel, the plan was originally to have the maglev track outside of the motherships, but in Prima it wasn't possible; the parts of the ship near the edge had to be windows for...
  5. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    David hurried to the maglev station, only to see the maglev about to depart, "the doors on maglev, 12, are now closing, please mind the closing doors. The train on platform, 12, is now ready to depart". David jumped towards the maglev, hurling himself onto the door, and, like a ballerina...
  6. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    David was about to head out of the room when he noticed a giant piece of rock, this rock was of course, the moon. It appeared so close that he could almost touch it, as if all he had to do was to break the glass, which of course, was not true. David stared at the beauty of the passing rock, the...
  7. MegaSpy

    Interstellar [Inactive]

    MegaSpy submitted a new role play: Interstellar - We have lost our home planet - now we have to look towards the stars... Read more about this role play...BAM! The loud music roared into David's ear, making him jump out of bed immediately, only to realise that it was his phone, he took his...
  8. MegaSpy


    Character sign up: Name: Sex: Age: Description: Background: Personality: Ship (the starship on which they are in, leave blank if on earth at start of your RP): Job (leave blank if none, specify if pirate): Appearance:Here is mine, obviously you can all do better! Name: David...
  9. MegaSpy


    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  10. MegaSpy

    TheNew World Asylum

    Sorry but I'm leaving this RP, not because it's bad but it's just too fast paced and I find it hard to catch up.
  11. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    The sun was starting to set and Gordon still hadn't found any form of settlement, but then he saw it; a thousand city lights all gleaming at once, the great city of Ayena. Here he was bound to find reinforcements. But as he got closer to the city he felt a slight twinge, this got stronger the...
  12. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    Gordon had left camp now and was running, he didn't know why and it was very stupid of him to do so. But without his pills he had no idea what he would do, his thinking wasn't straight and without the holocommunicator he had no idea what to do. He'd just have to find the nearest settlement and...
  13. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    Gordon turned on the holocommunicator, only to find that and ERROR 294583: NO SIGNAL message popped up, great, the wires must have broken. What was he to do?
  14. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    Without his pills Gordon just didn't know what to do, OK, so he was addicted, that was for sure. But without them he was just confused, what should he do? The uncharted are trying to escape and make a wreck, but what was he to do about it? Reinforcements, that's what he needs, and he knew just...
  15. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    Gordon, while all this fighting was going on reached out for his pills, "his pills!" he thought. Where have they gone? Someone must have stolen them, and that someone can only be an uncharted, and if it was an uncharted, the uncharted had to have been in his office...
  16. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    The Hydocloxodine's effects that stopped Settoku from speaking or moving would wear out in 24-hours. Thought Gordon, "Oh god! Tommorow! That would be when the red ranking uncharted would be allowed to leave the Assylum!" Gordon hated this day, not only would the reds come out but at this time...
  17. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    Gordon felt a little guilty, he never meant the chemicals to hurt too much but it was simply the only way of stopping Settoku. He had employed the scientists after all. And this made him feel guilty, he didn't like harming others, after all she was human. Anyway, as long as she is harmless, it...
  18. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    When Gordon finally got to his senses, he decided to get to work. He knew what this Settoku girl could do, for he had been spying on her all day long, through the many secret windows around the Asylum he could find out everything that was happening around the Asylum, he would type up these...
  19. MegaSpy

    HEY DUDE! Wait what?

    HEY DUDE! Wait what?
  20. MegaSpy

    The New World Asylum [Inactive]

    "Them little fools..." Thought Gordon Evergreen as he slumped down on his chair and kicked back on the table. Although when he says this he usually said it about children, but when he thought of this it sometimes made him cry; the time he had lost his children, his children to a foolish...