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Fantasy Vampire Knight : A New Beginning


The Swiftest Shot In The West
CS for humans:


Age [15-18]:

Appearance [Anime only]:

Personality [1 paragraph+]:

Background [1 paragraph+]:




Blood type:

Relationships with other characters:

Disciplinary committee ? :

CS for vampires:


Age [What they appear to be]:

Real age:

Appearance [Anime only]:

Personality [1 paragraph+]:

Background [1 paragraph+]:




Favourite blood type:

Least favourite blood type:

Relationships with other characters:

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:



Purebloods :

1.Clair O'Reilly @Mr Swiftshots

2.Kyo Uehara (unknown to everyone else) @Love You to Death


Aristocrats :

1.Alphonse Winslow @Taran













1.Cedric Pine @Taran

2.Rose @Firebright

3.Allison Mae Blackwood @MrsOliver




Disciplinary Committee:

1.Genesis Mathews @Lost In Paradise

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CS for vampires:


Name:Clair O'Reilly

Age [What they appear to be]: 17

Real age:1737

Personality :

Clair is kind and gentle , diligent and elegant yet Bold and brave , deceitful and malice. Clair is all of these in one package , quite amusing really if you think about it. She is somewhat like a sentient contradiction of sorts. Showing of one trait to some and another to , well , another !

Now I know what your thinking , she's bipolar right ! Wrong , Clair just simply changes her persona when she deems it necessary. For instance say she was attending a high council summit , well of course she would be more bold and cunning than say if she were to be at a school dance.

Anyway the thing is you never know what your going to get with Clair.

Background :

The pureblood that stands before you now is no other than the O'Reilly heiress and the current ruling vampire of both Britain and Ireland. Well her parents are the current rulers but they get a lot of help from Clair herself. That's how it always has been. You see Clair is very big into her politics and rightly so , her being a pureblood and all.

From a young age Clair has been exposed to the high council and well she had to learn to adapt as did her parents. Being controlled by a council of aristocrats really isn't all it's hype up to be , especially when you can bend them to your will. And well that she did , she completely bent them to her will , in fact she fondly remembers having them do laps around the council room at the age of 154. For old men they sure can run.

Anyway her parents wanted her to mate with another pureblood , keep the pure blood running and all that crap. So they sent her to the academy in the hopes she'd ,well ,find a mate on her own rather than have one arranged.






Her position


Blood Pills


the disciplinary committee


Favourite blood type: O+

Least favourite blood type: A-

Relationships with other characters: The main Pureblood within the night dorm. Also deemed the most beautiful girl in the academy by the both the day class boys and the night.

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:Pureblood

Pureblood vampire , control over lightning is her main 'Stick'

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Name: Kyo Uehara

Age [What they appear to be]: 17

Real age: 1,598

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 paragraph+]:

Kyo is complicated. He believes in defending the weak and doing whats right. However the vampire society isn't really for that. So he hides that part of him and play the part of a cocky young aristocrat. He is loyal to fault, although he usually doesn't show it, and is almost never silent. He is also a flirt and while almost never serious he enjoys female company. In truth he really just wants to settle down, but he worries it won't fit his fascade.

Background [1 paragraph+]:

He was born into a prominent pureblood family, with three older brothers and two younger sisters. When he was still quite young his family was deemed traitors by the vampire counsil and lost social status/power they had. His family was hated and over the years his siblings and parents were all killed, save for his youngest sister. Beleiving that his family had been wronged, he set out to prove their innocence and redeem his family in the eyes of the vampire council. In order to do this he supressed his powers and enrolled in cross academy. With his powers suppressed he would play the part of a lower class aristocrat. His goal is befriend power families who could later back him up when he would appeal to the council.

Likes: Cats, Night, music, flirting

Dislikes: Bullies, those who want to harm his sister, the person he's pretending to be, rain

Crush: Possibly Clair

Favourite blood type:O-

Least favourite blood type: AB+

Relationships with other characters: He flirts with all of them, boy or girl...

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]: Pureblood but pretends to be an aristocrat

Powers:Pureblood Powers and can control shadows
[QUOTE="Love You to Death]Name: Kyo Uehara
Age [What they appear to be]: 17

Real age: 1,598

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 paragraph+]:

Kyo is complicated. He believes in defending the weak and doing whats right. However the vampire society isn't really for that. So he hides that part of him and play the part of a cocky young aristocrat. He is loyal to fault, although he usually doesn't show it, and is almost never silent. He is also a flirt and while almost never serious he enjoys female company. In truth he really just wants to settle down, but he worries it won't fit his fascade.

