The Seven kingdoms


Junior Member
The Devja borderlands is a strip of open land between the Swamps of the dead and the Elven kingdom. it's one of the most dangerous posts to have as a guardian of the Elven realm. The Devja border is also one of the few places where you can find some of the best archers and warriors that the elven realm have to offer, the dead do not care for peace treaties or holidays. they seek only to end life, to make themselves stronger in number. Many heroes seek their way here in search of the Swamps lost treasure and the training of the skillful elves that live here.

You have been traveling through the borderlands and find yourself in a little outpost, simply called "The Glade" by the locals. on a wanted board in the local tavern a note seems to be catching everyone's attention. one of the mages in the region seems to have put it up. He needs someone to find a couple of "artifacts" in the borderlands for him, he cannot leave his post as one of the few mages in the region. The first thing he seeks is an amulet, the one who can find the amulet and bring it to him will be handsomely rewarded for the trouble. 20 pieces of gold if you manage to find it. already a nice sum for just finding a trinket, it is one of four things that he seeks, if someone manages to find all four pieces he will give that person ten times as much. this is the sort of job that could set some one up good for life. gold that could go to a very good cause... or a very evil one.

The people around the poster seem to go back to their separate groups and starts discussing the terms and some hurry out to their horses right away with out direction. a ranger takes a seat with the bounty in hand at one of the tables.
Soon we're waiting for one last persons sign up and character 
and now we are ready to start





The Devja borderlands is a strip of open land between the Swamps of the dead and the Elven kingdom. it's one of the most dangerous posts to have as a guardian of the Elven realm. The Devja border is also one of the few places where you can find some of the best archers and warriors that the elven realm have to offer, the dead do not care for peace treaties or holidays. they seek only to end life, to make themselves stronger in number. Many heroes seek their way here in search of the Swamps lost treasure and the training of the skillful elves that live here.

You have been traveling through the borderlands and find yourself in a little outpost, simply called "The Glade" by the locals. on a wanted board in the local tavern a note seems to be catching everyone's attention. one of the mages in the region seems to have put it up. He needs someone to find a couple of "artifacts" in the borderlands for him, he cannot leave his post as one of the few mages in the region. The first thing he seeks is an amulet, the one who can find the amulet and bring it to him will be handsomely rewarded for the trouble. 20 pieces of gold if you manage to find it. already a nice sum for just finding a trinket, it is one of four things that he seeks, if someone manages to find all four pieces he will give that person ten times as much. this is the sort of job that could set some one up good for life. gold that could go to a very good cause... or a very evil one.

The people around the poster seem to go back to their separate groups and starts discussing the terms and some hurry out to their horses right away with out direction. a ranger takes a seat with the bounty in hand at one of the tables. he looked up at those around the bar who had yet to leave, "whom here is willing to help find these things together, rather then running headlong in to the unknown? I'm a ranger of the region and i know the area well, any takers willing to join forces with me?"
Leon Youngheart who was covered in a cloak decides to just listen for a little moment. Seeing the Ranger he then walked up to him. Leon hunched over since he was human and natrually taller than rest of the other species their.

"you say you know this area? Am I correct, mate?" Leon asked the ranger and Leon proffessionally faked a Elven accent. "Because if what you say is true count me in."
Zane looked at the paper irritated after his long streak of successful jobs he is now stomped on just where to go to get these artifacts, he knew it would be dangerous and potentially take his life but the pay was too good to pass up. Before Zane could go out to trail someone a Ranger spoke up requesting aid from people, he even said he was familiar with the area which made Zane happy. "You can count me in now let's get this done I'm sure we're all anxious to get paid." Zane said reaching out his hand for a shake.
A shadowy figure stands at the corner of the outpost, looming over the smaller species, eavesdropping until something in particular catches her interests. She soaks in the information from other conversations dealing with the amulet posting. Seeing great opportunity, she seeks out the people best equipped to find it. Her eyes shifted to a ranger and another human, and after making her decision, she makes her way towards them, gliding silently through the crowd. A smug smirk creeps across her face after grabbing the attention of the ranger, "So, I hear you're well aquanted with the land. I think I may be of some help on this quest."
Leon looked towards the approaching figure. Leon's werewolf senses went out of control for a slight moment. And he had to breath slowly to calm down. "Great the more the merrier lets at least try to stay on full alert. I don't want to end up like a vermin in a death trap." Leon rustled through his cloak.
Phoenix looked at the group of people who had said they would be joining, maybe it would be a good idea to work with others... it might be less boring.

"I'd like to join in as well," Phoenix spoke as she got out of her seat and stood beside them, I'll not to get into anyone's way," And hopefully none of them got into her way as well, if there was going to be battle on the way she would prefer it if no one got burnt.
After a moment of silence Aydan speaks up,"I'm grateful to accompany you guys on your trip, I'm Aspasia"
Sagrell nods with a smile too those who gathered with him, "my name is Sagrell Baladin, A ranger of the borderlands here, i trust that you all can handle yourselves in a fight... we might see one sooner rather then later..." he sighs and looks at those who gathered there, measuring them under his elven eyes before continuing. "my ranger brethren already know where i might start looking for the amulet... but we must move quickly if we are to get a head start over those who have already left, we'll be going in to no-mans land between the edges of the swamp and the forest." he starts going through his plan with them and rolls out a map on the table next to them.

