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  1. RooftopView97

    Looking for a detailed writer (=

    I'm quite interested in this. I don't really know if I should reply here, or private message you. Just started using the site today, after joining a while back. But I like to think I'm a detailed writer, and I'd like to get back into the swing of things. The plots really interesting, and I'd...
  2. RooftopView97

    Bloodborne-Where all my hunters at?

    I personally love the setting and the world around. The very first time you leave Iosefka's Clinin, and see the massive expanse that is Yharnam is just breathtaking.
  3. RooftopView97

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    -Queue dramatic Vault music-
  4. RooftopView97

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    Just noting the similarities between the between the two, and made a silly joke. Either way, someone loses somewhere. There's always something to divide societies, be they real or fiction. Division can, and certainly has caused numerous wars through the ages. And as we all know, War Never...
  5. RooftopView97

    Skyrim - Legion vs Stormcloaks

    I feel I'm late to the discussion, but I'll say my piece. Both are gray for varied reasons. The Legion are imposing Eight gods, as Talos was just a man. They damper one religious belief, but are accepting of everyone. Ulfric on the other hand, comes off as a rascist turd to me. Hate a whole race...
  6. RooftopView97

    Strange things happened in RP

    My god, all of this put me to shame xD The only thing I can think of, was years ago, when I was still horrible at writing. I guess I'll point out that it was solely text based, as I lack any experience with dice-related or other styles. So this one character of mine had this friend. And this...
  7. RooftopView97

    Dreaming up RP ideas now.. I wrote this one down.

    I can hardly make myself get up to check my phone, much less write down a semi-coherent thought. Seems like a clever idea though. Old world, fantasy characters from a land of magic, somehow finding themselves in the futures of society and technology. Talk about a culture shock
  8. RooftopView97

    I've got the VIP Suite in Hell: Roguelikes, lets talk about 'em

    Risk of Rain was my first ever dip into the genre. I enjoyed it, but was never really good at it. The same can be said for Isaac, though I've beaten it plenty. While Fallout 4's mode might not classify as a roguelike, the difficulty is on par with the genre. I can't tell you how many times...
  9. RooftopView97

    Your Best Named Weapon in Fallout 4

    Could it have been the Overseer's Guardian? The double shot combat rifle?
  10. RooftopView97

    Your Best Named Weapon in Fallout 4

    Got a pipe pistol, and got it to it's maximum firerate. Then I just walked around with the biggest mag possible. I called it The People Pusher cause it was fun to shove corpses around with it.
  11. RooftopView97

    New Person??

    I'll keep it short. I just wanted to say hi I suppose? Stick my neck out, see whats what. After seeing Dishonored 2 on a gameinformer cover today, I caught the RP bug. And that brought me here right now. If everything here turns out to be really good, I'm hoping to stick around. I like to...
  12. RooftopView97

    One x One Hook, Line and Sinker (Dishonored) - Ephemera & Blue

    I'm not sure if this is quite the right place for me to ask this. I'm brand new to the site, so I don't have private messaging to ask you otherwise. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your post. I'm not used to seeing that much care being put into a piece these days. I also wanted to...