Background [1 paragraph+]:

He was born into a prominent pureblood family, with three older brothers and two younger sisters. When he was still quite young his family was deemed traitors by the vampire counsil and lost social status/power they had. His family was hated and over the years his siblings and parents were all killed, save for his youngest sister. Beleiving that his family had been wronged, he set out to prove their innocence and redeem his family in the eyes of the vampire council. In order to do this he supressed his powers and enrolled in cross academy. With his powers suppressed he would play the part of a lower class aristocrat. His goal is befriend power families who could later back him up when he would appeal to the council.

Likes: Cats, Night, music, flirting

Dislikes: Bullies, those who want to harm his sister, the person he's pretending to be, rain

Crush: Possibly Clair

Favourite blood type:O-

Least favourite blood type: AB+

Relationships with other characters: He flirts with all of them, boy or girl...

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]: Pureblood but pretends to be an aristocrat

Powers:Pureblood Powers and can control shadows

Name: Cedric Pine

Age [15-18]: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-107.jpg.ceaa77452302461cf995abcf10961bd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-107.jpg.ceaa77452302461cf995abcf10961bd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cedric is oblivious to most of the things that go on around him. Dropping little hints won't work with guy as he'll more than likely miss them or they'll go over his head. He friendly with anyone he happens to cross paths, and is more than willing to help out a complete stranger if they are in need. He was very sheltered growing up, and that is why his parents sent him to Cross Academy, in hopes that being around people his own age will help make him a bit more worldly and less naive. This hasn't happened though and he still maintains his childlike awe and curiosity. Which isn't to say that he's defenseless or acts like a child he just misses things that most other people his age would pick up on or have already experienced.

Background: Cedric was an only child and he was very shy, so much to his father's dismay his mother home schooled him until he turned 17. When it was obvious that well he had become less shy thanks to being around his parents friends he was missing out on lots of things other teenagers got to experience. Also his father couldn't stand the fact that his son had yet to learn there were bad people in the world and you couldn't trust everyone. Cedric didn't see why thinking people where good ws a bad thing until his mother explained that he was going to eventually take over his father's shipping business and he needed to be prepared for that. Which sort of helped but he didn't see what business and bad people had to do with each other. Cedric was a bit leary when it was announced that he'd be leaving home for the first time but, after finding out he'd be able to make friends his own age he was rather excited for this adventure. As well as being able to make his parents proud of him.

Likes: Books, making friends, music, going for walks, being outside

Dislikes: Not understanding what's going on, being away from his family, loud noises, dogs

Crush: N/A

Blood type: O+

Relationships with other characters: He's friendly with everyone

Disciplinary committee ? : No


Name: Alphonse Winslow

Age [What they appear to be]: 18

Real age: 1,031


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/2016-07-12-13-49-24-1843851667.jpg.908235f6338c15b97ca91118e632c371.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/2016-07-12-13-49-24-1843851667.jpg.908235f6338c15b97ca91118e632c371.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alphonse is very much so happy go lucky most of the time, if he has to be serious then he will. He isn't to fond of politics and as such he avoids them at all costs, he doesn't really want power right now. He feels as though, it's not like if that changes his mind, he won't have the time to become more respectable. Though why would he want to be, since he sees that the Purebloods will always be on top and he'll never get close so why bother. He isn't lazy though if there is something he wants then he works hard until he gets it and he can be rather stubborn and childish at times.

Background: His family does have some influence and while his parents and siblings try to work their way up the food chain he never did. Thus he became the blacksheep of his family and has embraced that. He's no longer very close with his family especially not his sister who sees him as an idiot and he used to go out of his way to annoy her, but that game got old so he rarely talks with his family nowadays. Which is just fine with them, he'd much rather get his news about his family from the gossip mill anyway as its just a better story.

Likes: Blood, playing games, making others laugh, having a good time

Dislikes: Politics, His family, blood pills (they just aren't as good as the real stuff), being told what to do

Crush: N/A

Favourite blood type: A+

Least favourite blood type: O-

Relationships with other characters: Some like him some don't and he feels the same way about them.

What type of vampire are they?: Aristocrat

Powers: The general healing faster, in addition he also possess accelerated speed.



