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  1. Cassie

    Alone in the world [Inactive]

    Suddenly, it spoke, making me fall backwards in surprise. "You talk?? What are you; how did you even get up there??"
  2. Cassie

    Journey alongside an Assassin of Legend!!

    Love it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Cassie

    Alone in the world [Inactive]

    I walk through the seemingly abandoned field, looking around for others. As I take in the view, I see a white mass in the tree, and, after getting a closer look, it was a wolf oddly enough. I'm not too sure how it got there, but it was a sight to see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Cassie

    Other Version 2 - Put a Face to the Name

    Ah this looks cool! Me and my dog <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1387061214.047851.jpg.461cb975a1efffeeb3d94c4da73caf6d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10462"...
  5. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan looks up at him,"You're right, you never know. There are many evils in this world with abilities beyond you're imagining, and absolutely no morals, or sympathy."
  6. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan smiles slyly,"why so nervous.?"
  7. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan stares back at him wide eyed and impressed. "You know Leon, how old exactly is your daughter? Where is she staying?"
  8. Cassie

    Story Opinons on Developing Short Story??

    Cool thankyou! Also I had just finished laughing for 5 minutes after reading it over at the fact my friend had slipped "don't forget to vote" in there. I'm gonna kill him xD Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan smiles and pats Zane's shoulder, "maybe it is your calling, my friend, I hope I enjoy working with you too, but if I were you," eyes shift among the other members and her voice lowers to a grim and serious tone, before peering into Zane's eyes, "I'd stay on my toes and keep my eye on the...
  10. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan nods with understanding,"Impressive. Well, I'm Aydan Bellatrix, I'm just an ordinary messanger who delivers letters throughout the villages," she smiles, lieing straight through her teeth almost flawlessly,"it's a tough life to live,honestlty. And if you ask me, let us just divide the...
  11. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    "Excellent, I think once that angel gets here, we'll be able to head out. In the mean time, maybe we should take the chance to know eachother better. "
  12. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan chuckles condenscendingly,"Better control the mutt inside, Leon," before flashing him a smile,"anyways, do we have all that we need? Weapons, food, supplies?"
  13. Cassie

    Story Opinons on Developing Short Story??

    Thankyou! It's only 1/8th of the whole story thoughthough
  14. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    The sun peeks over the trees as morning arrives and Aydan stretches, cursing the sun as her rot wings and bones crack and snap with her muscles. Knowing she can't meet up with others like this, her skin melts and merges like a thick tar, turning brighter and fairer as her wings shrink and merge...
  15. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    "Daughter huh? Lovely. I'll head on my way out to train until the morning, then we should get a move on." Says Aydan.
  16. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    She nods as a response, pleased to have an ally, before directing her attention towards the letter.
  17. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan bites her lip, her hairs standing on her ends with the presence of an angel. She had hoped the journey would be easier, but until then she decided to keep her composure while also keeping her eye on the celestial force. "We should get the move on." She says with a somewhat bitter tone.
  18. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    "No worries," says Aydan, "I have skills in medicine, you are all in my hands." Due to his slight discomfort earlier, she makes sure to look Leon down, hoping to reassure the most suspicious of the group.
  19. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    Aydan listens intently, glancing up at the other adventurers periodically. A smile peels smoothly across her face after hearing how much knowledge Sagrell has of the land. "Living dead huh? Shouldn't be too hard to handle, but risky. " she says once Sagrell is finished, her eyes sweeping the...
  20. Cassie

    The Seven kingdoms

    After a moment of silence Aydan speaks up,"I'm grateful to accompany you guys on your trip, I'm Aspasia"