Project Atlas

We are waiting for me I believe however this weekend is a bad weekend for me. Lots of events, family around, so on. Monday I will have time to do RP write ups. Also. Mith and Erica I will be traveling Sat to Thurs. I should be able to post some, but I can't guarantee I will always have a internet connection.
Bah ... and here I am likely to be about to get stuck for days with nothing to do ... Truck issues again. Well, at least I have a couple stacks of TV on DVD to occupy me some.

I'd post with Xavier, but really he isn't doing anything more without orders.
I just got back from not having wifi, so yeah.

I will be traveling on Thursday on Friday of this week. I think I will be bringing my computer with me, so once I get to Florida, I might post. The next Thursday and Friday is when I am traveling back, so I won't post then either.

But as of now I'm free from school and should be able to reply to the rp.
Well, we really should put stuff on hold until Pattycakes has a chance to give orders. The message to Byron really should have waited until he gave the order. LOL, Erica's last post was very much exactly what I expected. The moment you take action, there is a chance of detection. At that point ALL parts of an operation should be ready. And they weren't. Xavier made a plan ... but he was holding for orders to execute. Ivan's efforts were to provide last minute information.

And ... I had considered having Xavier go in to verify that it was BYRON who received the message ... and replied.

But then this is the whole point of running an exercise first.
Given that Pattycakes hasn't had the chance to reply for over a week, I'm attempting to give the team the info so that we can keep the story moving.
Understood and I'm aware. Thanks, Pattycakes.

As I said, I'm hoping the posts so far will give everyone enough to work with when Vanburen gives the command to go in.
Erica, if you would like to bunny Mark while I am absent sat to Thurs to move the story that would be perfectly fine with me. I don't want to hold everyone up with my traveling.
Yeah Xavier wanted to walk Mark through the site for a quick partial scouting run.. LOL, he'd have to leave some gear behind for about half a second....
Where on the map is the team ... now (as opposed to where they were supposed to be before the charge)? 
Pattycakes, part of Xavier's plan included taking Mark through for a brief scouting run. Takes half a second as far as the world is concerned .. and about 10 minutes for them. Mark would need to lighten up his mass. But Xavier can explain the plan as they go.
Exams these two days, restricted response abilities.

Will be throwing up a post tomorrow, most definitely. I enjoy how this exercise is going.
Folks, I'll work on a rewrite for my last post ... it was such a nice post. But it was written after asking and double checking with folks whether Mark could turn his power off. I was told he could ... It completely alters the rescue plans ... including team and partner assignments. For example, Mark will need to play sniper and Dolos will need to go into the building. (Sticking a guy that can neutralize you powers if you accidentally bump into him into a close quarters combat is poor tactics. That is like having a jinx partner that could make your guns jam next to you.)
Hello boys and girls!

We've hopefully worked out the snag that was holding us up. Mith edited his post, and I posted for Pattycakes (with his permission), since he has limited connectivity until Thursday. Let's try to get things moving again with character reactions & interaction.

Aaaaaand.... in a bout of epic bad timing, I need to travel for work tomorrow through Friday, then I'm out of town for the weekend - which probably means I won't be able to reply here after today until Monday. I will probably be able to answer PMs while I'm away, but my replies won't be immediate. So run with the story as you all see fit. Hopefully enough of the scenario is established that you can do so. 
Hello again! I'm back from my trip, but it seems we're still not moving. I know several people had trips and spring break, which can slow things down. I've posted for Mark. This should free up everyone for a chance to get back in the story.

In the interest of keeping the RP alive, this is a checkpoint: reply here to confirm you're still in the game. If real life is interfering and you can't continue, no hard feelings - but please don't keep the rest of the group waiting. If you prefer to reply to me personally, you can. If I don't hear from you in the next 48 hours, I'll assume you're no longer interested. 
So far, we have confirmed players ready to continue:

@Pastaa, @The Flying Avocado (with some schedule limitations we can work around), @Mitheral, @sharlene79 and @Azseth
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lol .. didn't think Mith and I really needed to say anything. WE have posted as often as there has been something needing a response from us.

Gotta warn folks though ... Me as a sniper ... well, the goggles help correct my vision .. but I'm not exactly the best choice for long range anything.... If I lose the glasses, get ready to dodge ...
That's right. She'll smile and grin as she plugs us full of holes.... Friendly fire ...
Thanks Sharlene & Mith. I figured, but try not to assume.

And Mark wasn't proposing a sniper role for Janice, although it may need to be clarified in game. 
Alright. Remaining characters are:

Diana Chmerkovski "Dryad"

IvanVanderhoff "Dr. Schrodinger"

Yurimoto Kei "Dolos"

Janice Rand "Lady Jane"

Xavier Thomas "Snapshot"

I will NPC Mark through the exercise. Ivan's player is out of town again, so I've edited my last post to have his response and will bunny him as needed. Everyone else should be good to post and proceed with the exercise.
All right, folks. It's been over three weeks with no activity, so I'm calling it: this RP is dead. I'm going to ask a moderator to flag it as inactive. (Or let that happen automagically in a week or so.)

I thank all the players who attempted to keep the story going. I enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

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