~* The Wolves of Serendipity ~* A New Begining


New Member
- I would like to thank Heartsteal22 for fixing the front page of The Wolves of Serendipity and helping to put it back to normal. Thank you so much Heartsteal! :D


Welcome to

The Wolves of Serendipity...

Captain(Game Master): DogLover56 :)

Co. Captain:

Co. Captain:


Username - Wolf's Name(s) - (Rank)

DogLover56 - Journey (Alpha)

HollyHorse12 - Kendall (Un-ranked)

kaylahk - Rosie (Pup)

xxJameson - Blue (Un-ranked)

14hca14 - Rella (Un-Ranked)


The horizon was orange and pink as the sun slowly went down. A young wolf sat, a staid figure, watching it. As soon as the sun sunk deep under the earth, the moon slowly rose and showed a twinkle in the young wolf's eyes. She rose herself to her feet, lifted her muzzle, and howled to a new beginning. Journey was finished with doubt and regret. She decided it was time to start a new beginning and this time, yes, she would do it right. She grinned a small smile and ran off. Into the woods, her new sliver pelt glowing in the moonlight. Journey had a rough beginning in her life, yet she met many, she loved many, yet they slipped away, or she did before they did. Now, she understood more, she was so young when she started her packs, mistakes were made and scars were imbedded. She knew now she wouldn't let anyone slip away, nor would she run off. She would seek her old family as she searches for her new, and just as all these thoughts were flowing through her, that one icy night.. Serendipity struck once more and of course the smells, the feeling of belonging was brought to her again, and then she knew.. This is where she belonged. And at that moment, a new pack was made.. The New Beginning of the Wolves of Serendipity..

Rules :rolleyes:

(Sorry, ever Roleplays' gotta have em'. :) Don't worry I'll try to make them short and simple. )

  1. If your gonna curse, use "crazy letters" to kind of show what you were gonna say but not really say the word.. I'd rather not let anyone curse at all, but I know you all like to, so.. But, you won't see a curse word coming from me.

  2. Your allowed up to 3 starter characters - Try to have a variety of genders. (No all female wolves, or all male wolves.)

  3. If there are to be fighting, I will decide who wins or loses.

  4. No powers please.. Sorry..

  5. No alpha obsessing.

  6. Keep "unnecessary" details to a minimum. (You know what I mean..)

  7. Please listen to me or any Co. Captain. We will inform you on any other rules that we think are necessary if your doing something we don't like or agree on, we'll tell you. But, no rule is finale unless consulted with me, the Captain.

  8. Oh yay, and when mating season (a.k.a the "lover" season, hehe.) comes around, I will put more rules like about how many pups you can have and yay... Those rules.. Or your wolf can just talk to Journey. ;)

Our Skelly or "Fill out" Sheet

Simply, copy and paste. Erase all of my comments before posting.


Ex. - Young Adult (YA), Pup (P), T(Teen), A(Adult), ect.

Journey will determine your rank by performing a task for her.

Fae or Brute?

Wanted Rank:
No one can be Alpha except Journey and her mate. But, there is an Beta which is kind of a Co. Alpha of a pack. This must be earned greatly. There are four Betas. Their mates don't have to be the same rank as them, like the two Alphas.

This doesn't need to be filled out until later, when you actually do have a crush.

That special someone. :o


(Optional) Doesn't have to be too long.. But, it does have to clearly state your personality.

(Optional) What was your wolf's life like so far?

Den Location and Looks:
How your den looks and where it is located in the Sleeping area.


Our Territory

Our territory is a large area of land guarded by trees. It is located on near a mountain side. It has three parts to it and much more to be explored. Our sleeping area is a small clearing from the opening of a small forest, it's less then a mile away from the entrance of our territory. In the sleeping area, there are home-made dens personally made by each wolf. It has a small stream, a howling rock, and a pile of prey that is replenished with food daily by the hunting wolves. Beyond the sleeping area is sort of our hang out area where we socialize and have fun. It's a large area with a river that leads to a waterfall, and a cliff. It's a great place to hunt rabbits. We call it the Terra Nova, which means "new land" or "new earth." Our finale part of our territory is called Cliff valley. It is more a hunting area than anything else but there is a beach located right under the cliff, some brave and good swimmers are daring enough to jump off the cliff and swim to the shore, but it is also very dangerous and can be deadly. The Cliff valley mostly trees and dry land, and the only water is the beach water but is defiantly not recommended to drink.

Before you join, be sure to leave a post saying your going to join so I can know who is joining and I can add you to the crew. Thanks, and welcome to the pack! :lick:

Oh yes, and the reason that it is called the "New beginning is because I have been to many Roleplaying sites and played this pack many times but never got to finish it, so Journey kept on basically "running away." So, she hopes this will be a pack she can rely on and complete. :)


Journey - "The Beautiful"


Alpha Female


Wanted Rank:
I don't want a rank, I have one.

