Looking for a rp buddy


Four Thousand Club
I'm new to this site and been searching around for a rp that would suit me. So far, I've seen alot of stuff I'm not used to so I've decided to find someone that can kinda push me in the right direction. I'm sure someone will be happy to teach me some things about roleplaying and the types of genres we can delve into.

Right now, I've only roleplayed in a D&D setting. Never used a site or threads. I can roleplay both male and female characters pretty well if I can kinda get my character straight. Though, my females tend to be a little wonky at times. I'm looking for maybe one person that can just be understanding and help me develop some courage to continue roleplaying. Because at this moment, I'm a bit intimidated by this.

Well hope you reply!

You can also pm me, I'm sure I'll reply within a couple hours (give or take).
Welcome to the site ^.^

I'd love to roleplay with you if you want :) and if you ever have questions about this type of roleplaying or the site you can ask me or well anyone on here (we don't bite!)

Do you have a certain genre you like? I know often realistic and fantasy/supernatural are the most popular among people here..some scifi and fandoms occasionally too.. And if not a certain genre then maybe a certain type of character you like to play? Human, vampire, neko, ghost, cyborg, pegaunicornicious etc.?
Well I think right now, I'm comfortable with the fantasy genre with my previous experience with Dungeons and Dragons. Although the sci-fi scene might be a nice genre to get into. If you have some ideas I'd like to hear them :)
Hmm lol I've been kind of drained as far as ideas go ever since I started BDH...

I'm pretty good with fantasy though.. I have a few ideas for pairings. Perhaps maybe a royalty x peasant pairing or something like that? Generally anything with vampires, demons, angels, etc is good too. As far as scifi goes I don't generally do much with robots but eh it could work. There's always aliens too.

Any of that sound interesting?
I don't do robots as characters Haha, they are creepy. Hm let's kinda stay around fantasy. Maybe elemental or mercenaries or magical students or swashbucklers on the sea or maybe some other stuffs . And when we find something how do we go along and start this?

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