The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

Chris Layard, screening area, accompanied by @CrackerPower .

Chris smirked at the female and went ahead to pay for the movie tickets. He adjusted his glasses that were hanging at the edge of his nose by pushing them back up until they were resting on the bridge. Once he payed for the tickets, he got a large bucket of popcorn for himself and sauntered back over to Gretchen. "I hope you enjoy horror movies." He murmured as he turned on his heel and started to wander over to the designated screening area. The plush velvet carpeting was a nice feel, as he had the urge to lay on it and fall asleep. He didn't, though. "Screening room number 5." He murmured as his head whipped around, looking for the room.
Amorrie Sephora, Dining Area.

Amorrie's body stiffened. It felt like something had poured a bucket of cold water on her head. She rose from the table and jumped over Don. "Whatever you are," she said to no one in particular, "Get out!" Everyone gawked at her...but she continued to scream. "Out!" She squeezed her eyes shut and a tall, ginger man was standing in front of her. He had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. "Who are you?!" Ammie cried.

Gretchen Eisenberg, Screening Room 5

"Horror movies, gee, what a cliché." Gretchen said sardonically, "Who needs them, when you are a horror?" She said with a impish smile.

"Whatever, this should be interesting."

Gretchen flipped a few strands of her hair out of her eyes, as she looked around for the fifth screening room. She spotted the large silver "Five" printed on the movie doors. As she walked close, she saw the movie poster that was plastered across the double doors. She paused, reading the poster; Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale. "Chris, what kind of movie are we watching, man?" Gretchen asked, slightly incredulous.

Ricardo, Dining Area

The last thing Ricardo had been expecting was for her to pick up on his presence, much less force him out of her shadow. It was almost a little embarrassing considering it happened in front of some other staff. Yes, this girl was most certainly a problem he realized now. But he put on a cool smile and just bowed his head a bit. "My name's Ricardo. I am the head of security here at the Blue Dragon Hotel. Is there something wrong?" For now he would just play it like that hadn't just happened. This girl was both amusing and quite frustrating to him but he had to keep her from figuring out everything. @Kitt @Pom Pom Express @Zachariah el Morgan 
Aki, Dining Area

Aki smiled. "That does sound like it'd quite good. Perhaps when I'm back here later for dinner that's what I'll order.." He told Lancing. It grew quite for a moment and Aki sighed, missing his brother's presence but yet not actually missing his brother. He actually felt a bit hollow- like something was missing without Ren by his side but he was still to mad at his brother to go and try to make up with him. @Seraph
Sen/Following Gii

Sen pondered the answer. Surely anyone who likes redwood is a good person. Sen had made up his mind, it was time for his first soul. "I will be your provider. If you need something, tell me." In his usual way, he had made a statement with no real explanation. Sen was excited though, he's never taken a soul, and he was getting curious. @~Juvenile~Orion~

Don Zom Bee/Dinning area, connecting hallway

Though he had worked with the staff here for many years, he wasn't bright enough to catch the shadow stalker in progress. To his confusion, Don had attempted to find out what was wrong with Ammorie. To his surprise, the very head of security himself was behind it.

As a long time staff, you learn to cover mysteries up, so Don played along like a good butler. "Ah, Mr. Ricardo, something seemed to have spooked the girl. I suppose it's the table, when they wiggle, even a little, ooh, that grinding irks me. I'll get to fixing it right away." With a humble bow, Don was off to play pretend fixer upper. Though really he would just wait outside for Ammorie to appear so he could accompany her.

@~Juvenile~Orion~ @Kitt
Amorrie Sephora, Dining area.

Amorrie scowled and furiously turned to Azumi and Don. "What's the meaning of this?" She cried. "I didn't come here to be spied on! I came to escape that--" she abruptly stopped, and slowly wheeled back around to face Ricardo. "Head of Security, you say..." Ammie said slowly, pondering the man. She's seen him before, but she doesn't remember where.... @~Juvenile~Orion~ @Pom Pom Express @Zachariah el Morgan

((sorry about the shit post, I was tired))
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Ricardo, Dining Area

Ricardo nodded, the same 'warm' smile upon his face. "Yes, of course." he told the girl. "I'm sorry if I startled you, but it is in fact my job to watch over the guests here." He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders, nodding at Don as he left the room. From now on he'd have to watch this girl closely and he hoped Azumi wouldn't do anything to make her more suspecting than she already was. @Kitt @Zachariah el Morgan

Gii, halls of the second floor

Gii looked over at Sen as he spoke a bit surprised at his words. What was a "provider"? Gii wasn't entirely sure what that meant but Sen had said to tell him [sen] if he [Gii] needed anything, which he supposed could be sort of useful. Perhaps a Provider was just like a personal butler he supposed and they continued walking. "Alright then.." He said, wondering a bit if Sen would continue to ask him questions. @Pom Pom Express
Chris Layard, screening area, room no. 5. Accompanied by @CrackerPower.

