Only Superhuman

Moo hasn't posted in a full week. I say we move on if he hasn't posted by tonight.

Note: a blast that could propel someone 12 feet into the air would probably either break his legs, possibly snap his back if he weren't careful. That is the equivalent to a stuntman gaining altitude using an explosive charged springboard. The difference is the stuntman is trained ...

Now if he could produce a constant force, that might be useful.
Mitheral, are you responding to Cybera now or later tonight? I'll have time within the next hour or two to write up a response, but longer than that and it probably won't get replied to til tomorrow.

Also, do you want me to continue with John, Amber and Lori or hold off til the second group finally catches up to the Dark Knight? I'm assuming that is where Amber, John, and possibly CJ and Lori will be headed.
Yeah ... just sort of hitting a writer's block with her. Been trying to write all day, but kept getting interrupted with work. 
If you guys are ready to head to the auto shop and try to talk with Guzman Cascia let me know. Time of day and how you arrive will be important. He does have an employee. He does not park his car outside. I'll try to describe the ship, etc. (If you like you cab decide in OOC.)

(Sigh .. Shar didn't log out again.) 

Valerie Middleton aka (Morningstar) - @@Valor Green

Jason Cain Sigil aka (Burst) - @@Jason Rorstiel

Orville Schuyler aka (No Codename Yet) - @@Mooalally

If you guys are ready to head to the auto shop (Momentum Custom Auto Center) and try to talk with Guzman Cascia, let me know. Time of day and how you arrive will be important. He does have an employee, Eugene Parks (no criminal record). He does not park his car outside. I'll try to describe the ship, etc. (If you like you cab decide in OOC.)
Both Mitheral and I have been dissatisfied at where John was at in terms of personality. In addition, we felt there was several other areas that John could use revamping on to make him a better character for the story. As such, John's CS has been edited to reflect the new him.

Valerie Middleton aka (Morningstar) - @Valor Green

Jason Cain Sigil aka (Burst) - @Jason Rorstiel

Orville Schuyler aka (No Codename Yet) - @Mooalally

Guys .. my last post with Cybera and Heather merges her to your scene in the Danger Room.
Valor, Jason, Orville: I will be waiting to post with Cybera until later today so if you have time to write a post go ahead and do so.
Guys, the rules of the rpg calls for posting at least every other day. Three of you are holding up one. If something is going to prevent you from posting, please communicate. I dislike bunnying characters, but that is my next recourse.
sorry, guy, i've been a bit stuck on this one, but i'm finishing up the post now 
Quick question, though, Warlock, Prometheus, and Pandora are literal dragons, yes? Or am I misunderstanding something?
Yes ... long history on this family of dragons. Technically they are genetically altered dragonlords. They come from Kulthea, known as Shadow World which was a popular rpg setting put out by Iron Crown Enterprises. They also produced the rpg MERP (Middle Earth).

This genetic offshoot of dragonlords was created as a slave race to be used as steeds by demons. This species eventually grows large enough to be used like starships, though none are even close to that old yet. Warlock's father was the first to escape. Warlock's grandmother is THE Black Dragonlord (the only female). She is evil as spit,but gave her word never to bring her evil to Earth. She is quite proud of her grandson. Warlock's mother arrived on Earth before the American Revolution and helped fund it. Warlock was born the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor - hence the name. (His name had nothing to do with magic.)

They do not actually breath fire. They can assume human form. Warlock also has a human name - a Secret ID. Warren Locksley (not very imaginative, I know). His mate's name is Sorceress. No, she isn't here at the moment. She needed a rest from the kids.

Guys ... the dragons are a cameo appearance. Warlock actually owns the stadium. In fact he owns several superhero bases that were left to him. He has more than one collection. 
Greenish black hides. limbs have opposable thumbs. They have nictating eyelids (for underwater or high dust environments). Their tails lack spikes or bladed, simple snakelike versions. In general they are shaped like Dragonheart.

Warlock once thought Dragonheart was a REAL dragon. Both of his children have the movie memorized. They love it when he quote the Code of the Knight. (Of course their mother had to add that a knight was good eating once you cracked off the hard outer shell.)

In terms of maturity the two fledglings sound about 5 years old. Prometheus is the bold one. Pandora tends to be quiet and sneaky. She will go to any lengths to open a box or door, much like her namesake.
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I won't have time to respond until much later tonight, fyi.

UPDATE: Won't be able to post tonight. Sorry all. I will get a post up early tomorrow.
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Sharlene ... She's working on it. Work has been running us ragged. She should be doing a short post in a few minutes. 
Guys, shall I go ahead and narrate the group's arrival at the auto shop? Or do you guys need to discuss approaching him?
It makes more sense if you read the back post. Basically a small group of gangbangers had showed up dissatisfied with costs of service. Their car was riddled full of holes and they were chased off by what rumors called a ghost. (This was actually Micronaut and Arachne.) The group now at the auto shop are paranormal investigators chasing a lead on a ghost story - a fact that Guzman finds very humorous.

James Stevens (Micronaut) and Jennifer Webb (Arachne) were at the auto shop when the gang bangers showed up. James was leasing some space at the shop to work on a car. He owns the bookstore - which he inherited from the 90 year old WWII vet. (I didn't just pull the stories out of thin air.)

The old man and street chick are just employees that keep the book store running. The old man does book restorations. The street chick runs the register. Guzman brought the group to the bookstore to talk - mainly to get away from the camera crews of the ghostbuster group.

If folks want me to back up a little so you can approach Guzman differently, just holler. 
Hello? Guys, I know Pattycakes is away with family stuff going on. Did the rest of us die?

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