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  1. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    Randolf swore under his breath as the bullet bounced of the horned beast's shell. Counting both the orcs and their mounts, there were fifteen enemies total, centered around the Goliath-sized freak. A simple lesson from his days playing video games demanded to be put into practice - always kill...
  2. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    Randolf wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled. He had improved again; (slightly) better results with (slightly) less effort. The plains bordering a portion of the camp had been modified in an arc, out to a distance of several meters. In the past three hours, Randolf had simply created a field...
  3. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    Randolf was surprised when Phor called out to him. This might prove a good way to pass the time until departure. "Well, for one thing, its moon is alone..." ~~~ After the teleportation, Randolf wasted little time in scanning their surroundings. The grassy plain was basic enough, simplified...
  4. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karmas song ooc

    I'm still here too, but I've been a lot busier than I expected to be. Sorry about that. I'll try to post tomorrow.
  5. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karmas song ooc

    Regarding the time skip, I could go either way. If you guys (i.e. @dae mec @Deadbeard @Spellsword_Kirov ) just want to jump to our destination now, I'm cool with that, but I don't want to cut off the interaction that's happening unnaturally if you want to finish it up.
  6. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    As Kan left, Randolf's head cooled, and he turned his attention to the experienced hunters in the room. Compliments appeared to be a go-to conversational option for Fel, though Randolf couldn't tell if it was flattery or if Fel genuinely liked everyone (the latter seemed unlikely, but Kan was...
  7. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    "You should have watched Star Wars and Terminator when you had the chance," Randolf murmured. Everything Kan listed can only be found "illogical" if one is incapable of imagine a world that's not Earth. To anyone who grew up with green and red moons, they'd be just as normal as a silver moon...
  8. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Karma's song - fantasy Aerth Rp

    Randolf was in no position to object, but he was hardly fond of this latest assignment. The last tavern defense mission had ended... well, poorly would be an understatement. He watched a lot of people die. People that might have lived if he had been just a bit faster, just a bit stronger, just a...
  9. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    The spear passed through another enemy. Shadow lost its stability, then its shape. Looking left, then right, Randolf confirmed that no more nightspawn remained, at least for the moment. Next, to make sure the others were okay- Then he saw the fallout. Two casualties, Kholis and Jack, blood and...
  10. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    The situation inside the tavern deteriorated with remarkable speed. A flashy display by the snow woman killed one enemy but let multiple into the tavern. Thankfully, Randolf's spear proved lethal against the darkness, but Kan and two patrons rushed outside - perhaps to their deaths. A wide-open...
  11. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Noises in the distance drew Randolf out of his conversation, and he strained his ears to hear better. The sounds got louder, closer, until he could finally hear what they really were: screams. Shiki declared that the foes were nightspawn and disappeared, leaving the "heroes" to survive the...
  12. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Drunken revelry never really appealed to Randolf, but he couldn't turn down a good meal. He did his best to purge the morbid speculation from his mind and enjoy himself while committing his new companions' names to memory. He mostly succeeded, though a few times his mind wandered back to the...
  13. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    As the briefing continued, Randolf grew pale. Forget the country, orcs plague over half the damn continent! If it's already this bad, can a group of just four with heavenly gifts make any meaningful impact? Excepting perhaps a nuclear bomb, no matter how powerful a weapon may be, it won't be...
  14. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Randolf didn't mind the icy woman's cold. In high school, a teacher once told him that the optimal external temperature for the operation of the human brain is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Given his inexperience with this new world, it couldn't hurt to stay frosty. Upon arrival at the...
  15. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    The spearman's relief at averting a crisis is short-lived. Not long into Sarrd's jubilant explanation, Randolf becomes subued. He listens quietly to the powers of each in turn. All the others seem quite excited about the gifts they've received, but Randolf can't help but feel otherwise. 'Sturdy...
  16. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Randolf freezes in surprise as the door vanishes, revealing a humanoid fox. It's the sort of creature that should only exist in fantasy, yet one stands before him, flesh and blood. This is a fantasy world, sure, but for some reason, Randolf found himself expecting a strictly human welcome...
  17. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Randolf picks himself up from a sprawled position on the floor, and chuckles in spite of his trepidation. Heh. Subtitles. Just as promised, he'd been brought back into a fantasy world, complete with some basic gear and an odd spear. He takes stock of his surroundings. First, the three other...
  18. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai Aerth Skylands Folly~[RP]

    Why couldn't it have been peaceful? It's not like Randolf couldn't swim. However, if the current is strong enough, it just doesn't matter. Crushing pressure, tumbling helplessly, no sense of direction, lungs flooding, desperate flailing, then darkness. If he had to die, Randolf would have much...
  19. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Isekai/Aerth characters: karma's song

    Name: Randolf Bernhard Age: 19 Race/appearance/notable features: A 5'9" human, Randolf's bristling, short, dark hair contrasts starkly with his fair skin and piercing green eyes. From one side of his neck to the other stretches a long scar; a mark he prefers to hide whenever possible. This is...
  20. FearTheKumquat

    Fantasy Skylands Folly: isekai/medieval fantasy Aerth

    Sounds like fun. Consider me interested. As for whether to start as a group or with 1on1s, I could go either way.