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Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP) CS


Neverwinter Scourge Warlock

*~Like means accepted~*









Pack Name:

Pack Rank:


My Wolves Below

Name: Hera

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Personality: Strong, confident, leader, demanding, and flirtatious at times

Mate: TBD

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Shallow Moon Pack

Pack Rank: Alpha

Extra: N/A


Name: Steel

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Personality: Cautious, submissive, curious, and outgoing

Mate: TBD

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Whispering Wind Pack

Pack Rank: Hunter

Extra: N/A


Name: Phoenix

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Personality: Aggressive towards strangers and really hard to trust. However, once trusted he will die for the ones he love.

Mate: N/A

Crush: N/A

Pack Name: N/A

Pack Rank: N/A

Extra: Scars all over his body from jumping from territory to territory. Was outcasted by Hera's father when he was a year old and seeks vengeance.

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Name: Vrixa & Toriks

Gender: Female & Male

Age: 2 years

Personality: Vrixa is honest and caring, whereas Toriks doesn't show any emotion and can be more cold-hearted. Both are completely loyal to their pack, and wouldn't dare disobey an order. 

Mate: WIP

Crush: WIP

Pack name: Whispering Wind pack

Pack rank:

 Vrixa- Delta female

Toriks- Warrior

Extra: Vrixa and Toriks are in fact twins, though in nearly every way they are opposites.

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Shallow Moon ;; Omega



Mei (Mee)


Sire (Male)


2 Years (20 Human Years)


Mei is known as a clown, clutzy and humourous. He doesn't go by a day

without cracking a joke out to lighten a mood. He hates somber airs

and tries to liven things up with his personality and bold attitude,

but that doesn't mean he is always jumping around like a pup. He gets

serious when things like his pride or his pack flies through, and if

some wolf insults either he gains himself a dark air and snaps like a

twig. Despite being in the omega rank, Mei thinks highly of himself,

as if he were great and no one could stop him. He loves gaining

attention from higher ranking wolves, no matter the wolf and no

matter how he gets the attention. He's known to "flirt" with other

wolves and keeps a cool and energetic air about him, even when

something is going badly for him.


Mei is a tall, brown omega with darker and lighter patches of color on

his fur. He holds silky, brown eyes and shiny fur. Though he is rather

fluffy, and only gets fluffier with the cooler weather. He's rather

slim no matter how much he feeds and has small, fragile paws to jump

around on. His claws are kempt and a little shorter than

normal claws, but none-the-less sharp.


None A.T.M.


To Be Determined

Pack Name:

Shallow Moon Pack

Pack Rank:

Omega Male

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Name: Genesis

Gender: M.

Age: 3 years

Personality: Serious and devoted to bettering his pack. He doesn't take kindly to trespassers nor the occasional disturbance of peace. Anyone who knows him can agree that he does, in fact, have a laid-back side. Though he always seems to be on edge, he has good reason. His pack mates come first no matter the situation.


Mate: TBA

Crush: TBA

Pack Name: Whispering Wind Pack

Pack Rank: Beta Male (?)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: Saya

Gender: F.

Age: 1 year

Personality: Head-strong and ungodly stubborn, she is a fierce follower and has potential to lead (though would never do so). She's more often than not wandering among the territory and constantly checking her surroundings. Though she can be a bit overbearing at times, she always means the best.


Mate: TBA

Crush: TBA

Pack Name: Shallow Moon Pack

Pack Rank: Warrior

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Name: Rim

Gender: M.

Age: 3 months

Personality: This pup is quite the ball of energy. He's constantly keeping Deja on her toes and asking questions as young minds do.

Mate: N/A

Crush: N/A

Pack Name: Shallow Moon Pack

Pack Rank: Pup

Extra: Was found on the outskirts of their territory orphaned. Saya took him in after having it approved by Hera.


