Blue Mountain High School

Regular highschool






Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no):



My Characters:

Name: Alexis Cahse

Nickname: Lexi


Gender: Female

Crush/bf/gf: Ari

Sexual orientation: Bi

Extra: She loves "running" the school and was adopted


Name: Auren Purdy




Crush/bf/gf: Lexi

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no): Sraight

Extra: He has known Lexi since she was 6 but she officially met him when they were both 13.
Name: Malevolent Fortunado

Nickname: Violent

Appearance: View attachment 1291

Gender: Female

Crush/bf/gf: No one yet

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no): Straight

Extra: Queen of the Nerds and Loving it.

( I could do a boy too if you need me to)
Name: Rosie

Nickname: Rose


Gender: female

Crush/bf/gf: non yet

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no):striaght

Extra: wears more jackets and jeans
(we can start now)

Lexi waited for Ari to wake up she tapped her foot impatiently and moved on to get ready. She straightened her long black hair and put it in pigtails, lining her eyes with silver liner and applied a light coat of silver mascara. She threw on her outfit she had picked out the night before and went to shake Auren awake.


Ari was woken by Lexi yelling in his ear and the type of shaking that would kill a baby. He threw off the sheets and glared at her. "Realyy?" He moved on to get dressed.

The noise of them shouting and slamming things around woke me up. i moved around slowly getting dressed in a vintage looking sailor girl dress.


After getting dressed i slip downstairs into the hell i call life.
As an alarm clock sounded into his left ear, the brown haired mess of a teen's eyes slowly fluttered open. Slapping the thing with the palm of his hand, shutting it off, Teddy sat up slowly. Scratching his bare shoulder, he looked at the time. Running late per usual...

Stretching up as he stood, he looked around his room at the clothes that littered it. Shrugging on a pair of dark wash jeans, a simple grey t-shirt, and a red and brown stripped hoodie, he looked at himself in the mirror hanging off his door. Messing his hair up, he flipped it back and into it's normal place, he chuckled softly to himself. "Sexy as always t-Teddy..."Slipping into his boots, and grabbing his bag, he looked back at the clock and sighed. "St-till not enough though...."
Name: Flower Elf Moon

Nickname: None


Gender: Female

Crush/bf/gf: Um....why would I...tell you?

Sexual Orientation(if you want people to find out later just put no): Straight

Extra: She is very shy at times but can open up. Sometimes when she irratated her stronger more mean side comes out. She became quiet because people like to pick on her for her White hair. Born with it it's always been a bit of a attention grabber that Flower rather not have.
I straighten my long black hair and stick a bow in it then look at myself in the mirror and shrug. "you aint getting any prettier." I sneak downstairs and past all the yelling and out the door into the crisp morning air. I close my eyes and breath once before slinging my shoulder bag on and heading to the bus stop while getting out my ipod.
Ducking past the room of his sleeping mother, he silently put on his worn out sneakers, while stringing his other arm through the second strap of his bag. Sighing, he looked at the note on the counter telling him he was going to have to get his little sister from school. Again.

Pulling down his keys from the rack, and grabbing his helmet he ducked out into the drive, locking the door behind him. Looking at his black harley, rusted and faded in places his smile grew. Getting on and turning the key, the engine roared to life under him, terrifying the neighbors cat in the process. Chuckling a little, he pulled his helmet on and started for school, wanting to get there with at least some time to practice his scales before the bell.
Flower Was dressed and ready to go. She got on her motercycle and drove off to school. When she arived she took out the keys and let her white hair down.
I sit on the bus all alone listening to music as they drive around and pick up all the smaller kids. I lean my head against the window and close my dark eyes hoping that this year will be different and i wont be alone.

The bus stops infront of the school and I climb down and look around shyly letting my black hair cover one of my eyes. I feel out of place as i stand there watching old friends reunite and buddys walk to class together. i run my hand over my stomach feeling queasy but i hold everything in even the screams i want to let out.
Lexi honked again shoving her black back pack in the back seat seeing on little spike of Ari's hair peeking out from the stairs.

Ari ran his bag hitting him in the leg as he tried to get to the car
Flower sighed deeply and looked around. Grabbing her backpack she looks around not knowing anyone. She looked to the ground and walk away inside the school. With eye sight down she didn't look at anyone. As she grabbed a papor from her pocket she read it silently and then looked up a bit.
As he reached the student parking lot, Teddy pulled into an empty place and cut the engine. Looking at the school, he smiled half heartedly before walking to the doors. Pushing one open, he heard a kid snicker and he ignored it and headed straight for the vocal room.
Flower sighed. She looked at everyone and then felt nervous. She looked around seeing someone pont at her. She looked away and kept walking. She watched people pass her and she looked to the ground.
I walk into the school and hear whispers.I quicken my step and run smack into a girl with the whitest hair ive ever seen. I stubble and fall to the ground. My bag falls and everything spills out. I look at my stuff and feel like crying as i blush and feel the stares of many on me. I look up at the girl slightly and say barely audible, "im so sorry!"
Teddy reached the rooms the same time the vocal teacher had reached her room. As she unlocked the door she smiled kindly at him. "More help on the part then?" Nodding his head, she held the door open and he moved inside. Going straight for a case in the back corner, an old guitar she'd let him use, he let her get set up before she moved to her stand and nodded her head.

"I g-got the bridge d-down..." The teacher motioned her hand for him to play, as she wanted to hear it. Strumming slowly, his shyness seemed to melt away as words slowly rolled off his tongue with ease, and no stutter. "Steady hands just take the wheel, every glance is killing me. Time to make one last appeal for the life I li-" His voice cracked at the last note and Teddy shook his head. "Sorry, I h-had it down last n-night."
Flower backed up and looked at the person who ran into me. "It's ok." she said kneeling down helping to pick their things up. "..." staying silent as people stared. She didn't like it.

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