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  1. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  2. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    A School Amongst The Stars [Inactive]

    This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period". Please contact an @Rp Moderator if you feel this was a mistake or if you would like to have your role play reactivated. Thank you for your participation...
  3. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    I'm quitting this site, so just a heads up if I had a rp with you. I'm sorry we can't continue...

    I'm quitting this site, so just a heads up if I had a rp with you. I'm sorry we can't continue it but I won't be on here anymore..yeah..
  4. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    1x1 Please? ^_^

    Yeah sure ^^ I'll pm you then :) It's alright^^
  5. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    1x1 Please? ^_^

    There was a way I had done it before where the contract starts out kind of like the singer/musician ends up being like a slave in a way to the ceo/producer.
  6. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    1x1 Please? ^_^

    Okays so I have this plot that I've been wanting to do It's a mix of a few different pairings... Vampire/Demon x Human Musician/sing x Producer/Record company owner Master x Slave (this one not as much, it'll start out like that but doesn't have to stay that way throught the entire rp)...
  7. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel (OOC)

    Lol alright... I may do something later more like a sequel to this one even though we never actually finished
  8. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel (OOC)

    It really seems like it sadly :( I wish it not to be but that's just how it seems I guess..
  9. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    Looking for a rp buddy

    Hmm lol I've been kind of drained as far as ideas go ever since I started BDH... I'm pretty good with fantasy though.. I have a few ideas for pairings. Perhaps maybe a royalty x peasant pairing or something like that? Generally anything with vampires, demons, angels, etc is good too. As far as...
  10. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    Looking for a rp buddy

    Welcome to the site ^.^ I'd love to roleplay with you if you want :) and if you ever have questions about this type of roleplaying or the site you can ask me or well anyone on here (we don't bite!) Do you have a certain genre you like? I know often realistic and fantasy/supernatural are...
  11. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel (OOC)

    Hmm yeah...any ideas?
  12. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel (OOC)

    Well it's not completely dead yet..we just have to keep it going somehow...
  13. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel (OOC)

    lol I feel like this is slowly dying sadly...
  14. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    What do you like/dislike in an RP? - Running List -

    Pros: ~People who are dedicated and don't quit after 2 days. (Group roleplays mainly but also 1x1s) ~Fun ideas, keeping it interesting ~Feeling "comfortable" or "friendly" with the other rper. I find this especially with 1x1s that the better friends you are with the other rper the better...
  15. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

    ~Juvenile~Orion~ updated The Blue Dragon Hotel with a new update entry: ***Important Please Read*** Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

    Ren, Pool Ren was extremely surprised when Icarus didn't just yell at him or tell him off. He hadn't been expecting the other just to say "It's fine" and then go to make more conversation with him, even if it was just asking his name. "I'm Ren..." Ren said, quiet as ever as he didn't even look...
  17. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

    Ricardo, Dining Area ->The shadows throughout the hotel (following Amorrie) Ricardo was quite bitter now. He had to figure out to make sure this girl didn't figure out anything but how? It wasn't like he could go hide in her shadow like he normally would've so he'd have to figure out something...
  18. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

    Ricardo, Dining Area Ricardo sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know, she just walked off...S-She forced me out of her shadow!" He still could hardly believe it himself. It infuriated him, how could a human possibly be that strong? They had to do something about it, if the girl were to figure...
  19. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold (Juvi and Horinde)

    (You're welcome :3) Sebastian gave a slight chuckle at Ciel's words and went and opened the curtains letting in all the sunlight. Then he went and pulled the covers away from the young boy. "Come on now, I have prepared the tea already and the queen has sent a letter for you this morning." He...
  20. ~Juvenile~Orion~

    Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold (Juvi and Horinde)

    (Lol the title I got from the way you described Ciel being) It was early one morning in the Phantomhive Manor, but of course the demon butler was already up getting ready for the day. Sebastian was going to get the tea ready for the young earl who was still asleep so it would be ready for him...