The Blue Dragon Hotel [Inactive]

Don Zom Bee/Dinning area

@Party Poison @Zachariah el Morgan @Kitt

Continuing his complete disregard for his fellow butler, as well as greeting Nami as she had arrived, Don spoke to Ammorie. It's not that Don Zom Bee is rude, he just has no interest in certain creatures, for they are not truly the living. Making sure his posture is perfection, changing expressions between joy and disgust, "Miss Sephora, I assure you, all of our staff make excellent Providers, choose any one of them besides this man." Without so much as an indication towards Azumi he continued, "Not only do I not have someone I am providing for, freeing up my time for you, but this man does. As well, he is a truly lazy staff member, always lusting after our guests, it's truly a wonder how it is we managed a worker like him."

Don generally doesn't fight over guests, as his disposition usually lands him enough to be happy. Don just doesn't like the idea of an angel. Not only will he take the soul, but he'll let it go, it's just not right, and Don will deny souls whenever he can. Don does a mental check, making sure he is speaking properly, exudes his usual aura of kindness and approachability, and his outstanding manners. With everything in good order, Don puts on a smile, hoping to not only win her over, but to deny this awful man a kind girls soul.
Giichi, walking around in the halls on the 1st floor

Gii walked around a bit, not really minding the wooden dummy's awkward presence. He figured since there was no getting rid of the guy might as well just accept it. Really he was only uncomfortable due to the silence between them, well except for the noise the other made when walking. Without any conversation, everything seemed more awkward than it already was. The other didn't seem to talk much but figured he might as well give it a shot. " What's your name?" He figured he might as well start with that, it was simple and not too invasive. "I'm Gii.." He added after a second.

@Pom Pom Express

(@Party Poison, I'm gonna have the twins move somewhere else, just so you know)

Aki and Ren from their rooms to the lobby

The two twins made their way back to their room and stayed in there for a while, planning out what they'd do for the rest of the day.

"There's pretty much anything and everything to do here so how is it possible to be so bored?" Ren complained with a sigh as he lay upon his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"We could go swimming.." Aki suggested.

"No...What if...I know! Wanna go play catch?" They weren't allowed outside but that didn't really matter to them. Aki smiled and nodded grabbing their tennis ball and they walked out into the the halls. They decided to go down to the first floor/lobby, where they thought there would be less people. As soon as the elevator doors open Aki took off in a run and Ren tossed the ball to him. Aki caught it..but he also tripped and fell against Elena.

[Azumi Rosario - Dining Area]

Inwardly, Azumi was appalled by Don Zom Bee's lack of discretion. To insult him to his face as if he weren't present... Of course, none of this showed on the angel's face. "I'm afraid my dear colleague is correct in some respects. It is true, seeing as you've met Nami, that I have to attend to other guests in the hotel. Of course, running an establishment as large as this one does sometimes require the more competent staff members to serve multiple guests. That is a task which I have no problems with." He said all this with a dismissive flick of his gloved hand, as if to dissapate any remnants of Don Zom Bee's inflammatory remarks. "As for any laziness on my part, I assure you, I do nothing of the sort. However, I will grant my friend here a concession. He is, indeed, one of the harder workers here at the Blue Dragon Hotel. Still, I don't think my actions warranted such aggravated insults to my person, especially the insinuation of inappropriate behavior toward guests. My fellow employee may be suffering from a case of overworking, as it were, and, mayhaps, it would be best to refrain from assigning him additional duties, including taxing ones such as the position of Main Provider." During his speech, Azumi remained cordail, speaking in a light, comforting tone, akin to that of a prince. After all, he wanted the very best for Amorrie and Don Zom Bee.
Elena Stone, Lobby

