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Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'


I'm confused... about everything
CS Please follow these guidelines, you can add more things if you want to, but this is the minimum. *=optional





Appearance: photo*

3 Flaws:

3 Good traits:

More on personality*:



Tattoos or piercings*: photo*


Psychological disorders*:


Bio (TBH allowed):


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Name: Charles Bejemin

Nickname*: Bedlam

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: Wild purple hair, purple contacts, stands 5'11", semi muscular build

3 Flaws:Temper, No impulse control (with one exception), legally insane {I hope these count}

3 Good traits: Despite his many inhuman crimes he has never sexual abused a woman and only has the utmost respect for them, photographic memory, very loyal and will never betray a friend

More on personality*:

Likes: Animals, alcohol, human flesh, murder, blood, video games, reading.

Dislikes: Mysogenists, animal cruelty, cops, rules, authority

Tattoos or piercings*:none

Crime*: Mass Murder, Arson, Grand Larsony, Grand Theft Auto, Drug Trafficking, Terrorism, Canibilism

Psychological disorders*: Borderline Personality Disorder, ADHD, Pyromania.

Pets*: none

Bio (TBH allowed): Charles had a very happy childhood until age 10. He was kidnapped and tortured for 2 weeks straight. He went insane after that indecent and a year later he killed for the first time and he liked it. For the next 8 years he commuted murder after murder, with other crimes thrownin for good measure, and even started eating his victims. But when he was 18 he was captured thanks to an anonymous tip by his girlfriend at the time.

Grades: High B's thanks to his Photographic memory

Name: Saga Bills

Nickname: Little Red Rider

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: Blonde hair that's slightly wavy. Red eyes, 5.4, slightly pale with a slender and frail build mainly designed for speed. Wears a red hood jacket with pale ripped jeans and red converse shoes. He carries around a colorful skateboard.

Flaws: Too innocent when it comes to inappropriate things, lazy, is very forgetful and holds grudges.

Good traits: Insanely kind, wants to help out everyone, will fight for his friends to the end, and doesn't give up easily.

More on personality: He doesn't necessarily look like the type to be at the Academy, but turns out looks can deceive you.

Likes: tv, Internet, movies, animals, his skateboard, games of any kind, and art.

Dislikes: Tricks, loud noises, crying, the word 'moist', early mornings, flying insects, and the smell of onions.

Crime: Human trafficking, mass murder, thievery, and domestic terrorism.

Psychological disorders: ADHD, insomnia, slight schizophrenia. PTSD

Pets: Unless you count inanimate objects then none.

Bio: Saga was raised in a middle class family and his parents were very nice people. It wasn't until he was 14 that everything went south. His mother and father along with his siblings were killed by gang members. After he asked if he could join their gang and lied about how he actually wanted to kill his parents in the first place. After 2 years of being in the gang, he killed everyone in it without having second thoughts. After, he went around with his skateboard that his parents had gotten him for his 14th birthday. He killed every gang member in his city staining his originally white hood with blood. He did this for another 2 years and eventually was caught trying to buy comic books.

Grades: B and B- occasionally C
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Name: Skylar Bossi

Nickname*: Sky, Boss

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Black hair that's just past her shoulders, slightly wavy. Pale blue eyes, 5' 3", somewhat tan and has a slender figure. She usually wears a gray hoodie with white shorts and black high tops.

3 Flaws: Temper, very impatient, and she is very reckless.

3 Good traits: Is an amazing listener but only for a period of time. Sky doesn't feel the need to depend on people so she's been independent almost from the start, she also really creative.

More on personality*:

Drawing, blood, the color black or red, time alone, and silence.

Dislikes: Crowds, staying still, coffee, and her mother.

Tattoos or piercings*:


Crime*: Arson, murder, kidnapping, theft, and domestic violence.

Psychological disorders*: Insomnia, and Antisocial personality disorder.

Pets*: None

Bio (TBH allowed): When Skylar was a child, she lived in a bad neighborhood and was always told to be careful when walking around. She never listened and did what she wanted to do. As a result of this decision, she got into a lot of fights but she loved it. Her mother was her only family so having your only child close to death everyday took a toll on her. Skylar came home one day covered is bruises and her mother couldn't take it anymore. She beat Skylar until she stopped moving. This went on for a couple months before Sky fought back. The cops were called but nothing was done because of the area they lived in. Skylar ended up killing her mother and burning the entire house down with her, running away to commit more crimes. The police finally caught Skylar after she had kidnapped a 7 year old boy and killed him.

Grades: Mostly C's and sometimes B's.

More/Other*: She wants to get more tattoos, preferably on her thigh.
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Name: Audrey Mitchell

Nickname*: None

Age: 18

Sexuality: Bi

Appearance: She is 5'2 and petite.


3 Flaws: She has Dissociative Identity Disorder, Manipulative, and is emotionable unstable

3 Good traits: She is loyal, Loves to Have fun, and will do anything for someone she cares about/protective

Likes: Cute Things, Blood, Having fun, rain, and music

Dislikes: Pain(her own), Being alone, and the sun

Tattoos or piercings*: Has a tattoo of a rose on her right wrist, 3 cartiledge peircings on each ear and a nose ring

Crime*: Mass Murder, Arson, Assault, and Kidnapping

Psychological disorders*: DID(Split personality)

Bio (TBH allowed): She was born into a rich family and was their pride and joy until she was diagnosed at age 6 with Split Personality disorder. One side of her was sweet and cute, while the other was was much darker. Her family tried to cover the whole thing up and pretend like she was normal. As she got older she grew more and more unstable. One night in a fit of rage she killed one of her families maids and liked it. Her family was horrified at what she'd done but unwilling to let it get out to the press, they covered for their daughter. Unable to sate her dark side she continued killing for a year undetected. Eventually her family wasn't able to take it any more and turned her over to the police.

