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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In the country of Karma. A green plague grows... a evil stretches reaching further and further looking to consume all.
Orc’s are what Aerth calls these monsters.
created by the Elves of Blador, orcs have been a nightmare to all since the second magic war. The world of Aerth is in peril...

Elsewhere, on a planet where magic and gods are considered fiction, souls are being chosen... These souls from Earth are being given a odd experience at said moment. They opened their eyes to darkness, despite not being able to see, you can tell others are close. Suddenly before your eyes appears red text. Each line appears and trails away into smoke after you have read it, to go back and look at the beginning is impossible but luckily the text moves at individual speeds for everyone.

You died.
Doesn't matter how,
But your time on earth has ended...
You and others in the same situation,
that situation being death
Have been chosen from a pool of souls at random.
You can either choose to pass on,
which I'm sad to inform you all religions got it wrong.
Pastafarian ironically being the closest to the truth out of all earth beliefs but only cause it's a mess as...

Never mind...
If you choose to pass on this version of you is no more...

But. If you agree to be chosen,

You can live again!
In a new body with all the knowledge you have acquired...
The world will be different
But you will learn quickly,
your soul having lived a previous lifetime
will begin anew stronger then the average person...
there is magic in this world...
Once you live again you have the potential to become a hero but ultimately the choice is yours.
You can help people or you could make the world a terrible place to live.

It may be hard,
But anything worth doing usually is...
Before you is sheet of paper, you need to sign it to enter this new world. All you need to do is pick up the pen.

A beautiful red feather already dipped with ink appears infront of you as does a contract in a writing you cannot understand, but may look familiar if you are into fantasy games/movies/anime.
You do understand that there is a space for you to sign your name near the bottom.
A feather with ink floats in front of you. Do you sign it?
Orikanyo Orikanyo enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
(Your characters have died in whatever way you choose,)
Goonfire Goonfire Phor and shiki will arrive later unless you want them to make small talk and bond during their journey

Two paragraphs is the minimum, please post once or twice a week.
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Kan only remembered the drop. He had told Billy that it'd be fine, they were professionals. Kan was wrong... He and Billy took a thirty foot drop into tables ladders and chairs wrapped in barbed wire, someone must have set it up wrong as the two athletes crashed into what should have been a dangerous but survivable bump that was sure to make a huge pop. The crowd certainly did pop.
The whole Carpark roared.

But as the Smokey bandit and Hulk hero hadn't emerged from the debris for at least two minutes... the referee, the announcer as well as many other people working at this outlaw wrestling event rushed to pull the men from the wreckage.
Both men suffered concussions lacerations and worse. Someone had put the barbwire inside the structure as well as wrapped around the outside of said tower made of wood and metal.

Kan Ibis- the Smokey bandit,
Billy Holhorn- hulk hero... Both died of blood loss in the ambulance ride.

Kan opened his eyes to find darkness, then red text. Assuming this was like any other half awake dream that comes from various painkillers and drugs. Kan signed his name at the bottom of the page with the feather, not reading the floating red text all to seriously.
As he signed his name, the page began to change... more red text appears.

(You all have the same red text and exposition. Once you all have posted your character signing their name I will continue)

All that Elyse remembers is walking home from work at burgerprince last night, tripping over a small pebble, and then... headlights.

After she wakes up In the darkness, she panics, begins flailing, and eventually begs for her mother or father. She spends a few minutes in this panic stricken state, before seeing the pretty red feather and the contract, and pushing away her tears with her now wet fingers and grabbing at the feather.

She squints at the contract, and scribbles her name down on it, blinking as more tears threaten to breach her eyes.


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Why couldn't it have been peaceful?

It's not like Randolf couldn't swim. However, if the current is strong enough, it just doesn't matter. Crushing pressure, tumbling helplessly, no sense of direction, lungs flooding, desperate flailing, then darkness. If he had to die, Randolf would have much preferred to go quietly in his sleep, unaware of whatever life-ending misfortune he suffered. No such luck, obviously. It had to be drowning. In a swift-flowing river, no less. Physical, mental and emotional turmoil until the very end. At least it didn't last long.

