~* The Wolves of Serendipity ~* A New Begining

Blue gets up and wags his tail eagerly. He hasn't seen his old Clan in over 5 years. He thinks to his self. I wonder what everything is like... Not like that applies to me or anything... He follows next to Journey, running at her pace.

OOC: Kay :3
OOC: Here. ;) By the way, where's the PC? (Does that stand for "Private chat?" Just guessing..)

Journey smiled and trotted off. "Well, this is the Terra Nova. Where we just were." She looked back at him, then continued on. "The Terra Nova is pretty cool cause in the summer you can jump into the river and hang out around here. It also has a cliff, but it's a bit dangerous." She grined and made her way out of the Terra Nova clearing and into the short distanced woods, as soon as she made her way out of it, she came to the Cliff Valley. Only, it looked much more like a white blanketed covered field than a dusty, desert-like land with all the snow and all. She stopped in her tracks and turned towards Blue, her eyes glistening. "This is the Cliff valley," she said to him, "it's not quite the best place in the territory but it's quite beautiful in the winter. All it really is, is a hunting ground. It's dry and open, no water for miles except for the beach off the cliff. Yet, no one would want to drink that.." She went on walking again, making her way back towards the woods area, the snow dotting her pelt. She had one more place to show him.
Blue follows Journey to each and every location, thinking to his self along the way. Ah I remember this place. He looks over the cliff of Cliff Valley, stunned at it's sheer beauty. He hesitates a bit before he follows Journey to the last place she want to show him. "So what's left?" He asks in a upbeat tone.

OOC: Click my name and click Send Private Message. :3
Name: Kendall

Age: Young Adult


Gender: Brute

Wanted Rank:

Crush: Akeelah

Mate: Akeelah :) <3

Pup(s): coming soon

Personality: Kendall is a brave,smart,nice wolf and has a heart of gold. Kendall can get angry sometimes though.

Background: Kendall had a depressing past. When Kendall was just a little pup, he lived in the woods with his family. He had 1 sister and 1 brother. His brothers name was Matthew and his sisters name was Katie. One day Kendall and his family were looking for water because there was a drought. It was so dry the trees started to go on fire and then the whole woods, all the trees started burning down into dark,thick, grey ashes. Kendall was running after his family, when suddenly a big tree fell on his family. He ran over to check if they were okay but it was too late and now Kendall had to go on his own.

Den Location and Looks: i will do this later.

(Thanks for letting me in and by the way the opening post is all coded and stuff so its hard to read :)

Name: Rella

Age: YA

Rank: She is currently a loner who stayed in the general area that Journey has picked as her territory

Gender: Fae

Wanted Rank: Beta (maybe)

Crush: Brutes lie and cheat and cause pain so uh no (This can be changed if she meets the right brute :)

Mate: As I said before Brutes are nothing but trouble

Pup(s): Sigh if only I could get the pup part without the whole brute thing

Personality: Rella is a strong wolf who tries to focus on her survival and not necessarily on living. She doesn't do anything that would open her up to pain, this doesn't make her a wimp she is just kind of closed.

Background: Rosa grew up in a pleasant enough pack but the emergence of hunters and the closing in of humans created tensions. Rella was the best hunter in her pack and she was constantly out, as the pack began to split brutes began fighting for her attention wanting to make sure she was a member of their faction of the original pack. She eventually fell for a brute and she left with him and his following of wolves. After a few weeks the brute dumped Rella for they had moved to a plentiful territory and he had his eyes on another fae.


Appearance: Plus some scars

OOC: HorseLover12 - Of course my BestFriend has to be accepted. :o 14hca14 - Accepted! And no problem. :) Thank you for joining! Yea.. I was having a bit of a problem with it but now I got it all fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience. You may begin roleplaying. :o I have to leave for a little bit, but I'll be back soon. You can try contacting one of the others members while I'm gone. Bye! :3
Rella slipped out of her den, raising her nose to the wind. A wave of sun washed across her ebony face immediately warming her whole body. The sun was a constant in her always changing life. She never knew what the day would bring but the sun was always there. On rainy days she would stare at the sky until she could see a it of the sun and then she would continue her day.

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