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Taran said:
Name: Cedric Pine
Age [15-18]: 17


View attachment 314279

Personality: Cedric is oblivious to most of the things that go on around him. Dropping little hints won't work with guy as he'll more than likely miss them or they'll go over his head. He friendly with anyone he happens to cross paths, and is more than willing to help out a complete stranger if they are in need. He was very sheltered growing up, and that is why his parents sent him to Cross Academy, in hopes that being around people his own age will help make him a bit more worldly and less naive. This hasn't happened though and he still maintains his childlike awe and curiosity. Which isn't to say that he's defenseless or acts like a child he just misses things that most other people his age would pick up on or have already experienced.

Background: Cedric was an only child and he was very shy, so much to his father's dismay his mother home schooled him until he turned 17. When it was obvious that well he had become less shy thanks to being around his parents friends he was missing out on lots of things other teenagers got to experience. Also his father couldn't stand the fact that his son had yet to learn there were bad people in the world and you couldn't trust everyone. Cedric didn't see why thinking people where good ws a bad thing until his mother explained that he was going to eventually take over his father's shipping business and he needed to be prepared for that. Which sort of helped but he didn't see what business and bad people had to do with each other. Cedric was a bit leary when it was announced that he'd be leaving home for the first time but, after finding out he'd be able to make friends his own age he was rather excited for this adventure. As well as being able to make his parents proud of him.

Likes: Books, making friends, music, going for walks, being outside

Dislikes: Not understanding what's going on, being away from his family, loud noises, dogs

Crush: N/A

Blood type: O+

Relationships with other characters: He's friendly with everyone

Disciplinary committee ? : No


Name: Alphonse Winslow

Age [What they appear to be]: 18

Real age: 1,031


View attachment 314280

Personality: Alphonse is very much so happy go lucky most of the time, if he has to be serious then he will. He isn't to fond of politics and as such he avoids them at all costs, he doesn't really want power right now. He feels as though, it's not like if that changes his mind, he won't have the time to become more respectable. Though why would he want to be, since he sees that the Purebloods will always be on top and he'll never get close so why bother. He isn't lazy though if there is something he wants then he works hard until he gets it and he can be rather stubborn and childish at times.

Background: His family does have some influence and while his parents and siblings try to work their way up the food chain he never did. Thus he became the blacksheep of his family and has embraced that. He's no longer very close with his family especially not his sister who sees him as an idiot and he used to go out of his way to annoy her, but that game got old so he rarely talks with his family nowadays. Which is just fine with them, he'd much rather get his news about his family from the gossip mill anyway as its just a better story.

Likes: Blood, playing games, making others laugh, having a good time

Dislikes: Politics, His family, blood pills (they just aren't as good as the real stuff), being told what to do

Crush: N/A

Favourite blood type: A+

Least favourite blood type: O-

Relationships with other characters: Some like him some don't and he feels the same way about them.

What type of vampire are they?: Aristocrat

Powers: The general healing faster, in addition he also possess accelerated speed.
Name: Genesis Mathews

Age [15-18]:17

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 paragraph+]:

At first look Genesis is carefree and fun loving. She is confident, prideful, and isn't one to back down from a dare or a fight. She is loyal and loves to be around people, to an extent. She finds it very hard to trust people and because of this doesn't often let people get close to her. She also doesn't like to let other people know what she is really feeling. As a result when she is upset she tends to lash out on other people.

Background [1 paragraph+]:

When she was growing up she was very close to her father, as her mother had died when she was quite young. However, when she was 9 her father made a critical mistake. Unknown to Genesis, her father was a con man and he conned the wrong people, a prominent vampire family. As a result he was tracked down and killed right in front of her. Scared and confused, Genesis just barely managed to escape. She was taken in by a young family and lived there for several months. Until they decided she was too much for them to handle and gave her up to an orphanage. Genesis was never adopted, but worked hard at her school work until she was accepted at cross academy.




Cute things



Disappointing people




Crush: N/A

Blood type: A+

Relationships with other characters: She isn't super close to anyone but is friendly to most

Disciplinary committee ? :Yep
[QUOTE="Lost In Paradise]Name: Genesis Mathews
Age [15-18]:17

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 paragraph+]:

At first look Genesis is carefree and fun loving. She is confident, prideful, and isn't one to back down from a dare or a fight. She is loyal and loves to be around people, to an extent. She finds it very hard to trust people and because of this doesn't often let people get close to her. She also doesn't like to let other people know what she is really feeling. As a result when she is upset she tends to lash out on other people.

