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  1. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas [Inactive]

    If there was one thing Mark had to give credit for, most of them were willing to follow through with orders. Most of them did a good job sticking to their specified assignments. Although, he did notice Dyrad getting involved in working with Xavier and Janice. While it wasn't a glaring problem...
  2. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas

    Does the intel Byron sent back match the intel Snapshot gathered?
  3. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas

    Erica, if you would like to bunny Mark while I am absent sat to Thurs to move the story that would be perfectly fine with me. I don't want to hold everyone up with my traveling.
  4. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas

    I will be writing it around 4 est
  5. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas

    We are waiting for me I believe however this weekend is a bad weekend for me. Lots of events, family around, so on. Monday I will have time to do RP write ups. Also. Mith and Erica I will be traveling Sat to Thurs. I should be able to post some, but I can't guarantee I will always have a...
  6. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    Who are we waiting for?
  7. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    Cybera was about to introduce herself when she was interrupted. The dragons were...interesting to say the least. It was looking more and more like a freak show around the base. First superheroes and now dragons. As soon as the dragons were done, the one named Schuyler wasted little time...
  8. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    I won't have time to respond until much later tonight, fyi. UPDATE: Won't be able to post tonight. Sorry all. I will get a post up early tomorrow.
  9. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    Valor, Jason, Orville: I will be waiting to post with Cybera until later today so if you have time to write a post go ahead and do so.
  10. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    Both Mitheral and I have been dissatisfied at where John was at in terms of personality. In addition, we felt there was several other areas that John could use revamping on to make him a better character for the story. As such, John's CS has been edited to reflect the new him.
  11. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas [Inactive]

    Mark was pleased with the progress they had made. At least since they walked onto the field, everyone seemed to keep the internal fighting in the closet and focus as a team. It was a promising start. The only thing that bothered him was the complaining about the holograms and fake things. Of...
  12. Pattycakes

    Project Atlas

    I will have my reply up tonight. Meant to do it yesterday but life happened
  13. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    There was a lot of terms and people that Cybera didn't understand. Lady Luck and Nick Danger who? Cybera had never been a person to follow the comics or superheroes. It simply wasn't her area of interest. Thus, the blank look on her face as Heather mentioned her alter-ego. The names held no...
  14. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    Cybera peered out into the void, aimlessly staring at one of the walls of the room. She had heard Heather's speak, and was considering what she had said. It was true, she thought. She had accepted Mitch's offer without much of a thought. In fact,she had been so dedicated to the cause she had...
  15. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    Mitheral, are you responding to Cybera now or later tonight? I'll have time within the next hour or two to write up a response, but longer than that and it probably won't get replied to til tomorrow. Also, do you want me to continue with John, Amber and Lori or hold off til the second group...
  16. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman

    You guys really need to wrap everything up with the show and tell. Shouldn't take that many posts to wrap it up. We need you to get towards the Dark Knight interaction asap.
  17. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    Cybera felt guilty. She had always known that DARPA was giving her others' research for her own use in the design, but she never questioned the morality of it. It's not like she had much of a choice. Now, she was apparently face to face with one of those whose research was used. It made her feel...
  18. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    Cybera slowly opened her eyes and sat up, letting out a groan. Her brain seemed foggy, as her programs came back online. Finally, the clouds seemed to part as a subroutine in her head informed her systems were operational. She looked at Heather, not acknowledging her as she looked around the...
  19. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    John had a good chuckle over CJ's antics. To say the man was slightly insane would not be doing him the justice he deserved. Although, it was odd that Lori seemed to know CJ already. She didn't recognize him when they first arrived... When Lori ordered sushi, John gladly eat his fill of the...
  20. Pattycakes

    Only Superhuman [Inactive]

    John could feel his heart rate increase, pounding in his chest. He could feel the sweat begin to drop down his face. He was nervous, and rightly so, he thought. Amber had just dropped down into a potentially dangerous situation to save the man. What if they were metahumans? Would John have to...