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  1. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

  2. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

    Name: Salem Williams Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Grade: 11th Gang: The Militaristic Ellite Rank: Second Appearance: Personality: Salem is complicated. He is a bit of a trickster and loves to have fun. Most of all he believes in defending the weak and enjoying...
  3. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

    The Militaristic Elite~ Comprised of the social elite, the M.E has a certain level of class. However it’s members aren’t afraid to play dirty in getting what they want. They have access to high class weapons, drugs, and anything else they may need. Because of their social standing the rules...
  4. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

    @Lost In Paradise, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  5. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

    The overview tab has all the information on gangs, the ranks are first come first serve. CS Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Sexuality: Grade: Gang: Rank: Appearance: Personality: Background: Likes: Dislikes: Extra:
  6. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Nothing but Trouble

    Farren high school is one of the most well known high schools in the country. Many of it’s students are from elite and/or well known families. Those who graduate are often accepted into prestigious school and go on to become the generation of the socially elite. However, the school has a much...
  7. Lost In Paradise

    Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

    Name: Atticus Winters Age [What they appear to be]: 16 Real age: 342 Appearance [Anime only]: Personality [1 paragraph+]: He is a bit of a trickster and loves to have fun. He doesn't act like his station at all. He is extremely loyal and will do anything for a friend. He loves deeply...
  8. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey returned her attention to the other girl with a thoughhful hum. Perhaps she should have considered such a position before she'd been caught. It certianly would have been better than her own family. "It does have a certain charm I suppose." She said. Although, Aralyne was betrayed by her...
  9. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey frowned, "Family is overrated." She muttered, her face darkening. Several seconds passed before she brightened up again, "What's it like if you are the boss?" She asked, leaning toward the other girl. A gang had never really felt like her thing. They lacked the finesse her killings had, a...
  10. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey shook her hand, glad to have met another person. "I'm Audrey. Former serial killer!" She said with a grin, "It's nice to meet you." She glanced around them. "So what are gangs like?" She asked, her smile never slipping. She'd always wondered what it was like to be in a gang.
  11. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey saw a girl sitting on the steps and walked over. Barely noticing the other people as she walked, finally she would have someone to talk to. She was clearly going to be stuck there for a while, so it would be useless if she didn't make friends. With this in mind she finally reached the...
  12. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey soon grew bored and decided to go outside. Perhaps she could meet someone, maybe make some friends. With this in mind she sat up with a yawn and streched. She dragged herself out of bed and walked out of her dorm. She walked downstair and outside, wincing at the bright sunlight. She...
  13. Lost In Paradise

    Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

    Genesis sighed and took his hand. "I'm fine," She shot a dark look over at the girls. "Although they won't be when I get my hands on them." She muttered under her breath.Naturally the fan girls paid her no notice, and continued with their endless giggling and screaming. She waited several...
  14. Lost In Paradise

    Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

    The girls were getting out of control. It was almost worse than usual. Genesis scowled darkly, "I get that they're attractive but is it worth all of this!" She muttered, trying to calm down the girls. She didn't want to think about how bad it would be once the night class actually made it...
  15. Lost In Paradise

    Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

    Genesis yawned lazily and prepared for the evening rush. She'd snuck out of class and spent most of the afternoon napping. Unfortunatly, she would have hell to pay once the teacher found her. She sighed and ran a hand through her tangled hair before climbing to her feet. She then strode out to...
  16. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Audrey strode through the streets towards what she hoped was the dormatories. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. This was pointless. She glanced up at the sky with a frown. Of course it had to be sunny, she could practically feel her skin burning. She scowled darkly, who needs sun...
  17. Lost In Paradise

    Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

    Name: Audrey Mitchell Nickname*: None Age: 18 Sexuality: Bi Appearance: She is 5'2 and petite. 3 Flaws: She has Dissociative Identity Disorder, Manipulative, and is emotionable unstable 3 Good traits: She is loyal, Loves to Have fun, and will do anything for someone she cares...
  18. Lost In Paradise

    Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning

    Name: Genesis Mathews Age [15-18]:17 Appearance [Anime only]: Personality [1 paragraph+]: At first look Genesis is carefree and fun loving. She is confident, prideful, and isn't one to back down from a dare or a fight. She is loyal and loves to be around people, to an extent. She...