Only Superhuman

Oh, sorry. I was waiting for your character to respond to Jason Rorstiel since you were directly asked a question.

And I'm also sorry for the small post, but I didn't have a whole lot to respond to.
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Valerie Middleton aka (Morningstar) - @Valor Green

Jason Cain Sigil aka (Burst) - @Jason Rorstiel

Orville Schuyler aka (No Codename Yet) - @Mooalally

Guys, could the three of you start checking with one another to see who needs to respond? It might help to use tags. I would like to see you guys posting more according to the rules of the RP. 3 paragraph minimum, good content, and roughly every other day.
Let's finish the power show off within the next 2 posts and get on with the mission.
If it helps, there are three cold based characters out there with codenames.



Mith and I finally had time to go through the whole list if female costume pics @Valor Green . And as you might predict, Mith just blew raspberries at all the Option B ensembles. He kept pointing at the comic book pics and saying, "Let's go with that one" and "What's wrong with it?" (He likes to poke a little fun.)

The one that mentioned temps high up we had to both agree on. He and I both used to skydive. Even in summer it is freakin' cold up there. It bothers him more than me. So he gave that one a nod.

On the other hand we both agreed that Zantanna's original costume was perfect and chosen to look like that for a reason. She was a stage magician. She dressed like that for show and wasn't shy about it.

Still the point is pretty clear. They are supposed to be saving the world, not posing for Swimwear issues.
I intended to have like a skin tie costume with a simple black trench coat with a hood of the same material over it. Kind of like th P.I. classcic look, yiu know. Is that ok? xD I like simplicity
Well if you are going for not being noticed or becoming an icon, sure. Hoodies are just that ... hoodies. The average thug could wear one. Think about where the word comes from. But if you want the bad guys to look up and, shake in their boots and think, "Oh crap it's ... ......" a hoodie just doesn't send the message. It's more like. "Oh. is that .......? Let's take him!"
Alright....gonna find something cooler... 
What's your character's costume looks like?
Oh man, I am messing with ya. Dress the character however you like. Although, some of the NPC's may try to talk you into better costumes. Micronaut's costume (and Arachne's) were created for function and style. 
If you go to Updates and open the post about Mod and Co Mod Characters, there is a Link ... Then click on Active Team members

Here is a direct link: 
@Pattycakes and @sharlene79

There are a total of 4 thugs bothering the guy. Normal thugs, young and dumb, mix in quality of athleticism. None look like strongmen that could crush skulls in bare hands or anything like that. They may or may not have weapons - nothing out and visible, so if they do, they still need to draw them.
Valerie. I'm gonna do it in the next post. Waiting for her to do her thing first. you character can start pulling out the suit now.
Gotcha. Random Stranger doesn't really want to make a public scene in this either. Amber will just ask her to slow them to a stop directly over the group and drop them. Amber can lower the two of you down. The building is short, only three floors. The bottom floor is an asian restaurant, with sushi, and gourmet dishes.

Amber is going to be giving instructions to leave two able to carry off their friends, and to avoid escalating to violence if possible. If it does escalate, use less than lethal responses (tasers, etc). Amber carries stuff like pepper spray. Really neither of you are combatants. Amber is great for melee, but has no metahuman combat powers.
Well, John could do combat. Mainly, he operates by grabbing someone then either teleporting straight vertically or just doing a series of rapid teleports. Usually, two to vomit and four for unconsciousness. As for the vertical, that usually results in quite a few broken bones.

When are you planning on posting?
Yeah ... I had honestly thought you guys had quit. I was about to hand your mission off to others. Let's finish off the Show and Tell and get on with the mission. That was the whole point of the dossiers. Your characters should already know the power sets of the team members.
Sorry Mitheral. I did a check up once in a while, but must have missed Valor's post somehow. Was actually waiting for her :P
You guys really need to wrap everything up with the show and tell. Shouldn't take that many posts to wrap it up. We need you to get towards the Dark Knight interaction asap.
Sorry about taking up all that time, Val works in a very roundabout way, and she wanted to play with Jason's powers. I suppose, it was probably unnecessary, but it's how the character gets her way.
Now we just need Moely to reply then I think I can push the story to the mission part in the next post. What do you think, Valor?

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