*~Like means accepted~*









Pack Name:

Pack Rank:


My Wolves Below

Name: Hera

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years

Personality: Strong, confident, leader, demanding, and flirtatious at times

Mate: TBD

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Shallow Moon Pack

Pack Rank: Alpha

Extra: N/A

Name: Steel

Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Personality: Cautious, submissive, curious, and outgoing

Mate: TBD

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Whispering Wind Pack

Pack Rank: Hunter

Extra: N/A


I would like to join this roleplay as a pup but I would prefer it if my charger had parents so can I ask if anyone want to be the mother or father?
Name: Pyro

Gender: Female

Age: 3

Personality:  Very skittish and upset easily. She has sworn off fighting and is very passive towards everything. She is very caring towards pack members and treats every pup as her own. She doesn't have a temper towards any pack member and is very easy-going. She will not yell or growl every unless necessary. She is very smart and quick on her feet.

Appearance:  A small red wolf, with short red colored fur, with dark patches strewn across her back and tail. Her legs are mainly white with black paws and her ears a dark black. 

Mate: n/a

Crush: n/a

Pack Name: shallow moon pack

Pack Rank: medic

Extra:  Quick and agile, but unable to fight well due to size and lack of training. Has a very good knowledge of herbs and plants and able to use her knowledge to help injured pack mates

Name: Skipper

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years

Personality: Calm, talkative, usually friendly. Sometimes loses his cool though, and a bit snappy

Mate: ???

Crush: ???

Pack Name: Whispering Wind

Pack Rank: Medic

Extra: N/A

Name: Rudolph

Gender: Male

Age: 2.5 years

Personality: Strong and agressive. Does not come off as very friendly to those who are unfamiliar with him. Low tolerance for nonsense. Pushes others to be better. Is guilty of tough love. Pragmatic. Distrusting. Does not like being challenged without good reason. Does not like drama. Despite his attitude, he cares deeply for his pack and would bend over backwards for them. Has been known to have a temper though is surprisingly reasonable.

Appearance: Mostly black, gold eyes.

Mate: N/A

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Whispering Winds

Pack Rank: Alpha Male

Alrighty. I am willing to give this rp a shot, if i may. I wasn't sure if there was an alpha or not. Also, i will try to find a pic later today.
Name: Rudolph

Gender: Male

Age: 2.5 years

Personality: Strong and agressive. Does not come off as very friendly to those who are unfamiliar with him. Low tolerance for nonsense. Pushes others to be better. Is guilty of tough love. Pragmatic. Distrusting. Does not like being challenged without good reason. Does not like drama. Despite his attitude, he cares deeply for his pack and would bend over backwards for them. Has been known to have a temper though is surprisingly reasonable.

Appearance: Mostly black, gold eyes.

Mate: N/A

Crush: TBD

Pack Name: Whispering Winds

Pack Rank: Alpha Male

Alrighty. I am willing to give this rp a shot, if i may. I wasn't sure if there was an alpha or not. Also, i will try to find a pic later today.

The ranks with no name with them are opened. Spots are first come first serve. So, Whispering Wind alphas are opened until now lol you're accepted! :D  
Name: Sakiya

Gender: Female

Age: 2.5

Personality: She's cautious and worried almost all the time, which may cause her to jump to conclusions too soon. That comes off as a weakness mostly, but sometimes things are just meant to be worried about.

She's kind and protective and very talkative at times. She hates fighting, because fighting can cause death, but she won't hesitate to fight if it means protecting her pack.

Appearance: Almost completely black except for the splash of white on her face and her right front paw. (Should I add a picture?)

Mate: N/A

Crush: TBD (?)

Pack Name:Whispering Winds

Pack Rank: Gamma

Extra: N/A
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Name: Sakiya

Gender: Female

Age: 2.5

Personality: She's cautious and worried almost all the time, which may cause her to jump to conclusions too soon. That comes off as a weakness mostly, but sometimes things are just meant to be worried about.

She's kind and protective and very talkative at times. She hates fighting, because fighting can cause death, but she won't hesitate to fight if it means protecting her pack.

Appearance: Almost completely black except for the splash of white on her face and her right front paw. (Should I add a picture?)

Mate: N/A

Crush: TBD (?)

Pack Name:

Pack Rank: Whispering Winds

Extra: N/A

What rank do you want her as?

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