Chris decided to take the time to actually look at the movie that the two were going to watch. Rage built up in him as he decided he would get the sneaky person that gave him the wrong tickets. Either way, he wasn't going to make a scene by bashing the cashier's head in. The demon turned to the female vampire and shrugged, doing his best to mask his anger. "Dunno. Asked the guy to give me tickets to a horror movie... wasn't going to bother looking at the board all day deciding for one." He replied rather nonchalantly. He was proud of himself as his tense figure relaxed and he stepped into the theatre room, discarding her comment about horror movies being a cliché. It was true, but it gave him idea on how to kill humans properly, right? You would think the 100-year-old demon would know. How to kill properly.

He doesn't.
Gretchen Eisenberg, Screening Room 5

Gretchen strolled into the theatre room. It was lit dimly, just enough so she could see the steps that led the way up to the rows of seats. She stumbled slightly, unused to not being able to see in the dark. Usually, when she woke up, the sun had already set, and the night gave her power, heightening her senses. Right now, the sun was still shining, a magnificent orb in the sky, barely starting to dip over the horizon. Gretchen sat down, making herself comfortable. While they waited for the movie to start, she leaned towards Chris.

"So," she said quietly, "what else do you do in your free time?" @MattStriker

Lucas Elgort, 1st Floor Hall

Lucas groaned, touching his head lightly. He was still suffering from the massive headache that had developed. He felt rather faint, and he could hear his heart beating abnormally fast in his chest. As he got off the elevator, he tripped. He was about to swear, but then slapped a hand over his mouth. Swearing is crude, swearing is rude, swearing is for suckers; he reminded himself.

Lucas stumbled down the hall, he was halfway down when he realized he had gotten off the wrong floor. He stopped, and leaned on the wall. Lucas glanced at the glass open doors across from him. He watched the cool, blue water that glistened in the pool. It was empty, save a boy that was sitting next to the pool. @~Juvenile~Orion~
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Amorrie Sephora, Dining Area.

Amorrie huffed angrily. Rude! But she plastered on a bright, convincing smile and cheerfully exclaimed, "Oh, if it's your job, it's fine! Just try not to scare me next time." She laughed, somewhat coldly, and walked toward the exit. Before leaving, she whips her head around to Azumi. "Are you coming, sir?" she said haughtily, the fake cheer gone. She continues out with her white boots clicking on the tiles, not even waiting for an answer. Amorrie glances over to Don, smiles, and pounds in a combination on the elevator. A cool female voice says,

"Leaving Dining Area, heading to Floor: Lobby. Doors closing."

Amorrie looks at everyone still in the Dining Area, and beckons for Azumi to come in. . @Pom Pom Express @Zachariah el Morgan

Elena Stone, Casino--->Dining Area.

Elena waited impatiently for Ricardo to report. this girl needed to be watched, and she needed to know what was happening. Suddenly, she got chills. This must mean...

Scowling, she walked to the elevator, bumping into several drunken humans, one of which placed her hand on her shoulder. Elena brushed it off, muttering "Insolent human scum," and continuing to the elevator. She slipped in and pressed Dining Area. Sighing, she smoothed out her red dress (as she had taken off her blazer), she strode into the Dining Area. "Ricardo," she hissed. "Where's the girl?"

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Azumi was surprised by the girls change in demeanor, but he didn't have much time to contemplate what had happened as she invited him to accompany her to the Lobby. With a quick, apologetic glance at Nami, he let one last hand fall through her gentle tresses, if only to remind her that he still... cared for her. Then, paying no more heed to the others at the table, he promptly joined Amorrie in the elevator. "I see our intended destination is the Lobby. Might I inquire as to the purpose of our visit?" he asked out of genuine curiosity. For some reason, Azumi felt that he was not the only one who was wondering about the mystery that was Amorrie.