For the first half of the red text, Randolf can't help but chuckle here and there. If nothing else, the afterlife welcoming committee has a sense of humor. But his levity vanishes at the mention of reincarnation. From that point forward, he scrutinizes every word. Return to life in a fantasy world, stronger than the average person, with no restrictions on behavior? It's hard to believe anyone would offer this sort of deal without seeking something in return. Randolf glowers at the illegible the contract. He would prefer to know the full details of what he's getting into, but when one option is to die, a binary choice effectively ceases to be a choice at all. Whatever this contract agrees to, ceasing to exist is probably worse, Randolf assures himself. Reluctantly, he grabs the quill and signs his name.
Who- Shiki naza
Where- Marshlands outside Fieful, second largest city in karma
When- sunset
What else is relevant- Noble Scion Noble Scion Goonfire Goonfire Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
Your characters are here to

In the land of Karma and even beyond, word of a certain guild spreads. Like the hunters of old these men and women bow to no kingdoms rules and exist mainly to adventure and hunt. It just so happens doing these things usually benefit sentient races in some form or another.

The story of a small guild fighting a orc army at grimdar spread like wildfire, survivors of that battle who fled to other towns and villages spoke of the terror and the bravery witnessed. Since that battle the guild has been requested in many locations, some hunters were lost, but new faces also arrive.
The leader Shiki Naza was overseeing a trial. Kadis the dragonbeastkin... or is it lizardman? Dragons sport wings... not important.

Her trial of hunting the Orc captain farming manticores was a huge success, Phor and Mariah accompanied Kadis to get this job done and Shiki could only clap his hands as the three brought back proof of their victory.
The orc's head and weapon.
Bonus points for manticore fangs and some tails
"this calls for celebrating friends!"
Shiki boomed happily as he appeared in front of the three. His teleportation always a Surprise no matter how many times it's seen
"with this trial a successful one, Kholis Kadis moves from apprentice to the rank of associate, once we receive payment I'll split it fairly. But what say we live it up in Fieful, the best food and drink you can buy. In karma anyway"
He gave a cheeky smirk to everyone as he snapped his fingers as if remembering something.
"we have two lovely ladies and two handsome men, we should make the most of that and show the people our smiling faces"
Jack Welsh

The amazing thing about life is that it comes to an end. This end can come about in a magnitude of magnificent and morose ways. At times you don't see it coming, at times it is slow, and horrendously painful, at times you are surrounded by tearful family and loved ones as you slowly slip beyond the veil of life.

Jack will never truly know how he died, a moving company in his apartment complex was hoisting a piano up on the outside of the building useing a crank and several lengths of rope. Sadly for jack, it wasn't to well defended against the wind. And as the piano creaked its way up past his window, the man blissfully sleeping on his couch after a massive netflix movie marathon after a particularly bad date earlier lead to him getting wine drunk alone and wondering just how the world could have produced such a horrendous human being for his dinner date...

Ah, well, long story short.

A gale force wind blew, a rope snapped, a window was caved in and Jack was a new owned of a fine piano... A pity he did not survive the crash.

But onto the case at hand, in truth he thought this was a dream, he couldn't have died, his cats needed feeding, and if anything they'd be so adamant about such things their collective willpower would keep him safe. If due to the fact his death would be inconvienient for them.

....no matter..

Best he hurry along the plot huh?

He didn't care for much of what the contract said, he more or less just signed it and silently hoped for the best.
As the souls from Earth signed there name the paper began to glow, the moment their name was written the contract folded into itself numerous times to the size of a standard rectangular business card. A white card sporting a gold border with your name on both sides of the white card in a fancy font.
The red text appears again.

you made the right choice.
you shall awaken on the Aerth,
said like Earth but spelled different...
Like all worlds with magic that people get reincarnated into,
everyone speaks Japanese with English subtitles.
ha, just a joke don't worry.
the contract you signed is proof you are sent by the gods,
it will translate the language you hear and also yourself
so communication is no problem.

to aid you in your journey the gods have gifted you a weapon and a power.
your weapon is apart of you, it will grow and change as you do,
adapting to this new world and it's challenges.
you cannot wield any weapon but a gift from the gods...

your power is a blessing, but it consumes your mana.
ah right...
mana is magic, all things on Aerth have magic.
so you souls will have two,
also a sign of being sent by the gods.
you'll learn when your there.

there's two rules,
you can only use a god given gift.
You are unable to fight another with a god given gift,
Unless you challenge them to a duel.