I've had many before.. Apparently not anymore.. But, that doesn't mean never again. ;)

I never had a mate.. I'm quite picky with brutes...

No mate, No pups.

Journey is a a brave, bold, wolf who has been through many harsh situations in life. She is very kind, considerate and is always looking out for others. She has a soft spot for pups and wishes to someday have some of her own. She is picky when it comes to mates, and always has been that way. She loves her best friends and her cousin, Akeelah. Yet, she hasn't seen any of them in a long time.. She has no siblings, she was the only surviving pup at birth. She can easily become sad and depressed from her past if brought up. She is extremely adventurous as well and is more an easy going alpha than a strict one. She is still young so at times, she can act childish but in a fun way but for the most part she is a very staid wolf with a loving heart.

I'm gonna have to edit this another time because there's WAY too much to explain..

Den Location and Looks:
Journey's den is located under a willow tree that blossoms in the spring with pink buds. Her den is made out of stone and the inside she has a leaf and rabbit fur bedding. The outside of her den is dotted with roses and the den is located in the middle of the sleeping area.

Journey is a beautiful wolf with a very strange yet beautiful coat. As a pup and a teenager, her pelt was an auburn color which slowly turns a beautiful sliver- gray that shines and gleams in the moonlight. She is quite in shape and muscular. Her tail is bushy yet smoothed out and groomed. Her ears are sharp, velvety soft and pointed. Her eyes are a hazel-green. She and her cousin, Akeelah have the same eyes. They get it from their Grandfather.
Name: Rosie

Age: Ex. -baby pup.


Gender: Fae?? female

Wanted Rank: idk




Personality: energentic and extremily tiny for a pup.

Background: (i need parents!!)

Den Location and Looks: howewver my parents want

Journey trots proudly towards the sleeping area, it is winter and small flurries dot the bare trees and grass. She slowly drops a pebble on the top of her den to complete it and then swiftly runs in and shakes her pelt of the snow. The williow tree sways, bare, with the winter wind.

--- Merged Double Post ---

OOC: You can start now, if you'd like.
Rosie runs out into the bare winter air and excites myself in making footprints in the shallow snow. I then see journey go into her den and run over to the entrance. "hiya"
Journey turns around startled by the voice, a small pup was in the entrance of her door, small and gray, and a bit skinny. She had always had a soft spot for pups and simply smiled. "Hello." she replied. "Are you lost, sweetie?" She sat gently in front of the pup, her eyes soft and kind, yet her ears pointed.
Rosie shyly sits on her hind legs. "umm i guess i am. i dont really know what to do since the winter snow came in. you see i lost my mommy when i was born" rosie stands up and looks shyly up at journey and her proud appearance
Journey's face turned into a concerned emotion, She's just like I was.. she thought. Traveling alone as a pup.. She opened her mouth to speak, "You lost your mother?" she said down to the pup. "How?" Journey knew she shouldn't have asked the question, she shook her head. "Nevermind that, little pup, you can ofcorse stay with me. I'm an Alpha. An alpha of my new pack, here." She turns around a gives the pup a small rabbit. "You must be hungry. What's your name?"
Name: Blue

Age: YA

Rank: Don't care, you pick

Gender: Brute

Wanted Rank: Beta (You got it wrong, Beta is 2nd in command and Omega is the lowest. Sorry, don't want to be THAT guy, just pointing it out ^^")

Crush: None as of right now

Mate: Again, none as of right now

Pup(s): Do I have to say it again?

Personality: He's a shy, quiet wolf. He's a loner, and not many others know he's part of the pack even though he was born into it. He's a tough one though, and can take on a wolf well over his size. Having no siblings, he has grown up alone most of his life. So far he has no friends, but hope's to make some soon. He's always been suspicious of other wolves, for he used to be picked on by them. He usually spends his downtime at his favorite tree, relaxing and watching the moon.

Background: To be added soon...

Den Location and looks: Blue's den is located in between an Oak tree and Pine tree, that is made of mere leaves and animal hide. It is underground, so it provides protection during harsh weather.