Amorrie Sephora, Elevator.

"No particular reason. Just might be the only place with answers, or the owner..." She muttered. Amorrie was NOT going to be spied on. "By the way, it would be nice if you were my provider, as you offered," she added. Amorrie waited for an answer, scowling at the wall. She wasn't usually like this. Amorrie was actually pretty nice, until you annoyed her.@Zachariah el Morgan @Pom Pom Express
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~Juvenile~Orion~ updated The Blue Dragon Hotel with a new update entry:

So, just a general update on things. Please read, it's kind of important

1) Okay so we've been talking a lot on plot direction and stuff so just to be clear on what the official ideas we are working with are I'll list them
-A battle of the butlers (Don and Azumi)

-Staff rebellion, so picking sides (Elena or humans)

-Humans trying to escape

I think there were some smaller ones to like people trying to claimed humans from their providers

2) The current situation with Providers. We have had 2 people leave s far and it just so happens that their characters were...
Read the rest of this update entry...
(( Sorry about not being active lately, guys! I've been at my mom's house. ))

Asami Kohaku - Pool

Clad in a white bathing suit, (the color oddly complimented her, due to her darker skin tone and light hair) Asami allowed her feet to slide into the water. She didn't care, she was taking a break. Maybe her parents were right; maybe she just wasn't cut out for the work life. Shoving the thought aside, she rolled her shoulders, a soft popping sound resonating from the action. Her hair was up in its signature style, and her nails tapped against the tiled flooring.

'It's worth it,' she thought to herself, 'you get your share, you can put up with cleaning rooms.'

Holding her breath, Asami pushed off the edge and landed in the water, hardly making a splash thanks to being already partially submerged. She liked being in the water, it helped her think and calm down. Sometimes she would spend entire nights in the pool; never mind the faint scent of chlorine that seemed to follow her around the next day, she was content, and that was all that mattered. Rising up to the surface, she pushed some stray locks back, inhaling once more. As much as she liked being under water, she liked being able to breathe a little bit more.

Nami Rei - Casino

"Oh, come

The sound of another few coins sliding into the machine resonated throughout the area surrounding her, and Nami bit her lower lip as she cranked the lever down for another time - she'd lost count at fifteen. Shining irises concentrated on the colors blurring past her face and her heart was beating in anticipation.

"Come on, come on, you've got this, Nami, you can win this time, no sweat," she spoke to herself, completely engulfed in her want for scoring the jackpot.
Ding. "Alright! Two more to go!" Ding. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I'm so going to wi--" Ding.

A groan fell from her lips and she hit her head against the glass of the machine, eyes closed. "So close." She reached for another coin, but found none where a heaping pile had been what seemed like only moments ago. Nami sighed lightly before pushing herself away - it was only recently that she'd decided to pay the casino a visit, and now it was like she couldn't leave.

Ricardo, Dining Area

Ricardo sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know, she just walked off...S-She forced me out of her shadow!" He still could hardly believe it himself. It infuriated him, how could a human possibly be that strong? They had to do something about it, if the girl were to figure out the secrets of the could be the end for them. "I..I will take care of her, don't worry." Ricardo said. @Kitt

Ren, Pool to first floor hallway

Ren was a bit surprised when he noticed Asami go into the pool but he didn't move and just sat at the edge. Really he was a bit said since all Asami's presence did was remind him of his brother. Sighing he got up and left, waling back into the hall wondering where he'd go next. He didn't want to run into his brother so he wouldn't go back to their room but he still had to be careful since he didn't know where Aki was in the hotel.
Chris Layard, screening room 5, accompanied by @CrackerPower.

As he calmly took a seat, he took the time to devour the popcorn. He was almost startled as the Gretchen leaned over to him and said something. He usually wasn't accompanied by anyone while watching a horror movie; so this was some sort of a new experience. Chris wiped his buttery hands on his jeans and turned to face the female vampire. "What else do I do? I.. uhm..." The male paused, taking time to think even though the answer had already popped into his head. "Sleep." He answered casually and sank back down into the chairs, still eating the popcorn.
Gretchen Eisenberg, Screening Room 5, with @MattStriker

"Huh, well I can see why," Gretchen said offhandedly, "normal people need about eight hours of beauty sleep, but need to hibernate." She couldn't quite help but let those words roll off her tongue, even though she found Chris to be reasonably attractive. When handed an opportunity for her to say something insolent, it was like trying to stay on a diet.