Grades: A's and B's
Name: Jackson Mclain

NickName*: Jax

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bi

Appearence: Usually wears all black has black eyes and black hair is 6'2 and is Caucasian

3 Flaws: Is known to have a temper Is impatient holds grudges

3 Good Traits: Funny Protective brave

Likes: Blood Killing Music Friends and Fire

Dislikes: His enemys

Tattoos or Piercing: Has a lip piercing and a tattoo of a phoenix

Crime: Started a massacre and killed over 400 people

Psychological Disorders: None

Bio (TBH Allowed): Was abused as a child his parents drank and beat him. When he turned eight he killed his parents in their sleep since then he would commit crimes here and then. From time to time he would mug people or just cause destruction.

Grades: B's

Name: Aralyne Fariss

Nickname*: Ara

Age: 17

Sexuality: Lesbian

3 Flaws: Stubborn, Reckless, Risk taker

3 Good traits: Passionate, Loyal, protector

More on personality: Aralyne has a sort of bad girl demeanor around her, but she's got a fiery passion for those people she is close to. She can't stand arguing with someone who won't accept her side of the story (but she won't accept theirs)

Likes: Girls, beanies, flowers, flannel, girls

Dislikes: Cigarettes, dudes who are in love with her

Tattoos or piercings*:

Crime*: She was the head of a large gang in her part of town, then the popo caught her and her gang and she was sent here, after being thrown under the bus by most of the people in the gang.

Psychological disorders*: Ara is autistic

Pets*: none

Bio (TBH allowed): Aralyne lived with a really rich father who never had time for her. When he was home, he was always with other woman that "pleased him". Aralyne ran away from her home around 15 and joined the gang, climbing the ranks and rising to the top

Grades: A's, though she hates math

More/Other*: Catcall her and she'll beat you mofos up
Name: Jordan Aire

Nickname*: jay, Dan , j-dog


Sexuality: Gay

Appearance: photo*:

He's quite tall and muscular


3 Flaws: gets overprotective, forgetful and very indecisive

3 Good traits: he's good with any type of weapon, he's loyal and he's trustworthy

Likes: playing sports, fighting, listening to rap and hot boys

Dislikes: people who question his role of leader, snitches and girls that try to get with him

Crime*: Gang violence, drug dealing, kidnapping and murder ( he turned himself in to save his gang members)

Bio (TBH allowed): His father was shot by a rival gang and soon after his death he was accepted as the new gang leader. His mother killed herself after the loss of her husband. He wanted revenge and he got it but it landed him here.

Grades: good marks ( mainly intuition, he doesn't study)
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"Don't fuck it up!"

Khaleesi Targaryen


"Shut up."



"I am an age. Does it matter?"






3 Flaws:

Anyways!! I wouldn't call myself bipolar... More tripolar. If you've heard about that it's when you have like three different sides, but I don't know, lemme explain it. It's where I'll laugh and cry as I beat the shit out of someone... So yeah. Here's the thing. I am a huge trouble maker. Yes I fight, Yes I get in trouble, No I don't listen to anyone, Yes I will get annoying so you're welcome!!"

3 Good traits:

"I won't show my sweet, adorable side. That's good right? I'm a kind person... To myself. Um... Loyal? I mean, once you get to know me, I'm outgoing..."

More on personality*:

"Rather not... Find out yourself!"






*Some People






*Most people

Tattoos or piercings*:

"Oh my lord yes!"



"Sorry... Not saying, that is, until you meet me..."

Psychological disorders*:

"Does insanity count?"






Bio (TBH allowed):

"When I was born my mother Hemorrhaged, killing her. As I grew up my father grew distance, I always knew my father blamed me for the death of my mother. When I turned 4 my father remarried, when I turned 8 my father had 4 more kids, all boys. What every father could dream of, I of course was the outsider, my father never payed any attention to me and my step mother treated me like trash, a small little maid that ran around the house doing everyone's job."


"I get straight A's... Which is a bad thing!"


"I'm 4'4... WORST THING EVER!!!!!!!"

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W.I.P. I suck at coding. Can someone help me?


no slide no slide







3 Flaws:

3 Good traits:








Psychological disorders*:


Bio (TBH allowed):




no slide no slide







3 Flaws:

3 Good traits:








Psychological disorders*:


Bio (TBH allowed):



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"Jake Myami"


"None really..."


"I'm 17 1/2"





3 Flaws:

"I'm flirtatious. I snap easily and will put you to the ground. I promise you that! Um... I guess another bad thing is that I let people in to close, I mean I can be to close too, but I don't know."

3 Good traits:

"Good traits? Maybe it's that I'm loyal. I may look mean, but I'm sweet and lovable... which may be a bad thing. Anyways! I am honest, and will speak my mind, no matter what situation."

More on personality*:

"Kind of explained it."






*Cute fluffy things


*Salty things

*Being alone

*Sad songs


Tattoos or piercings*:

"No sadly... I want one though..."


"No sorry. Ask me about it and maybe? I just like keeping this to myself."

Psychological disorders*:

"None that I think of."


"None. I hate cats, yet I'm allergic to dogs."


(Gimme a sec...)


"B's and C's, sometimes D's..."


"I'm 6'4..."


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