Background [1 paragraph+]:

When she was growing up she was very close to her father, as her mother had died when she was quite young. However, when she was 9 her father made a critical mistake. Unknown to Genesis, her father was a con man and he conned the wrong people, a prominent vampire family. As a result he was tracked down and killed right in front of her. Scared and confused, Genesis just barely managed to escape. She was taken in by a young family and lived there for several months. Until they decided she was too much for them to handle and gave her up to an orphanage. Genesis was never adopted, but worked hard at her school work until she was accepted at cross academy.




Cute things



Disappointing people




Crush: N/A

Blood type: A+

Relationships with other characters: She isn't super close to anyone but is friendly to most

Disciplinary committee ? :Yep


Age [15-18]:17

Appearance [Anime only]:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_10-30-56.png.f7d99f71a8b057556e6c119e00dff699.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-14_10-30-56.png.f7d99f71a8b057556e6c119e00dff699.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality [1 paragraph+]:She is kind a loving but hides it behind a tough attitude. Not one to back down from a fight or loose one she can easily get herself into trouble. Se practically bargains with death at every turn. She wants to know what it is like to be loved by some one even if that someone could kill her.

Background [1 paragraph+]:With both parents dead and every one at the orphanages being cruel to her she has never known love. love is all she truly wants or death which ever comes first. She has scars from beating received at her old orphanages and she hopes that this school will be a new start.

Likes:fire and books. Also has good taste in music

Dislikes:heights and water. Also afraid of spiders.

Crush:dont know yet

Blood type:o+

Relationships with other characters:dont know yet

Disciplinary committee ? :no



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Firebright said:
Age [15-18]:17

Appearance [Anime only]:View attachment 315210

Personality [1 paragraph+]:She is kind a loving but hides it behind a tough attitude. Not one to back down from a fight or loose one she can easily get herself into trouble. Se practically bargains with death at every turn. She wants to know what it is like to be loved by some one even if that someone could kill her.

Background [1 paragraph+]:With both parents dead and every one at the orphanages being cruel to her she has never known love. love is all she truly wants or death which ever comes first. She has scars from beating received at her old orphanages and she hopes that this school will be a new start.

Likes:fire and books. Also has good taste in music

Dislikes:heights and water. Also afraid of spiders.

Crush:dont know yet

Blood type:o+

Relationships with other characters:dont know yet

Disciplinary committee ? :no


Allison Mae Blackwood​





Allison is 5'3" and weighs 102 lbs


Allison is the definition of shy. Though she may not be the best with words, she has a huge heart and would do absolutely anything for those dearest to her. When she loves, she loves with every fiber in her being. She is never angry. You will never see Allison looking for attention. In fact, she always tries to run from it. In her free time you can always find her reading a novel of some sort. If she can get her hands on a piano, she could play until her fingers fell off.

She is honestly just damaged from years of complete misery and abuse. She may be shy but if you help her break those walls she built around her heart, she is the most playful and caring person you may ever encounter.​


Allison grew up in the foster care system. She has never known her birth parents, not even so much as a name. So sadly, she has grown up knowing abuse and a lot of neglect. Because of this she has issues with her self esteem and even speaking. She has lived in 22 foster homes, 16 of which were abusive and the rest were just neglectful.


Pasta, novels, piano, the night sky, and walking.


Attention, green beans, the genre metal, and thunder storms.



Blood type:


Relationships with other characters:

None as of yet

Disciplinary committee:


[i'm currently looking some romance for Allison! So if anyone has a male vampire and you're interested, let me know! (: ]
MrsOliver said:


Allison Mae Blackwood





Allison is 5'3" and weighs 102 lbs


Allison is the definition of shy. Though she may not be the best with words, she has a huge heart and would do absolutely anything for those dearest to her. When she loves, she loves with every fiber in her being. She is never angry. You will never see Allison looking for attention. In fact, she always tries to run from it. In her free time you can always find her reading a novel of some sort. If she can get her hands on a piano, she could play until her fingers fell off.

She is honestly just damaged from years of complete misery and abuse. She may be shy but if you help her break those walls she built around her heart, she is the most playful and caring person you may ever encounter.


Allison grew up in the foster care system. She has never known her birth parents, not even so much as a name. So sadly, she has grown up knowing abuse and a lot of neglect. Because of this she has issues with her self esteem and even speaking. She has lived in 22 foster homes, 16 of which were abusive and the rest were just neglectful.


Pasta, novels, piano, the night sky, and walking.


Attention, green beans, the genre metal, and thunder storms.



