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  1. Maddkingg

    Fandom Naruto — Armageddon!

    Is this still open?
  2. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    [[ can we not meta game, move your toona nd only you]]
  3. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Kingg stood up and continued to look at the girl. shes kinda cute, he thought to himself. '' i ahh... i.. im sorry i didnt see you there'' he said with a cracked voice. He didnt really no what to do most of the girls back at home had left a long time ago on their own journeys. '' My name is...
  4. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    [[sorry ive been so absent, work is kicking my ass]] Kingg. Stood up from where he sat to watch the events play out and looked down at mudkip. '' These must be the people that where at the lab when i got you. '' He started walking around to see if he could follow the action . He realized that...
  5. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Sorry mate, me and demn are actually friends outside of this and id much rather be with someone that can rp next to my skills
  6. Maddkingg

    Futuristic Starboard Light

    Name: Unknown Nickname: Kingg Gender: Male Age: 23 Height: 6'1'' Appearance: Race: Drell About Your Race: Drell are omnivorous reptile-like humanoids with an average lifespan of 85 galactic standard years. Drell appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle...
  7. Maddkingg

    Futuristic Starboard Light

    Im in
  8. Maddkingg

    Realistic or Modern the world we now live in

    Full name: Katisu Kinggston Nickname: Kingg age: 23 gender:Male sexuality: Straight element: Fire feelings about the school: Kingg wants to become stronger then he ever was before, so he decided to attend the school faceclaim: [] height: 6'2'' weight: 193lbs body...
  9. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Kingg looked at the items the professor had given him and smiled deeply as the fire inside him ignited. He watched as the other kids took off and he started to follow, not keeping up with them but keeping them in site. He grasped the pokeball that held mudkip and stared at it for a few seconds...
  10. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Current Location: Twinleaf town: Professors Lab Kingg Stood at the doorway and chuckled at the mess that was on the floor. He imagined thousands of possible outcomes for how that couldve happened and everyone was funnier then the last. he snapped back to reality as the professor started...
  11. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    kingg's Trainer Card | Pokécharms my trainer card btw
  12. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    The boy stood in front of his aunt and uncle giddy as any true trainer would be on his first day of a new adventure. He had finally convinced his parents into letting him leave home to be the great leader he knew he was destined to be. The boys uncle stood there looking down onto the 11 year old...
  13. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Name: Kingg Age: 11 Gender: Male Hometown: Snowbelle City Personality: Kingg is a very hard worker. He wants to be the best he can at everything and doesnt take failure as an option. he is very caring but wants to be strong so he hides behind a sarcastic and rude mask at times Battle...
  14. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Im filling things out now, may i have Mudkip? and how do i make myself a trainer card?
  15. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    Do we have to be 10 or 11
  16. Maddkingg

    Digimon: VC [reboot] (open)

    can someone message me? i would like to join this but im a little confused on everything. I keep seeing the chatter about evoltuion depending on the number of posts and other stuff in that manner. if someone can message me the details to everything or just put me in the right direction so i can...
  17. Maddkingg

    Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

    may i join
  18. Maddkingg

    Fandom Naruto AU: Fragmented

    id love to join if that would be okay
  19. Maddkingg


    Hello everyone, My name is Kingg and i have an addiction to roleplaying. Lol no but seriously i love to rp and i am looking for some fun. i like all genres of rp and am a detailed para rper. I really dont like rp's that allow canon characters because they are all usually overpowered. Soo that a...