Elena looked down in disgust. Human men, typical. But, instead of bursting out into a ball of rage and fury, she forced on a smile. "Hello, boys!" she said tightly. They were playing catch. In her lobby. Her expression tightened, her anger boiling up. But she continued to smile manically (Yes, MANICally. I spelled it right). "What..are you doing here? With a tennis ball?" she spit out. Elena practically raised these boys, as she was the provider for Ren, but mothers yell at their children sometimes. Which Elena was about to do when someone else walked in. It was Ricardo. Her grin became a genuine one. Oh, Ricardo will handle them. Elena gently pushed Aki's head away from her midsection and regained her poise. "Ah, Ricardo," she said, watching the twins' faces shift from giddiness to uncomfort. "Handle this situation for me, please? And meet me in the Casino." she said, and then added on "Maledictus homo, mea perdat vespere," she muttered under her breath in the language of the demon. She hoped they didn't notice or care.

Sen/following Gii

Gii is most certainly an odd fellow. He says he likes the quiet, yet he attempts to start conversations. This doesn't make sense to Sen, he doesn't know what to do. Coming to a decision, Sen decides to answer his question, seeing as how his curiosity wins over. "Sen." There, it was done. With the silence being broken, Sen lets his curiosity flow, asking more questions, following should Gii continue traveling. "Do you enjoy the sight of the color blue?"

Sen always had a weird way about making a question sound like a statement, though perhaps it's because he doesn't understand mannerisms in conversations. Sen maintains a perfect one and a half foot distance, arms length, from Gii at all times. Sen would follow his companion with continued questions. What does the sky mean to you? Are you disgusted by the sight of a peeled onion? Did you ever buy only one sock? Occasionally Sec would answer a question with an extremely short and concise response, leaving out any explanations, even when warranted.
Amorrie Sephora, Dining Area.

Amorrie's eyes hurt from the aura this man was giving off. It glared bright red in her mind, as if he wanted to use her evil intent. Ignoring her instincts, she smiled and continued the conversation. "Ah, I see. So, are you willing to be my Provider? You seem to have enough on your plate." she said, cocking her head slightly to the right. She wanted this man to be her provider, but was impressed by Don's attitude and the aura he gave; it was a gentle blue, like that of the sky. She was very torn and confused. They were both equally strange, and it was obvious they didn't care for each other. So, should she pick one or the other? "Take your time, I'm taking mine," she said sweetly.
Chris Layard, wandering around 1st floor's halls.

The silky brown haired male didn't seem to mind skipping work early. It's not like they can fire me or anything. Chris thought, tucking his hands behind his head. He got comfortable in the position and decided to head to the screening area. He found that he has a great taste for popcorn, and, if come one asked him, he could live on it forever. Or, at least, that's what he thought. Who knew human food was so nice? He thought again, beginning to loose track on where he as walking to. He was so deep in thought that, he didn't realise that he had wandered outside. He feet were at the edge of the pool, and he was still fully dressed.

Damn. Better move back before boss catches me. He turned on his heel and walked back to the entrance, hoping not to find anyone that could punish him for skipping work. The male gave a small yawn and made his way to the screening area. He knew how to work the machine. He could play a movie by himself.
Ricardo, Lobby

After changing his attire to something else, Ricardo casually slunk around in the shadows, eventually making his way down to the lobby. Just as he was walking in, he caught a glance of one of the twins bumping into Elena. Ah this was so amusing. He grinned slyly as Elena looked over and told him to handle it. "Alright m'lady~" He simply went over and picked up the tennis ball, watching as it melted in his palm. Glancing over at the two boys he said, "I think we all know that incidents like this should not happen here at this hotel. Now act a little more grown up and find something else to entertain yourselves with that won't be a disturbance to anyone." And with that he left to go to the casino and meet Elena. @Kitt

Giichi, halls of the 1st floor.

"Um, I guess so. Blue is a pretty okay color.." Gii answered. He continued to answer all of Sen's questions as they walked and eventually forgot where he was even headed to in the first place so he just continued to walk around, going up stairs. Sen was rather amusing to him with all his questions. Gii supposed it was because of the lack of humanity Sen had that he asked so many questions and so Gii sort of felt a bit a sympathy towards him. Eventually he felt a little less awkward about the situation and was just kind of having fun with it. @Pom Pom Express
Elena Stone, Casino.

