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Futuristic Starboard Light

Maddkingg said:
Name: Unknown
Nickname: Kingg

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 6'1''



Race: Drell

About Your Race: Drell are omnivorous reptile-like humanoids with an average lifespan of 85 galactic standard years. Drell appearance is very similar to asari and humans, but their muscle tissue is slightly denser, giving them a wiry strength. They appear to have five fingers on each hand, albeit the ring and middle fingers are fused. Their skin is apparently infused with a venom mild enough to be served in drinks, and may cause mild hallucinations on "oral contact". They also have two sets of eyelids, akin to the nictitating membrane possessed by certain animals such as reptiles. The inner lid is milky-white and closes from the left and right, while the outer lid is black and closes from top and bottom. Much like humans or asari, drell possess the ability to shed tears.




Occupation: Assassin

Personality: Keeps to himself, doesnt like showing that he actually has a heart

Bio: Kingg was a young boy when he was taken away from his family by pirates. The pirates enslaved Kingg and when they thought he was of no more use, they traded him to another pirate organization. the second ship he had been a slave to taught him how to survive. They taught him their ways. He grew up on that ship never looking back onto his past, and always making sure he and his crew were taken care off. at the age of 18 he left the pirate ship and went off on his own as a contract killer.
@Maddkingg Accepted
Nerdork said:
Name: Celania Poskonova
Nicknames: Laney, Cell, Power-Cell

Gender: Female

Age: 22 years old

Height: 5' 5"


She is half-human, half Silreen.

About Your Race: The Silreen come from a technologically advanced planet, sort of similar to the Earth That Was. Their appearance is very similar to humans, except that most possess dark eyes, metallic skin tones, and dark hair. Other notable attributes include their ability to breathe heavily polluted air, thick skin around their fingertips, and their excellent memories. However, their most well-known aspect is their flat nose and four nostrils, which Silreen often decorate with rings and paint. Laney did not inherit this quality, and actually has trouble breathing through her nose.

Weapons: She has this little doohickey, but its more of a relic passed down from her Silreen ancestors than a weapon she carries. She's not really sure how to use it, and mostly keeps it in her cabin. One thing she always carries around with her is her wrench, which can probably be counted as a deadly weapon, though it is unlikely that Laney would use it.

Occupation: She mostly works as a mechanic on the ORIs, though she dreams of one day piloting one herself.

Personality: Laney is kindhearted more than anything else, and tries her hardest to please people, though that is, obviously, not always possible. Although she wants to befriend everyone she meets, she is not dumb or naive. She realizes that some people, for some reason, might want to hurt Kalus, or her. However, she does not let that impede her day to day interactions, or bias her judgement when making new people. Laney believes that there is good in everyone, even though her brother has nearly the opposite view of the world.

Bio: Her mother was a married woman with a two year old son when she met Laney's father. Her husband was off on a diplomatic visit to some planet, and while he was away the two had a whirlwind romance that resulted in Laney. Obviously, having a child with another man was not good for Laney's mother's marriage, and the woman found herself alone with two young children, and decided to move onto Kalus to live with her mother, and found work designing new and improved OGI suits after the attack on Kalus.

Laney's father often visited Laney as she grew up, bringing presents to her and the rest of her family. Although the two still held feelings for each other, Laney's parents never married, mostly because of Laney's grandmother's racism against those who were not human, which the old woman also directed at Laney.

Despite these troubles, Laney grew up a happy and healthy young girl, albeit with some prejudices against marriage. Her mother worked on the OGI suits and saw the damage that they sometimes came back with, and forbid her children fro becoming OGI pilots. So since she could not go inside the suits, Laney decided to help keep the OGI suits in tip top shape for those that could. She is the second youngest person ever to be admitted to Kalus's engineering school (the youngest was only a couple months younger than her), and almost immediately after graduating she was recruited by the OGI mechanics to work with them. She's been there ever since.

Other: She is Reggie's younger half-sister.

Name: Reginando Poskonova

Nickname: He will only answer to Reggie or Poskonova

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Height: 5' 10"


Race: Full Human

About Your Race: N/A

Weapons: Standard regulation Guard weapons: Rifle Blaster Shockstick/Baton

Occupation: He is a guard

Personality: He is a lot tougher than Laney, with a lot more criteria people need to meet in order for him to let his guard down around them. He spent most of his life protecting Laney, and this has translated into his everyday life. He is protective of most everyone, even those he doesn't trust yet. Although he is well trained in the weapons he carries, he prefers to solve problems with words rather than violence. Like Laney, he is very smart, graduating cum laude from both the Kalus Education Program as well as his Guard training. However, unlike his sister, he uses that intelligence to see the worst in people so that he can be prepared for their actions when they do. Yeah, he's a little intense. But Laney is working on getting him to loosen up a little.

Bio: He doesn't remember his father, and he only remembers brief glimpses of his life on the ground before they joined their family on Kalus. Despite spending almost all of his life on Kalus, he has never truly felt at home aboard the ship. Most of his waking moments he spent protecting Laney from whatever evil, real or imagined, that might threaten her. So he has viewed his time on Kalus as more of a job than a place to call home. In two years, he will have completed the 7 years of service that he signed up for when he became a guard, and then he plans on hopping off at the next planet. He has not told his mother or sister about this, nor about the fact that he has been hiding half of his wages under his mattress every payday. He doesn't have a plan for when he gets off the ship, but he wants to be well-funded when he does.

Other: He is Laney's older half-brother
@Nerdork you're accepted! Love your characters.
I'm really curious as to how all of this'll play out already. :-D this RP is actually a story in writing abs since I'm currently having writers block, I know I'll get some inspiration. Even use these characters at some point!
I am still here, but I was trying to be courteous and wait until madkingg replied. However, they do not seem to have been active for a while, so I will post tomorrow.
That's fine. I thank you for that. Go right ahead and he can jump in when he is available.

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