Adapt, survive, fight evil,
and remember to praise the gods

Then it was darkness again, for a brief moment however... You can see others, at least twenty five people. Men women, adults children and teens. You all float suspended over a massive planet, it looks similar to earth but larger. Through the clouds you can notice the land masses look nothing like Earth however. It was amazing to view, but it was a small beautiful calm before the shock of having your very soul hurtle towards the ground.


(Hyperion, were not the bad guys in this one)

Where these souls would land? Nobody knows. The gods do, and four of these souls land inside a grand hall next to a five foot tall blue crystal. The stained glass window high on the walls depict various weapons wielded by faceless warriors, from the stage where the crystal sits,
is a easy view consisting of pews with a path to a huge wooden door with blue veins.

Kan stood quickly realising he was barefoot and in the bare minimum of leather and cloth. Pants and a singlet. The other three in the room are dressed the same but all of them hold a weapon. It then hit the self proclaimed Bandit like a ton of fiction from the same genre.

A isekai had happened, all the cliche anime/manga shit literally just happened... Aside from being greeted by a beautiful woman...
Kan looked at the smooth heavy wooden club? in his hand, it looked like something a professional would make for some sort of display. But it had heft, and a handle that seemed to fit his hands perfectly.
Wait it's hollow inside? It's a fucking pipe. Kan squinted in defense at the thing in his hand wondering if he was being messed with, if higher powers were taking the piss because of his bad choices and addictions.

It seemed straightforward for all else in the room.
One woman had a pirates gun. A man had a fancy staff, the last guy had a spear. All the weapons looked fancy and out of this world despite seeming plain. But at least they have proper weapons.

Kan began poking the blue crystal with his stick like thing, nothing happened.
Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat enterelysium enterelysium
Y'all awaken in a what looks like a stone church. Pews, stained glass etc. Only one door and just four people inside all wearing starting equipment as we can't be naked this is a Christian server etc
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"I'm impressed, Kholis; your trials went a lot more smoothly than mine did," Phorcis immediately said as the team rounded up the necessary tokens of victory. Topping off the mound of items with the orc captain's slightly crispy head, he released a satisfied huff. Throughout the trial, he stalked along the outskirts of the orcs' territory, flustering the flunkies with sudden volleys from a split arrow, giving the impression they were chasing a group of crossbowmen, when in fact they were merely pursuing one man. With a bit of help from his partner Mariah, he led those overgrown abominations in circles and into traps, easing the burden of torching and beheading their ugly leader. "Truth be told, I envy fire mana," Phor admitted with a shrug. "If I‘m having a cookout, I have to do it the old-fashioned way: with a firebomb."

The guerrilla was about to keep bantering when the famous guild master popped up, causing him to freeze with his mouth agape and his index finger raised. “Oh, it’s just you, Shiki,” he sighed in relief, relaxing quickly. “And again, you flatter us all. I think this does call for celebration... though, who’s buying?” He couldn’t help letting slip a slight chuckle.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Noble Scion Noble Scion Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
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Mariah Zealot
spider girl.jpg

Mariah flinched at Shiki's sudden appearance but hid it with a smirk immediately afterwards. The trial had gone well, but having to take part in such dangerous acts was something she wasn't a huge fan of. On the brightside, she'd learnt that manticores were dangerous and existed, albeit in a dangerous manner, and learning was the reason she'd joined the guild in the long-run. "Of course it was successful, I wouldn't have let it be any other way." Mar chuckled affectionately, holding small webbed nets of their rewards in each hand. "Orcs are foolish and behave like boars, blindly charging after anything they see as aggressive... Very easy to trap, and Ms. Kadis can certainly follow up on such things, although.. Fire is a bit destructive for my tastes."
She wasn't a huge fan of the heat, but she put that down to her spider heritage. Webs burnt too easily if she wasn't enforcing them, and her body was much better adapted for the cold, even if the fire had its uses.