Elena sat near the pool table, waiting for Ricardo. The Casino was his idea; she was still trying to decide if it was a good one. Humans were attracted to it like moths to bright light. When he stepped out of the elevator, she smiled. She had something important to tell him. "You finally made it. No trouble with the twins I presume?" Elena said, a glint in her eye. @~Juvenile~Orion~
Gretchen Eisenberg, 1st Floor Halls

Gretchen wandered aimlessly, walking hall after hall; her shoes clicking and clacking on the immaculate floors. Everything looked identical to her, it was like she was walking on forever and ever. By the time her mind stopped wandering, she found herself walking the halls of the first floor. Gretchen smiled, there was only one more floor to go before she arrived at the Lobby. But as she strolled down the halls, she was distracted. The form of distraction was Chris Layard, who was walking towards the screening area. "Going to watch a movie?" Gretchen called out after him.

Chris Layard: 1st floor halls to screening area.

The Male's head whipped around as he heard a voice all out to him. It was him, right? No one else was in the hallway except for that person. He scratched his head, but went to reply anywho. "Yeah, I am." A small pause passed between the two as Chris adjusted his scarf around his neck. He seemed to be getting hot. "Are you coming, too?" He tried to recognise the woman. Was she a guest? No. Her skin was too pale. She looked like a vampire, in fact. and how she seemed agitated by the open doors to the side of them. It was the way to the pool.

Ricardo, Casino

"Of course not." Ricardo said with a sly grin. He leaned against the edge of the pool table, wondering what it is that Elena wanted to speak to him about. "So what is it you wish to speak with me about?" @Kitt

(okay sorry about this terribly short reply. Bad writers block at the moment..)
Gretchen Eisenberg, 1st Floor Hall

"No, I'm obviously not coming," Gretchen said seriously, as she continued to walk, now falling into stride with Chris. However, she glanced Chris mischievously, and a small smile crept onto her face. "Yes. I am," Gretchen said to clarify, "I was just teasing." She flashed a smile, her fangs gleaming ominously in the hallway light.

"So...Chris Layard," Gretchen said, rolling the name off her tongue. The way she said it, was almost like she was trying to get a feel of the name in her mouth. "Aren't you supposed to be working somewhere?"

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Ivria Lovelyn, Icarus' room to Elevator

Lovelyn's blue lightning eyes narrowed. The way he spoke, he couldn't be crazy, no... Yet.. She made a deal to be his provider. The siren grabbed both taught shoulders of the boy she once seemed to drool over, slowly becoming.. disgusted. "Icarus!" She said in a stern voice. She could feel his nature cracking; his very being becoming something other than the boy she wanted. This displeased her.

What was she to do? A human turning demon couldn't just saunter down the halls. She had to take him to Elena.

Yet her face stayed blank, her voice was strikingly caring. This looked quite disturbing, to an eye outside of their chaos. "Icarus, listen to me." She began, sounding oh-so-very interesting to a human ear. Her siren charm seemed to be casting over her voice to calm the boy. Hair fell from her bun as if in distress itself, chestnut red streaks pulling from hold. "What's happening to you is only temporary, my dear." She cooed to him gently in his silence. "Come, lets have the hotel owner fix your troubles, yes?" She questioned, but acted as if she needed no answer, pulling him outside is his room. Only once did she step back and throw a miscellaneous hat over his head with a sneer she kept to herself as she led him down to the first floor. She had to be down there somewhere at this time of day...

A quite thought of a walkie-talkie system popped into her mind. Oh, how much easier her life would be right now.

Lancing- Dining Room

Lancing huffed after the long while of cooking and serving the patrons their meals. He then sat himself down at an empty table and sighed watching the people making sure they finished their food. He laid his head down on the table and looked down at his hand proud of the miraculous culinary feats he could achieve. He watched as multiple came and left the dining room and he sat alone.
Chris Layard, 1st floor halls to screening area.