"There, the Crypt of Merun, an old elven mage who died in one of the many battles that raged here in the origination wars... now deserted and falling apart, probably infested with the living dead as well, the amulet is said to have been in his possession when he was still alive... so that's the best clue i have as off now..." he explains to them while pointing on a dot on his map for them. it's not to far from the town but dangerously close to the unknown lands of the swamp.

(just a heads up for everyone participating that i am from Europe so my posts might be far in between for those in the states due to time zone difference but i do hope you can understand if it takes some time ^^' )
Leon looked at Phoenix and stepped three steps back. Looking at her from head to toe his Werewolf nose detected fire. "Like I said the more the merrier we just need to have equipment... At least thats what I think."
Aydan listens intently, glancing up at the other adventurers periodically. A smile peels smoothly across her face after hearing how much knowledge Sagrell has of the land.

"Living dead huh? Shouldn't be too hard to handle, but risky. " she says once Sagrell is finished, her eyes sweeping the gaze of the others.
Phoenix felt excited, she was always up for a good fight and seeing as how she had a hot temper, this would be a good anger release but that didn't mean it wouldn't be dangerous.

"Is there anything else we need? Does anyone here know how to heal?" Phoenix asked with a raised eyebrow, having a bunch of fighters and someone who could heal would be a good team to have, especially if they were going near the no-man's land.
"No worries," says Aydan, "I have skills in medicine, you are all in my hands." Due to his slight discomfort earlier, she makes sure to look Leon down, hoping to reassure the most suspicious of the group.
"If you need equipment try the village blacksmith, the best i can offer in the ways of healing is a bit of herb lore... but Aydan here seems to know a thing or two so put your trust in her" he gives her a slight nod and looks over the others. "if there aren't anymore question you have an hour to prepare then meet me by the gate towards the east." he says and starts rolling the map back up.
Zane crossed he arms listening to the elf from what he was hearing it sounded like the first area the group was heading was an supposedly easy area, "The living dead I have had encounters with them before buy they won't pose much threat to some holy skills of mine.." Zane said looking at the others before looking down at the map again "But if what you say is true that this man still holds the amulet I seriously doubt that he is just sleeping in a grave we may haft to take it by force." Zane said before they mentioned something about healing "I have some great holy spells that can heal so no need to worry about using your medicine." Zane said before going through his stuff. As he thought he was prepped and ready to travel, "Well if there is anything else I will be taking my leave and doing a couple of things I will await at the fate as instructed." Zane said turning to leave.
Aydan bites her lip, her hairs standing on her ends with the presence of an angel. She had hoped the journey would be easier, but until then she decided to keep her composure while also keeping her eye on the celestial force. "We should get the move on." She says with a somewhat bitter tone.
Leon puts his hand on Aydan's shoulder, and whispers into her ear. "Stay by me, since I am a werewolf it should ease the pressance of that part angel." Leon let his shoulders ease back standing at his full height. He then pulled out a small letter.
She nods as a response, pleased to have an ally, before directing her attention towards the letter.
Phoenix felt a bit excited to go on another adventure, she hadn't had a journey in over 2 months and she was itching for some action.

"See you guys at the gate," Phoenix gave them a lazy salute before turning around and leaving; she had gotten an inn for the day so she just needed to use the back of the inn for training with her sword, she'd rather train before leave so that she's at least more prepared.
Leon looked at his letter. "Oh so my daughter is there..." Leon muttered and quickly put the letter in his pocket. "Lets just get this hour over with" He then picked out silver coins and put it into a little bag.
"Daughter huh? Lovely. I'll head on my way out to train until the morning, then we should get a move on." Says Aydan.
An hour passes quickly while all the members prepare, Sagrell himself took his leave from the tavern as they all split up, going by the ranger station to pick up his gear and rations for the journey, horses were out of the question in this area as the swamp were either to scary or to wet to make good progress with them. he was awaiting their arrival by the gate. The sun was rising slowly in the sky towards the east over the trees of the Elven lands. Sagrell was taking every last bit of the sunlight in before venturing in to the borderlands, an ever present fog lay over the borderlands due to the steam from the swamp in the summer heat.
Phoenix had energy pumping in her body from the training when she realized that it was time to go now, grabbing her hip satchel she tied it around her hips before grabbing her sword attaching it to her waist.

Making her way to the entrance Phoenix stood a few feet away from the ranger and thought it would be good to introduce herself but then again it would waste less time if she introduced herself when everyone gets to the entrance... yea, she'll wait for everyone.
The sun peeks over the trees as morning arrives and Aydan stretches, cursing the sun as her rot wings and bones crack and snap with her muscles. Knowing she can't meet up with others like this, her skin melts and merges like a thick tar, turning brighter and fairer as her wings shrink and merge with her spine. Within seconds, Aydan once again looks like the woman she had killed at the last outpost.

A moment passes and she arrives at the entrance with the ranger and the Mage with a smile.

"Lovely morning today."

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