The mention of their trial made the small drider drop her smile for a moment, but it returned soon enough without any comment. She didn't like thinking about it, given the circumstances it had happened under. It reminded her of things that brought nothing but sadness and regret to her heart.

"I'll pass, on the drink, but food wouldn't go amiss. Feels like I haven't eaten in ages.." she mumbled with a free hand, patting her stomach with a free hand. "Now Shiki be a gentleman and take some of these goodies off my hands. As much as I like carrying around teeth, my arms aren't the strongest." she chuckled, holding out a pair of the silken bags, prominently showcasing a few fangs and talons stick out.

NeonFlow NeonFlow Goonfire Goonfire Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
Jack Welsh




Jack didn't know what to say, well normally he dosen't say to much. But right now... After being litterally tossed a god's business card and dumped into a whole new fantasy world with a big ass crystal...


He could really only say one thing...

"....Why... Are these clothes so tight?" He asked, laying on the ground and wearing what may have been a robe covering some sterotypical leath adventuring gear... But... why did it feel like he was wearing a leather thong?

...Not that he has experience with that outside of college...

He could only reach down and create some breathing room for his lad when he realized the robe was very soft... And the fact most of his outfit was... revealing...

A few moments of loosening straps and wondering who in hell designed this "armor" he managed to look up at the other guy awake, the eyes squint/glaring at him as he poked a large crystal....

Another isekai victim like him?

Were they in an anime?

Weren't isekai people suppoused to have harems of girls or something...? He definitly didn't look like a cat girl... So maybe its different...?

"...Umm..." he grunted softly, looking at the guy... Then the crystal... "...Hey...You...Uhh..." oh jeeze can't he just speak to the guy? Stop seizing up damn it. "...Crystal looks wierd..."

God damn it man just ask who he is.

NeonFlow NeonFlow @ all the others.
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Kan gave up on poking the crystal as others stirred awake.
'The crystal did look weird' he nodded in agreement to the stammering young man. Though what was stranger is the fact Kan was as smooth as a Barbie doll. No scars marks or anything.

Suppose words would help more.
"do any of you remember what happened"
The man put his pipe down like a cane to balance on as he surveyed the hall further. The stained glass windows depicting warriors and hero's grabbed the most attention, apart from (big blue on stage)

"These windows, have people with swords, guns, spears... But I don't see what this is."
Kan sounded a tad jaded or slightly worried as he brought attention to this fact. The people are faceless but each weapon signified a different person. The wrestler couldn't tell you how he knew, it was more intuition.

The glass told a story, each side depicts these faceless people standing over adversity with their weapon held high. The weapon showing up the most was a sword and a spear.
"oi I don't know what's the Go but we all need to be standing, looking for a way out. That crystal doesn't open the door despite the glowing blue in the wood over there... usually in games the same colour means a lock will open that matches it yea?"
Kan kicked the crystal and nothing happened again. Despite him glaring at the door expecting it to disappear.
Orikanyo Orikanyo enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Shiki took a lot of what Mar was holding, answering Phor with a smile
"obviously I'll be paying for my dear associates, the payment promised from Fieful council for dealing with the marshlands is more then enough to feed legendary figures such as us"
Goonfire Goonfire Phineas Forge Phineas Forge Noble Scion Noble Scion
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Elyse looks over at the others who had seemingly been brought here along side her. She brushes the lingering wetness out of her eyes, and tries to crack a joke. "Have you tried turning It off and back on again?" She chuckles lightly. "And why do I have a pistol while you all have medieval weapons, and a whistle?"
She says while staring at kans weapon.

She walks over to the blue crystal and begins poking and prodding at it, scratching her chin occasionally and making "Hmmmmm" noises.
Randolf picks himself up from a sprawled position on the floor, and chuckles in spite of his trepidation. Heh. Subtitles.

Just as promised, he'd been brought back into a fantasy world, complete with some basic gear and an odd spear. He takes stock of his surroundings. First, the three other people present; presumably revived souls like himself, they are equipped in turn with a gun, a staff, and... some kind of bludgeoning pipe? That's a pretty thuggish weapon. But Randolf's attention quickly shifts to the building itself. Between the pews, the stained glass, and the elevated area at the front, he surmises this building must be some form of church. Perhaps the blue stone, placed here so prominently, has a religious significance? If it has any powers they can activate, he's sure the indelicate investigation conducted by his fellows will trigger it. In the confusion of awakening, a few questions are slung about, but the one by the pipe-bearing man catches Randolf's attention.

