The Seven kingdoms

Leon jumped from the Trees In full Werewolf form growling at everyone and shifts back with extreme pain . "Damn the more I let myself think the more I transform at random.." Leon says with a small mutter. He had his gear on with a sword on his back.
Aydan chuckles condenscendingly,"Better control the mutt inside, Leon," before flashing him a smile,"anyways, do we have all that we need? Weapons, food, supplies?"
Leon brought out a bag that looked heavy. "Enough food for 12 people in a week but since there is less then twelve about 2 weeks worth." Leon said with a small breath. He picked up a small rock ans put it in his pocket. "as for equipment..." He drops out another extremely heavy bag.

"Enough for 3 days at war....but it should last longer"
"Excellent, I think once that angel gets here, we'll be able to head out. In the mean time, maybe we should take the chance to know eachother better. "
"Well then alow me. I'm Leon Youngheart one of the last humans around. I have a daughter with a Elf and her name is Snow. I am a Werewolf.. I am a former Paladin Knight we have long ago disbanded. And I am a Mercenary now..i guess.
(sorry it didn't send it fully)

." Leon stood on one foot staying balanced and usually calm.
Zane soon showed up with a pack wrapped around him and his sword which was around his waist, he walked over toward the group and gave a warm smile "Good I see everyone is here I hope I didn't have you all stand around for too long." Zane said looking at each of then before he spoke again clearing his throat "So I know the elf here went over the details on where we should begin but I do not think this was stated but..." Zane said closing his eyes before looking back up at the group with his piercing blue eyes. "How exactly will we be splitting the earnings..I know it is a little early for this but..I don't know any of you and I can't say I would rely on any of you..heck I might get stabbed in the back before this day ends.." Zane said rubbing his hair trying to speak as friendly as he could "But to make this short and simple how about we just introduce ourselves nothing too long I don't want to know your guy's life story or anything like that...just your name" Zane finished giving a smile. There was a slight pause which made things a tad bit awkward, "Alright I guess i'll start My name is Zane McKnight." Zane said proudly before waiting on someone else to speak up.
Aydan nods with understanding,"Impressive. Well, I'm Aydan Bellatrix, I'm just an ordinary messanger who delivers letters throughout the villages," she smiles, lieing straight through her teeth almost flawlessly,"it's a tough life to live,honestlty. And if you ask me, let us just divide the profit equally among us," she says as she looks straight back into Zane's eyes before forcing a smile,"so tell us more about yourself Zane."
Zane looked at Aydan trying to read her but...he really didn't see anything wrong with her, he just couldn't get the feeling that something was off though but he remained respectful and smiled "A messenger you say yes..that is quite a dangerous thing to do especially if you are transporting goods that a bandit might want their filthy hands on." Zane said before he spoke up again answering her question "I am a Mercenary...I came from the east after some brutal training far from here and have been traveling the world in search of jobs to help the fine people of the world...I do also plan to find my purpose in this world...hey maybe being a mercenary is my calling..I am quite good at what I do." Zane said looking back up at Aydan "But yes it is nice to be working with you Aydan." He finished before looking at the others "Well then who's next?" Zane said smiling.
Aydan smiles and pats Zane's shoulder, "maybe it is your calling, my friend, I hope I enjoy working with you too, but if I were you," eyes shift among the other members and her voice lowers to a grim and serious tone, before peering into Zane's eyes, "I'd stay on my toes and keep my eye on the others, you never know whose going to turn around and stab you in the back." And with a wink she steps back before silencing herself, wanting to hear more about the others.
Leon jumped into the tree with a blurr caught a hawk jumped down and had it dead inbetween his jaw. "I actually am not here for the gold.. Im just bored out of my mind.." Leon took out the hawk from his mouth. "hmmm tastes....salty perfect..." Leon starts picking the feathers off of the hawk.
Aydan stares back at him wide eyed and impressed.

"You know Leon, how old exactly is your daughter? Where is she staying?"
Leon looks at Aydan. "Oh Snow? She's what... 16 or..maybe 17 now? I haven't seen her in 5 years. She stays with the royal family since her mother is a Elven princess." Leon fiddled with the feathers getting nervious talking about Snow.
Leon looked at her. "Ahhhh.... Its because I never know whos listening" He looked around and twitched.
Aydan looks up at him,"You're right, you never know. There are many evils in this world with abilities beyond you're imagining, and absolutely no morals, or sympathy."
Leon looks down. He just thought for a long minute and then jumped away again this time coming down with a Eagle in his teeth. "Hmmm wrong bird..." He lets the eagle fly away strangly unharmed
Zane looked up at the man..well wolfman now and rubbed the back of his head "So you were a werewolf all you life or did you get a bite and turned into one..I don't know how werewolves work so it'd be nice to learn something anyway.." Zane said adjusting his sword before cracking his neck slowly "We need to get moving pretty the amulet is not gonna get taken itself." Zane said yawning.
Leon looked towards Zane. "Its Genetic you can't just bite someone they'd die instantly." Leon answered and started pointing forward. "Lets go. Before I get bored"
(sorry for the slow post time, i had some tests i needed to focus on, finals weeks and what not)

"now that everyone is introduced and happy lets get on whit this" said Sagrell and lead the way out the gates.

The walk towards the crypt was uneventful in the beginning, but as the trees became fewer and the elf started following what seemed to be a strange path they could hear voices and shrieks from something well past it's expiration date. "Tread carefully friends, don't let the fog dull your senses, the shrieks are from banshees and wights that haunt these swamps... their shrieks turns sweeter the closer they get to you, then they try to possess your body to drain your life out of you." Sagrell had pulled out his bow and had an arrow loosely on the string.

Something moved ahead of them in the mist, slowly walking up out of the pond they were passing next to. the thing was huge, a whriting mass of dead bodies stuck on mud and dirt. Sagrell signaled them to stop. "let it pass... we call them corpse mounds... in reality it's a giant sludge, the dead bodies are to scare away predators and fool the living dead. the sludge itself is also highly toxic." Sagrell explained as he hunched down in the tall swamp grass.

Zane chose to be behind everyone else, one because he felt that he would provide them Intel if they were being followed or just any attacks, Two and his main reason because there was no way he was gonna trust an intimidating wolf man who could maul him if he so pleased, a mysterious woman that seemed friendly enough but Zane was still suspicious..and couldn't shake this dark aura from her..,A magic woman who could burn him leaving nothing but a black mark on the floor, and then finally the elf with a bow...who he felt had great aim and would not want it pointed at him. Zane gave a sigh as they treaded through the swamp hearing the screams of banshees, Sagrell gave a small history lesson on them which basically he was telling us to watch our ass. Sagrell halted and crouched and Zane immediately did the same speaking in a hushed tone "What is it?" Zane said before looking up and seeing the corpse mound which made Zane's skin crawl, again Sagrell gave the history lesson as Zane stared he looked at his group and silently spoke "Yes just let it pass I really don't want to deal with that.." Zane said gripping his sword which emitted a tiny white gleam as he gripped it.

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