Chris nonchalantly brushed his silky brown hair back, not wanting to be intimidated by the female that was approaching him. He knew that vampire were very mischievous, and by the smile on her face, he knew his suspicions were correct. "Gretchen Eisenberg. I know you... I've seen around. But no, I'm not meant to be anywhere. What makes you think that?" The male replied, a sneaky smile creeping across his own lips. He continued to stride along to the screening room, as he knew this huge hotel like the back of his hand, and he wouldn't mind actually talking to someone when he wasn't working.

Gretchen Eisenberg, 1st Floor Halls

"Oh I don't know," Gretchen said airily, "I work at the front desk, but it's not like I spend hours flipping through the staff list, or anything like that." She quickly walked ahead of Chris, and then turned around, walking backwards, in order to face him.

"But if I did do something like that, after a few years, I'm bound to memorize everyone's positions and schedules. Right?" Gretchen said, tilting her head slightly to meet Chris' gaze. "Of course, this is all just hypothetical. I don't know if you need to be anywhere. Or if you're skipping," Gretchen said, blatantly emphasizing the last word. She stretched out a length of silence, before she broke out into a smile."...Or jumping or jogging. but right now it looks like we're both walking," she chuckled.

Chris Layard, screening area.

It seemed like the male's heart stopped as she put emphasis on the last word of her first sentence. But as she continued, he gave a small sigh and muttered a few curses under his breath. He couldn't be caught. He just wanted some popcorn, that was really all. It was pretty harmless excuse, in the least. He brushed his hair back again and gave a slightly nervous laugh. He wouldn't let this woman rat him out, so he plastered on a smile as he told himself to relax. It's nothing. He told himself. We're just going to movies, not the boss' office(?). The male gave another nervous laugh as his shoulders finally relaxed.

Chris stepped onto the plush velvet carpeting as they made it to screening rooms. There were lots of movies showing, and he really didn't think of which one they would watch. That's if she wanted to watch anywho. His nose crinkled and he hastily sniffed the air, his stomach grumbling at the thought and smell of finally getting to taste the 'buttery goodness from heaven' as the boy would state it.
"Are you staying with me?" The male asked, his head turning to reach the female vampire standing before him. "Or are you going somewhere else?" He finished, un-doing the knot in his scarf and gently folding it until it was small enough to tuck into his pocket.

*?: Office? Room? Not exactly sure which one to put.

Gretchen Eisenberg, Screening Area

Gretchen walked into the screening room, her steps muffled by the plush carpeting beneath her feet. Instantly, she was met by the aroma of theatre food. The air heavy with the scent of butter and salt. She wasn't sure if she was entranced or disgusted by the smell.

"Well that depends on what you're planning to watch," Gretchen said, in answer to Chris' question. "I hope you don't have loser-ish movie tastes, because that would be disappointing. I pegged you for an intellectual, although that might just be your four-eyes talking," she said referring to Chris' glasses."But it doesn't really matter though. I'm prepared to take a nap if I get bored. I'm quite tired, I woke up way too early, but I was just way too hungry," she said with a chuckle.

Elena Stone, Casino.

"I need to talk to you about the new girl, Amorrie? She isn't like the others, the usual dim-witted human...she can tell that something is...wrong," Elena said in a brisk manner. A few giggly women glanced over their way, but quickly returned to their conversation. "Keep an eye on her." 
Sen/Following Gii

Sen quieted for a moment as he thought to himself. He would ask whether Gii likes cedar or redwood, deciding that the outcome would also make up his mind. (Just for reference, so you don't have to look at my toon sheet, he's made of redwood :P ) He wasn't sure what answer he expected, or even if Gii new that he was made of wood, despite it being an obvious fact. Sen has always felt the magic flowing through him, and not the wooden body, so he's never given it thought, though he knows it himself that he's wooden. If Sen had facial expressions, right now he would be staring at Gii intently, waiting, hoping for the right answer! Instead, he's left to follow Gii around, looking like a dummy. @~Juvenile~Orion~
Ricardo, Casino