Blood type:


Relationships with other characters:

None as of yet

Disciplinary committee:


[i'm currently looking some romance for Allison! So if anyone has a male vampire and you're interested, let me know! (: ]

Mira Jewel Lilac


Age: 17


•Mira is your carefree little sister of all, she seems quite childish with her giggles and always friendly attitude. She keeps her chin up and holds onto every bit of courage inside her, she is friendly to all even if she had a dark past. Though I wouldn't fall for this beautiful doll so easily especially since she is disciplinary committee and good at it. She can handle situations when they get rough and never refuses to back down. She always keeps her stunning actions at school. Apparently she is known for dozing off in school since she is usually up at night.


•Mira was born on a snowy night into a wealthy family known as the Lilacs. She was well nurtured and loved by all staff, even if she had no friends because they all were jealous of her. Though on her 6th birthday as she was going to bite into her birthday cake a terrifying scream broke out. As she made her way outside she found her mother and father being drained of life by a dark creature. She was sent flying by a smack from the creature creating a scar on her chin. She was them found by the headmaster of Cross Academy who fostered her for years before bringing her to the academy.


•Humans & Vampires Alike

• Having Fun

•Nature & Animals

• Music & Books



• The Dark

• Being Alone

• Gore

• Lightnigh (Major Fear)

Crush: ...(Cricket Chirps)

Blood type: A+

Relationships with other characters: Friendly to All

Disciplinary committee ? : Yup!


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[QUOTE="The White Rabbit]

Mira Jewel Lilac


Age: 17


•Mira is your carefree little sister of all, she seems quite childish with her giggles and always friendly attitude. She keeps her chin up and holds onto every bit of courage inside her, she is friendly to all even if she had a dark past. Though I wouldn't fall for this beautiful doll so easily especially since she is disciplinary committee and good at it. She can handle situations when they get rough and never refuses to back down. She always keeps her stunning actions at school. Apparently she is known for dozing off in school since she is usually up at night.


•Mira was born on a snowy night into a wealthy family known as the Lilacs. She was well nurtured and loved by all staff, even if she had no friends because they all were jealous of her. Though on her 6th birthday as she was going to bite into her birthday cake a terrifying scream broke out. As she made her way outside she found her mother and father being drained of life by a dark creature. She was sent flying by a smack from the creature creating a scar on her chin. She was them found by the headmaster of Cross Academy who fostered her for years before bringing her to the academy.


•Humans & Vampires Alike

• Having Fun

•Nature & Animals

• Music & Books



• The Dark

• Being Alone

• Gore

• Lightnigh (Major Fear)

Crush: ...(Cricket Chirps)

Blood type: A+

Relationships with other characters: Friendly to All

Disciplinary committee ? : Yup!



Angel Beletrix



Real age: 3,052


•Angel is a flirtatious woman with both genders. She is sweet & sometimes annoying, since she is mostly childish. She is full of energy other than when she has her nose in a book. She is quite intelligent even if she talks more than pays attention in class which is why you don't mess with her. Now don't mistake her for her charming smile she uses to get what she wants.


•Angel was told to have been into royalty, and to be royalty comes with a price of your head being hunted. And this happened to her mother & father who she now calls fools, of which her jealous little brother calls her. Angel had grown intelligent though her looks have stayed the same. Angel was accepted to the academy 3 years ago using her charm on the headmaster. What happens now is a story.


•Sweet Blood




•Lots of Books


•Bitter Blood



•Waking Early

• Long Classes & Teachers

Crush: Nope

Favourite blood type: O+

Least favourite blood type: B-

Relationships with other characters: Flirtatious to all

What type of vampire are they?:



Her main power is fire and heat. She will melt u if upset.

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Name: Atticus Winters

Age [What they appear to be]: 16

Real age: 342

Appearance [Anime only]:


Personality [1 paragraph+]: He is a bit of a trickster and loves to have fun. He doesn't act like his station at all. He is extremely loyal and will do anything for a friend. He loves deeply and trusts a little too easily. Unfortunately he is easily hurt because of this.

Background [1 paragraph+]: He was born into a prominent aristocratic family, with significant power on the vampire council. As the youngest in his family however he had no claim to any sort of birthright. Rather he became an actor and gained recognition that way. When he was invited to Cross Academy he jumped at the chance.

Likes: Acting, Reading, Rain, jokes, Being around other people

Dislikes: Animals, Violence, Betrayal, Liers

Crush: None

Favourite blood type: B+

Least favourite blood type: AB+

Relationships with other characters:He is friendly with everyone

What type of vampire are they? [Pureblood ect]:Aristocrat

Powers: Pathokinesis(Can change emotions)

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