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Fantasy ·¨჻۩IC۩╰ρɑρəʀ ρəʘρɭə╮۩.. Semi ..۩·¨჻


What Has Happened



·¨ШɪϚɦɪήɡ ʃʘʀ ʃʀəəɗʘʍ·¨


тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ

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o.? Plot

History of Hopping Bridge Town

In a town far off in the mountains there lived a man who never showed his face. He wore masks, paper bags, eyepatches and mouthguards, anything to hide his face. And he did this because he was afraid. He was afraid of the people in his town. See, he owned the place, but he only owned it by accident. His grandfather was murdered by the kind people of the town because he was stealing their money. And once he was killed off, the young man himself was next.

He hid his face from everyone, barely spoke, and barely left his home. However he still owned the town and enforced taxes, made rules, and anything a leader did. At first, the town just assumed they were under a secret government. They were unaware of their leader.

One day, someone found out who the man was. Originally, he was going to flee town before his citizens "murdered" him. But in the end he found a book that would give him eternal life. Little did he know that in order to gain this life he'd be forced to sign a deal with someone of bad origin. When he signed the deal, and gained his life he decided to go out into the city and kidnap people who lived in the city. Usually just children and women, but sometimes men were thrown into his list too. No one knows where the people ever went, but they began to hide their faces behind masks and paper bags to hide themselves from the crazy man. And for the most part it worked. Everyone was safe from him as long as they hid their face. However if someone took the mask off for one tiny second then they were game for the immortal lord of the town.

Long past then, the tradition of wearing items over their face became but a holiday. For one whole week people must wear masks over their face, and if they take the mask off no one knows where they go. People still say that the immortal lord of the town will still take people if they remove their masks, but only if they remove their masks for those seven days.

Roleplay Plotline

During the "Mask Week" a group of students test the rumors and where are they taken to? Along with not just pranks, dangerous games, and idiotic moves, this group of troublemakers ends up in the hands of the immortal owner of Hopping Bridge, but what will be found?

Basically, a group of teens, whether they're friends or just classmates decide to take a night in their school building where they do things that are rumored to be dangerous or scary, and at some point the idea of removing their masks comes up. But when they try it, they really are taken. But where, and in what condition do they end up?

[]Any questions will be welcomed! This roleplay just popped into my head, so if anything is confusing don't be scared to ask![]

????? ?f ????????

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o.╳ Rules

My Rules

❣Please be frequent and consistent with your posts. I understand if something comes up, but if something does prevent you from posting as often then I'd also like to be notified. And I'm sure other candidates would love to know what's going on as well. So just keep that in mind. I'd appreciate at least 5 posts a week, which I feel like isn't really asking for much.
❣Keep things at a cool level. Things get nice and toasty, go take it somewhere else for fade out. Gore can be described, but please don't go into way too much detail. Having the cry of screams and the splatter of blood and the crack of bones is okay, but if you describing how it looks, textures, ect you might make someone throw up.
❣Writers block is totally understandable, especially when a role play just starts up. But hey, don't go 1 sentence every post. I'd have to say my minimum post-length will be 2 paragraphs. which is only 10 sentences, you can do it. 
❣I can understand the pain of censors, and I realize there are probably some younger people on this site, so perhaps just keep any cursing at a minimum. I won't demand little stars or exclamation marks, just keep it as little as possible. And if you have that character that curses every few moments of a sentence, then I might ask for censors.Leave the mind to imagine all the harsh words coming out of them lips.
❣So, I understand "forever alone" characters, but include everyone in this role play please. It does note in the plotline that the characters will either be friends or classmates, or know each other in some way! No strangers playing ouija boards!
❣If you read this, add "Maskies" wherever on your character sheet.
❣I can't strain this enough, but no godmodding. You can't control another person's character! They had the character first! And on that note, having a crush on another character is fine with me, especially if your gonna be best friends with that character through the first part of the role play, but hey I'd also like for there to not be any "I like him/her because I just do". Have a reason, even if it's ridiculous like, "He's hot".
❣Any and all character reserves will only last 48-72 hours unless if you give me a reason to give you a longer point of time.

тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ

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o.╳ Locations

Hopping Bridge Town


Hopping Bridge town is a small place that lives within the mountains. Surrounding it are pine trees for miles around, and the occasional oak tree. Some people of the town have small houses in the forests, but for most of the residents, the town is where they remain.

A waterfall right by the town is one of Hopping bridge's landmarks, along with the lake around it. There've been several rumors about there being a monster within the lake but no one's ever had evidence of seeing one there.

Another notable feature involving the town is located on the water tower, which is the giant muffin, or "explosion" on the side of it. Actually, there are many paintings of the muffin around the town, all made by one of the people who live in the town. The markings have been there for thirteen years, and it never seems that new ones are showing up.


This is the famed high school in the town. The only high school in the place. An elementary and junior high school exist in another location. This school isn't one of the best schools to go to, but it's definitely a place to go if you want to go to a college in the future, or if you just want to spend time. But another location to waste time away would be the diner that belongs in the town,  or even the town's mall.

тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ

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Coming Soon


тαвℓє σf ςσитєитѕ

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