Gretchen grinned slightly, as she turned her attention back to the movie screen. The theatre began to fill up. The sound of people whispering and rustling filled the atmosphere with anticipation. The feeling made her brush her hair carefully out of her eyes.

Lucas Elgort, 1st Floor Hallway

"I need some Anacin," Lucas mumbled to himself, as he took a breather against the wall to clear his head. He looked up and saw the boy sitting by the pool walk his way. Crap, crap, gotta fix my hair, how do I look? He mentally panicked, realizing he was far from presentable to encounter people. Preoccupied with himself, Lucas didn't even realize the boy walk right pass him, until moments later.

Wait...what just happened? It both relieved and infuriated him, that he had not been noticed. But Lucas shrugged it off, and continued to walk to the dining area. He was too hungover to care as much as he would've liked to.
Elena Stone, Dining Area to Lobby.

"You'd better," Elena growled. This..this girl... she was something else. Elena furiously turned back to the elevator but a thought popped into her mind...

"You said she..forced you out of her shadow?" she said, slowly wheeling around, a look of
bewilderment on her face. Elena cursed under her breath and regained her composure. "Get her under control," she said, her voice dangerously quiet. "Or it's your life on the line."

Icarus Stronghold, His room---->Pool.

Icarus cursed. That woman had left his room, leaving him alone to deal with his...problem. Well, I guess I'll go explore a bit more, he thought. He quickly changed out of his sleeping clothes into a pair of black cargo pants and a white shirt. He stepped outside, looking left and right for those annoying twins, and carefully walked to the lift. Inside, Icarus pounded Outdoor Area. The lift dinged and the cool female voice rang through the compartment. "Yes, yes," he muttered testily, "I know where I'm going, thank you very much."

5 seconds later, the doors slid open to reveal a stunning garden, huge pool, and steaming hot tub.

"I think I'll start with the pool," he said, starting towards it, but he spotted one of the Dynamic Duo; where was it's twin?


(No, I didn't plan to just interact with your characters haha)

Ricardo, Dining Area ->The shadows throughout the hotel (following Amorrie)

Ricardo was quite bitter now. He had to figure out to make sure this girl didn't figure out anything but how? It wasn't like he could go hide in her shadow like he normally would've so he'd have to figure out something else. Hiding in the shadows of other objects and people, Ricardo went to follow her. It wasn't as easy as usual since he had to avoid her shadow but at least she couldn't catch him this way. @Kitt @Zachariah el Morgan

Ren, Pool

Ren sighed and sat down by the pool again, not wanting to take a chance of running into Aki. His brother didn't like to swim so Ren knew for sure this was the be place Aki wouldn't be. Now that there were more people here it was a bit uncomfortable and Ren felt like a bit of a loner just sitting there. He wanted to go and interact with the others but wasn't quite sure how. Normally his brother did all the talking for him so he never had to worry about it before. Ren was pretty quite and well, because of his straight-forward and somewhat emotion lacking personality didn't always seem like the nicest person so he didn't make friends easily on his own. Slowly he got up and looked around. None of these people, he knew, liked him. Asami tolerated him since he was Aki's brother and Icarus pretty much despised the both of them. Still he figured he should at least try. He walked over to Icarus hesitantly. "H-Hey," He said in his low, quiet voice. "Sorry about earlier..I told Aki it was a bad idea to play tag but.." He drifted off and then shook his head. "Never mind.. just sorry.." Turning around he started to walk away @Kitt
Icarus Stronghold, Pool.

Icarus was about to explode. You woke me up, he thought. I'm going to make you pay. But when he looked back up, the boy was suddenly apologizing to him. Well, now Icarus couldn't be mad. Guilt would follow him around all day. Instead, he opened his mouth and said, "It's fine," surprising himself and probably the boy too. "Um..I never caught your name. What is it, and what's the other one's name too?" he continued. He waited patiently for an answer, and sat down on the poolside, his toes gliding across the water. Icarus had always known how to swim, and was pretty good, too. But he decided to at least finish this conversation before diving into the cool, calm water. @~Juvenile~Orion~

Amorrie Sephora, Lobby. Amorrie had calmed down a bit. Still, she was slightly pissed that someone had the nerve to follow her. Had they finally found her? She shook her head, shooing away that thought, but the idea lingered in her mind; someone was trying to find more about her. And, eventually, they'll stumble across her secret...


