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  1. K

    Blue moon Academy

    accepted! Kayin wakes up am\nd dresses quickly nervous of the first day of school. She glides up the stairs of the basement which has become her bedroom ever since she moved in with her foster family. She opens the door to a sleeping house. slinging her backpack over one shoulder she goes...
  2. K

    Blue Mountain High School

    (sorry all im back can i be filled in a little, thx)
  3. K

    Blue moon Academy

    accepted both!
  4. K

    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    leaves the bathroom and runs into the same boy again. "hi im sorry im so clumsy" he smiles and nods" well nice to meet you too!" I giggle nervously as we stand and chat
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    I blush, " oh im so sorry i didnt mean to judge you. I just am new and had no idea who anyone is." I step closer to the girl and hold out my hand. "Im Rosie"
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    Blue Mountain High School

    Kayin grabs her books for math and starts heading down a hallway toward the math department keeping my face down. I brush against a boy who has a shaved head and i look up and blush. "sorry i wasnt paying attention."
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    Looks up shocked, "shes your sister??" Finishes wiping up and then turns to face the girl. "im sorry ill just leave you alone i dont wanna cause any trouble."
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    Kayin runs into the bathroom leaving the boy outside and sees a girl in the bathroom as well. I try to compose myself but its hard to considering i have eyeliner and mascara all over my face. I go to the sink on the other end of the bathroom and starts to wipe water on my stained face.
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    Blue Mountain High School

    smiles shyly then turns to leave knowing im not wanted again. I wander around and finally find my locker. I start to put my stuff into it as i try to think about my schedule.
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    Blue Mountain High School

    I smile shyly as we finish picking up my stuff. "thank you" i slowly extend my hand. "im Rosie but you can call me Rose.Im new around here and i still feel so bad for not looking and running into you."
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    I turn from the boy and look to see some other girl punch anya in the face. I feel less ashamed as i watch it all play out
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    I turn and run. i cry and cry as i run and make my way to the bathroom. As i run to the bathroom i run into a guy coming out of the bathroom. I try to push past him but he stops me. "hey are you ok?" I shake my head my eyeliner streaking down my face. "No!" --- Merged Double Post --- Name...
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    BLushes and tries to stop Anya. "please this doesnt feel right" I back away and look around seeing a lot of people watching. I feel like crying and looks around for a way out
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    Blushes more letting my black hair fall infront of my eye. "ok i guess" Takes Anya's hand and smiles slightly
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    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    I blush and watch this girl. I nod slowly" yes i did cause i dont know anyone here. And thank you about the dress." I scan the room and then back to Anya. "nice dance"
  16. K

    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    Looks at the smiling girl and smiles back shyly. "hi im Kayin."
  17. K

    Silver Valley High School :: Semi-Lit

    Stands by the entrance way wondering what to do as i watch everyone else dance and have fun. " i hate always being the new girl." I whisper to myself as i stand there and fiddle with my dress.
  18. K

    Blue Mountain High School

    I walk into the school and hear whispers.I quicken my step and run smack into a girl with the whitest hair ive ever seen. I stubble and fall to the ground. My bag falls and everything spills out. I look at my stuff and feel like crying as i blush and feel the stares of many on me. I look up at...
  19. K

    ~* The Wolves of Serendipity ~* A New Begining

    Rosie shyly sits on her hind legs. "umm i guess i am. i dont really know what to do since the winter snow came in. you see i lost my mommy when i was born" rosie stands up and looks shyly up at journey and her proud appearance
  20. K

    ~* The Wolves of Serendipity ~* A New Begining

    Rosie runs out into the bare winter air and excites myself in making footprints in the shallow snow. I then see journey go into her den and run over to the entrance. "hiya"