Hmm so there was a human who was more troublesome than most humans normally were. Intriguing, really intriguing. "Alright, I'll keep a watch on her...Who is her Provider?" He asked, curiously wondering if her provider might be helpful or become a problem. Ricardo really didn't mind most of the staff but there were a few who really irked him sometimes. But then, Ricardo wasn't the easiest person to get along with either. @Kitt

Gii, halls on the 2nd floor

Gii shrugged his shoulders a bit at the question. "I suppose I like redwood better than cedar." Though he knew Sen was made of wood, he didn't really know the importance of the quest since it didn't really occur to him at the time. But still he had answered it and was quiet as he waited for Sen's next question. He had to admit he kind of liked having Sen around since this way he didn't have to worry about being bored of having no one to interact with. talking to Sen wasn't quite the same as talking to a human but it was definitely just as entertaining. @Pom Pom Express

The Twins

"I can't believe it..he melted our tennis ball." Aki said with a sigh. Great now once again they'd have to try and think of something to do. "Why'd you have to throw it so far?"

"What are you talking about? You're the one who ran into Elena." Ren said, a bit annoyed his brother was blaming it all on him. It wasn't entirely his fault, it wasn't even mostly his fault the way he saw it. "Well it was you're idea to play in the first place. You know they don't like it when we play catch in the hotel."And so another one of their rare arguments began. They argued for a while until Aki got sick of it and left.

Ren, the pool

Ren sighed to himself as he headed to go hide out for a while, not wanting to be bothered. He went and sat by the edge of the pool since there was no one there. He hated arguing with his brother since it always left him all alone. Unlike Aki, Ren didn't really have any other friends here at the hotel. He was quite, maybe even shy and had never really tried to make acquaintances besides his brother.
"Maybe I should try to make friends.." He mumbled looking down into the water.

Aki, the dining area

Aki wandered off to the dining to distract himself from his fight with Ren. He noticed Lancing there all by himself and walked over to say hi. Lancing was one of the few staff that Aki got along with. He didn't really mind the cooks and waiters so much and for the most part the didn't really seem to mind him. "Hi Lancing." He said to the other with a smile. "What kind of delicious specials are on the menu today?" It wasn't that he was hungry, he was just trying to start a conversation. @Seraph
Elena Stone, Casino.

Elena frowned. "I believe her provider is that human-lover, Azumi. I'll have to--" Elena stopped abruptly, and then corrected herself. "They're in the dining area, go and 'join them'." she finished. She then stood up on straightened her blazer. "I have to go take care of some other problems. Met me back here when you're done with that..." she said. And with that, she left in the direction of the pool. @~Juvenile~Orion~
Ricardo, Casino -> Dining Area

Ricardo frowned a bit hearing that Azumi was the girl's provider but did as he was told and headed off to the dining room, sneaking around in the dark shadows. Once there he saw Don, Azumi and the girl at a table and went and snuck into the girl's shadow to listen in and watch everything going on. It was looking a bit interesting he supposed. In a way he hoped Elena was right about how troublesome this girl was otherwise he's be sitting here bored wasting his time. @Kitt @Zachariah el Morgan @Pom Pom Express
Lancing- the dining room

Lancing looked up at Aki and smiled delighted to see him "Hello friend wonderful to see you." He knew that Aki was one of the younger ones there and he enjoyed his company but wasn't as pleased when he was with his twin. For lack of a nicer word they made quite a...pestering pair. After Aki asked about the food for today he rose his hands making hand gestures as he described the culinary wonders "Ahh today we have one of my personal favorites a blue paradise with a Turkish pork cutlet in a delicious chip basket. I'm using my famous seasoning on the cutlet and chips they are amazing if I don't say so myself." @~Juvenile~Orion~

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