A School Amongst The Stars [Inactive]

Eclair said:
Ren stopped since he heard something that wasn't his music and turned to Jim and stared at him trying to comprehend what the boy had just said. He then took of his ear buds, and asked " Excuse me, can you just repeat that again? " in a confused tone and added " I couldn't hear you. " Then closed the door behind him since the noises outside bothered him. And he questioned again " Need anything? "
Jim gulped nervously. it was hard enough the first time and now he had to repeat himself. *suck it up, you can do this* he throught. *dont just stare at him like an idiot, say something already!* "ah..um" he cleared his throat. "well, i,uh, i dont actually know where the lunchroom is, nor do i know how lunch...um.. happens. no i mean like, i dont really know how it like works and stuff. so. uh. i was wondering, if it wouldnt be such a bother, if you could take me with you and... yeah. just. can i come with?" *ohmygosh i sound like a loser. but at least this attempt was better i think, i said um less. yeah. im awesome.* even if Ren said he couldnt come, all in all he was happy he was getting more comfortable with the whole talking thing. that aside, he wrung his hands and bit his lip waiting for a reply.
Elijah stared up at Orion,taking in all that could be seen. So this is my new school. I just hope my first year is horrid... After saying his farewells to his mother and sister Elijah made his way up to the school. Once he got his schedule and dorm key he attempted to find his way to his dorm but somehow got lost in the process. Though he could ask other students and faculty to help him find his dorm room Elijah was far too stubborn to allow any of that and at the end of an adventure of some sorts he finally found what he was looking for.
ForgottenBlood said:
(Guys,it would be nice if this wasn't floated with 1x1 messages xc)
((I have to agree there a lil bit^^ I think it's cuz everyones so spread out right now but yeah.. So yeah everyone please remember it's okay to jump in on other peoples convos and all that, it is a group, emphasis on group, roleplay after all.))
"...." Ren continued to stare at the boy looking confused, once he comprehended what Jim said, he let out a soft sigh before walking towards the boy, taking his hand " Fine by me, I'll show you " he said before putting back on his ear buds. As he dragged the boy out of the room and led him to the cafeteria, now letting boy of the boys hand since they were already here, and went off to get a plate, and took a seat at an empty table.
Eclair said:
"...." Ren continued to stare at the boy looking confused, once he comprehended what Jim said, he let out a soft sigh before walking towards the boy, taking his hand " Fine by me, I'll show you " he said before putting back on his ear buds. As he dragged the boy out of the room and led him to the cafeteria, now letting boy of the boys hand since they were already here, and went off to get a plate, and took a seat at an empty table.
Jim followed Ren's actions closely, mentally noting them as 'how lunch works', and sat down next to him. It was silent. he thought mabye he should initiate some conversation. "so..um, Ren." *okay now what. favourite colour? no. food? no thats stupid. um...i got it!* "whats your favourite animal?"
* Bunnies * Was what came to mind first, but he'll never allow himself to admit that. And replied " Don't have one in particular, I like them all I guess " And tried to distract himself by turning up the volume of his music a little louder and then asked the boy " What's yours? "
"I..." *wow why didnt i think of an answer before i asked him* "I guess i really like.. um, Pilot Fish. and Sharks. And octopi. and snails, snails are the coolest! I also really like cats and rabbits, but i dont think im responsible enough to take care of either of them, or any pet for that matter. do you have any pets back home?"
* That's a lot of favorite animals there, and it's a first that someone has a snail for their favorite animal * he thought. He then took a bite out of his food before he answered " I used to have 2 dogs at home, and a rabbit " now thinking about them and slightly smiled at the memory.
(@~Juvenile~Orion~ )

Nick smiled at Dylan and then he went back to eating "Yea dude you should totally try out you look pretty athletic to me" Nick smiled "So your a sophomore huh mind showing me um around here a little bit better I found like a few classes and the ice rink but it is a pretty big campus and pretty easy to get lost here ya know" Nick smiled
Dylan laughed. "It's not so bad once you get used to it.. But yeah I'll show you around." He took a couple more bites of food before finishing. He got up and put his plate away then walked back over to the table. "Whenever your ready." (@Timv9)

(Oh yeah forgot to mention earlier, please feel free to use the OOC section to sort of..advertise(?) that your character is free to talk to or interact with. Since we have a lot of people I'm sure not everyone will be reading every post)
Eclair said:
* That's a lot of favorite animals there, and it's a first that someone has a snail for their favorite animal * he thought. He then took a bite out of his food before he answered " I used to have 2 dogs at home, and a rabbit " now thinking about them and slightly smiled at the memory.
"thats so cool! what were their names?" He continued to eat, very glad Ren woke him up for this. he was hungrier than he thought.
(@~Juvenile~Orion~ )

Nick smiled and finished and got up "okay cool lets go" Nick got up and followed Dylan "So what made you come here why did you want to come here I am just wondering?" Nick kept following "And also what are things I should know about this place tell me anything and everything." Nick kept going with Dylan and he could not stop blushing and staring at him.
"Ah well this is a pretty good school and my older brother went here a couple years ago..." Dylan said as they continued to walk. "So these hallways pretty much just lead to different classrooms. The wings of the school aren't really sectioned by grade so it can seem sort of chaotic sometimes but it's not that bad..." He explained as they were walking. After doing this about 50 times today he pretty much had the entire tour memorized. (@Timv9)

Lysander stopped in the hall on the way back to his room, changing his mind and deciding not to go back yet. He remembered that, while lost earlier, he had found this neat spot at the top of some stairs in the school and kind of wanted to try and find it again. After walking around a long time he finally found it and smiled to himself. This, he decided, would be the perfect place to go when he wanted to by himself or study. It was towards the back of the school and didn't look like the stairs there would be used frequently. Out of the way and quiet, it was perfect. After hanging around there for a couple minutes Lysander headed back to the cafeteria. There were still a couple people there, a good chance to make more friends ((or enemies hehe..)). He went over to one table with 2 students already. "Hey, can I sit here with you guys?" He said, smiling. (@Eclair and @Curious Kurona)
(Hey guys,I'm going to drop this Role Play for reasons~)

(Sorry for the inconvenience!But,i'm sure i'll be meeting you guys soon C:)
Elijah finished putting his items in his dorm and decided to explore the school ground since his last adventure was mainly being lost and this time around he actually wants to get to know his surroundings. He left his dorm and started walking throughout somewhat in hopes of meeting someone.
Nick kept walking with Dylan "oh okay cool thanks this little tour has actually helped a lot now I wont get lost" Nick smiled "So like what is there to do around here like are there parties or is there a mall or idk whatever like what do people do for fun on campus" (@~Juvenile~Orion~ )
Dylan shrugged. "There isn't too much to do. I mean after classes the teachers don't really care where we go or what we do on the campus. If you get a pass you can go off campus..." He said. "There do tend to be quite a few parties though and pretty much everyone is invited without question. Haha I remember the first party last year I had no idea it was okay for me to go, cuz I was just a freshmen who didn't know anybody. But then I figured it out and started going to them.. It's lots of fun."
Nick smile and laughed "Well thanks for telling me that or I would have probably done the same thing. I think your going to have to take me to some parties ya know to get to know people" Nick smiled and blushed at Dylan "Well um it is getting late we should probably head back to our dorms"
"Alrighty then~" Dylan said smiling. They walked over back to where the dorm rooms were and Dylan stopped at a door about halfway through the hall. "This is my room so I'll see you later.."
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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