Photo/Description: Blue is a pure dark blue wolf with a black stripe down his back. Has a slightly lighter blue underbelly. His fur is long and soft, and his eyes are a black as the night sky. Blue has always looked that this, even when he was a pup. He his in a better than average shape than most of the other wolves his age. His tail is somewhat bushy, but he's still very agile. He has big, fluffy ears that point at the tip. His fur gives off a shimmer in the moonlight, but doesn't sine too brightly.
OOC: Accepted! Thanks for joining! :) You may start roleplaying.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Journey turned around to see the young pup and she fell fast asleep, dreaming, probably extremely tired from traveling. Journey didn't mind, even though she had no clue who the pup was or where she was from, she could ofcorse stay the night and she would ask the questions when she awoke. Journey covered the the pup with a rabbit pelt and stepped out into the winter air. She decided on going to the Terra nova to see if the river and waterfall had freezed. And so, she ran off out into the open, flurries dotting her fur.
A dark blue wolf is seen next to a Willow tree in the Terra Nova. He stands on his hind legs,proudly, watching the water crash down from the waterfall. He smiles happily, and debates on whether or not to jump in. The snow flurries dots his dark blue pelt, and gives him a funny polka-dotted look.
Journey stopped in her tracks as a figure was seen in the distant near the waterfall. She growled faintly, then pulled herself together and began trotting over to it. It was a gray-blue wolf as she got closer and seemed like it wasn't a dangerous wolf. She hid in the bushes near the wolf and waited for a chance to come out. What should I say? she thought. Journey hadn't seen an adult wolf since.. Since her old pack..
The wolf, completly unaware of Journey, shakes the flurries off his pelt. He thinks to his self. I wonder what would happen if I jump into the lake... Would I freeze? Eh, of well, I'll just enjoy the view. He continues to look deep into the waterfall, mesmurized by it's beauty.
Journey pulls her courage together and trots out of the bushes and dips her head in greeting. "Hello, my name is Journey. Alpha of Serendipity." She then holds her head up high, proudly. "Who are you?" She scans the wolf, breifly and took in it's scent. It was a brute, and apparently a loner.
He jumps a little from the random, but beautiful wolf. He catches his self then dips his head back in a greeting. "My name is Blue, Alpha of Myself," He says sarcastically. "Your Alpha of Serendipity?" He says a liitle suprised as he sniffs he for her scent.
Journey laughed, "Nice. Cool name by the way." Journey tilted her head. "Is that so surprising?" she smiled. She liked this wolf's personality. She continued on. "I just found this land a few days ago.. It was un-claimed so.. I chose it for my new pack. This is the Terra Nova. My favorite place in the territory."

--- Merged Double Post ---

OOC: By the way Jameson, thanks for the info about the beta. I changed it in the skelly. ;)
OOC: No prob, I didn't want to be that guy correcting everyone ^^;

"Well..." He tilts his head a little nervously, but then finally speaks. "I used to be part of Serendipity, but I left when I was a mere teen. Sorry for trespassing on your land." He bows his head sorrowfully, thinking. Here comes the butt-kicking.
Journey tilts her head, bewildered. "Erm... Wow.. You were probably apart of... Of.." She stammered, thinking of the past. Memories flooded through her. She whispered now. "...Charlotte's pack..." She remembered Charlotte, her best friend, who basically raised her and named her. She had died in a fight and passed down the pack to her. Such a long time ago.. she thought solemnly. She shook her head. "Sorry.. It's just that.. I've never seen you before and to be apart of Serendipity.. You were probably apart of my best friend's pack, Charlotte. She started Serendipity.. But.. She died.. When I was a young teen. I took over the pack then." She frowned, thinking of the mistakes she made in the past pained her. She tried to hide it though.
He listens carefully to her story, shocked and amazed by what she told him. He looks down kinda sad, then he rests his head against hers. "I'm so sorry for you loss, but if it means anything, she was a great leader, and will not be forgotten." He smiles, thinking about his pup-hood. How he used to get picked on and what happened to his parents. He then remembers why he left in the first place.
Journey smiles, "Thanks. She was a great leader.. The best.. She raised me.. And even named me.." She shrugged. "Things happen that you can't help to prevent though.. So, what's your story? Why'd you leave?" She sat down and relaxed, feeling more comfortable with Blue.
He snaps out of his trance. "Hm? Well... I don't usually talk about my past... Not the best past anyways." He settles his self down laying next to the Willow Tree. "Besides," He says trying to steer the conversation away, "My past is not important, what is, is that I'm here now. That's all that matters." He gives a weak smile.
OOC: Sorry! Back. I went to get somthin to eat.

Journey nudged him. "My past isn't all a dream come true either... And your right. There's no need to stay in the past, when the present is here already." She smiled and looked at him. "I was thinking, Blue... I like you and I was wondering.. If you'd like to be apart of my pack.... Will you?" She smiled and looked at him waiting for an answer.

OOC: I gtg.. :( I'll be on later or on monday because I have stuff to do tomorrow. Byee! Thanks for joining, again.
OOC: It's ok, and awww, ya sure ya can't stay on a little while? :3

He looks up at her a bit shocked and thinks for a moment. "I'd love to." He says rather confidently.
OOC: Back. But, only for a little while. ;)

Journey smiles, happily. "Great!" she exclaimed. She gently wagged her tail. "I'll show you around if you'd like." She stands up and waits for Blue to follow her before running off. She smiled and thinks to herself quietly. What would life be like now? With Blue and all? What ever life will be like, Journey was excited. She wouldn't make mistakes like before, this time she would make it right.

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