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Her first thought at the shouting was, Oh dear, the soup is going to burn if I'm not fast. But Fel was fast, so she snapped her fingers and brought the fire under the pot to a simmer. She hadn't planned on a slow cook, but it'd still taste good.

After glancing back at the now-safe workers, Fel scanned the position of the orcs. She decided to try flanking them, to work as both a distraction and an assassin in case they were distracted. After the bullet bounced off the orc hybrid, though... yeah, Fel would leave that one to the others.

Which reminded her... "Randolf, can you make a ramp from the lumber pile to the orcs?" she said loudly. Fel remembered hearing that he had earth mana or whatever, and if he could get the lumber pile a metaphorical push, all the logs would really trip up the charge.

There was such little cover in the plains, unfortunately, but she slunk away to the side, scimtars at the ready. Fel took in a deep breath and sent a thin lance of fire at the Terrorgor furthest from the group. If she could get the creature to buck the orc or at least freak out, she might be able to finish that one off.
Randolf swore under his breath as the bullet bounced of the horned beast's shell. Counting both the orcs and their mounts, there were fifteen enemies total, centered around the Goliath-sized freak. A simple lesson from his days playing video games demanded to be put into practice - always kill the adds.

"Kan! Target flesh!" Randolf shouted to his fellow otherworlder. "Take out as many as you can!"

His eyes snapped over to Fel as they spoke to him, then his head swiveled just as quickly to the lumber pile. The angle wouldn't be perfect, and he wouldn't be able to move the whole stash, but he could make something happen. Three, two, one - Randolf raised his hand, groaning with the effort, and two parallel triangles rose from the dirt under a portion of the timber. Their manufactured path closer to a roller coaster track than a ramp, several heavy logs rolled down and tumbled across the plain in the general direction of the approaching horde. Grooves and imperfections in the shapes and barks of his impromptu obstacles meant their course was somewhat unpredictable. Randolf only hoped that worked in the hunters' favor.

For a few moments, the god-sent breathed heavily, a wary eye still on the orcs. Moving all of that weight wasn't easy, but he refused to let his focus waver. So long as he could fight, any advantage the orcs might gain over Randolf or his allies would be something he tried to neutralize personally.
The noise from that trigger-happy gunslinger grated on the half-elf’s nerves, making him wonder if the orcish war party was coming in response to the gunshot or for a plethora of other obvious reasons. Phor squinted at the armored monstrosity, quickly identifying it as a freakish hybrid. “Lovely, they actually mated with a damned Gorgon,” he bitched while preparing his bow. “I’ll run interference and pick off the weaker ones. Try to crush that thing or smother it, like Fel said.”

Proceeding as he had planned, Phor dashed around the right flank of the raiding party, launching arrows in rapid succession. These arrows shattered as they initially flew upwards at roughly a 75-degree incline. Dozens of sparkling bolts then arced and rained down upon the orcs in an infamous display that had previously been the opening act of several mass exterminations. This time, it was merely covering Durseam’s approach and buying time for a much heavier blow.

NeonFlow NeonFlow FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Deadbeard Deadbeard dae mec dae mec
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As Phor's bolts flew over Durseam's head and the humans' bullets rang past his ears, the dwarf couldn't help but admire the way their ammunition glistened in the sun and for a moment forgot that he was in the heat of battle. The growling and screaming of orcs, however, soon brought his attention back to the attackers. The weaker members of the group were hardly worthy of his attention, but that great big brute in the centre could keep a small squadron of soldiers entertained: dinner had arrived.

Raising his shield and letting his axe trail behind him as he ran, Durseam attempted to join the fray of orcs. Variegated projectiles were pelted past the dwarf, and some he had to deflect with his already tarnished shield. The orcs came charging forward, with the hulking figure keeping to the back of the pack. One orc gave a yelp as it fell from its bastardised cat, seemingly struck by a bullet or bolt. It got back to its feet and had only just managed to compose itself when a second missile fixed itself in the sod's skull. It fell face first into dirt, its life snuffed out.

Now Durseam found himself face-to-face with the horde - an exaggerated hyperbole he intended to use many a time if he survived this encounter. The six remaining orcs and seven remaining mounts, sneering, all veered away from the stout (and pleasantly surprised) individual. Even the lone terrorgore seemed to spit an insult at him as it raced by. They weren't engaging him. And he immediately realised why.

An experienced hunter and guild member, Durseam had faced his fair share of tall foes, but the abomination that came bounding towards him, snarling like a mad denizen of the deepest and darkest pits of Hell, sent a shiver down the usually steadfast veteran's spine. Its legs tore away chunks of earth as it galloped towards Durseam; its hard shell gleamed beneath the sun's rays; its sickly colour was gilded by nature's queen. Then a cloud came to cover the sun, and all Durseam saw behind his shield was the visage of a grinning, bloodthirsty demon while it raised its sword, preparing to strike.

"Eat sh-". Durseam didn't have the chance to finish. The foul creature had swung at Durseam with all its might, using the flat blade of its sword. Every muscle and sinew in that nine foot monster's body was contested against Durseam's shield. Both the shield and he were sent flying thirty feet into the air and both landed motionless in the dirt.
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The orcs charged upon their beasts, the horned monster at the front leaps over the first log. But is knocked over by the following bits of lumber to be pushed by randolf. The orcs riding terrorgores find no hinderance as the beasts nimbly jump over and on the logs in their way. The arrows multipled by Phor sail into the advancing party. Wounding five terrorgores and killing two orcs.

The five orcs abandon their rides to charge on foot, it was as the nine foot horned monster rose from wood atop of him and stomped forward with his sword that rivaled himself in height.
The monster snorted a cloud of poison as it swatted Durseam away with the strength of a giant... The shield would not hold up to much more of that.

Kan had managed to shoot another terrorgore, the beasts retreat outright as the five orcs get closer to the build site. He was to slow to reload and instead drew his pipe to be the size of a club and rushed in to meet the orcs in melee combat.

Fel might see the chance to shoot fire at one of the orcs holding a spear. Perhaps run in with her blades. Randolf would find two builders to his side firing arrows
"We'll cover you til we run out, but if you can recover a weapon from the orcs we will join the fray!"

The five orcs approaching held swords or a number of spears on their backs. The weapons seemed coated in green. Dripping even...
The hybrid monster stomps in from behind rather slowly, hooves aren't the best for walking upright on two legs it would seem.

(The five orcs are in range, the beasts have ran from fear of projectiles. Hybrid is still a decent sprint away)

Deadbeard Deadbeard dae mec dae mec Goonfire Goonfire FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Sorry for a late reply, wasn't alerted to the posts and just checked recently from boredom

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