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  1. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP)

    Mei's creamy brown eyes glowed as he noticed the influence he had enforced into one of the pups of the pack. The omega watched as Rim splashed around in the mud puddles, and decided to not waste another second and dive into another one himself, his brown fur glistening with dark mud and shiny...
  2. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩PRO۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    ·¨჻ШɪϚɦɪήɡ ʃʘʀ ʃʀəəɗʘʍ·¨჻ тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ o.╳ Introduction o.2 Rules o.3 Announcements And Updates o.4 Character Skeletons o.5 You May Now Post Out of Character
  3. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩OOC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

      ·¨჻ШɪϚɦɪήɡ ʃʘʀ ʃʀəəɗʘʍ·¨჻    
  4. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    o.╳ Announcements and Updates Coming Soon   тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ o.1 Plot o.2 Rules o.3 Locations o.4 Direct Links o.╳ Announcements And Updates o.6 You May Now Post
  5. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    o.╳ Direct Links Sign-Ups Out of Character   тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ o.1 Plot o.2 Rules o.3 Locations o.╳ Direct Links o.5 Announcements And Updates o.6 You May Now Post
  6. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    o.╳ Locations Hopping Bridge Town Hopping Bridge town is a small place that lives within the mountains. Surrounding it are pine trees for miles around, and the occasional oak tree. Some people of the town have small houses in the forests, but for most of the residents, the...
  7. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    o.╳ Rules My Rules ♛YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 WARNINGS BEFORE YOU ARE KICKED : ❣Please be frequent and consistent with your posts. I understand if something comes up, but if something does prevent you from posting as often then I'd also like to be notified. And I'm sure other candidates would...
  8. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

    o.? Plot History of Hopping Bridge Town In a town far off in the mountains there lived a man who never showed his face. He wore masks, paper bags, eyepatches and mouthguards, anything to hide his face. And he did this because he was afraid. He was afraid of the people in his...
  9. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻

      ·¨჻ШɪϚɦɪήɡ ʃʘʀ ʃʀəəɗʘʍ·¨჻   тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ o.╳ Introduction o.1 Plot o.2 Rules o.3 Locations o.4 Direct Links o.5 Announcements And Updates o.6 You May Now Post        
  10. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP)

    With a slight skip and a hop the young male omega tripped over his paws and dove head-first into a small puddle of mud. This was not the first time that day that he had done something so foolish, however. The wolf scrunched up his nose and rose a paw to pad above his muzzle. His soft brown...
  11. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy Hopping Bride ;; CS

  12. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy Hopping Bride ;; CS

    Name: Mei Tachibana Age: Twenty-one Gender: Cisgender Male HomeTown: Hopping Bridge Sexuality: Pansexual Occupation: Bartender Blood Type: AB Positive Date of Birth: October 29th...
  13. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy Hopping Bridge

    Character Sheets and Sign-Ups: Hopping Bridge;;CS
  14. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy Hopping Bride ;; CS

    Character Sheets;; Monster CS: Name: Age: Gender: Species: Sexuality: Occupation: Blood Type: Date of Birth: Zodiac: Personality: (At Least A Paragraph) Backstory: (At Least 2 Paragraphs?)...
  15. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy Hopping Bridge

      In a small town off in the mountains... Off in this strange place there have been rumored sightings of strange creatures living there, creatures that dwell in the woods, creatures of technology, creatures that most people of the small town pay no heed to. The town used...
  16. K NI G HT S KY

    Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP) CS

    Shallow Moon ;; Omega Name: Mei (Mee) Gender: Sire (Male) Age: 2 Years (20 Human Years) Personality: Mei is known as a clown, clutzy and humourous. He doesn't go by a day without cracking a joke out to lighten a...
  17. K NI G HT S KY

    Well, I feel like mod's made it a little more and a little too complex than it needs to be. I...

    Well, I feel like mod's made it a little more and a little too complex than it needs to be. I liked this site for how simple it was and how easy I was able to locate and find things, not to mention that I was able to communicate with people a little easier. I might just be acting silly and just...
  18. K NI G HT S KY

    Just created new account, and a little unhappy with RpNation's new customs

    Just created new account, and a little unhappy with RpNation's new customs