"Are we even sure it's locked?" Randolf asks, hopping off the stage and marching down the aisle to answer his own question. As he strolls, he examines the stained glass further. The scenes feature heroes with no faces, identified only by the weapons they wield as they overcome great challenges. Randolf can't help but notice the frequency with which the spear is depicted. Words from the red text return to his mind. Adapt, survive, fight evil...

Randolf shakes the worry from his mind and refocuses on the door ahead. May as well give it a try.
"...Umm..." Jack hummed, looking at everything around them. The other guy was right, they haven't even tried the door yet... The blue glow is kinda wierd though... Maybe its a magic door? Do they say magic words? Maybe they have to get everyone to the door?

...Or maybe they gotta do magic?


Can they do magic now?

Whatever magic put him in this damn leather thong is super hellish. Whoever designed this either has no lad downstairs, expected him to be changed into a girl, or simply delights in torture on a man's body and soul...

What was he thinking about? Ah...


"...Kick the door?" He asked, putting a hand on the crystal absent mindedly.
When any attempted to open the door it simply wouldn't budge. There was no handle or lock, it just seemed like a wooden plug in the wall, or as if part of the wall was just magic wood or something.

After a while the door disappears and a person of pure fantasy was standing thereimages.jpeg-2.jpg
As the door fades from view balls of light blue circle above his palm before turning into smoke and drifting away.
"welcome God sent souls, I am Sarrd Jihal. I welcome you to Fieful!"
Kan jumped from the stage and immediately began a power strut towards the stranger. His pipe over his shoulder like a thug might hold a bat "ah please do not think me a threat, I apologise if I have startled you"
"Start making sense or Bring me to whose in charge"
Sarrd looked a bit worried, maybe? Hard to tell with a fox face but he sounded friendly.
enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Orikanyo Orikanyo
Elyse picks herself up from where she'd been studying the crystal, and holds her pistol like a club at the fox-like intruder.
She gives the crystal one final poke and then meanders up to kan, still holding her pistol like a club.
She whispers to him, "Whats this guy doing here?" Before straightening up and staring the fox man in the eye.

"So. Sarrd Jihal. Are you supposed to be our guide or something?" She scowls at him. "If so. care to explain what we're supposed to be doing here, asides from being the gods chosen heroes or whatever, of course."
She fumbles around with her weapon and manages to find the trigger, pointing the correct end at him this time.
"...He...Looks like hes wearing... one of those fursuits... but lifelike..." Jack couldn't really take this dude...fox...foxdude seriously...

Though he was thankful the others were posturing, given the fact all he had was a.... staff... Yea, that sounds fantasy enough. Staff.

"...Umm... Can you explain... This whole.... problem...? Why are we here?

Who sent us here?

Why are you so fluffy...?"

Naturally, only the finest of questions. The man seemed to be clutching onto his staff, his eyes warily staring at the strange being that had opened the door. It was honestly, true blue, honest to god, the strangest thing he had seen, err, second strangest. Hes been on the internet to long to say it was the first. You'd think he'd be more settled and reasonable due to his time on it, but if he took a picture of this fox man all he would get is "No kemonomimi fox waifus? Lame fantasy 0/10" which, to be fair, would be the general reaction for most neets.

Everyone however knows muscle girls are where its at yo.


He should stop thinking for abit and focus on the thing at hand... the... fuzzy thing at hand... Man he just wanted to touch that fluffy tail damn it!!!