Amorrie was jolted back to reality when the elevator reached the lobby. She looked around, taking in everything, from the crystal chandelier to the sparkling glass doors leading outside to the pool and gardens. Maybe I'll start with the receptionist's desk, she thought, but when she looked at it, it was empty. Strange. Nevertheless, Amorrie started towards the glass doors. Gripping the golden handles until her knuckles turned white, she flung the doors open with flourish and strode out.

"Hello, everyone," she called. She scanned the pool's occupants; A blond woman whom she didn't recognize, one of the twins, and a dark red haired man who was sitting on the edge. "My name is Amorrie Sephora, and I'll be joining you today. This is," she motioned towards Azumi and Don, "Azumi, my *ahem* Provider, and Don the butler."

@Pom Pom Express @Zachariah el Morgan
Chris Layard, screening room 5, accompanied by @CrackerPower

Chris sank back down in his seat even more, noticing that he had depleted about half of the popcorn in his box, and the movie had just started. He actually had no intention of watching the movie, his real goal was just to get some popcorn and leave the area without being noticed. He was noticed, however, and now he realised he must sit and watch a random movie he didn't intend to watch.

The male wasn't exactly being truthful about sleep. He didn't need to sleep at all, actually. He never got tired, but he realised this movie was capable of making his drift off into the world of slumber. Maybe he could rest until the movie was over... making sure no one would notice. He was supposed to be on duty in the kitchen, anyway. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Ren, Pool

Ren was extremely surprised when Icarus didn't just yell at him or tell him off. He hadn't been expecting the other just to say "It's fine" and then go to make more conversation with him, even if it was just asking his name. "I'm Ren..." Ren said, quiet as ever as he didn't even look up from gazing down at the water. "My brother's name is Aki.." He felt a bit depressed just mentioning his brother's name but tried to get over it as he glanced at Icarus. Perhaps this could be the person he'd make friends with. Ren knew it wasn't likely since he and his brother had been bother him so much this morning but he still wanted to try. Now what was something e could say to continue their conversation? Lacking social skills, Ren wasn't quite sure of what to say so he just decided to ask Icarus something and hoped maybe it would start a little bit of a conversation between them. " you like the swim?" Ren mumbled, softly as always, as he gestured to the pool.

@Kitt (I added some more)
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~Juvenile~Orion~ updated The Blue Dragon Hotel with a new update entry:

***Important Please Read***

Alright because things have gotten a little slower... Please get to a place soon where it would be okay to do a timeskip. I wanna skip ahead a few days to speed up things a little since this day seems to be going on forever (yes we still haven't really moved past the "first" day). I'll write the post where we skip so don't worry about whether or not your good at writing timeskips because you won't have to. I think the first plot idea I want to move onto is the battle of the butlers since that's...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Gretchen Eisenberg, Screening Room 5, @MattStriker

Gretchen did not know whether to laugh, or to cry, or anything in between.

However, the movie had captured her attention, and kept her entertained for sure.

“That was…good,” she finally concluded as the credits rolled, and the theatre lights turned on.

“Excavating Santas,” she added, “I can’t decide if it was funny or creepy.”

Gretchen laughed lightly, turning to face Chris, “Well, did you have a good rest?” She said with a smirk.

Lucas Elgort, Dining Area

After drinking a ton of water, Lucas could feel his headache lessening a bit. He observed the guests at the dining area, talking and eating away. They seemed perfectly content with themselves and with their surroundings. Lucas felt cheated, cheated out of the same comfort and ease. Why did everyone seem so happy at the hotel? It was as if everyone knew everyone. Lucas felt isolated. However, he knew when the week was up; he could go and get his newly fixed car, and go back home. He was spellbound when he had first arrived, but the novelty had run its course over the past six days, and had run completely dry.
Chris Layard, screening room 5. @CrackerPower

Chris snorted quietly, snapping awake as the noises of the playing movie had ceased. He rubbed his eyes awake, unused to sleeping for such a long period of time. He head creaked towards the direction of the female vampire, as he tried to suppress a yawn that was threatening to pass through his lips. "R-Rest..? I have.. *yawn* No idea what you're talking about..." The male demon lied, picking up the box of popcorn. The box seemingly slipped out of his hands while he was asleep, causing all of the contents held in it to fall out.

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