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Fantasy Karmas song ooc

Regarding the time skip, I could go either way. If you guys (i.e. dae mec dae mec Deadbeard Deadbeard Goonfire Goonfire ) just want to jump to our destination now, I'm cool with that, but I don't want to cut off the interaction that's happening unnaturally if you want to finish it up.
Woo, OOC! Yep, I'm also cool with letting the convo finish up before we time skip. That seems like a good ending point.
I'm also not too bothered about the time skip. I'll cut short Durseam's insult rampage and let the conversation come to a natural close.
Heyo guys, how is everyone? I'm ok, haven't been infected as far as I know. Running low on paper for the toilet. Australia like most places is running low on shines everyone bulk buys... was wondering whose still keen to write during this isolation period aha as I'll post now/soon if people are waiting

Of course I'll wait so every player can join that first quest aha step to it and let me know
dae mec dae mec Deadbeard Deadbeard Goonfire Goonfire FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
I'm happy to keep on posting while in isolation and am luckily among the uninfected for the time being!
Been a little tired. Was activated to help with emergency management.

Just posted, I'm ready to go on the mission.
Hey that’s great people are alive, I wear a mask everywhere and will probably be ready to post when done at work and the jobs that need to happen before creativity can attempt itself.
Was the last to post (before you), so I was waiting for someone else to go before I went again.
I'm not blaming anyone was just having a lol and drawing attention
No worries, totes understand! I get how it is. Just letting you know that I'm still here and watching.
Aha nice, might just continue with those who say something similar as the plot can move on regardless
I'm still here too, but I've been a lot busier than I expected to be. Sorry about that. I'll try to post tomorrow.
NeonFlow NeonFlow Will you be the once controlling the builder NPCs, or would you rather us write the NPCs?
I’ll do the majority of it such as overall mood and actions taken

but feel free to name a NPC and have a interaction if you want

(May take me a bit to write cause life an such but yea aha)
Hey, is this RP still going? Was waiting for someone else to get a post in first, but I can go ahead and write one now if it's still on.
Deadbeard Deadbeard not important but you have mad time before I post.

This isn't dead but the gm is in recovery. I'll write some time soonish
Sorry about not posting in a while. Had a stretch where I had to look after family and work a little more, so I haven't had much free time. Much free-er now, though. Should post more regularly!
No fault on you, I think we all lost time to do this aha

Not sure whose still keen on playing

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