NeonFlow NeonFlow
Sarrd took worried steps back as a gun was put in his face raising his free hand in surrender as he began to answer questions.
"please lower your weapons I mean no harm! I am a but a mage with a seat on the council. If we believe history and the gods you four have been sent by higher powers to the land of karma to help. This place as I have stated is Fieful. A city where all races live freely be that human beastkin elf or dwarf. I am fluffy because I am of beastkin descent. There is problems all over but hopefully you four can help remedy this...
If you don't mind, I would request to see a certain, mark from the gods. With this I can determine your mana and God given power"

Some people can be heard making a small fuss outside the church.
Words like "miracle" "heroes" and "godsent" could be made out from the small crowd. If one looked past the fox mage they would see a town straight from a movie set. The buildings and roads looked like a medieval theme park, Animal humanoids of various sorts can be seen going about their lives, and a half crescent moon hangs in the sky, it's green for some reason....

enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Kholis was pleased at having passed the trial. Sure, she was tired and while she didn't particularly enjoy hunting, she enjoyed the challenge it presented to her. While she wasn't interested in violence, she liked to push herself and test her skills. Besides, those evil creatures were heading towards a nearby town and had the trio not intervened, the villagers' lives would have been at risk. She smiled as the other three Hunters carried on, she still didn't feel completely comfortable with them socially speaking, but she was beginning to open up... a bit.

"I could always go for some of that special 'juice'." Kholis said, reaching over to grab some of their spoils from Mariah's hands. "I'll even buy the first round," she responded, throwing a smile to Phorcis. She started walking south, blissfully unaware that she was wandering off in the wrong direction if she were really going to Fieful. She wasn't from this part of Karma and her sense of direction was notoriously bad, having gotten lost inside the guild hall on more than one occasion.
NeonFlow NeonFlow Noble Scion Noble Scion Goonfire Goonfire
Randolf freezes in surprise as the door vanishes, revealing a humanoid fox. It's the sort of creature that should only exist in fantasy, yet one stands before him, flesh and blood. This is a fantasy world, sure, but for some reason, Randolf found himself expecting a strictly human welcome. Clearly, that was wrong. Learn your lesson and shift your expectations, Randolf tells himself. Better now than in the field. A mistake like that could have cost him his new life. The world beyond Sarrd Jihal is as fantasical as the mage himself. While reminiscent of the medieval period, the city is far cleaner and more appealing to the eye than anything the Middle Ages had to offer; its appearance is what one might expect from a themed tourist attraction in the old world. Denizens of the city, as human yet inhuman as Sarrd, stroll back and forth under the moon. That beautiful, green moon. Randolf could stare at it all night.

But while the newly-appointed spearman is busy admiring the other side of the portal, his de facto compatriots are swift to take the initiative and display their overwhelming diplomatic expertise. The only way this might have gone south more quickly, Randolf figures, would be if the gunner had chosen to shoot first and ask questions later. Before the rest of the reincarnated lot can soil all of their reputations permanently, Randolf rushes past the others, positions himself between them and Sarrd, and gently pushes down the barrel of the woman's gun.

"Eaaasy now. Sarrd, is it?" Randolf cuts in, trying to relax the tension. "I'm Randolf Bernhard. Sorry about that. We're all a bit dazed."

Think. Fast. Move past the blunder. 'A certain mark from the gods.' What does Sarrd want to see? It's obviously not their weapons or their appearances, which leaves... Randolf quickly fishes into his pocket to produce his divine business card.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

NeonFlow NeonFlow enterelysium enterelysium Orikanyo Orikanyo
Shiki quickly corrected Kholis who started walking south. "Dont be silly get here and join hands so I can teleport us, we have shit to do and lines to beat."
It wasn't long before the Hunters stood close enough to warp in a group. They arrived in Fieful town square and a bit of fuss was being kicked up near the church something about hero's and miracles... Shiki didn't care as he was used to such fanfare, he went to turn in a quest telling his associates to "get a table at the Wretched Wyrven bad name great everything else, Including service...
or well you can do whatever you like your all adults but I'm going there after I get paid and you can meet me there if you like"

Noble Scion Noble Scion Goonfire Goonfire Phineas Forge Phineas Forge

Sarrd was delighted when the man with a spear stepped forward, he seemed less likely to threaten with violence, and he had the mark of the gods! As the fox took the card it grew to the size of a sheet of paper, "remarkable!! Ran-dolph is your name... your mana is akin to earth, sturdy and reliable... and you. My word... I've never seen anything like it you can heal wounds with dirt? Why...I can only assume the gods gave you this power knowing your mana would be to bend earth to your will!"

Kan by this point wanted to be praised as well, it seemed this Ran-dolph character with a spear had this foxman bug eyed in surprise, but not a bad kind. His tail moved uncontrollably like a dog's.
Finding his business card he handed it to the fox, "Ah yes... cannabis, your mana is poison... Who would guess huh? Let's see what the gods gave you..."
Sarrd's face and tail dropped low very quickly.
"you Mr Kan are certainly someone I want as a friend. I assure you I mean no harm"
As Kan read the sheet his power seemed fitting for his wrestling gimmick. "is that telling the truth?"
Kan asked way to excited...
"I'll have you know I'm not scared of you so I won't adhere to your words."
"But if you was scared you will?"

This time the man sounded a tad sadistic...

"hey boy with a staff and girl with a gun let's see what your marks say!"
Sarrd was trying to change the subject.

Quickly giving the pages back to their owners which returned to card size, the foxman stepped away from Kan to look hopefully at the other two in the church.
Orikanyo Orikanyo enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
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Seeing the others pull out their cards and seemingly get their abilities appraised, Elyse excitedly listens in, soaking up all the information she can. *Its like something out of a video game!*

Elyse steps out from behind kan towards ssard, fishing in her pockets for a card like she had seen the others have. *Oh no, I cant find it.* After a few more seconds of awkward fumbling she pulls it out of her back pocket, and flashes it towards ssard like a police badge.
"This is the one right?" she grins sheepishly at him, blushing slightly. "By the way, my name isnt girl with a gun. Its Elyse. Nice ta meet ya!" Her sheepish grin turns into a beaming smile as she waves her card in front of the fox mans face.
Jack hadn't really put the card away, for his.. outfit was something he hadn't quite explored yet. Did it even have pockets?

He flashed it up towards the fox beast man dude. wondering if... Wait was he just reading the card? Could he just read it? it didn't look that off... Was this some sort of bad trip or dream he was having? whatever, give the strange spirit animal fox furry guy the card Jack. "...I'm Jack Welsh... Salesman..." he even listed his profession it seems, one he had to doggedly tride to get out of these last few days before his apparrent suppoused death at the hands of...



Actually what the fuck killed him?
Sarrd was just happy no one was threating him again. As the girl with the gun introduced herself and gave up her card, it grew to the size of paper in the Fox's hand. Just like the others, fancy that. Elyse... you have lightning in your mana, that is sought after by many mages! Quick and efficient with lots of practice... your God given ability is illusions! That really is a learning curve. You must make sure you practice, your mana takes concentration and your ability is one that requires versatility and quick thinking."

Sarrd gave the sheet back (and it shrunk yadayada)
Reaching out to grab jacks card, jack could read it... it said Jack
On both sides of the card until the fox held it. You guessed it correct if you assumed only certain mages can effect your card. The page showed the information
Sarrd was a bit confused as he read it but soon laughed.
"you have mana like a rogue dear jack, able to magically effect any lock. Why you might have been able to open the door if I hadn't arrived haha... your God given ability however, is more like a leader or great General. You have the power to inspire people! Like a flag of hope blowing in the wind your allies find power in standing by you... No wonder you all appeared together, the gods must have made you a team!"

Kan thought about it and agreed somewhat. They all had something to help.
Poison and being scary may not be the best tools to help a team... I must be the tank or bezerker type... swinging a club and shouting at any dumb or close enough to hear...

enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Orikanyo Orikanyo
Y'all still in town square. Church is within distance of being a interest but so are all the bars and restaurants
Noble Scion Noble Scion Goonfire Goonfire Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
Elyse thinks about her powers for a little bit. *I must be a debuff type of support? I suppose? but how does lightning fit into that. I wonder If I can make it work with my gun.*
She looks back at Ssard from her sheet, grinning a little bit, and puts it back into her pocket. "Uhmm, Ssard, How exactly do we use our uhh, powers?"
She excitedly bounces back and forth on the balls of her feet, waiting for an answer.

(not too long sorry, Idk how to make it longer.)

enterelysium enterelysium FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Orikanyo Orikanyo NeonFlow NeonFlow

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